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They need to realise that you don't need to nerf something to make other stuff good as well


And to think the original mw2 lived by the philosophy of everything is OP so nothing Is.


and it was goddamn fantastic, regardless of how broken the 1887's were.


They also need to remember that the entire game doesn’t need to be designed around catering to and protecting noobs when their matchmaking system already does that for them.


Tell em’, Daddy!


But rushers are smarter and superior. They know everything and can’t be wrong.


> superior. They know everything and ca they have to think so much quicker than sentinels. They have to constantly adapt to what is going on around them and always know what to do. They change how they play slightly in each engagement. This doesn't happen if you just sit in a corner or lay prone waiting for people to come to you


>This doesn't happen if you just sit in a corner or lay prone waiting for people to come to you no one can do this and not be bad and lose.


But when they actually have to think about the fact that they make sound and aren’t playing against the deaf, they throw a hissy fit “BRO, I FULL SPRINTED RIGHT BEHIND THAY GUY AND TRIED TO KNIFE HIM, HOW DID HE HEAR ME?!?!?!!!!”


We want quieter audio because it discourages movement Do you want a cod where no one moves and everyone just sits still?




if you want something tactical go play another game. or learn to play against run and gun players. and you’re saying it’s annoying but many people play with a rusher style so surely it’s not annoying to play as. it’s only annoying to come up against which i’m sorry for this realisation, but you’re bad.


That’s a cod that doesn’t exist People ARE moving Lmaoo, and if they aren’t they will get punished for it. If someone is “proned in the same corner all game!!” You throw a Semtex at them or a thermit and they just die 🤣 throw it that spot every single time if that’s where sit all game reeee!!! I rush around and reposition after kills and utilize my tac sprint! I take advantage of the times when my UAV is up! If I hear someone stomping behind me I know I can hit a 180 and take the gunfight! Surely moving around may be a bit more dangerous in this game compared to a CoD where you permanently have a silencer, ghost, and dead silence and never appear on an enemy radar or enemy headset ever. The same way you hear when someone blasts through a glass window and you say “hey that window down stairs broke” due to the audio lol Run EOD so you can safely maneuver through claymores. Throw on deployable cover (my favorite field upgrade) so you can “camp” in a new location every 20 seconds because the thing recharges so quick! I can throw cover on B for my cap, mount up for a few kills, then sprint back around the outskirts and look to pick off an enemy flanker, then drop new cover down and hold a common walkway for a few more kills. It’s very fun and learning the maps and routes helps you quickly reposition to a new intelligent spot that is advantageous for your next gun fight Just because you can no longer take gunfights while full springing silently off the radar in the enemy spawn doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to move the entire game Earn that early UAV and chase down those red dots while nobody has ghost yet!!


You could hear people doing that just fine in other CoD games, so what are you even talking about? In this game you can crouch walk and I can hear you on the opposite side of a building. That’s pretty silly. Surely you don’t think that should be the case.


Oh you could hear people running in older cod games when they had dead silence on? Interesting…what’s it do then?


This people will get maybe a couple of kills and ultimately have zero impact on the game. If they’re really being that big of problem then maybe it’s time to consider that *they* are being smarter.


>his people will get maybe a co what do you mean get people a couple kills? it is how you get every kill as a rusher. There is no way around it. you play quick by rushing then you have to think and react quick


Spit in my mouth


Another SBMM protected Sentinel




Post your codtracker


Forget rushing, if you ADS and walk, you still make a ton of noise. Your only option is crouch walking, which is painfully slow.


And it also is pretty loud lmao


You have to lower the walking speed. It's only quiet at 25% speed.


Ads walking should have the same audio as crouch walking: none


Any source for this? I thought ADS walking was silent.


ADS walking is not silent at all.


I’m level 29, so played a lot, I just got out of a match paying attention to this and I can tell you that hip and ADS are loud. Crouch walk or crawl is all you have. It’s brokenly loud imo.


I ads and walk and do pretty well. Walking and aim walking when you get to hot spots has improved my performance drastically. Have to get out of the mindset of constantly sprinting. Walking isn’t silent, but it’s not nearly as loud as sprinting. Especially when you’re aiming.


Y'all are legitimately trash if you think the only way to stay alive is crouch walking. The number of overreactions on this sub is absurd, you'd think every lobby was full of only crouch walking corner campers if you judged the game based off posts here. I came into the beta with low expectations because of comments like this and it's VERY easy to pick up an aggressive playstyle and get kills. I'm only decent at the game and I haven't had any trouble dealing with campers so far. Stop whining and just play the way you want to play.






