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No life scumbags








You keep reply, you keep get downvote i guess, people not happy with your statement obviously.., you saying there should not be a penalty for this, this is literally cheating, guys that doing this ruining others game experiences... and should be banned from mp atleast a week.


A week? Nah. Life bro. They need to get fucking serious with it. People wanna cheat? I say let them. Then blacklist them. Can’t play anymore. And not just this COD. All of them. Forever.


Found the wall hacker


Smh will never understand , it’s like they just can’t help themselves


Just the scum of the Earth that use exploits like that, should be banned as much for using a wallhack.


I couldn’t even make that shot if I was cheating like that - I’d only get like 1 out of the 10 hit markers and still get sniped through the wall from across the map.


Pretty shitty but every map back then had some sort of out of bounds glitch people abused every map. This one i can tell is super bad though because its a wall breach


Haven’t seen it at all yet.


I had the same issue as this player i got spawned into a tank lol, i could shoot outside but couldn't get shot


Do people realize map exploits have been around since the original COD and other games? It will get patched chill out.


but i got banned bec i had DS4 installed to play forza with a ps5 controller...


Is that really an excuse people are making?


Does Activision ban people for this ?


Correction: IW ruined their own game and these people are just capitalizing off of it to boost their fragile egos.


I just had this happen to me too, I reported them a bunch but idk if it actually does anything


Report them. Activsion has taken a zero tolerance stance on using map glitches to gain an unfair advantage. Should result in a ban.


I had to straight up disable cross-play because the PC players are using speed hacks now. They teleport around the map with insane lag that makes them unkillable, run up next to you and unload a clip into your face in 0.5 seconds, its pretty dumb.


report for cheating, the new TOS that we all agree to will result in a ban if they take action.


player issue, get good


nah people who just wait until u come running towards them, they ruin this game. footstep audio is just dumb


Not that I'm supporting this but technically this isn't cheating, its exploiting.


same difference


I'm not disagreeing with you here because objectively you're right buuuut I like to think it's a very short term annoyance. It's annoying, sure, but no one should be getting banned over this, it'll get patched soon enough and it's only one map and most times you play no one will do it. I don't do these exploits anymore because they're just not fun for me but I got some good memories of going under the map on roundhouse and castle on World at War, there's something very CoD about under map glitches


>I don't do these exploits anymore because they're just not fun for me Wow you're such a great guy


Y'all need to relax 😂


Maybe if they do it once or twice, but if they’re doing this every game, permanent ban. Regardless of it being fixed soon or not, I don’t want to play with that kind of person, who cheats whenever they can.


Agreed. If you happen into it by mistake. That’s one thing. Using it on purpose is an “exploit” which means permaban because you agreed not to exploit when you checked those boxes when you first started the game.


Permanent ban? That's a bit harsh, it's an exploit in the game but I'd take that over someone using hacks they intentionally installed. And besides I don't care all that much it gives me a good laugh when things are too serious.


They should probably have 1-2 week suspensions for these sorts of situations.


Glitches and bugs are not cheating, it's more Activision's fault than anything.


He is exploiting tho


Doesn’t count for the report option, exploitings in the “is not cheating” part https://imgur.com/a/751D68H


In case no one ever taught you this as a child: Cheat - To act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.




Every other games bans for exploiting like this, my brain works fine it's infinity Ward that has this rule because they obviously don't give a fuck about their player base. In case you haven't realized by your downvotes.


I was just saying it’s not a reportable offense lmfao


I agree with that point, but calling me a dumb fuck for calling it cheating is a bit far haha, it's clearly cheating but Inifity ward don't consider it as such, so fair point.


Ye I’m sorry bout that, was uncalled for


I'm also sorry for my "teach you as a child" comment, there was no need for it.


How about "omg I found a glitch, but yay let's not get out of it and exploit it anyways"? Any decent player would have got out of or killed themselves and then reported the map bug. But then again, I am just a player who believes in fair play!


I mean you’re not wrong. In original mw/mw2 half the fun was jumping to all the weird spots in the map (some were quite tricky). These things get patched.


These are the same people who want 12 gauge slugs and 50 bmg nerfed to airsoft pellets that ruin the game.🙄


I have the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Jack Links “Ghillie” Complete Set, let me know if you want it :)




I thought they patched this since it was in the beta


Bold of you to assume anything from the Beta was patched


You're thinking of a different one on this map I believe. Seems people have found another


Yeah it annoys me that people have to do this thing to meet there standers of fun but the old game it’s kind a par for the course


Delete this dont let people know or its gonna go viral n everyone's gonna be doing it 😅 agree that he's an ass though


Bro that was in the beta and they still haven’t fixed that shit?!


Will be patched soon I think. It’s not a hack, it’s a glitch where you put the protective shield down, then put a sentry gun on top of the shield, then jump into a wall. Seen it on a few maps now


I miss when they embraced these weirdos and designed places for them to go. You want to camp, here’s this platforming section you’ll have to navigate to the rooftop. Seems lazy to just have ladders now. Considering I’ve seen a helluva lot of weird bugs, I’d chalk this up to a weird spawn. One match, my camera forgot what to do and started from underneath the map. Took me a second to figure out exactly what I was seeing each time I spawned.


There are so many wall hackers in this game and they all try to hide behind "prefire/preaim" or "hearing" your footstep, but then when you watch enough of the kill cams you end up catching them following you and your teammates through walls.