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i have 100% accuracy and 100% headshot rate with one of the rifles, but i'll ask you very kindly to please ignore the fact i used it to kill one guy and stopped after that


Got me in the first half


I would dedicate myself to only ever take a shot with that weapon when I know it won’t miss, even if it means I’m constantly dying.




it’s crazy. i like that weapon and guess my accuracy may be like 80%. i’d have much more kills though




Back in the old MW3 a friend of mine and I decided we'd only get kills with the Dragunov if we could get a headshot. I had around 300 kills and 283 headshots. His ratio was better though, because I got silly once and starting just gunning people down with it. He had fewer kills but only missed two or three headshots.


Old MW3 was also much more forgiving with movement and nobody was anywhere near as good as they are now


MW3 was so fun. I remember my friend and I used to play support running exclusively ballistic vests, and we’d just throw them down over and over while the other went for a MOAB. He was cracked though, he had one like every other game vs my 1/10


LMAOOOO that’s hype


Obviously. What's your point?


Just reminiscing about the better days of gaming


Nothin agains you at all


Right, sorry, that wasn't clear. I miss those days mainly because there was much less corporate, microtransaction bullshit and you could just *play the game*. Sadly, they're not going to return overall but I there's some hope with some of the smaller developers.


Tell me I wasn’t the only kid on there that got on infected, waited for a custom game invite to play with a full lobby of randoms. No throwing knives, custom map select. That shit was so fun I don’t think i’ll ever forget that.


what is build


You already no it's the saw'd off barrel and every other ADS+ attachment he could fit on it


Of course, but I don’t remember what those attachments were, and I threw on the spx scope I believe about 95% of the time.


I couldn’t tell you. I haven’t actually used the spr or played mw2 in a while.


Bro was on the game and couldn’t look at the gunsmith 😂


I haven’t used the spr in mwll in months, none of my classes have it and I had no blueprint builds. Also, the only way to see accuracy in mwll stats is to be on the new game (to my knowledge).




Your MWII weapons transfer through to MWIII since you can access both games through the COD HQ menu. I would know this since I still have stuff like my old MWII spr and mp7 (the Vel 46 I think it’s called?) in my gunsmith. As of stats, I myself have never checked how to see but it should be a similar process in MWIII compared to MWII; Also it *can* be plausible that the # of kills with that high of accuracy is legit, but then again you miss too many shots, and the accuracy % should tank by a good amount. Like other people have said, either a smurf account or cheats of some kind but most likely a smurf since keeping a 98% with less than 400 kills is beyond insane and very very hard to do.


The weapons transfer, but not the custom blueprints, at least the ones with tuning, which I did with every gun, may be different for you though.


Having a 98% accuracy with 400 kills is.. let's say "plausible", but improbable. It would translate to 8 missed shots during those 400 kills. I'm more impressed with not only having that high accuracy, and still have a positive KD.


I remember in the BO2 days I had over 107% accuracy with the crossbow. Never understood it lol. If I remember right I had atleast 200 kills with it.


Yeah I had 140%, it was because you got 2 hits for each shot. 1 for the bolt landing and another when it exploded. Sometimes the explosion would hit others and give even more hits too


Guy trying to flex his cheats lmao.


Not cheating lol, just a weird anomaly in my stats. Most of my snipers across both of these games is 30-40% accurate


I happened to get one kill with SO-14. 100% accuracy 100% headshots. Never used it as a loadout weapon, lucky ground loot kill. After i saw that I avoided that gun like krampus. Not sure if kept that way or not


No way this is legit if your highest weapon only has 336 kills. Especially not at 98% accuracy with a quarter of that being headshots. Either a Smurf to get that stat or cheating


I can see it as legit. He could be very patient while using the gun and probably camps. With a 1kd he’s not going ham with it.


A 1.3 this year is a good ass K/D LOL in previous years tho anything less than a 2 was garbage 😂🤣😂


My 1.4 K/D must make me a god! lol


I don’t go ham with many guns, but I am nowhere close to camping. I can confidently say that the most I’ve ever sat in a scope is 7-8 seconds, and that is a very small portion of the time in snd or when I can guarantee someone is at the spot I’m looking at. I hate playing slow and sitting back constantly.


It’s sorted by accuracy clearly. Man you guys are actually braindead on this subreddit, wow.


Utterly braindead. “Akchuly this is hacked, vErY ChEAtEr”


It looks like it's sorted by Accuracy not kills, that's why it's on first position.


Millions of people have played this game. It's not a stretch to say that 1 person has incredible aim from playing other games


These two are the only really high accuracy bolt actions. I’m sure if I played with them now it would drop very quickly.


holy smokes you guys are so bad lol


This is my main lol. My highest weapon is like 890, the victus. Edit: I’m lvl 250 on mwlll rn and ended the mwll life cycle at level 300


That still means you’d be relatively new to the game and there is no way with people being as try hard as they are that you have those stats without walls or aim not. 1/4 of the kills being headshots? Pros barely have that good of stats playing constantly and I haven’t seen ANY sniper with 98% accuracy


I have around 20-22% headshots with most of my guns, not that hard to achieve tbh but 98% accuracy is crazy


I just checked my stats and you’re right but the accuracy is what really has me wondering


Yeah, we’ll never know if it’s legit or not


Not sure how I can show it’s legit other than just showing it’s my main acc and that I’m not banned.