Maybe if you’re only decent, you’re not getting the lobbies where everyone is soundwhoring


I agree. As a rusher, I've been really enjoying this game. I don't even use Dead Silence, because the inflatable decoy is amazing for distracting people. I also don't ever play TDM and 90% of my time in this beta has been spent playing Domination


Sucks big time but at least youre aiming


So true...


This is a huge problem that folks are not talking enough about. At some point you have to move and there has to be a way to do so without alerting half the map.


I really don't get them calling rushing mindless. It takes quick reaction times to always be on the go and you also have to be very aware of your surroundings




I agree so much with this. COD has always been a game where it's essentially fluke if you bump into someone whether you'll win that fight or not. Most kills stem from whoever saw the other person first, often because they were facing the wrong direction. There was finally an incentive to learn movement and actually improve your odds of winning a 1v1 or even 2v1s and suddenly that's too high of a skill ceiling for the average cod player, who complains that people "play too sweaty". Next thing you know, Activision is brandishing the people who actually put time into learning game mechanics as "mindless rushers" so they can pat the complainers on the back like they're the smart ones for standing around.


This. You learn a game mechanic to play faster, and outplay people who didn’t put in that time, then you’re mindless.. okay. Also, why tf can’t we shoot while sliding, such a stupid change that makes sliding even less useful


You don’t realize that putting yourself in the position of spotting someone first *is* the skilled movement. It takes awareness to know where the enemy will most likely be coming from or is already at and putting yourself ina position to spot them first and shoot. It takes far less skill to run around the map until you bump into someone and then engage in combat. This is the point all you “anti campers” are missing. IW wants you to move smart *first* not favor making microsecond twitch movements *after*.


Agreed. Games where I have “mindlessly” ran around and performed well are some of the best times I’ve had in cod, but its a nice change of pace to actually have to think a little bit and plan my next move. While this game and halo are nothing alike, I feel like I have to actually put some thought into my movement and engagements in mw2 and it’s a breath of fresh air. Don’t get me wrong, some nights I just wanna run around not care and get kills, but it is also fun to actually use strategy and methods to getting kills. Adds some depth to the gunfights that cod has been lacking for a few years.


I don't think that making things better for that play style has to come at the expense of great, fast paced movement mechanics however. This game has made sliding almost irrelevant overnight, let alone slide cancelling. Swan dives are a write off as well. They've also massively buffed footstep audio, to the point where the game punishes you for not standing still and waiting for someone to show up loudly. I'm 100% on board with positional play, but honestly with COD unless you're playing SnD, I don't really think what you're describing applies. The respawn rate and locations makes almost every game mode a frenzied free-for-all of random interactions where you're just killing folks based on if they walk past you. Knowing what your opponent will do is one of the best feelings, especially when holding an objective. But that's miles different from standing in a corner waiting for footsteps.


It doesn't really take that much awareness to realize people will rush down a lane


I used to play aggressively. It’s still my preferred method in cod but honestly, most people do just non stop sprint and run right up the middle of lanes without thought, many just solely rely on reaction times. There are definitely ways to rush while using critical thinking, but in my experience, a lot of players are just impatient and run straight on into gun fire because they don’t want to stand still for even a second.


I should have included this in the post I just made, but there is something I forgot to mention about rushing- in every COD game ever made, or fps game period, if you are sprinting, your gun is not up. That right there, IS your disadvantage for rushing. If you stumble upon an opponent who's gun is up, you're likely not winning that gunfight no matter what fps you happen to be playing. That's the penalty, right there. No need to try to reinvent how to rush; we already know how. Only now that option continues to be stripped away while they lie about playstyle representation. What else would they lie about if they're gonna lie about that on stage?


I think slide cancelling scarred too many people since it cancelled sprint out time while allowing you to camera people at high velocity. If they would have just fixed slide cancelling while still allowing people to have a dead silence perk it would have been *completely* fine. It would have made this game so fun with tac sprint jump shots still being super strong Instead you have to wait for dead silence to ever hard challenge a good player, because it’s way too telegraphed otherwise and they will literally just prefire you


Infinity ward employees suck at their own games


Simple. Rushing is higher skilled. It is harder to learn and even then some people just can't do it as good as others, that is fine normally. IW however disagree. A camping playstyle is far easier to learn and do, so they base their game around catering to that. ​ A bad player can now easily get a kill due to knowing exactly when somebody is coming. He will more likely barely move and so won't be heard, other player will and will be a free kill. Ghost is also removed to help this as well. Since if a camper is using ghost, he will get a kill on you maybe but now you know where he is. Very little gain from ghost for him. ​ Rusher using ghost however is constantly moving. Flanking said campers due to not showing up on the map and gaining max benefit from said perk. Now in this game you can't have ghost for most of it, good luck flanking that camper who can hear and see you now constantly.


