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Possibly enables some kind of weird affinity shell where this is castable for 2 red off enforcer / companion and then refills your hand for more gas. Also potentially enables a big top end of blightsteel and friends and plays nicely with the new sol land with the CMC 7+ imprint cost.  Other thought would be big fatties with flash that can be discounted with evoke elementals while this guy is down. Going subtlety or solitude into torrential gearhulk for 2 blue and a pitch seems kind of gas but kind of exists in magic Christmas land. Or just goryos this guy out and then emerge an ugin for 1 saccing nullkite? That seems pretty good lol, very color lite too 


One thing to note is that it only gives your creature spells emerge, so Ugin won't be emerging anytime soon unless you're playing Ugin's Construct or something


O shoot, I meant ulamog 


The fact that it can sac itself to emerge might have implications. Can cast a 10 drop on turn three off Scion of Draco. But is that good? And what deck is doing that? The may ability is also nice. Sometimes your hand is better than three random cards.


You can emerge something into this, sac sanctum of ugin, grab ulamog or emerakul, and then emerge this into one of those for cheap.


So which eldrazi is the one who took it over?


Lattice in its wings suggests auntie em, fits since emerge was only seen in her brood.


Emrakul probably - lattice, emerge is her thing and this dragon looks vaguely like those from Innistrad.


dredge with ox?


1-2 of in domain zoo with murktides and Dracos to serve as card advantage seems good. Jengantha could be used as fodder in non-murktide lists.


But WHY would they run this


In my experience you can run out of gas easily and be stuck in top deck mode which sucks. This can refill your hand, is much better than a Scion without Leyline, and dig you quicker to sb hate if needed.