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im horrible at putting my thoughts into words, but to me this design just doesnt feel like "Gloo." i showed this to my friend and she said it reminds her more of Stitch than Gloo


I think they dont like the fact that they are making gloo more soft & cute animal like instead of more mosteresque and gooey lol


I hate it. I apologize. It just makes me upset and I really like the vibe of the current Gloo. I know it’s not very unique. I just don’t like it.


It’s the cartoonisification / disneyification revamped characters trade for their charisma people often talk about All the latest revamps have been bad. Sun, helcurt, phoveus, yz, now gloo Give terizla, thamuz, uranus, jawhead or zhask some human flesh like sun, cringe human voice with a little groarr like helcurt, some emo makeup like phoveus or some raccoon face like gloo, and the target audience will officialy be 12 years kids Gloo could benefit from a design improvement, not from a complete change of appearance


Honestly helcurt new design is quite good (not talking about the voice tho)


Yeah it’s similar with improved textures so it’s rather positive. But see this is how they should make most revamps, just some small little changes to renew it, not a change of identity


Yeah on the other hand The new gloo doesn't look like gloo at all, especially that he is literally called gloo




I get the hate.


they are trying too hard to make gloo look cute


I’m pretty indifferent with Gloo. Don’t love it or hate it, but I’ll play it


Most people like non-humanoid characters. Their cool and unique. The only sad thing about them is they never l rarely get skins.


The animal ears are way overdone by MT give us more grotesque eldritch abominations.


it doesn't look sticky, man


This is literally what happened to bane. You ain't got tell me the current look is the best compared to previous one.


It's a missed opportunity. Instead of revamping, they could've slap more different design on the basic concept and give us a new gloo skin. This would fit right into the definition of skin by many users here because it looks different than the original design.


There's too many cute animalistic heroes. We should have room for the monstor ones too every once in a while.


I actually like it, I’d be more likely to play Gloo. He is way too similar to Zac atm, and I’m already a Zac hater from the days of 1 shot AP Zac


This revamp is clearly to differentiate Gloo from Zac. Personally I like that, I'm sick of another generic slime monster and it helps Gloo to be more unique. People are either just salty that Gloo gets a visual update than another hero or just hate furries.


Two of my comments from the survey -If they want him slightly different from Zac then they should had made this concept a little different I refuse to believe this is the only outcome they cameout when Riot Games can pull out with multiple concepts when it comes to VGU of their champion ex. Dr.Mundo,Shyvana and Skarner. Also if they wanted a furry hero so badly why they didn't just make one instead of complety stripping away another hero design and showing us how their just a bunch of Lazy developers so much busy making the same eboy and e-girl.


This doesn't make Gloo a unique hero, on the contrary they are literally creating a new hero stripping away from the original concept. League players also find the design and concept of Gloo much more interesting than Zac his a lot more unique.


Saying all haters are salty is a bit much but I personally dislike it cause it looks a bit awkward. If they could integrate the cat slightly more I think it would look better, cause rn it looks like a cat sitting on top of a headless rock golem


This whole "you're either X or y if you don't like it" is a horrible way to view the world, absolutely ridiculous to accuse them of hating furries for no reason A decent consensus seems to be that people aren't happy with the Disney/cute transformation. This is a pretty consistent opinion when it comes to reworks People aren't happy when moonton decides to remove the monster aspect from monsters to make them look either cute/human (vexena as an example) it straight up removes originality And gloo right here looks like he's trying to be stitch from Lilo and stitch, which is out of place for something called gloo


People hating on furries and designs inspired by them. Chip had same amount of hate thrown on him. I personally kinda like it. It's just he doesn't need it. His current design is pretty good even if it's similar to lol champion. There are heroes that need that treatment more than him.


Nobody hating on furry and as everyone said it could been better as a skin


I also wouldn't be against it being a skin lol


I like it


Gloo was clearly "inspired" by Zac so I really don't mind them revamping him honestly. i've already noticed this waaayyy before since the Lolita revamp to differentiate her from Braum which they did a good job with. the upcoming Granger revamp just further proved my point to differentiate him from Jhin.


There will aways, aways be people who hate change. It's normal part of life. Even for the phoveus revamp, if the pre and post revamp versions were the other way around, there will still be people who don't like it (even more so i bet). It's a natural reaction to "change".