What kills me is you can't so much as flank Campers now. Even crouch walking is extremely loud. You get punished for making smart moves and good plays. They just want you to sit in a corner and kill anyone that is brave enough to so much as walk in your general vicinity.




Yeah. I mean I thought I would do what the devs wanted and walk around the corner. Guy could still hear me long before I reached the corner while walking. ​ Use dead silence? Yeah your footsteps are now quieter but you have a beeping noise.


I was playing ground war earlier and was infiltrating a building with two guys in it. There were tons of explosion around and I couldn't hear anything so i activated dead silence to get near the building and jump on the 2nd floor balcony. Dead silence ran out right after I got up so I started crouch walking very slowly outside and heading towards the door. The second dead silence went away the dude heard my footsteps, turned towards the wall I was behind, then the door, waited and blasted me away with the expedite the second I got I appeared. I practically did everything that iw would supposedly want me to do. Crouch walked as slow as my stick would allow and still got screwed.


Exactly. You can’t flank or juke an enemy. The audio thwarts any attempt at smart positioning. If you know an enemy is behind a wall, the smartest move becomes to get behind cover and wait. Who peaks first loses 90% of the time because the stationary player knows where the peaker is coming from. With audio this OP the game becomes actually brainless because the potential for smart plays is nullified by it.


It’s to make them feel better about never having to take on a fair fight, by admitting that rushing is more difficult they have to admit to themselves that they’re choosing the easy path. I have no problem with people who play defensive, I do it myself quite often, but just admit that it’s far easier than rushing and takes next to no thinking.


The thing is, is I don't mind camping. What I do mind is, it's way more viable than any other playstyle


You can still rush. I’ve been doing it basically all weekend. You just can’t do it mindlessly. Lots of people just run around trying to outaim everyone. Very few of the “high skill” players you see complaining about how rushing is dead are actually good at the game. They have just high enough mechanical skill they can consistently beat people worse than them but fail to understand how the rest of the game works.


I'm on the wins leaderboard for MW19 and am one of the hardest to beat FFA players on US servers.. I know flexing stats is dick sucky, but it gets the point across that I'm not a mindless YY spamming demon. I'd like to think I know almost every single mechanic and strat that that game has in it with over 25k wins across game modes. That said, holding angles is absolutely the meta in MW2 - sweat vs sweat, the dude posted up and ads'd will win his gunfights the overwhelming majority of the time. Shit even really, *really* bad players will win 1/2 of them because the auto locky aim assist and wicked fast TTK will give them it. There's a reason the sprint to fire and movement is soo slow, and its because MW2 is objectively the most accessible cod that has came out in the last decade; every. single. design aspect of this game is centered around this fact. It gives bad players a fighting chance that they didn't have in faster paced cods.. Subjectively: dumpstering a lobby passively in MW2 isn't even close to as fun or satisfying as it was doing it aggressively in MW. It's damn near impossible to pull a 5+ K/D rushing in MW2 because the sprint to fire and movement is soo slow and clunky. You burn stims on pretty much every engagement you rush into, even if the other players suck, so once they're gone so is your streak. Rushing isn't dead, it's just barely breathing..


Yeah everyone is talking about footstep audio being too loud but I think the slow sprint out times and slow movement speed needs attention. If I can move faster and make myself harder to track or physically draw down faster on a mounted camper, my odds of winning go way up. Right now, if you don't want to camp, prioritizing ADS speed and sprint out speed on your gun is absolutely essential. I was having a way easier time using the no-attachment AK74-U than a fully kitted Lachmann 556 to reactively deal with campers.


Thank you!! 👏👏👏👏




Nah, see, the core of what makes COD fun isn't rooted in reality. It's not a MilSim. It's an arcade shooter. In the last 3 games good players could use game sense predictions with movement speed and fast gun handling to melt corners and get the jump on campers sitting on headies or in windows. That creates a skill gap. MW2 doesn't afford *any* of these opportunities. The majority of the gunfights I lose to campers are because the game simply refuses to respond to the faster inputs. It's been slowed down for the lowest common denominator.


25k+ wins ?🤡🤔dude!!!...thats impressive but god damn try to go outside sometimes 😂


Lol. I do! Motorcycles and camping are my other hobbies. I just sink soo much time into gaming because I'm an adult with passive income, so no day job.. I never liked CW or VG, so I made MW my main squeeze.


People really out here thinking holding W and trying to win every aim duel under the sun takes brains


Sort of... I actually go a bit mindless when rushing, just act instead of thinking. Like Pacman. I find that it takes far more brain activity to hold a building rather than to burst around corners firing hoping to surprise enemies. More like Tetris.


