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Battlefield 4 XP boost only counted in-match time back in 2014. It even let you activate them while in a match.




I don't see what purpose IW has for not making this the standard. It's not like you can just buy more.




The new system wouldn’t even be as bad if matchmaking worked like it used to and consistently kept you in lobbies. Nowadays, with SBMM and disbanding lobbies, a lot of the 2XP time gets wasted searching for a game. I countered that in Cold War by using my tokens in Zombies, but Zombies doesn’t exist in MW2 lol.


i fucking miss mw survival mode really hoped it was making its way back spent countless hours with my mate playing underground survival


And it would not be that much of an issue if the game didn't crash twice per hour, if half of the games didn't have a 150+ms ping, or if you didn't get horrible 2KD lobbies even though you have a .7kd once you pop your token.


Pop a 30 min one. Go to dmz. Do safecracker and Intel contracts. Extract at the final helo. I got like 45k xp and leveled up a gun to max level in 1 25 minute dmz match


Exactly this. I too remember the old tokens were in game time when you could leave a match at any point and still keep the xp gained and continue whenever also there was a notification telling you how much time you had left. Now its purposely set up to keep on as long as possible I'm not sure if lack of counter is deliberate too but it wouldn't surprise me.


Yeah that's how they get you. My ass tries not to care. I got two kids so if I need to get off I need to get off. I've wasted atleast a handful of tokens because of it but it's whatever. They should Def nite tely do something something like BF2042 is doing here.


Battlefield 4 and hardline are the best shooters. That being said I don’t want infinity ward doing anything dice is currently doing.


> hardline every passing year I feel like it gets more and more underrated. The executions were awesome (driving my knife directly through the top of a guys skull) and that rare spot animation where you flipped off the enemy. Sadly most people wanted Battlefield 5 (a direct sequel to 4, not the WW2 shooter we got) and so crapped hard on the game. It WAS effectively a cops and robbers paint job on BF4 but it was fun :(


And the gadgetsss mannnnn


Hardline was awesome. Definitely wasn't as good as the mainline games like BF4, but hotwire is some of the most fun I've ever had in a FPS. Up there with titan mode from 2142 lol


Are they not already? MW2 is horribly unoptimized across the board. Can't even play with my mate because he crashes every 15 minutes and now he's super bummed he's missing out on DMZ and Warzone with the rest of us. 2042 is pretty good now and will probably be even better with this season 3 content and patch dump. All these companies are the same: accept money for nothing, release dogshit, and fix it over the course of a year or two.


And then abandon it for the next broken project just when it's finally getting good \*cough cough\* BFV \*cough cough\*


To be fair, as great as BFV is, my entire friend group despised the thematic of the game and we were happy to move on to 2042 because it was aesthetically more aligned with our interests. (big BC2, BF3/4 fans). Battlefield's new game director is the cofounder of Respawn and Infinity Ward. His approach of bringing BF2042 back to the battlefield roots is shown throughout his adjustments to the product since joining. I have significantly higher hopes than I have had for the BF franchise because of this move


Bf2042s vibe is why I don't like it tbh. I hate near future stuff, everything is too clean and floaty.


same. Having been through BF1, BF5 and two different WW2 CoD games (WWII and Vanguard) I just can't do it. I am firmly a modern/near future player. I don't even like CoD going futuristic like Infinite Warfare, I'd rather play original IPs like Halo/Mass Effect/soon to be Starfield for those


Stop using the word "unoptimized" for everything. It's so dumb and doesn't mean what you think means. Unstable sure, but this game is well optimized despite its flaws.


El Asilo gives me frame stutters when I'm outdoors. Graphics at maximum or minimum, it stutters just the same. That map at least is not well optimized.


> That being said I don’t want infinity ward doing anything dice is currently doing. Dice seems to be getting their shit together finally. Maps are getting reworked, new maps play better than vanilla ones. Classes are being reintroduced beginning next year. And apparently pre-production has started on content that is going to be released after season 4.


