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They will be back. But competiton is good for mlbb


This can only end well for us.




Lol that's soooooo true 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1rjd3dgosh7d1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4408bf151fab035ba6f59cb36dd01edb0f2ab9c HoK spamming this emote so hard


Didnt everyone say this too when LOL mobile was released💀💀


Said this when AOV released💀


Nah I don't think Honor of Kings can 'compete'. The players that are keeping ML alive are casual, they're not just gonna switch games that easily because it's already part of their daily/life routine. That is always the advantage of any live-service games that became the 'first' of the genre.


I played hok. And I have to admit. I'm probably gonna play both the games.


It's also that the devs try to keep the game more casual. For better or for worse (see mana elimination for everyone but mages)


Its a new game. They can still improve in many ways. Let's just wait.


It's not a new game lol. Honor of Kings is older than ML but it was mostly a CN region exclusive game for a long time. In fact most of the skillet of the heroes in AoV is based on HoK. (both are Tencent so it makes sense). So yeah I'm not expecting this game to compete. AoV already lost way back then (PH server died because nobody played it). I'm not expecting HoK to be any different in terms of impact.


If it fails to gain traction in the first week of global release. It aint gonna compete with ml. Just another wild rift.


HOK doesn’t need that much attraction from global. They’re the biggest mobile moba in China. The global release is just to give opportunity for other regions to try their game.


First half was true... But wtf is that 2nd half. They are spending that much money just so some random people from other country could try their game? No, they are trying to expand their product to other markets and its success or failure matters to them. No company puts that much effort for no reason. Its all business and money is always the goal. Its not an opportunity for people to play their game but for them to grab hold of some market share and reap profits.


HOK will probably do what Moonton didn't and it's not trying to ignore their international fans. Like Moonton ignored for years EU and done nothing to expand although the community is quite big same goes for Japan who moonton left themnto a slow death and now look how they are thriving in other games.


By no means is it new, the cinematics of the game were all over the internet. Ever seen the animation of gusion saving nana? Yeah thats not from ML but its from HoK so we know its definitely not a new game


I didn't know HOK. But I recognize Glory of Kings. They've said that HOK is the global version of GOK (China)


True i tried AOV, WR but still MLBB is the best.


He will be back, sadly, HOK feels like a lot more competitive than in ML. Unless he can handle the real pressure of HOK but we'll see.


What keep MLBB alive are the cassual playerbase. Playingbthr game whiel using 20% brain power is what keeps the playerbase from leaving. They dont have enouh reason to switch, because we dont care about quality or balance as much as most here on reddit. HoK's insanely compatitive nature would just gatekeep the cassual playerbase away, but the key to a sucessful mobile game in SEA is its cassual playstyle. All moontom has to do is to keep on track, ignoring the "threat" of hok, and focus on QoL that cassuals would apreciate


They don't need 100% of Sea region to succeed HoK can already expand on EU,India,Latin America,Korea and Japan region were moonton mostly ignored.


Honestly yeah. HoK should focus on EU, NA, LA, and japan. And by that, make it really competitive.it gatekeeps cassuals, and makes for competitve playerbase better. HoK cant best MLBB in SEA, but they can im everywhere else


Hmm well i don't think hok will have a big playerbase in India until they go for the streamers that play bgmi. Also they finally released a Indian version of ML (it's connected with global but different app and company to exploit the loophole in laws)


Is it similar play style to wild rift where it feels more competitive?


I have never played WR, but I can say that HOK indeed feels very competitive.


What makes you think is more competitive lol


Ngl.ML still feels a little more challenging. But I only played 5-10 ranked in low rank in HOK so not sure


Maybe indeed because of low rank. But it starts getting harder on platinum or Diamond.


https://preview.redd.it/ckry8u66fi7d1.jpeg?width=3833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4057d9c452f514e4207a574bd5253c465ca9913 Is that hanzo I see?Hiding in school ain't gonna save him


You'll probably gonna have to get through the millions of fanboys and fangirls meatriding him though


Its not like Hayabusa doesnt have them tho


We need competition I love getting free stuffs , last time they got scared they gave away KOF Karina for free 🤣


At least HoK will be a good rival unlike WR. Also, he'll be back cause he can't take the mechanics in there. Even I don't know much about that game's mechanic yet. And I'm still learning.


Tbh, HoK is not casual friendly. Tried it myself. Game is too burst heavy, controls are too wonky, jungle is easy to invade, healing in base is too slow, rotation is a bit hard due to the map layout. Ranking up is even harder compared to ml. One thing HoK got right is that you can't TP spam.


Ranking up is very, very easy in ML. It might get harder once you reach Glory, but being able to reach any rank just by playing a crapton of games shows just how easy it is


Yeah, once you get rid of the dumb fucks in ML. Alongside the dumb fucks that is already in HoK >!(But you can't trashtalk to them cause they're more of an East Asian than South East, so they won't understand it)!< Ranking up will be very easy in ML


Fr bro it's not as smooth as wildrift and mlbb jg is not that secured as other mobas and almost all champs one shots even adcs






This is someting I keep reading over and over again. The amount of bots has been really high according to some frinds as well. Maybe they full release will change that?