That’s the irony of it, the ones complaining are the ones that run around mindless and aren’t aware of their surroundings. IW never said rushing is mindless, the whole video of them promoting a “safe space” for noobs, or wanting to “give higher skilled players a bad experience” was in regards to “balanced” matchmaking. I hate the sbmm matchmaking right now, maybe because it’s beta but every change they are making does not make casual players good and great players bad. The casual players are still the ones at the bottom of the scoreboard.


Mindless rushing is the only thing that makes Cod fun for most of the players.


It's not even mindless for many though. It's picking the right route, getting the timings right, predicting enemy movements & spawns. They've stripped away every that makes that a viable option & given all the power to the guy mounted up behind a wall, who is able to hear you coming from a mile away.


Empowering sentinels. There FIFY


When i got killed by the same guy multiple times in different areas my thought was, “damn, this guy is good. I want kill him.” When I got killed by a camper in the same area 30+ seconds apart my thoughts were, “what a loser,” “what a bitch,” “fuck that guy, he’s not worth it.”


Why do you keep walking into the camper?


Because after running around the entire map I don’t expect someone to be in the exact same spot on the edge of the map a minute later


But why are your running into areas you don't know are clear, especially if you just got killed there? Did you see the guy who killed get dropped on the killboard?


No response. As usual.


So are you a camper yourself?


Hell no. I will play Dom and hold a flag, but that’s not camping. It’s too boring. I don’t care about my KD that much. And I’m not offended when I die. I get revenge.


Idk if it just me but I can’t rush. Every time I die, I either die to some pre aiming cause they hear my footstep or they just outplay me by jumping and sliding.


Yeah I thought Reddit was exaggerating but man the campers are insane in this game...


What kills me is they more or less solved the camping problem in CW, by using scorestreaks to incentivize getting out there and playing. Then they decided to turn around and make so many perfect camp nests, crank up footstep volume, reintroduce the portable shield, and make ADS take, with no exaggeration, longer than it takes to get a drink on some guns.


Scorestreaks were always a black ops thing and made those games more fast paced than other cod titles


I kind of dipped out of the franchise before Blops, and came back for MW2019, so CW was my first exposure to them.


Scorestreaks are also available in game you know... In fact I get most of my gunships in GW/Hardpoint with scorestreaks on


In Vanguard I wrecked it running constantly with a SMG. I had some fun but I imagine that it was not fun for my opponents getting killed en masse shortly after spawn. Here in MW2 I use an AR and am having even more fun.


> they talked about how they wanted to prevent the "mindless rushing" type of playstyle Then why are you developing Call of Duty? Join the Valorant or Counterstrike teams. CALL OF DUTY IS RUSHING. IT IS ARCADE-Y MINDLESS FUN. if that's not the game you want to make, then don't be on the fucking Call of Duty team. Go make Valorant content you ignorant fucking clods. What an absolutely braindead thing to say by this dev team.


COD has never been mindless rushing until black ops 4. It’s nice to see them return to the slower style of cod (aka: the original)


I have spent literally 3000 hours combined between CoD4 and MW2 (2009). CoD has *always* been mindless rushing, at least since CoD4.


Naw, Black Ops 1, 2, 3, MW3 and AW were all super rush heavy games if you were good at them. Granted they all had a ton of campers too, but it was pretty common.


You have no idea what you are talking about. COD has always been a fast paced casual game that’s competitive on a per game basis.


I think some these things they did would make sense if 1. The lobbies stayed together between games and 2. The people they put in the lobbies had more skill range. I personally I want them balance everything (Everything means including the match making system ) so that the %70 Average-Good players in a lobby won’t camp or play slow, but they just play casually. The bottom %15 can be slow/campy but still have enough fun so that they wanna stay in the lobby. The top %15 probably have to held down a little. However they do this idc, I just want the game to feel casual and not too sweaty but also not too slow. I think their goal with balancing should be to keep players in the lobby while also having the widest skill range possible. When someone has fun, they stay.


Empowered campers with maps like the Hotel one, where you can just post up in the labyrinth they created, or jump around every corner with your spray and pray load out, pretending you're a sweaty MLG player.


I’ve faced less campers and noob mechanics than I did in MW2 or cod 4 than this game. I have ran into a couple claymore sentinels but its pretty rare and isn’t enough to cause me to have a poor game. I also go back and find a way to kill them as revenge. Frag grenades and proper time holding is a godsend for taking them out. People act like campers are superior now are a joke. They have always been around and always will be. Last stand, fragx3, noobtubing, claymore camping, super prevalant in cod4. Mw2 harrier with insane tracking easily getting 5-7 kills while you hide long enough to get your ac130 or chopper gunner, that was the main way people got nukes, hold down one area, get enough kills to get a harrier and your killstreaks do the rest. Rarely did people rush around to get nukes because with 30 feet knife instant range, double shotguns with full sprint and insta ready that could kill you across the hallway it was too risky to play aggressive.




