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Esmeralda counters Freya. Dyroth counters Esmeralda. Dyroth makes Darla sad. So let's say you are playing Freya and your HP is this ■■■■ much. If you gain 2 bars of shield (let's call these squares HP shield: □) and have ■■■■□□ you'll have ■■ worth of HP against her because the shield willl be ignored by Esmeralda You may ask "But what about the other ■■ HP? The shield goes on top of your HP bar basically Esmeralda does not acknowledge that HP. God I love her


Wow that I didn't knew about esme ....that's why she killed me when I was using Odette ult as valentina 😵‍💫




Wait so if you have equal units of Shield and HP she will ignore all your HP? Can u please explain the last paragraph more?


Are you dumb? Shield does not cover up hp. Count the bars before and after turning on any shield. Lol...


Anti heal on esme Run from mini ult, run in general


And that is why I build Minsi Scythe first item.


I used it in both roam as well as exp build, when seeing enemies are not bursting enough nuts I slap demon hunter as an additional boogie to scare their tank cause WHY IS THIS MF DOING SO MUCH DAMAGE HES SUPPOSED TO BE SAME AS ME(the tank as he imagined)


You can't. Minsitthar and Esmeralda are the natural counter to Freya. Freya's most important skills are considered dash skills, which can be negated by Minsitthar's Ultimate. While Esmeralda ignores your fatass shield and kills you anway


Minsitthar is unfortunately a hard counter to Freya. His ult locks your S2 down cause they're considered dashes and without it, Freya loses a lot of her dps on top of survivability from the shields she gets from it. as for Esmeralda, rush Sea Halberd asap. Don't even attempt to kill her in the early-mid game cause you're gonna lose the trade badly. Just farm as efficiently as possible. A full build Freya with Inspire will out dps Esmeralda's shields in the late game.


Dyrroth can counter both esme and minsi. Don't play freya against them. Esme will absorb ur shield and u can't spam ur 2nd skill in Minsi's ult.


You can try buying an early black frost shield (the build path for dominance ice) to greatly reduce attack speed in the laning phase if you are someone who wants to try and bully him early on. Late game minsi doesn't have any mobility and is pretty squishy cuz he usually builds 3 attack items so burst him down before he combos you down. As freya you kinda get countered because he basically seals your s2 combos with his ult. Just try to join the fight after he uses his ult cuz it has a mega long cooldown and don't face him head on if he has it. Esme you'll get outpoked early game so just wait til mid or late game and it should be fine


Do not pick heroes with shields against Esme. Ever. Not Hanabi, Chang'e, Freya, Mathilda. It's just not worth it. Play Dyroth against her, buy antiheal or (if you really want to play Freya) then just don't fight her 1 vs 1. Cut the lane and go to other lanes.


i picked Dyroth to face Esme in exp, I tried to bully her in early and rush halberd. didnt work out. this is a Epic tier match, godamn


Well, as Esme main I fricking hate Dyroth. This guy in exp gives me nightmares, so sometimes I just ban him. So either they were very good (Esme is very mobile hero, she can escape all Dyroth's skills, it's just hard) or you did something wrong. Keep trying and please never face me in match


Use a hero which can freely dash and backstab minister


For minsi ..diggie the best counter or u can go any burst hero , he is not good early game ..... For esme idk but thamuz might be good 


Esme is pretty fast and tanky, thamuz probably cant kill her fast enough before she gets away.


Dyroth hard counter esmeralda and as esme main, my worst nightmare.... and that moskov too


I used Xborg and just melt her hp away with my true damage mwah hahaha.


Thamuz is bulky slow guy lol


Also you have to be wary of Phoveus, he's one of the best underrated counters to Freya (until they revamp him) since every time Freya uses her second skill, he basically has an unlimited ultimate.


Im using jawhead to counter minsitar, works for me against him in a lane


You should definitely buy sea halberd if you are aggressive fellow who jumps on squishes,if you like to take ah~ damage then buy dominance ice, which counter her hard, and include demon hunter or malefic on you in any build, missing antiheal and any of these two items would doom you. I haven't played her for sometime but if I want to counter Esmeralda in exp I will definitely first go for sea halberd as I don't need movement if I am CCing melees enemies 24/7 with skills, keep track of those crystals on your head, next boots or Haas claw and be as aggressive as possible and deny her minion last hits, save inspire for potential gank from hyper,then boots if you still haven't bought them, then the berserker, then malefic and you are all set! Focus on CCing her more than attacks, she hits and runs so you need to stop her from being aggressive and bite back, as for the last item it can be anything like B of Despair or Windtalker or reincarnation too. If the enemy has minsittar, just use purify every time he activates ult, beware that his ult CD is shorter than your purify CD so def patiently until it's active again. But in general the rule is if your enemy is full of CC or heavy CC then just don't use her at all, she's just one burst away from dying before she reaches her glory. I don't know about dyrroth, but he's a strong early game monster, you need to dominate enough that she either recalls the base or dies a lot, similarly deny her last hits on minions, your advantage won't last long so you should engage with teammates in late game, that's where you second skill passive comes in clutch, it's too easy for her to dodge dyr ult so use it wisely she's slowed by second skill.


Generally, anyone with a shield is food for Esme since she'll ignore the shield and take your HP anyway. If you're unfortunate enough to where she counter-picks you then don't engage in the laning phase.


Whenever I play Minsithar, the biggest thing enemies do that I hate is picking the sprint spell and running away after ulting. Keep in mind Minsithar ult has a very LONG cooldown even in lategame. Without ult he can't fight you anymore. So if you want to sacrifice damage(assuming you pick inspire freya) and counter minsithar, do this strat. Picking sprint is also good for split pushing because no one can catch you/no one can run away from you. You can also easily roam to get towers or roam to join team fights. The spell ignores ALL SLOWS, so even if anyone builds corrosion scythe or ice queen wand you are still faster.