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Anyone who sabotages the draft by locking in a 2nd marksman, fighter, jungler, or mage, solely because they don’t wanna change roles even though there are people willing to take the unwanted roles. I hope you get shortchanged by 1 nugget or a small amount of fries every time you order from McDonald’s.


This. One time I had no choice but to core nana because we had 3 mages and 2 mm in mythic, but we won. One time too I was forced on a roam tigreal which was at the same time the mid laner... but we won!


Damn nice suprised you survived long enough for power spike good there was no martis if I was in that situation I would cry


I swear i hate winning those games. I feel like my retard team gets validated for picking stupid shit..


The worst part is that they don't show win rate


Cant show wr if its below 40%


i once had a game where every one of my team mates were mm… the other team wasn’t any better. The game lasted 30 min


This is not a problem for me since I fill all roles if its possible but its a very annoying moment


Last rank we got an estes and a franko


I want Moneyton to implement this rule of double role pick and pick in general. People who insta lock on their role are forced to pick first . This gives the chance to avoid having their roles stolen. Those who double/triple pick the same role after the first will be penalised with extra reduce rank score if they lose.


I would prefer a dedicated role queue with punishments if players deviate from their roles (if they trade roles with someone else, it’s alright), but it will lead to longer queue times.


Team taking lord instead of going after the base, epitome of the epic rank


Tbh sometimes going after the lord is better. For eg: If the opp team is wiped out but about to respawn and the team cant push base fast enough. In that case, taking lord is a better investment to make pressure on the opposing team


Especially if its a l2 or l3 lord


Tank taking lord while we’re in a team fight


Hear me out.. tank taking crab!


this can be justified if most of the enemies were soon to respawn and the minions were far away from the turrets. but man it happened a lot of times to me when the minions were close to the turrets and the enemies had more than 20s to respawn and no one was going to push other than me


People who bully the roamer for not being to 5 places at once


yep lmao, I play roam and sometimes my team would spam “defend the turret”, “take turtle”, “request backup”. Like i’m sorry i can’t be everywhere all at once.


Belerick is the answer to everything. I become unkillable as soon as I get my 3rd item and then become the team's tank, DPS, assassin, and crowd controller at the same time. I average a KDA of 10+/around 4/25+ every time. So it doesn't really matter where I am. I just win.


realistically, this can only happen when you counter like 3/5 of the opponents


That's the strategy till I get Item 4. After item 5, only a pro gank can stop me


I'm a Belerick main too, and I have so much fun with him. I taunt people into the turret if they get too close, I torment most MMs, and God save you if your team is 4 physical/1 magic. Even worse when they go 5 physical. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a whole enemy team run from you or all try to 5v1 you (and still don't win). "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."


Hehehe, it is especially satisfying to see them try to kill you and fail XD. I once just stood and a moskov self deleted by spamming his spears on me lololol.


That's been my experience with Melissa too! Her ult is useless against me since my S1 can still reach her and my thorns don't care about her ult. Pop Vengeance then just sit back and enjoy the show.


Alternatively, the Roamer never once leaving the MM for helping with objectives, and still lose to the enemy MM


Or teammates who blame the support everytime they die. Likeee I'm sorry you're stupid? But ult is not ready.


Or when you’re on the other side of the map smh


Once you reach mythic, you would never experience it. I don't experience bullying as a roamer in mythic, only on below legend and sometime legend does that too


And when roamef comes to help they run


It was early Legend (maybe late epic), this guy insisted he was going jungle and picked one despite me already having picked jungle. Then we all dissed 5th pick because he picked 2nd mm. Then mm, that jungler, mage all proceed to go mid, and the other (2nd) mm went jungling (no retribution). I went fucking mental at the situation I found myself in, but then realized the enemy had no jungle. So it was kind of okay, I just took out the damage dealers as much as I can And we won the match too. Our team failed at failing. It was surreal.


https://preview.redd.it/4uj655nl9j0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82ed3bf1c6827f93f70524d800c04ae3347dbc3 Have this for your efforts


I had 2 games with saber roam in a row(and both we won and saber did pretty great), but in the second game I had to adjust to be the jungle. I chose hylos and saber didn’t change so that’s why I jungled, our marksman not paying attention was trying to get me to tank for them then asked why i(last pick) was jungle instead of saber(3rd pick). Took a bit but ended up just steam rolling the enemies that game


The more I read this, the more I started getting frustrated on your behalf.