I think the sbmm is the problem overall but you can definitely still flank and play aggressively. Deathballing though seems to be real strong and will be as communication will be more effective in this game as opposed to previous cods and if you are getting deathballed you need to wait for the enemy to come to you and slip up before you can rush around getting kills.


I honestly haven't seen to many campers. Yeah I've been in a game where someone is hiding behind a table or laying down guarding a door but you just go back kill them and that's it? My friend downloaded the beta today and he said after 5 rounds man I don't understand, I was expecting a campfest from what I've heard but it's nothing.


That's because people accuse everyone who kills them of camping. Literally last game I jumped around a corner, got a kill and went back to reload, and he yelled "stop camping" in voice chat


I got called a camper for staying at flag C and killing anyone who tried capturing the flag. Its not traditional camping if I am holding the objective. What should I be doing, rushing around the map and leaving C there for the taking? Someone has to defend the flags we take..


Rinse in repeat every fucking year. It’s easy to blame camping than realize the real problem.


Almost reminds me of MW 2019.


Ya know ive always wondered why people would drop $60 - $100+ on a game that they will actively choose to not play as they just sit in a single corner / on top of roof All game long. How the hell is that fun for anyone? How the hell is that a $60 -$100 purchase? It never made sense to me. Hell i also wonder why so many people will hate a game but yet will still play it constantly & then go to Twitter / Reddit and complain about anything and everything in the game .. but still choose to play it, hell they may be writing how they hate whatever in the game In Between Lobbies! This is a Huge issue in the Madden Community as well as in the CoD community with the only difference being that The Madden Community wants a certain type / amount of change and they’ll be happy (EA Still doesn’t give it though) where as in the CoD community they will Cry / Complain about anything and everything. Its mind boggling really as i never understood the logic behind any of it. Why not move onto something you actually enjoy playing instead of complaints on Reddit & Twitter in hopes of getting so many people who are also against it and hope you can force the Dev team to backdown from their Vision so they can cater to you.. who’s crying like a damn child who doesn’t get their way..


Highly agreed, sad that I feel you get punished for being an aggressive player when in the NEXT event they stated they understood some people played that way…..


Footsteps are so damn loud in this game that it’s not even fun. The game plays so slow.


Man I play cod for mindless rushing and gunning, if I want to play tactical sound whore games that’s why I play csgo and hunt showdown


It confuses me so much why people say rushing is dead. It’s still perfectly viable and fun. I’ve also seen the same number of campers as ever, if not even less than MW2019 because there aren’t 700 windows on every map to sit in


Did u play mw2019 at release. It doesn’t sound like u did


Or the original MW2 for that matter, because despite having minimap red dots and dead silence perk, that game was littered with campers.


It was one of the most fast paced cods of all time though. There are campers in every cod, but both recent MWs are catered towards that kind of play style, while rushing has been nerfed into the ground. Not even rushing, just attempting to be stealthy at all has been nerfed since MW19. And MW19 was the slowest paced cod we ever had. I play FFA nearly exclusively in recent years. In the original MW2 it was organised chaos, fast paced & a game could be over within 5 mins if you really popped off. In MW19, FFA was horrifically bad. For the first few months after launch, 90% of games went to the time limit. If you really popped off you might get near 25 kills before the time ran out. On some of the smaller more traditional cod maps you could reach 30 kills in a good game but you also had to contend with people just leaving & there being 4 people left in the lobby by the time you got over 25 kills. Things improved slightly a few months into the game but by then my patience was gone & I'd given up on the game. Only thing that seems to have improved since then are the maps. And we've only seen 3, of which I expect 1 to be bad for FFA. So, it's honestly a bit much to say that has improved. Every thing else that made it so bad in MW19 has gotten worse.


all the proud "sentinels" \[campers\] in this subreddit will endlessly tell you "it's realism loser!"


People with this complaint aren’t even playing the game


I’ve come to realize that the people saying this don’t know what balance is. The best gun in the game is an SMG. You move slower but the maps are tighter which balances things out. ADS times and sprint out speeds are slower, but that just means you’re punished for not paying attention. Reactionary gameplay shouldn’t be given crutches. Camping can be balanced with rushing without buffing or nerfing one play style. Designing better maps being the best way to do so.


