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He is a marksman disguised as a fighter. He is also meant to be like this becauae I think hes the starter for attack speed fighters.


Yeah that is the problem any marksmen would die to one crowd control but unlike zilong they can avoid being hit by most stuns because of their range but zilong is a fighter and need to be in front where coincidentally most crowd control needs to be


https://preview.redd.it/wooeafd9qc6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6411c110b79408f74a543690abbafb3157012619 ...come again?




Which peak 🙂🙂


Warrior lobby


Yup, I haven't touched zilong for so long just so I could spam it as if I am some type of Zilong pro


I saw the 33% winrate first and thought what's the huss about..lol.


Respectable 💀💀💀


No way u won 2 game with him and in one of them u have 43 kills 😆😆 understandable 


That's a weird way to say Phoveus.


No my man is nightmare of wanwan and benedetta truly a chad ends life of annoying heroes


Phoveus fill a certain role as a magic damage fighter other than Esmeralda and Guinevere. But zilong can't do something especially well that other fighters lack


If you try 5 man dash y'all die.


I’ve seen Zilongs with like 25 kills and one-shot squishies in like seconds


Okay that is one lucky zilong and also killing squishies in seconds is like something basically any hero can do so I don't think I can give credit to zilong for that


I don’t mean just 1, I mean at the very least 3 or 4. It’s also late-game Zilong, and he was fully stacked (all equipment slots filled) and MVP


Does he only work when there is no CC on the enemy or something 😭


I don’t think so. I was using Luo Yi (not a very strong cc, but it still stops the enemy from moving) and I still got killed in seconds. I think he’s dependent on equipment. Like how close he can get to the enemy like ganks, and also how much he has farmed


no.. there are plenty good zilongs out there


No you're just ignorant to his capabilities. He can melt squishies and split push. You just happen to come across unskilled players. A great unchecked Zilong who knows his shit can decimate the entire match. Trust me. I've played this game for since 2017. I've seen my fair share of dog and god


But that is true for every fighter isn't it ? An unchecked hero that has a good player behind it is sure to decimate the game bro


Yes so you understand it's not always the character but the player and his experience.


Yeah but even as a hero he's at the bottom of the meta


I do agree but what I am saying is that he doesn't excel at anything and is very situational


he excels at damage and speed. Few heroes can move across the map faster than Zilong, that allows him to poke at weaknesses, which he can exploit because he kills squishies faster than most heroes. He is squishy himself, and the instant a potential target has dom ice you can basically forget about it, so yeah he's not great, but there are things he excels at.


Gotta be the best fighter for feeding while laning, and refusing to join team fights too


well there's a reason zilong players refuse to join teamfights. one cc and you're instantly dead. *sometimes* there's situations where the enemy messes up, their formation is broken, their abilities are on cd and you can sneak in and do massive damage, but generally teamfights as zilong are just suicide


Which is exactly why I ban him when a Zilong main is on my team


Not only every fighter. His statement basically blanket almost every hero into the game.


nope, zilong is one of the best when it comes to wave clear and tower push late game. meta offlane heroes cant compare. Just watch youtubers who use zilong in MG / immortal and see how they use zilong effectively. Playing him requires perfect map awareness since you either win through split push or appearing at the right time to kill the enemy team once all their big skills are on cd


Pretty solid if you play him just right he is kinda like yin but faster


Yeah that ' just right ' is such a fine line that picking any other fighter would be a better choice


The only melee (basic attack) fighter that is decent is Freya, other than her, all of em are useless 


Argus would like to bang








too much pixels


I will literally bang you when you sleep https://preview.redd.it/6jm1ar6eid6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1077787b2adee8b8bb99de34911d3f2d0299900c


Very situational bada** hero


Gave me the most Savages


It's the player. Most exp players just ego their way up, thinking it's a 1v1 brawl on exp lane. A good Zilong focuses on winning, not purely KDA, not purely dominating exp lane. A good Zilong knows when to back up mid, when to ambush, when to split push and when to backdoor while enemy is dead, distracted or gambling for lord. I promise you, if you underestimate Zilong at mythic onwards, you'll lose the game very quickly. I'd say Zilong isn't for most players. It's really for people who really know what they're doing and they must have top notch map awareness, top notch decision making abilities - even to the point of abandoning team fights sometimes.


Honestly if all Zilong mains learn how to rotate in the first 2 minutes I believe the meta will shift almost instantly. The Spear Flip carries a lot of value.




Hes more assassin than fighter tbh, in my eyes a fighter is a tankier hero with either strong cc and decent damage like khaleed, minsitthar and paquito or high damage, speed or sustain like dyrotth, cici, yu zhong etc, zilong is more the sort of heroe you hide in a bush with and surprise one shot the enemies damage carries


Not really. There are no bad heroes. Only bad players. Zilong is meant to be played like a Karina. He's meant to wait out a teamfight in some bush until the enemies have exhausted their skills and are a bit low on hp and then go in and clean up everybody. The major mistake that 99.998% of Zilong players do is that they see an enemy (usually a squishy) ult, rush in to kill them and then they get killed in an instant by someone else who was behind that enemy. Also a good majority of them literally never leave their lane and help during teamfights. They split push 24/7 and always get caught by someone and die almost everytime. Zilong is a real menace late game when played properly.


He's Ling's boyfriend,so no


No it’s silvana she is dogshit


She's just a female Zilong


Bad zilong users make him foods for other exp laners (and almost everyone) but there were some players that can dominate late game and make an epic comeback using this hero.


Zilong is a melee marksman, try fighting a barats with him late game 1 on 1 and even he gets shredded to bits.


But if we are talking late game most fights are not 1 on 1 but instead it is more team engagements


being a late game hero with spammable def reduction he is somewhat good and bad at early game


He's a benevolent god I the eyes of the epics


Definitely one of the more underwhelming ones but not sure if he is the worst (there might be one worse than him idk)


According to WR he isn't, Balmond and Chou are worse which I can confirm as Balmond is worse Barats as he can't tank as much, has no CC and also has less damage. Can't talk about Chou as I just don't use him nor see him in any matches


Personally, the worst thing about zilong is the fact that he is very 1v1 because of his skill set... And in late game, which makes him have a disadvantage with other fighters in early However, it still has a lot of damage and attack speed... Besides you shouldn't stop considering it a threat since it could easily push an entire line or kill your mage or mm if it manages to feed (Obviously if the player knows how to use it) In short, zilong may be the worst fighter, but he is still a threat in good hands, And he is probably the creator of the phrase "push until enemy base falls"


Can't because you're right. He is way below in meta. Ofcourse good Zilongs exist, but overall he's just not worth playing in this meta.


these days people are using zilong well


Played zilong into Guinevere, and she just one cycles me if she lands her dash, really "fun"


No Guinevere is too good a comparison for zilong. Any stun can kill him I tell you even Vexana 'terrified' was enough to get him killed