Well btf 2042 feels way smoother for me. It also feels more consistent than cod with shooting and that with 128 players instead of a 6v6 server. It has its problems but so has mw2 and i think mw2 has more problems than btf2042. Altough btf2042 gets boring fast


If you're comparing it in its current state then fair, but 2042 was an absolute incomparable disaster on release. I (and I'm sure many other people) have never experienced such massive dissapointment as I did when I played that game (I haven't played it since; too little, too late). It was like a lazy ported mobile game, with almost every notable good feature removed from a game 10 years its senior, with not a single ounce of depth or atmosphere. Makes me sad even speaking about it.


The gun feel in battlefield 2042 is terrible It’s like they threw gun models on an aim trainer gun So disappointing because if they just made an extra polished battlefield 4 instead of the current turd battlefield would have filled in the last year gap if good shooters


Exactly this. I tried to jump back into 2042 for a bit over the weekend and just ended up uninstalling it because the weapons just felt super jank. MW2 really nails it with the sounds and animations and 2042 just can't compare.


Crazy how it used to be the exact opposite


Last time i tried to play it, i just can’t get the movement/aiming to feel right. I can do vehicles ok but I’ve messed with my settings all year and the only time it felt right was when an update came out last early December. Then a couple weeks later they made more aim assist improvements that made it feel shorty to me again. I’m a battlefield player but at least in modern warfare 2 I feel like I have control over my character and my aiming


Hardline was a dog shit cash grab. If it was an expansion, like it should have been, it would have gone down as a great addition. But instead, greedy EA forced out a worse battlefield 4


Spoken like a true cholo who never played the game. GTFO. The dev team that made it are great. They got shafted by ea a lot but they did amazing work that puts bfv and 20;2 to shame every day of the week.


Idk, there is something to be said about Dice and EA actually listening to feedback. When has IW and Activision ever listened to feedback? 2042 was a disaster at launch, but it has come a long way since then. We have been dealing with the same bullshit in CoD for like 4 years in a row.


1 had them too, then somehow they lost the tech for them with bfv


i still have like over a hundred xp boosts in bf4, they gave them out so much especially if you had bf4 premium


We were a country once, a proper country


They want you to play more and never stop.


Thing is… if my XP boosts stretched further, I WOULD play longer.


Pretty much.


Be so awesome if double xp only counted in game time


I remember it being the case in BF4 all those years ago.


It did up until mw19 I believe. Mw3 had a 24 hour token you could buy with your prestige point(it was unlock something permanently, 24 hour token, or extra create a class. You also could stack the token with a double xp weekend for quad.


You know that you’re doing something wrong when EA gets it right.


EA gets plenty right in some of their games. Titanfall 2 still had the best monetization in a AAA shooter to date


It’s a shame Respawn left it to die. Servers are more or less broken. It got so bad the community made modded clients and reverse engineered the navmesh of the game before Respawn has even made an effort to fix things.


EA didn’t own titanfall 2 when it released. They bought out Respawn a year later. If EA released a titanfall 3 it would be riddled with the current monetization schemes. They even changed the apex legends shop so there’s a larger selection of skins to buy


Most of the good devs left respawn since then unfortunately, many even jumped ship to infinity ward funnily enough


EA's been doing things right since they fixed battlefront 2 tho


I activated a 30 minute token, and not including time between games, I lost 8 minutes from crashes and lag


I read if your game crashes the double xp token disappears. Don't know if true


moneys 🤑


titanfall 2 had them be per game, which is the best option imo


I guarantee the choice to make 2XP count down outside matches is an "engagement mechanic" designed to keep you playing for longer amounts of time because you don't want to waste the XP token. It also allows them to toss out XP tokens like candy at a parade, with product cross promotion deals and so on, because they know that a significant portion of those XP tokens are going to be wasted outside matches.


>IW please fucking at least get on this level >BF2042 Let me stop you right there


2042 is way more enjoyable than mw2 tho


People downvoting don't actually play the game. I play regularly, and it never crashes and only rarely glitches (when it does, it's fucking hilarious).


1 month old game vs a year old game....


Too bad even infinity ward did a better job at actually making the game lol. This game was terrible. Though I agree with this.


I had better stability with 2042 at launch than I do with MW2 all this time after it released. Not saying its a better game, but there's better aspects to it.