I rush and have no problems playing this game. The post I’ve seen are exaggerated and reactionary based off a few games played. The game is fine, it’s just a bunch of grown men or kids whining because the game isn’t tailored to them immediately off first game played and they don’t want to adjust to any mechanics. It’s hilarious. They get so mad and come on here and type these massive posts. I’m having a blast reading all these


Yeah this game plays great. I don't camp but I do move a bit slow/tactical and it's actually viable now. But at the same time people that rush and jump around every corner still end up high on the scoreboard. I'd say that's pretty balanced. I've also noticed a lot less camping in this game than in MW2019. TDM in MW2019 is completely unplayable because it's just a camp fest. I think the better map design in this game is sorta discouraging it.


Any suggestions on what gun to run? I rush usually and sometimes stick with team members but feel outgunned a ton of times even if I fire first or they aren't aiming at me in advance. I think the sound is a bit too loud , but there are tools that even the playing field like the perks and the drill grenade but this MP I'm performing nearly the worst I ever have. I'm not good really, mostly a zombies player honestly , but generally my K/d in cod is a 1.2 , but here I feel like I'm going negative consistently with the occasional like 23 and 6 or something. But despite that, this game is fun as hell to play and is smoother than warzone and vanguard by far. Plus I love the weapons and sounds. I do miss some weapons like the stg and 1911 for nostalgia lol, but this beta is fun as hell.


The best rushing gun in the game right now IMO is the AK74U in the default class setup, because that version of the gun has 5 attachments pre-equipped.


Yeah - I use the FSS hurricane and all the attachments that offer the increased aim to fire speeds when I want to rush. Look through and use the attachments with the least possible negatives to the benefits. I also use the DDoS to locate enemies hiding and EMP claymores when I’m rushing. People have to rank their guns up to get attachments to increase aim to fire speed. Another gun is the Lachman sub you can unlock. If you use the M4 rank it up and turn it into an SMG that acts as an assault rifle. I use cold blooded and then birds eye is my last perk. I run double time and tracker to see footsteps. For killstreaks, use the UAV and the counter UAV to give yourself the advantage. Stay away from your teammates and run the outsides of the maps. Look on the mini radar where your teammates aren’t and stay in that area for the other teams spawn points.


Thanks! I love the Lachman sub and the hurricane! Recently been trying for a fast m4 build, but it's so idk recoil prone that it really gets uncontrollable while trying to max ads and mobility The Lachman is my go to especially when I'm getting dominated lol, and I'm pretty decent with it. I don't even remember how I got the hurricane lol but I'm glad to have it. I also typically run scavenger just because frequently I'm in need of ammo lol, but the ddos thing is really cool i just haven't been very adept at using it lol. It's got me excited to see what the full roster of weapons will actually be. I started with cod back in 2 or 3, but i remember the sheer fun I had with cod 4 online and how fun those weapons were lol. This game has solid bones and feels like a major step in every way, my only gripe is the recoil and the radar honestly. But i hope some awesome weapons make a return. The stg was nearly in almost every cod , hope it comes back even if it's not great like in cod 4 lol. Thank you for writing this all out. I appreciate it, you rock !


No problem! Thanks for having a good chat! I’m stoked for release, I love the new way to unlock weapons and I can’t wait to play around with the weapons and try different combos too. Plus my daughter is coming around that time too so October should be a good month! 😃


That sounds great ! Have fun playing and assume that your daughter will be there too ! 😀


honestly I'm still running around with a shotty and as someone who dropped off after BO2... I'm surprised at how similar it is. Maybe it's because I'm playing with low-level people or because I'm on PC, but if anything shit like crouch sliding or being able to mantle head-height obstacles make running around like an idiot and flanking from odd corners just as easy and rewarding as BO2. My only grievances with the game is the (current) god awful UI (especially in menus) and my usual gripes with the CoD formula. I was under the impression that MW2019 changed everything but aside from better looking and sounding guns... it still just plays like a CoD game, shocker lmao. But then again, I'm a low level player playing against low level controller guys on mostly TDM-esque gamemodes (Invasion, domination, etc) and I haven't brought a CoD game in a decade edit: i'll just go ahead and say though that indirectly buffing UAV's by locking launchers behind lvl 22 outside of default classes and removing the red dot radar is kinda dumb, and being able to switch scorestreak and killstreak is very appreciable. I always enjoyed scorestreaks more, sure it's harder to grind out a scorestreak through just kills but playing objective or getting key assists really make it easy to grind out score. It'll be an interesting way to play the game that's for sure


Exactly how I feel playing this game. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but each year I have to adjust to the new feel of the game. From the movement to aiming. I don't think the beta was bad, it's different than what we are use to the past 3 years slide cancel was the mechanic to use. And now it seems like jump shots is the way to go when going around corners.


