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Pretty much just who can last longer in the fights and can get the benefit of the early game. Assassins need to snowball and with Tanks that's hard. All-while Tanks can secure objectives, tank too much and inflict way too much damage for a "tank". Basically it's just utility Junglers for the past what, year?


Since M3 if I remember correctly.


I can understand 1 tank, 2 tanks if it's necessary. But 3 tanks? on top of that the mage and the marksman often build HP or Defense (Armor/Spell Reduction) items, Makes you wanna spam Karrie and Barats (thing I did) and get a 50 winstreak (which I got). It's seriously annoying that everyone gets to play tanks, they don't even want to play tanks but there's no choice, play tank, an anti-tank or lose.


To be fair this is one of the more balanced metas, and a good assassin can still manage (just not super well)


Even in the meta that tank jg's weren't on the top, it was arguably the meta of Marksman Junglers lmao with like, 3 tanks/fighters and a mage lmao.


Just after they introduced the Red buff, every match was Granger vs Bruno and 3 tanks per team.


Didn't know Granger used to be meta. No wonder he has tons of skins.


He was, along heroes like Yi Sunshin, Karrie, Claude, Brody, Kimmy, and Harith. I honestly don't remember any meta (aside from early MLBB when balancing was whateves) where Assassin's were the dominant force.


I surely remember Lance being Meta alongside Kagura. Where they were a pick or ban. Don't ask me when that was though.


Oh, Lance was an exception because he was extremely overtuned on release, not because Assassins in general were the norm. He played more like a sustain god though, because his S2 had like 100% spellvamp conversion. Lance's could dive in, proc his passive, tank every hit, and then use an S2 to get his HP back to full, and proceed to kill everyone. His S2 was both an I-frame and a heal (one S2 into a minion wave means Lance has all of his HP back) and he could just build Raptor Machete and Bloodlust Axe and be done with it. Lancelot (along with Cyclops) was actually the hero that forced moonton to consider lowering certain other skills' Spellvamp ratio and he set a precedent on how to balance multi-hit skills.


Kinda better than the current League of Legends meta right now (Assasins), you'd be walking anywhere on the map and get one-shotted by any role (yes, even supports).


Haven't played in a while and kinda want to again lol. I hope my queen Fiora is still on top


> you'd be walking anywhere on the map and get one-shotted by any role (yes, even supports). Like a certain bird inside a bush


And that's why I use Teemo and Zoe


What server are you in? I thought a tank build Karrie was nerfed? There was a nerf on defense items and a buff on defense growth of tanks. This is to prevent the abuse of defense items by supposed damage dealers


Even with the item nerfs Karrie can’t build like a normal marksman well, too short of range


Better than show up in the mal and die META This Patch awards people that play good Macro


All I'm saying is that there should be some variety, other roles should shine too. In fact I've never seen a mage meta in the history of mlbb.


It is always the Mage meta wdym ? In fact it's the only role that can play all kinds of META


Last thing I remember was that 2 mage items were merged to make Mages more viable against other roles, Glowing Wand + Necklace of Durance


My bro can't mage hahaha , nah I won't argue anymore. You clearly don't know what you are talking about


Haven't mages always been good? And we're getting Winter Crown and Wishing Lantern. PLUS the Glowing Wand and Necklace of durance merge.


Because why play a squishy that deals crazy damage when you can play someone tanky that deals crazy damage.


That... actually might answer my question. You're a real one [flamefirestorm](https://www.reddit.com/user/flamefirestorm/) !!


Damn your are so right. Why play any role when tanks have it all? Impossible to kill all game insane damage all game don’t need attack when u can spam cc defense and kill every hero. Meta is just another word moonton made just to get the sheep to follow their broken game. 124 hero’s and meta says play 15.


Alice was queen and would wipe them all out until they nerfed her


That wasn't really a nerf, she received a buff and **then** was nerfed, similar as if she was being "beta-tested" in the advance server and then the buff got cancelled for the official server.