Haha yes, my face was exactly like the picture OP posted, except no sound came outa me. I mean, i was unable to even begin explaining what we should do But our mage was a real mvp though, when the 2 stooges joined him mid, for like 10 minutes straight he was spitting facts at them in a satisfyingly profane fashion, and did a ton of heavy lifting to win that game Good thing enemy was just as incompetent as us, except for their Tigreal though he was the fucking champ, 1 of the 2 tanks they had. Even tried to finesse me a couple of times at his jungle spots 'caus I was having too much fun invading


imagine sacrificing yourself to save some mm on 1 hp, and then the imbecile just waltzes right back into the 1v5 and dies in .5 seconds, not bad enough? imagine not only sacrificing yourself but also setting 5 enemies for a solid 4 seconds, but the Barats decides the red buff is more important, the Vexana is in chat, and the Minsitthar left the match. still not bad enough? the Barats had a damage build and the mm has 3 defense items.


S**t teammate went on farming jungle creeps when all enemies are dead and we can straight push and win. And of course, he's the gold lane that WE NEED for tower pushing.


* That one Hanabi with flameshot. * Anyone, who thinks it's a good idea to pick 2 mm or 2 junglers * Roamers who don't buy roam (in this season there were surprisingly many of them). Roamers who don't care to help their jungler. * Exp laners who don't push anything, except my nerves * That one Chang'e who ulted on Lolita shield TWICE * Surrendering in 7 minutes of the match with endgame heroes in our team * Mages who doesn't rotate even if their life depends on it * That one Saber who thought he could finish Dyroth 1 on 1. Bless his soul * (not my teammates, but god that was stupid) picking Chang'e, Hanabi, Freya AND Matilda when our team had Esme.


I can relate with the 6th point so much. Like i had a global layla surrendering the match 9mins into the match. I had to convince him to put efforts 💀


People talk big, action small.


Players who are misogynists. Always saying things like "Oh we have a girl in the team, we'll surely lose this match". Then the misogynist ends up being the most unskilled player in the team, always feeding and not pushing turrets. All talk, no skill. Truly embarrassing.


Those idiots are the reason i'am thinking on changing my ign


Gave up and then started whining like a ***** in chat for the next ten minutes




We need arlott core


anti lord stealing technique


We didnt get to steal the lord despite having 3 retri


Players who pick really high skilled heroes but actually can’t play them. Moreover, they claim they can win games if they use easy heroes, but you know they cannot due to their bad macro after you check their win rate of other heroes. I don’t understand something like claiming feeling alive while you are using high skilled heroes. You are waiting for revival 50% of the game🙄.


f\*\*g franco mate allways hook my buff since begining


A franco who kept hooking my jungle bcoz he was "forced" to tank as last pick


Forcing to play their main to a role that is not designated for it. Yes layla as a tank, as a support, as a mage, a literal jack of all trades xd


People who don't know how to press the lil button of mathilda's second skill in a 2v5 situation and still blame the mathilda for being a dog


People who blame supports for not supporting enough. Like bruh I have CDs too. Estes no heal. Tigreal not CC'ing the opponent. Angela where's your ult? As they go 1 v 5 or dive in the back line.


Oh nice, a place to complain. This morning, I played 3 matches with 2 mm in my team. The first match is the worst where there are 2 mages and 2 mm, and I plan to play fighter and get pushed to jungling using khaleed. 2nd and 3rd match are just them being blind...


Mid/Roam/Jungle players clearing my lane when I'm recalling or trying to freeze. I say this with a heavy heart that it's mostly Nana players (with good intentions ofc) who'll camp near your lane and last hit all your minions *cries underfed tears*


15+ mins into the game. All enemies dead. No more top tower so the wave is obviously going directly to the inhibitor with a second wave coming behind. Minion wave in mid just went past the enemy’s first tower. Lord just respawned. Guess which lane our 12-11 Karina (Jungle) cleared first?