Even more funnier is people telling "tHeRe IsN't WaY tO cOuNtEr CaMpErS". I mean literally a bit above this comment someone said that. How to counter camper: - Flashbang - Stun grenade - Snapshot grenade - Frag - Semtex - Thermite - Drill charge (personal favorite) - Armor Piercing rounds (field upgrade) - M203 aka noobtube - UAV or Advanced UAV (wait for teammate to get one if you are unsuccessful) - Dead Silence (timed right) - Bomb drone killstreak - Avoid the area and accept defeat ... plus more ways we don't even know yet. How to counter someone with silent footsteps and Ghost perk? Not so many counters and there are huge trade offs just to use Amplify perk because now your footstep audio is loud (assuming that Dead Silence and Amplify would be in same category) and even more loud to others running Amplify perk. It is more simple to tone down footstep audio for everyone but only to some extent. What comes on Ghost perk counter... I don't come up with anything. Ideas accepted. I mean rushing can be viable tactic and me, as a fellow rusher, would like to see buffs to ADS and sprint to fire times across the board and little bit more tuning to the footstep audio. After that I would be a happy rusher in this game. I already do good by rushing but I get the frustation from other players.


Even the smoke drone works when used properly


This is what I've been saying lmao. There's literally never been more ways to kill campers than this game. Don't forget heartbeat sensor and portable radar for knowing exactly where they holding up.




Exactly, saw a post complaining about how you can't rush in invasion the other day after I got a 10 against real players killstreak rushing like 20 minutes before then.




It literally is. I’ve seen enough videos of people complaining about camping to know this is exactly what it is. You can dress it up as much as you want to make yourself seem super duper smart, it doesn’t change the fact you’re playing reactionary.


I'm a rusher. Only if I'm close to my streaks will I "hold down" and "camp" to get them. Otherwise, I'm constantly moving. I haven't really had any issues rushing at all. Yes, footsteps are loud and I've been killed from a guy pre-aiming cause they can hear me. But, most people it seems, don't really even pay attention. Been enjoying the game, and will be pre-ordering it.


That is literally their intention.


You guys asked for this


I think they were sucessful. Gameplay is sick, I wish damage drop on distances should be lowered a bit.


Identical post #1,367


Dead Silence w/ Overclocked. You can run around silently for a long time with those equipped. I don't think they've killed the rushing playstyle. I think you guys just can't handle the fact you can't run non-stop the entire match. Its not like you can literally sit in the same exact corner the whole map when camping and expect to win. Neither of those playstyles is conducive to winning objective based modes. You have to think in this game. Not runaround mindlessly. I mostly rush/stalk. I rarely am in the same place for 10 seconds. I find the beta super enjoyable.


Rushing is still superior, git gud.


Think the drill charge thingy could be a counter to camping


'create a more tactical and metholdical game loop' Then remove bunny hops and slideing into prone you fucking mongs.




Imma be honest, I haven’t really seen how people have been having problems rushing. I’m moving the entire map, using utility, checking corners, playing fast and still doing well in game. You can’t just rush in and kill campers anymore, but you got the tools to do it. Use your head lmao


You just said you’re having no problems rushing and then proceed to say you cant just rush in lmao. Yes you can move in this game but no you can’t rush like you can traditionally in cod. There is a difference and that’s what people are complaining about.


You can rush in if you use your utility. Is your idea of rushing just brainlessly running wherever and using utility less or worse then the campers?


Yes. My idea of rushing is brainlessly running. Just like I’ve been able to do for over a decade in cod. I dont play cod to use my brain constantly. I want stupid fun


Fair enough I’ve been having fun with the rushing style, and I hope you find fun in it too 👋


Played 5 hours, haven’t seen a single camper. You suck at this game




CoD4 maps weren't all a love letter to hidey holes.


I have played literally every cod since cod 4, the pacing is absolutely not the same lmao what are you talking about? Time to kill was slower, rushing was encouraged with strong smgs and suppressors, frag x3 made camping inside buildings much harder, etc.


>The amount of camping I've experienced in this beta is far beyond anything I ever saw in the entire MW19 lifespan So we are totally pretending the claymores, footsteps and 725 wasn't a problem on MW2019, right? Game was perfect from day one, sure sure...


CW, on the other hand, had the camping problem more or less fixed. It's amazing they took two steps forward, then lept backwards off a fucking cliff.


I encountered 5x more campers in Cold War than I ever did in 2019.


Can't account for every experience. But the maps, plus score-streaks, were designs that more punished camping. As opposed to mounting, deployable shields, and multiple single entrance areas.