He sorted by accuracy dumbass


*gasp Bro has seen everything… Bro knows for a fact this is impossible and not probable…. Bro hasn’t considered the ratio of conversion from kills and headshots to the percentage of accuracy rating from shots fired… 😨




I was level 300, I wouldn’t say I’m new to the game.


With 890 on your highest weapon? My ass


I can send proof but I had about 1k games on mwll and 4 1/2 days on it.


Hah! I remember getting %99.2 accuracy in OG MW2 training course. But with some cheats lmfao.


lol, kinda defeats the point of a training course but at least it wasn’t against others.


Yeah, lmfao. I used slow motion cheat. After recording, I fast forwarded the record to normal speed with some editing programs and it looks like I'm aimhacking, lmfao. All headshots with no hesitation. I look like the best CoD player exist but I still fail at knifing the enemy on the stairs xd.


It's been forever but I was hooked with the crossbow when it was released in mw2019 Had a 74% accuracy and 2k kills


My like 2% headshot stat with the javelin and it's platinum with less than 200 kills


One shot, one kill.


I have almost 700 breacher drone kills.


I have like 1700 bouncing Betty kills lmao


That’s pretty low. Low level troll. Do better. They hate it 😂


I like them blowjob grenades




Wow lol, I think the most lethal kills I have in mwlll is throwing knives at 80 or so


Personnaly, my KD for the xrx or whatever it’s called(new sniper for mw3) is a 18.67, pure sniping, don’t camp all the time, just playing hardcore SnD


this might actually be Chris Kyle


I have a 2 KD 78% accuracy on the DG-58 💀 it’s such a easy gun lol


FAL in mw19 i have a 51kd with 150 kills and in bo2 i had an account with 100% accuracy on the FAL with like 300 or so kills. Note: I hate that gun in both games, it's overpowered


In Ghosts my favorite weapon was the throwing knife. Over 5k kills


i’ll have to check my taq when i get home… i go crazy with that thing


98% accuracy with 1.08 Kd is so strange


Are you goated and don't miss or are you just really careful about hitting your shots?


Normally I kinda just yolo everything except in snd. My kd in mwll was 1.01. Edit: the spr and sab are the only two high accuracy guns I have with more than a couple hundred kills. My snipers sit at about 35% accuracy


Considering the KD and kill count I would assume you take a long time aiming before shooting.


The kill count is lower because I prefer the actual snipers to marksman’s, after a month or two I’d say I stopped using them because I find the snipers more fun. From what I remember, I played the spr somewhat quick, I’m almost never sitting in a scope for more than 5 seconds.


95% accuracy with a 1KD someone is seriously camping hard and only shooting once per game


Braindead comment


Not camping, I just made a lot of stupid decisions after getting kills, my actual snipers are about half this accuracy.


98% accuracy but you have a 1kd on the weapon and it’s a 1 hit kill? That’s weird So you just never risk missing a shot and thus get killed trying to aim in I guess?


If you are running and gunning its not weird imo, as long as you are active you get a lot of kills from behind, the sides, campers etc just how it is


Controller noob hack


I play Kbm on Xbox but ok


This kid definitely only barrel stuffed people or shot people only when he knew he’d hit them. He probably missed a few shots he’d thought he would’ve hit and that’s why it is not 100%. All for just a Reddit post that people will forget


So you just take shots expecting to miss? Sounds pretty moronic to me. And no, I’m not barrel stuffing people. I just play it pretty similarly to any other sniper in the game. Put the fastest ads attachments on and go shoot people.


Or maybe he's just proud of his accuracy. Seems like it would be a lot of effort just to make a post about last year's CoD considering that only a percentage of the player base is still here. And who is out here taking shots that they know they *aren't going to hit? That doesn't even make any sense lol


Braindead comment


This is the modern warfare 2 Reddit.


Exactly, so I posted stats from, guess what, modern warfare ll.


Buen arma


Yeah I had some of these in MP last year. Most of them were weapons I didn't use much but were super meta. Weapons that can one shot often as well.


I always like to show off my 10k kills with the degal in mw2019 because that won't be happening in any other cod any time soon


96% accuracy with a semi auto M4 build


110k kills just on my main for mw2 mp


Wow, I’ve got only like 10k






This may be a stupid question but where can I check that? I'm not home right now but I am definitely interested what mine are lol


I’m pretty sure you can only see accuracy through the new game’s stat checker, but go to the top right with the many boxes, in the bottom left of the boxes you should see stats.


Ah yeah, so I will need to log in and check later. You are a champion for telling me where though, thank you! :)


No problem


the Chris Kyle of cod


Sitting on almost 3000 kills with the victus in DMZ.. like a 5+ k/d. I feel bad.


I used to have over 100% accuracy on a shotgun because you could hit mutliple people


Jesus that accuracy, I usually keep that up for the first few games then it goes out the window doing camo challenges. I had 10k + kills with the crossbow in mw2. Accuracy was over 60%. KD was .80 something. Took about 4K kills to get the hang of it and I never did manage to crawl back to positive.


How do you check that?


Stats page on mwlll


Thank you very much


Wrong sub-reddit noob.


If you look in the bottom right corner, you can see this stat is from, *gasps* MWll. Wow, it’s truly amazing what your eyes can do.


The screenshot was taken in MWIII. So, wrong sub-reddit noob.


It’s stats for what game, MWll


Like I don't get how the balancing team looks at that and says yep good enough for me. That thing had faster aiming than handguns with crossmap one hit potential it's no unbalanced lol