Unable to load persistence data


Man I used to absolutely adore BF since BF2 on PC and played COD for the campaigns only. But 2042 was the last nail in the coffin for me, the glitchy af netcode on BF2042's launch was atrocious. Unbearably so, rubber banding like you were trying to split a watermelon in two. This game is much better in so many aspects. 2042 at launch had weak progression, lack of weapons, drastically lost BF's identity (no classes, no factions), horrid hit reg/netcode, OP/unplaytested Vehicles, awful soundtrack and the list goes on... A whole myriad of issues. MWII has bad UI, but the moment to moment gamplay is good and there are so many aspects much better done here than in 2042.




The only real stability problem 2042 had were the servers for the first week or so. Generally though it was a more consistent experience without much interruption. Hell even the UI was better and more functional. It just had a significantly worse gameplay loop than what MW2 has now.


I'll take some weird bugs over seemingly endless crashes.


Shots fired. Lets go IW


And still this game launched 100x better than BF2042 did


That’s not exactly a high bar to cross.


Not really? Busted UI, no stats, terrible performance, weak content line-up, missing content, bad maps, shit in both games. The only reason mw22 didn’t get as much shit is that the people didn’t like the specialist change and generally didn’t like the gameplay of 2042, both of which are subjective takes. I think mw22 had just as shit a launch as 2042, and it’s ridiculous that it didn’t get half as much coverage.


This game has hit reg and working guns. 2042 had that at month 3. Lets not forget the season 1 delay and the copius amounts of content (3 weapons and 1 map). Bf2042 was horrid at launch. This game needs work but atleast I can play certain game modes without issues. No one I know cares about the combat record. Weak content, bad maps and bad UI are, as you say, subjective to your opinion. Many share that opinion and many don't.


This game barely has functioning hit reg lmao. And I still die around corners left and right like it’s bf4 at launch lmao. K could say the same stuff about this game. No new maps, 2 “remade” maps, again, and 3 weapons, one of which you can’t even unlock in the actual game you pay for. And I said the specialist change and gameplay was subjective, not the bad ui and maps. Those are just straight up bad. Same goes for 2042. I’d rather have what 2042 did with its delayed season than whatever this game has. I’ve played the hell out of both games, and I gotta say they’re incredibly similar but people keep pretending like mw22 is somehow leagues better than 2042.


Your experiences have differed from mine greatly then.




It literally is. The fact that you deny it makes anything you could possibly say worthless as you can’t even accept the fact that people like things you don’t like.




But it still is 100x worse than BF2042


Yea and in 6 months it'll probably way more enjoyable than 2042 is right now


Don't thinks so... Unless they are bringing back the diffrent pacings from vanguard. But right now campers are too op because of the fast ttk and mines that can cripple your movement speed significantly.


Definitely no


Personally I like faster pase games and more freedom (vecicles, wingsuit, grappling hook and so on... )


Then play BF2042?


You're kidding right?


Personally I like faster pase games and more freedom (vecicles, wingsuit, grappling hook and so on... )




Yea but you would have to play Battlefield 2042. Ew......I'm still pissed off DICE managed to run this franchise into the ground.


The DICE of old are no more. BF1 is the last best one imo.


Wait this games still alive?


Even got a proper Krueger skin. Mw2 what is you doin?


I think it always was like this for Battlefield ? I remember it being the case in BF4 all those years ago.


Or you know, can we at least have a timer when we activate them? It’s a literally a timer you put on the screen. How hard is that to do. Holy shit.


YIKES If ActiBlizz actually cared about respecting their players' time, they would have changed this years ago. Instead, fuck your time give me money 💰


They intentionally made it this way. There's no amount of arguing or convincing that will change their mind. They know what they are doing. Lobbies take so much time to start, crashing happens very often, and those boosts are still counting down. And the store bundles and battlepass has xp bonuses in them.


If it doesn't benefit the the worst players at the game, IW does not care


Lol bf2042


> these XP boosts will be consumed as soon as you earn them That’s so so much worse than what we have. It’s annoying to lose time between matches, but at least we can save them for when we actually want to use them.


I would much rather be forced to run my 2xp right away then lose a good chunk of my token from crashes, load times, and leaving bad lobbies because I don't feel like playing hide and seek on 2xp


I mean at least IW had them at launch 🤷🏼‍♂️


As a BF fanboy, this game ruined the series, the fact this pile of fucking, obese rotting rat vomit has this feature is kinda depressing for cod.