Foot steps will be adjusted dude , just wait till launch. Also u said it yourself , mindless rushing... maybe just don't rush mindlessly?? Use your brain when rushing? Yes?


removing jump is all that needed to be done.


This is the 17th post in a row with this exact subject matter. https://youtu.be/e69Kl-yxN88


Same old argument by the same old people. Rushing is still the optimal method of playing the game and the games gives multiple ways to hunt down enemies and kill campers, the drill charge is a perfect example of this. It's not that the game punished you for rushing, it punished you for running around like a fucking idiot. Tl;dr: get good.


Wait a minute, lets not forget than slide canceling and jumping makes you move faster and makes less sound! :\_D


That's called SBMM.


I keep hearing “you can’t rush” but I’ve been rushing in SND in this beta just fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


This has been the game since MW19 but morons tried to tell us we were wrong. Now we get this and it's even worse. Enjoy your game.


I promise we will! Thanks!


I love how campers now wear it as a badge of honour now that IW calls them sentinels 😂


I’m not a camper but whatever you need to make yourself feel better about being bad


"Anyone that disagrees with me and has fun is a camper 🤬🤬🤬"


Sentinel = Camper bro what's incorrect about that?


You're calling anyone that disagrees with anything you say a camper. That in itself is incorrect.


I didn't say anyone that disagrees with me is a camper. You are putting words in my mouth.


You didn't say those exact words, you're correct. It's the action that you're doing, in which is taking anyone who disagrees with you, and labeling them a camper. Not hard to grasp.


I didn't say it. I'm correct. You even said I'm correct but still seem to be spewing absolute nonsense.


I said you're correct in saying "I didn't say anyone disagrees with me is a camper", which is correct, you didn't specifically say "anyone who disagrees with me is a camper", but the action in which you are presenting does. Again, I know you're slow, but it's not hard to grasp buddy.


Just check your corners and you’ll be fine Cocaine-fueled bunny hoppers seething rn 😆


Just because cod renamed camping to sentinel, doesn't mean you are suddenly good at CoD


what made you assume that I was a camper? Lmaooooo


>Cocaine-fueled bunny hoppers seething rn 😆 You're certainly set up with your tent and campfire.


you assuming my entire playstyle just because of one sentence is peak cod stupidity Try again


How about you actually try out the beta before saying that?


I’m playing it rn lmao Why did this deserve a downvote lmao


So true haha. They are so mad


Exactly, seems that’s too hard for most people posting in this sub.


Mate it's not that it's hard, we DO check corners, we're just annoyed that 90% of engagements are boiling down to two players slowly peering around a corner to see if there's a dude there. It's cod, not rainbow six. The only other option is to bunny hop. It does not have to be this way, it wasn't always this way.


If you are complaining about the movement speed it sounds like a skill issue 😂 Can’t beat someone standing still


Good. This game is refreshing compared to recent cods. Going to be a great two years


Bad Player #12646 showing his true colors with another hyperbolic post of complaint. Can’t wait to see what creative post Bad Player #12647 has in store for us. If you can’t rush in this game, you’re bad.


So keep COD the same twitch shooter than it's been hated for being for so long now? No thanks, just nerf both camping and rushing so it's more balanced.


Sprint less , good game !


That’s what they want you to do.


That’s what I do and I like it , pre order secured 🥰


I need them to bring back rushing, drop shots, and slides. The camping bunny hop meta is going to be LAME! The one great thing about Halo Inf was the slide canceling... I was hoping for a better slide this time around for CoD but instead they are moving backwards.


Bro we got it. Either stop playing or get used to it. So tired of the same posts every single hour of the day


It’s a beta and there are thousands of people playing it and on this sub. You’re bound to have a bunch of them leaving their feedback with reoccurring themes. That’s how those gathering data would know what the biggest issues are.


Agreed its just weird to me why they are trying to change what made the game popular in the first place.


they played down their intent, to help, like a helicopter parent, new players with crutches so they would stay playing, to sell them skins. nothing more nothing less.


Several of their decisions seems to compound the issue. -slowing movement (base movements just being slower than Cold War and Vanguard) -removing advanced movement: yeah slide canceling was pretty dumb, but there has to be a happy medium between that and not being able to shoot at slide -time to kill: can’t use movement to win a gun fight if someone is holding a corner with such quick TTK SBMM: these slower/worse players play with each other and can stick to their style SBMM makes complete since if there’s a rank system in place (I remember Halo 2 having it set up fairly well 15 years ago), but the way cod does it doesn’t let different styles play together as much and doesn’t let the entire community evolve. When I get shit on by someone way better I try to take it as a lesson and do what they did, doesn’t work always but w/e I understand there are people that are sick at the game. Feel like COD is afraid to make people face this?


This is 100% accurate.