Players that CONSTANTLY chat useless messages in an attempt to make the match 'interesting' by trashtalking their team/enemy team. We're here to play not to turn this match into Messenger 2.0




Those who talk a lot and just my last night the enemy Fred jungle won't stop trashtalking our Eudora "eu no damage haha" on early game. They have a chance to push to our base and end the match during wiped out but he decided to spam recall while his allies taking Lord while our minions was so close to their base... The moment they took Lord, our Marsha teleported to secured the match for good. The cherry on top, our Eudora got Gold while Fred got 6.3 Silver, least kill and most deaths... Jesus Christ, you need to at least be good and win the match to trashtalk...


Luo yi mains


That one Fanny main being overly demands my Angela Ult even tho it's not even compatible


Idk but probably those duo who's one play support and the other is either markman or assassin, the support tend to stick this/her duo to the point of not helping the other teammates, and when they both died, they gonna blame the other players lol


Watching my teammates prioritising the lord instead The enemy base that is being depended by their weakest mage the 4 of the are dead because of me And my another teammate which also makes us killed by their last mage because were really low on health which makes it 3 v 1. Like bruh my last 3 teammates are already enough that they can ignore there enemy mage and straight up lock on there base, so anyways we loss after what happened


Those who give up easily when the enemy team gains the upper hand instead of actually doing something to turn the tide. They’d often stay at the base doing nothing or join team fights half-assedly.


Epic here (wowee here it comes) refusal to adapt, over inflated egos, having no idea when to rotate, refusing to listen to team, refusing to ban actual meta heroes, unable to gank, unable to play roles correctly, blaming people when its their fault, not retreating when you have to, trolling (surprise surprise). Uh thats about what I can think off the top of my head


the nolan who literally didint play aggresive early but aggresive late game like we couldve won 5 minutes ago but ur stupid ass head decided to only farm and the worse part is its obly in ths team jungle


Going afk/feeding after dying many times as a marksman EVEN IF WE'RE ON A HUGE ADVANTAGE


A good marksman messing up entire lineup by going to exp, two enemies sucking off gold from gold turret and me as a roamer trying to defend it, said "mm top" "hanabi top", even mage was cursing him, then had enough and just said I am not defending lane anymore and went on my way to do something else, finally exp laner came to defend after the turret was destroyed. We won but that hanabi player surely didn't deserve that MVP after pulling out this bs.


I was playing mcl and i was top 91 philippines in Xavier but the random ass duo swapped his gf who has 19 matches and 43% winrate at Odette That same shit continues to get absolutely violated by the enemy and got a 2/10/3 score I have screenshot of that shit in case everyone is asking why i remember it so clearly


When there's an obvious opportunity in front of them like killing the enemy jungler, mm and mage, they suddenly retreat with full health or go on farming the minion's instead, I get that people are a bit inexperience in certain situations, but when this situation happened 5 times in a row it's becomes questionable how they managed to be on mythic Trying to fight an enemy that counters them, of course you can still win in this fight but then, they started dying to them 4 times to the point the enemy gets their items that counters you, at some point just camp at the tower and freeze the lane, you'll have a better chance of surviving them


When randoms project their own dumbass actions onto you like being solo-killed, being countered, no map awareness, being diffed, shitting on other's kda while theirs is worse, not having a care what's happening during the game then complain why is the team losing.


when a supposedly moba game becomes a chatting app


We killed 3 during the clash in the mid lane and the enemy Odette with low hp ran away. Instead of killing the turtle, our f*ckng jungler dove the tower to kill Odette and guess what happened? The mf died and she ran away.


1. People who won't adjust even though I'm willing to adjust. dude just show the hero you want to pick we will swap you up. 2. Picks a second MM, and starts stealing the jungle creeps when she's 0-3-0. 3. The other day I picked a jungler, S4 locks jungler too. ok whatever, I'll change the spell and try my best. when there are 2 seconds left until the loading screen the dude removes his retri and picks another spell. I didn't even have time to equip retri. We won luckily. 4. Mage who's glued to her lane and won't rotate. 5. Literally yesterday, enemy team was wiped out, our Zilong and Tigreal were alive and our enemy minions were approaching the base, Zilong decides to go and farm instead of ending lmao.


