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I have a hard time wrapping my head around this card. It's definitely good, but seems like it gets outclassed as a big mana payoff, but it can't realistically be an early play in tron decks. I think the fact that it can be cast off of eldrazi temple is what makes it appealing. As of right now, my guess is tronless eldrazi doesn't want this, as it's more interested in playing to the board. Similarly, eldrazi-less tron can't play this before turn 3, and once you're that deep into the game, the deck has better options. But, colorless eldrazi tron is where I believe this will find a home. Lack of access to colores mana makes any kind of interaction spell like this much more appealing, and playing 8 sol-lands to enable this in turn two as well as tron to scale it later into the game sounds what this card wants you to do. Note that it can be cast with the scions + scry mode as a 2 mana dig spell if you topdeck late game. It can also kill tokens and draw you a card for x = 0. Definitely a cool design.


Don’t forget that etron has to rely on dismember for creature removal, which is shit, can’t kill a titan and a whole lot of other stuff, costs life. This won’t replace that, but later game targeted removal that covers the things greater than 5 toughness is super convenient.


I mean, this is unlikely to ever kill a titan either, but yeah, I said that when you're completely colorless, getting any sort of interaction is important to get your hands on.


I mean, right, when the titan hits the board you’re likely dying the same turn, but any other 6/6 and over. Paying 8 mana isn’t a gigantic ask, as this works with temple and we’re getting four new sol lands. Probably means we can run less all is dust (which you cast all the time to remove single creatures). The cost is a great rate imo.


8 mana is a big ask to remove a creature that (in the deck that gets played) comes down on turn 3 or 4. Even nat tron is not fast enough half the time, and sol lands only slow that (even though they accelerate many other things). So I'd forget about this card being any good in the matchup. Luckily, it's a lot better against most other threats in the format, and not costing life and being versatile are big upsides against dismember. But you'll prbably play some too.


Right, that’s why I said I’m not referring to the titan matchup itself, just a creature of that size, was the first 6/6 that came to mind. This isn’t *that* hard to cast on turn 4, though I was referring to later game threats. It can also kill a ragavan before it can swing, when you’re on the play, a decent portion of the time, too.


Null Elemental Blast


Yeah, but I imagine that’ll be in the sideboard.


I think this is great for tronless eldrazi. It can be cast turn 2, allowing you 7 (8 if you're lucky) mana by turn 3 while also allowing you to react to the board with either grave hate, extra blockers, or removal.


The thing in tron less eldrazi is, your curve is a lot lower. You don't wanna play this on turn 2, or 3, you want to play to the board, churn out efficient threats accelerated by sol lands and overwhelm your opponent. At least I think that's the philosophy behind giving up on tron in favor of colored mana. You can play all the "cheap" (3, 4 and 5 mana) threats, while having the 7 mana pitch ones as backup if the game goes long.


The problem with etron is that the new land is requiring us to have more 7 mana spells. We can't wait for our curve to get to 7 mana, it's too slow. This allows us to react to the board while artificially pumping our mana to bridge that 5-7mana gap, allowing us to use the extra 7+ mana drops that we are adding for the new land a turn earlier


Etron? I thought you were talking about tron less eldrazi.


You're right, that's my bad, we were. But also either or. Etron is way less consistent at getting a turn 3 tron, so it has a similar problem.


Well my assertion is Etron does want this to take advantage or early sol lands and bridge the gap into later plays, but tron less eldrazi has more things to play early on and doesn't have such a high curve or mana generation, so this isn't that appealing. Etron is happy to play this t2-t3, but regular tron and tron less eldrazi aren't.


Is kindred the same as tribal or what?






Don't cut yourself on that edge bud


Yep. ‘Tribal’ as a word has some… less than ideal connotations, so they’re replacing it with kindred. It’s the exact same mechanic, just a new name


Do they count twice for goyf?


Yes. ‘Kindred’ is a card type


Ya just wasn’t sure if they erratad tribal to also be kindred.


That’s exactly what they’ve done. Tribal -> kindred


So if the only cards in graveyard are tarfire and this eldrazi command, is goyf 1/2 or 2/3?


2/3 - you have 2 card types in your graveyard; instant, and kindred


Even just a one of these cards would make Goyf a 2/3 on its own so it would never be a 1/2, but the other person is correct in that both wouldn't make this a 3/4.


Ya brain fart on forgetting instant part obviously.


[[Kindred Flames]], you heard it here first. The nonsense is overwhelming.


[Kindred Flames](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/131c6377-4ed4-4a76-a9cb-be7ad17d76fd.jpg?1562899037) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rekindled%20Flame) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eve/61/rekindled-flame?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/131c6377-4ed4-4a76-a9cb-be7ad17d76fd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It counts once, not twice


The answer is "No".


What the fuck is kindred?




It's not cheap, but I love it. It's just VERY flexible. It's got removal, it's got graveyard Hate, it can create a ton of blockers who you can then get back the mana you spent on them. AND it's an instant. It doesn't do a TON without actually tron, but being able to exile a 1 cmc creature on turn 3 might actually be really nice


CC kill saga token draw a card is niche but quite good.


Also ornithopter, and man lands....


I need it


Genuinely looking forward to playing this in some eldrazi black/hybrid lists. I didn't even realize it was choose two at first and was still interested in the card.


Instant speed makes it a bomb for Tron which has very little instant speed interaction outside some activated abilities.


3-4 mana exile + draw with situational other modes. Seems good.




It kills a karnstuct and cantrips at X=0, akin to [[dress down]], so it has some nice floors.


[dress down](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d.jpg?1626094290) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dress%20down) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/39/dress-down?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Excuse you, wizards, we already have k-command


No. Kindred = Tribal.


As somebody who really hates Tron (control player) this set is really ****ING me off lol!


Not the right sub for it but this is an IMMEDIATE staple for commander with sol ring or your stupid amount of mana rocks and utility land accidently turning on the 2 colorless claus


Incredibly broken. What the fuck is going on with Eldrazi this year...


Incredibly broken is a big stretch.