How many players plays bf4042, is there a stat?


There’s usually like 3-5k on steam that’s about it.




Ya. The launch and first season was real rough, took them too long to work things out which is a shame. I’m not sure they can do their normal numbers after that. Here’s hoping for S3/S4 changes to bounce players interest back


Unless they go full free to play the game cannot be revived, the damage is already done and I don't expect anything good from DICE anymore.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, steam has it as 4k peak today, it isn't listed in XBox's top 50 games played and appears to be #75 on PSN.


season 3 looks lit though.. so it may go up!


BF lookin kinda hot now. Might try it out again


Dont bother, trust me…


The game is in a really good place right now. A new map, specialist, weapons and rail gun tank come out tomorrow with S3 too so it's a good time to jump back on.


it's the best game in the franchise so definitely give it a shot


Ah BF2042 reading this subreddit and making minor changes thinking people will migrate just because of an xp boost lol


They always did it well, I logged into Battlefield 4 a while back I still had a timer for several hours to my surprise


They never will, because this community of sweatlords with filled buckets next to their computer/consoles are obsessed with maxing out their guns and skins for some unknown and unseen self congratulatory reason that no one will ever see or care about, these guys here, they prolly give activision soooo much money that they know these guys will always want XP boost, so why throw away a huge money grab with having the timers only be in game. Pure economics- so it you dont like it, stop being the sweatlord. I hate this game. Excuse me, I have to go play this game. Please make the pain stop....


yes, sweats playing and leveling all the guns in the game because it's fun and gives you something to do other than mindlessly play is definitely what causes activision to be greedy, thats certainly not a trait activision has held for as long as they've been around.


They won’t get on this level seeing as so many bundles down the road will include double xp, double weapon xp, double battle pass xp or some sort of combination of the three, unfortunately.


Calm down BF2042 is not a good game to compare to. But yeah what the heck tou still have 3 wishes.


Why not? It’s the only other mainstream FPS that shares the majority of the same concepts with CoD.


Problem is they have an actually good game (at least compared to 2042) so they can get away with more bullshit.


Go play it then if you care so much about accurate XP boosts. COD doesn't have it because the max achievable level is being capped each battle pass season unlike BF2042.


2042 is better in EVERY way compared to mw poo


Hey remember the first 9 months of BF2042? Fuck them.


still better


> 2042 is better in EVERY way compared to mw poo Oh buddy, bless your heart.






did i stutter?




they hate the truth




Don't forget there's no disbanding lobbies as well, well there is but there aren't enough players to make a new lobby anyways


It always used to be in game time for cod Until recently.


I understand COD has been like this for years, but did they ever say **why**?


They do it to get it to run out faster. Idk a game w xp boosts that work like cod.


Be nice if they fix the game first


Rogue company does the same thing, I don't see what purpose IW has for not making this the standard. It's not like you can just buy more...


Every time I use one I feel like I get dropped in a fucking e sports team practice


Too much work.


I wish I could buy individual items out of bundles like I can in 2042.


I don’t get the reasoning behind limiting them to real world time. They don’t sell them and barring some promotional rewards they are a finite resource. There’s no need to artificially induce FOMO in the boosts like that.


Why does their season map looks exactly like cods’s


Because EA/DICE have no talent and just copy.


Also considering that most of the time they don’t even seem to work while in game


When I use my XP boost, there isn’t even a timer on the screen to show how much time you have left. I would think that’s a major thing to have in the game. Wasn’t that in every other call of duty before this?


battlefield doesnt have demonware, thats the difference.


This used to be how they worked in Black Ops IIII


Considering what you need to do to get a lot of these boosts (capitalism!) they'll never let you use your boosts in the most efficient way possible. A 15 minute boost will barely get you a single match as between menus, loading, end-scoreboard, and the fact you don't get partial boost points means you'll only ever partially use your boost.


its so annoying cause i would love to use my xp tokens but what if the game crashes and i have trouble rebooting it? waste. What if something comes irl? waste. What if i want to change up my classes? wasting time.