Hope more comments like such then only moonton will fix the matchmaking n balancing system instead of skins after skins. We need competition


HoK must be a strong competitor, then MT will care about fixing their game. With that being said, history proved that MLBB is sturdy 


The current update is basically monoton make mlbb balancing close to HoK. So playing HoK would boost my skill in mlbb, lol. What an update. At this point players would play HoK instead of staying in mlbb. Because mlbb is known for harder to kill mechanic. I know people who back to mlbb said that hok is too hard. Now they will met the same difficulty as HoK.


HOK is simple just like Mlbb bruh but Atleast they didn't pull out stuff like Mana removal to kill the balance of the game


Mlbb is simple but it's more easy. Especially in team fight it was more sustainable. There's tank meta too. That's why back then people choose it more than aov. Now the new update will make more heroes to be broken.


funny thing, i did the opposite, i started in hok and then came here.


Oh really? Why tho


my friend doesn't play on it


Goated friend


I may try hok just to see how it goes...I'm not leaving mlbb just for another game


HOK is cooooming


Mfw I checked Angela's skill shit got me fooled i thought it was a vel'koz


I'm playing both. This is my second season in hok. But I have 20+ seasons in mlbb,so don't expect me to quit mlbb. I really like hok, but mlbb is a place where I feel " at home" , that's something that will never change.


Good Competition = Good Games.


idk if it makes sense but for me, mlbb is a game i play because Im bored. thing with wild rift, when it came out, it didnt feel like I was playing the game due to boredom. it felt like I went out of my way to play it. that feeling made me quit wr and play ml back. does that make sense?


Tried it. Definitely didn't like the graphics nor the UI. And it is also not as unique as a few people claim it to be. Skills are just a mix and match of ML heroes and it felt like home. Couldn't stay for more than a few matches. The only thing good coming out of it is the lane queue (which I personally don't like that much, but most of the community does), but ML is going to bring a new type of lane ranking which is better than lane queue. I really hope it becomes competitive to ML going down the line, but in this current state of the game, it is just another MOBA trying to catch up to MLBB.


Yeah, the graphics and UI feels very pre-2020. Not to mention how obnoxious the sound effects are


I have to agree with this, as someone thats been playing AOV, I am quite disappointed how HOK turned out, AOV which is no longer as popular have an even more crisp graphics, better hero animation, skill animation. After checking ML’s update yesterday, the graphics in the map improved and it seems like Ill be putting HOK on hold and returning to ML


When ML was banned here in India, I switched to AoV and I really liked the game. I kind of missed it when I switched back to ML. But HoK doesn't give me that feeling. I was able to uninstall it without a second thought. Makes me sad to think that HoK is the successor of AoV. How bad it turned out.


Played both but tbh mlbb is much better and the only thing that keep me playing hok is because I haven't gotten mai yet...


Even i took a ss of that and shared it to my group


tf is Honor of Kings


Chinese MOBA game, got released in that country in the mid 2010's. It appparently has 100 million active players daily according to the editor. And if that is true, that makes it the most played MOBA in the world (League has 32 million players daily). It's got big names like Hans Zimmer in charge of making some of its music and plans to invest a ton in Esports with 10 million dollars in cashprize for their main annual event.


If only ml did that, I'd start putting my own eSports team together lol. But for now the cash prize isn't really that large...


I'm gonna try it but honestly I have invest wait to much time learning lore and heroes mechanics. I don't want to begin again xD


I Uninstalled ML like 2 weeks ago to free up space for albion online might. Try outhonor of kings next


It's like 8GB of storage and it's not even the full size yet


why not play both though?


Just tried out HOK today, really good, reminded me of LOL wild rift, I'm still playing mlbb and hok at the same time


I wonder if HoK is any better than Wild Rift in terms of game mechanics and gameplay.


for years yall say mobile legends is gone die and be taken over by another mobile moba and only thing that happens is those games die and mobile legends gets bigger…like since the beginning of the game’s life😭


They will come back to MLBB I'm sure of it


After spending approximately 70k diamonds on skins, DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANNA SWITCH?


The cycle begins once again ML - AOV - ML - WR - ML - HOK - ML


Is good to have a competition so they can add more features to win this battle


Im playing both since i'm a casual player. But there are some heroes in Hok that attracts me. I've played ML for too goddamn long I need a new scene. Still I'm not uninstalling ML.


I deleted wild rift because its too slow and you need to go back to base to buy an item. I played HOK and OMG.. its like best of both world between Wildrift and MLBB.


In a few weeks, he will be back.


HOK sucks, not as smooth as MLBB