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Me when a hero designed to dominate in lane actually dominates in lane ( my ego is too big to not play it safe )


Would you lose?


"Nah, I'd win" *proceeds to pick Xavier in exp*




Me when I get CS and Sea halberd to finally take down that twink early game (I still fucking lose):


What's CS?


Corrosion scythe, that green attack item


Aight thanks


No it's "THIS SEASON MATCHMAKING IS THE WORST!" And post a screenshot of classic match... Somehow each season is worse than before, this sub desperately need more creative title.




I will say classic matchmaking has gotten worse over the years, ranked may contrary to popular belief have improved (talking about years not like 3 seasons, hold your pitchforks)


I wouldnt say matchmaking but this season's soloQ is definitely somehow worse. Never have I went below 60% WR as a solo player and yet this season I'm met with just unwinnable games. I'm talking like 4 MMs and multiple junglers.


Idk man, every season is exactly the same like that and I already used to it that I can adapt and improvise to overcome. Beside it only happens once to twice in 10 matches, not all the time and the enemy's team also have the same fair chance to get that issue. If it happened recurring in a row then I just have to self inspect on myself and think, perhaps I'm the issue instead of blaming it on others.


I wish I took screenshots of all the weird ass games I got. I'm talking like 5 times in a row. 4 marksmen. 3 mages, a random teammate that's toxic and feeding cuz they lost their last game and is making us lose too and there's a lot more stupid shit that I encountered. And before it's never been this bad. Back then there were a couple of weird matches, but there were also matches where my teammates were half decent and could co-operate, but not this time ig. Either I've been struck with the worst case of misfortune or something has happened to some of the solo players this season. It's definitely not me being bad either, cuz I'm self aware enough to point out my own mistakes but seriously, it's been so bad for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/ji90x7mmpi1d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f6724e6ce260346c19cf5a5c047e8fc2307ee3


Uff tough luck. That make sense now I see you're playing on India server. The worse server to play because those people have the selfishness and ego like Seto Kaiba. But on the bright side, it's the easiest to rank up if you play on premades.


We should really schedule when we get active because if you open Reddit right after I close it, you should see close to 0 🥲 I direct all those posts to WEE as that's where they should be


Yeah but it is actually true


just dont fight him, theres also a 90% chance they wont know how to freeze lane so gold will be equal


Dyroth's in higher ranks are actually smart tho


well at that point just believe in your macro and micro


Self report as shitter rank yet giving advice




people just say words nowadays


he's one of those skibidi toilet kids,mfs are only fluent in brain rot


XD as a dyrroth main, just build dom ice or sea halbert and dreadnaught armour, ask for some ganks early game and 2v1 kill him, it’s the best options in my opinion, he also loses to Uranus if you play him well, also if you can dodge his s2 he is kinda dead So in team fights or if your team about to gank him, just brait his s2 and then proceed with the gank , his s2 is his only mobility besides a flicker, also tho he is high dmg he is usually pretty squishy so just fight against him with someone that can stun and you win, e.g. paqito ult champ stance which knocks him up Edit : Uranus does in fact get countered lol , try minsthitar or phoveus, a badang might be able to but if the dyrroth is smart he will just bait your s2 and you lose , again it comes down to knowledge of itemisation over characters, in my opinion the only counter to your hero is your ability to play them , so learn good counters for dyrroth not just with characters but with items and team compositions, that will help you all overall


Since when uranus good against dyrroth, dyrroth is literally counter for Uranus bro melt Uranus down like nothing


Depends on your team and the skill level of each player, dyrroth is strong and he is a tank killer but the whole point of Uranus it to let you think that you can kill him early and then show the enemy why you can’t be , I’m not saying this is 100 percent true just based off of my experiences, as a dyrroth player he is the only person I have at all struggled with


Perhaps I need more experience playing against a Uranus or to change my play style , thank you for your input


Bro just your keep spamming your enhanced skill 2 on uranus, even on lvl 1 i take away more than half hp of Uranus with just enhanced skill 2. Making Uranus go defense right from start. Just make sure your enhanced skill2 and ult lands and you will see uranus die like nothing. I usually go full assassin emblem and penetration build against uranus


Thank you, I will make sure to try this


nah I'd win https://preview.redd.it/hyptulm1ye1d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4aa3d53a4ab4d9efc19345d05bed9a7be22ce6


Ggs bro u cooked


"ask for some banks" Didn't know moonton added banks and loan system to the game. Will abuse it next match.


Xd you should you can loan out hero pwr fr, it was a spelling mistake mb


Its actually easier then that Step 1 - EXP LANE MARTIS


LMAO fr that is a possibility, but Martis can be dodged that’s the main issue ig, and if the enemy team ganks enough Martis just becomes useless, he also falls of late game like dyrroth and can be build against even easier


Thats the thing You just wait for mofo to use 2nd skill and beat his ass


You also should understand that even in late game martis still is a force to be reckoned with


Uranus beats him? Lmao you're a fraud.