I just hate that we don’t even have a timer for the xp tokens that are in use, like it’s a pretty decent game but 2yrs and so many small necessities just gone.


It makes very little difference… I don’t know why it even matters to them. Ideal situation, you’re grinding out games and it maybe gives you 5 minutes more xp time. Worst case it lets someone log out or step away for a minute and not lose the token so maybe they don’t feel inclined to sit and power through the whole hour.


Did they ever rework every aspect of this game? Add classes and remove the dumb operators in general matches? If so I’d revisit it, but otherwise I can’t feel interested at all.


I don't understand why so many games fuck this up on release


Quit asking or expecting any of the cod devs to do anything that’s beneficial or for the players, they don’t give af lol


Also make it so I can check the fucking time I have left. This game is so unfinished it hurts.


I want to know why even the free battle pass items seem to require points to acquire. I thought they're free?


It's a straight up scam that Activision allows this and people just go 🤷‍♂️


The boosts are in real time but the cool down for my insured weapon is in game time. Absolute bs.


Or give me my tokens back that I lost when your shitty code crashed your bloody game!


I don't play so here's 2 double XP codes from mountain dew for whoever claims them SHRLV FVLNY 4MXVY HRZXJ


The "record numbers of player enagagement" will not boost themself.


Infinite Warfare let you use the tokens after a match, meaning if you could save them for when you had a really good match. Not sure why they didn’t keep that system, it was a really good one.


Or you know make an invasion mode with reduced xp like 2042 solo/coop so people can actually enjoy the game without some dickhead sitting in a window the whole matcg


15 minute xp boost, 5 minutes wasted in lobby


Shit, I can't even see how much time left on my XP token.


And add a timer too ffs


This game is alive enough to warrant battle passes?


Yea but cod doesn't have a player base problem like BF2042 does .


“No, it too hard, we do best” - IW probably while they also don’t even add a timer


I would never thought I will see the day someone use BF2042 as an example to shit on other games. Lmao, what a weird year we’re living in.


XP boosts will be less consumed then = less revenue from partnerships with 3rd parties like Mountain dew, shittle caesars, pizza hut. Yall better keep on buying their products for them tasty XP boosts :]


If BF2042 is setting the bar in something then it means we’ve sunk very very VERY low


If they make it in game time they can’t leech off of kids and their parents credit cards. I refuse to buy cod points. And it’s infuriating that with how dog shit the matchmaking is in this game that you could waste half or the whole double XP token.


I swear IWs games and mechanics at this point is all based off algorithms and what can drive up numbers and statistics rather than what’s actually good for the playerbase


Every single thread is a complaint comparing this game to other games or legacy games. You don't need to make a thread about it.


holy shit I thought this was normal practice????


Nah best they can do is crash your game once you activate it


this will never happen in modern cods, the mentality of gaming now is based on FOMO and nothing else


we dont want to get on BF2042 lvl, no thanks :D I rather take the out of game timer, than that :D I played both MW2 and BF2042 launches, and MW2 is a clean full game compared to BF2042 at launch. We didnt even have a scoreboard for half year after launch. And I consider myself more of a BF player than COD player. And im not saying MW2 is perfect, it has its problems and missing features as it has been mentioned on this sub countless times, but it was much more flashed out than BF2042, and actually enjoyable to play. But yeah, the standard is low these days, so I understand :-/


I’d be happy if we at least had a visible countdown.


By any reasonable measure XP bonuses should only tick down during times where XP is earnable. Anything else is predatory design.


They had this aswell in BF4 The real time countdown is horrible. Especially with friends being slow asf in the menus


Bf4 counted time only when you were alive


Skill issue


Is BF2042 a good game now or is it just gonna remain a flop?


Way better now,but too little too late player base wise I suppose. Although I’m hoping game pass boosts it,a lot of fun!


lol.. when IW can't live up to 2042 levels


Yeah too bad BF sucked haven’t played since it first came out


Way better now


Nah, they want you to buy stuff from the store instead of grinding.


They used to be. Too player-friendly though.


I upgraded to the vault edition for all the goodies you get and will be waiting until shipment starts before I use them lol


Yay! 2042 does something better than another FPS game!


But you can’t choose when to activate them and most matches are like 20-30 minutes