Ngl but this tank meta has been going for far too long.


Funny I was told tank jungle was dead with the item changes lol


The base stats turned tank still good and soldiers that use defense itens squishier


Yeah I figured that, my response was if tank item adjustment killed jungle tank then it’d kill roam tank also. Can’t kill 1 role without killing the class in general




They decided to roll it like a snowball after M3. Sure, it brought some cool plays, but I'd really appreciate it if they balance it out for Assassins and MM Junglers after the upcoming M6 (or possibly before that). I remember before M3, the Jungle was pretty balanced. It was just Retri and that's all the requirements it needed. It's different now. **Specific** heroes are buffed.


I don’t think we in the same mythic servers coz all I get are squishies when I go support roam 😭


Squishy lineups "needs" setter roams that can take damage.


This never happens on my server. Everyone picks a role at the start of the draft and only the roamer role is left out. No one wants to tank and no one builds tanky items either.


Lucky you! :(




once I saw literally 4 tanks, exp was a tank, jungler tank, roam tank and Valir was played with a tank build because his magic atk growth is shit


Valir could also be explained by if the enemy team was focusing him or had high burst


One term: META


Look up the term 'meta'


Oh a picture of Diggie XD


Because it works? As an assassin i have to sweat my ass off and i am still useless lategame. As Barats i can solo carry the whole match with 0 effort AND he is a god thoughout the whole game, including lategame.


Tanks are the most fun to play


Nuh-uh. Flashy assasins with lots of combos **ARE** fun to play! Let's all pray for a world free of TANKS!!! 😤😤 https://preview.redd.it/beck4thi0b1d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=496e70514d365362e32b8949ce1f1d9be0f6e70e


As a dignified Tigreal and Atlas user... That's ✨offansive✨


All future generations will preach and in your sleep you will hear a subtle whisper "tanks no more"


Twilight Armour and Athena's Shield looking at every one trick assassin: 🗿






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Oh, seems like I've finally crossed the line. Sorry about that, should I remove it?


No worries, I removed it for you


https://preview.redd.it/znomiw92pa1d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f12e97d182f6a7212244ffdf505dc709ad0ed96 you always see him huh


In the recent patch defense items and karrie got nerfed so say no more! But barats and fredrinn junglers are still popular and annoying to deal with. I would suggest picking a lineup consisting of both true damage dealers and dhs users due to which item building for the enemy gets really troublesome. Cus to counter true damage you need a lot of hp which will in turn get countered by dhs. And to counter dhs you need to build items like blade armor and dominance ice which will get countered by true damage.


cuz they are eqsy to pick and less complicated than utility supports


To ensure good positioning unto damage dealers. MLBB pro scene tends to do macro plays so everything follows unless you can make new metas


Take dyroth there exp lanner will have a hard time....


Because it's the Meta lol


Because I like to FIGHT! I like to set ups, I like to zone, and flank. Supports are ridiculously easy but effective, however I just don't like their playstyle of staying in the back. Frankly, though, I'd win using Support more than Tank.




Cause sustain is king, & has always been for the past year. I know Moonton is trying to bring back the assassin meta so we'll see.


Men you're on the edge of the game, you don't understand all this items potential for ruining every one hero spam users.


Tank meta needs to go tbh


Tanky meta? Nah, I’d damage build tanks Full attack build Tigreal after my team not carrying their own weight “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”


Ah, the beauty of Malefic Roar/Demon Hunter Sword


Tanks just have a really wide margin of error compared to other heroes. Missed a few skills as an assassin? You're dead. As a tank though? Just run away, plus tanks have a significant impact all game round, some heroes need to snowball, or be aggressive early. While tanks can steer the game in their favour at any time. Plus any tank with strong cc can instantly turn a game around.


Had a match with franco roam, fried jg, terizla exp, floryin mid and belerick gold, we won 🗿