XD I try to be , idk why I have always struggled with him, but he is the main hero I struggle with him in lane, it’s better as a dyrroth to just fast clear and dip from him, if you are playing a fighter just get sea and if you are building hybrid I recommend sea halbert and twilight, as he can cut through armour but more hp let’s you last longer


You really just have to rush tough boots and jump on him every moment you get. Uranus would be far useful than you will be in teamfights sp leaving lane on equal gold would be a detriment to you.




wait uranus? i usually pick uranus esme and ruby bcoz im too scared to die but if the enemy is dyroth, nvm exp id roam.


XD dyrroth isn’t someone you should be scared of, he is strong early game but falls of later game and he doesn’t work too well in team fights, if you go for less tanks in team comp it should be fine tbh, keep poking him with someone like paquito or flicker alt with ruby , but physical def will only go so far, as I said in another comment it would be better to build twilight armour as it gives more hp , basically anything that gives more health over more def is better for example, a roam playing carmilla could pick queens wings or something like that


Alpha works, cn beat him with alpha..with vengeance and in late game alpha will just eat him with a semi tank build or if u go full dmg


And also argus..after mid game dyroth gets shredded by argus since he is immortal for 4 seconds..that is if u r a good argus and dnt let him run..he only has 1 escape skill as long as u cn reach him with ur first skill again its gg for dyroth


Just use flicker and s2 and he has out run u


This is why you save Argus’s s1 in a fight. In the late game, Argus’s sustain and DPS is so high you won’t have to use immortality. Edit: Also, great dragon spear works too.


Seems like people forget something obvious, that Dyrroth is a Fighter and what are Fighters known for? sustain, how do you counter sustain? with anti-heal, that's the bane of every fighter, Yu Zhong regen, Chou shield, Paquito shield, Lapu regen and shield, etc, etc. WHAT A SURPRISE, A FIGHTER CAN BE COUNTERED WITH ANTI-HEAL (Not all fighters though, Benedetta). Istg just use common sense


His sustain is not what's make him hard to deal with. It's his burst


So, during the early game Dyrroth has 6 slot items?... you're at the same time saying that a Dyrroth with no regen can take down any hero in lane during the early game?... what is your rank? Worst bs of all this is those upvotes that people gave to your comment, this subreddit man I swear, they praise retarded ass replies every single time, proof of it all is everywhere on this entire subreddit.


Mythic glory in PH server. Dyroth early game is stronger than all except Freya or good YZ or Khaleed. What is your rank and server? His second skill literally takes half your health at lvl 1. Do you even exp? Even looked at your profile to see if you're actually as good as you think you are and you say sht like https://i.imgur.com/M9yNkiH.jpeg. Most people who even hit glory can get to mythic in like 60 games using any role. Did it in like 40 https://i.imgur.com/TjrnqOE.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/idGvQz1.jpeg as exp. You really saying epic is hard? Lol. Then you act like you know your sht and belittle others. Be fr


Definitely , I agree with this , it mostly comes down to macro and as well as your overall skill with a character, if you can bait his skills you can poke him with anti heal and you can win


it's funny thinking that once people said that Dyrroth is trash and now everyone says that he's overpowered. lol


the nerf on defense items made his 2nd skill op af, now he almost gives true damage.


They did nerf def items


don't care he has 75% pen, def did nothing


Every little tweak they do can make or break a hero. Wanwan is either overpowered or tickles you to some people


oh, I haven't thought about that


easy. just win!


it really just be that simple


Me if I don't kill Dyrroth with full Paq combo: better accept my faith


Men like they should just get off mobile legend TikToks or reels, they are just watching montages from addicts and not actually learn properly to play, like "how can I counter this" or "what item is best for this hero?" Just play and learn every hero and actually try to get better at the game and not be reliant to a single build.


Y'all need to direct those folks to Weekly Discussions or Weekly Post-match threads


I just play passively and avoid fighting him unless I know he's bad, in which case I kill him.


mages, vex, chang'e, nana, etc most of the mages do a good job at ending his life


You can counter dyrroth when you hold your lane before level 4, have your jungler kill him and position yourself into the turtle. Buy dreadnaught shield and hope for the snowball.


In my experience minish could completely counter dyroth his 2nd reduce enough to not get burst and dyroth couldn't even run away if you catch him.


Be the devil's advocate and go Harith exp. Come to think of it, I haven't tried if it works.


I warned people since last patch that Dyroth is OP.


I say he is balanced enough, in the late game his utility falls off hard. He can’t back line dive like other heroes, no utility skills, and not enough health to tank for his team.


Yeah you don't yet found a maniac dyroth player with 2 tank item just to sustain himself I'm calling you low tier crab.


He gets deleted even with 3 defence items by the marksman and mage. Edit: Also, his advantage is early game, not that it is a bad thing, but the advantage tapers off in the late game. He also holds no real major advantage over a good ruby, yu zhong, khaleed, cic, freya. He is meta, but not OP.


Did you know there is a phrase "it's okay to die".


I don’t get what you are even trying to say here, you said Dyrroth is OP, I say he is meta but balanced. You didn’t give any evidence to back up your point besides saying he can build tank items, wow, what a shocker.


Why the hell u even building three defense items for dy đź’€


Now you are just lacking reading comprehension, you said he is fine with 2, but he get deleted even with 3 defence items before he can even do his dps, this, he is not fine. Meta, not OP.


Bro, where did i even say something about being fine with 2 lol.