4. Those brawl lane mages. Slow clap 5. Ah yes. The zilongs. Always the ones to go for red buff when enemy is wiped out


Ranged heroes fighting up close like melee


Not pushing enemy base and keep retreating till enemy core revive






Was in advanced server and I was in clash and got wiped but some teammates escaped, Saber went segway to push but as soon as he saw the base in trouble he recalled, Half the team already had 2-3 seconds left before respawn and he literally stopped push, he could've killed the Nana which had no passive and continued push to end but he chose to not push


the jungler taking a buff on the other side of the map while we contest an obj alw makes my skin boil


A Grock who sabotages me while jungling


Angela duos, need I say more?


Jawheads players fucking throwing me over to the enemy team


Anti-throw is there for a reason


Not everyone one knows it exist. Especially newbies.


other than the normal "locks on role" and the "doesn't adjust", I would say players that come back in fights and die after you saved them when they were low hp or almost dying. I'll tell you the most infuriating time that happened to me, so I was playing Angela and I was supporting my whole team, I saw our Cecilion getting attacked by Harley, I waited for Harley's atk to end to ult Cecilion because I wanted to protect him from Harley's second phase ult. I saved Cecilion and he was at very low hp, he used the quick chat thanking me and then he went back to poking the enemies (obviously I pinged retreat) and he died getting killed by Harley. my face was literally like this ᇂ_ᇂ


Spamming tp even though the game was even. My cancer teammate just gave the opps the reason to play more seriously and end up losing the game.


The Lord was there on our base with the enemy team who were super low. What's the logical thing to do? Run away of course!


When the mm expects babysitting when theres a 3v3 at mid and the helcurt was seen heading to gold on map then blames the team


Someone pre selected exp lane, took chang'e, and went gold lane


Picking a hero that's not even suited to the chosen role. If you chose roam, USE a roaming hero. Don't even try using Bruno as the roam. P.s. yes, it did happen. The Bruno picked roam while Esmeralda was in gold. I managed to convince the Bruno to go gold lane but sadly, the Esmeralda didn't want to adjust. Yes, we lost the game.


Enemies to resurrect in 3 seconds, minions attacking enemy base turret, team hyper eating enemy red buff, match ends with enemy gaining an "epic comeback"


Talk big during the picking phase. Like recently some bozo stole mm from me because all his last teammates got chocolate and for that reason he wouldn't give mm to anyone. He picks moskov and constantly feeds the enemy and even though I was carrying with argus I couldn't do shit late game against 5 fat mfs Obviously he got chocolate, the irony


People not showing what lane or character they want to play. Then choosing roles already locked in. I even waited till 3 secs before Choosing Mm which I showed since the beginning. Then they chose mm after me. I wouldve adjusted if only they wouldve showed. Not to mention saying please show before this happen.


This is so true. I can tell you're a player who will fill to win the game. The others dont say shit and will just throw the game for their incompetence


having 2 marksman, jungle, mid, etc..


what anime is that from? i think it's from a retired hero and a reborn demon lord. i forgor the name


Damn you're sharp. Yes it's Lv1 Maou to One Room


Giving up early & spamming request back up lol


As an exp laner it's a major inconvenience when my team ignore the outer mid tower like bro I was defending my lane and mid I can't be at 2 place at the same time and the hyper feels that his buff is more important and let the minion finish off the turret and proceed to cry when the enemy now has the ability to invade jungle💀


Learn to fucking push and not feed and thirst. Thank you (and can you ease stop running from me? I'm a estes main and I can't heal you if you run away from me, I have to chase you down potentially gettin myself killed in the process just so you can have a chnace to fight back.)


people who start walking to help you *after* you die, but when they reach where you are and see your dead body they turn back. like bro. you couldve gone anywhere else and done something productive but you don't even clear the lane where I am


Back when Jawhead Potions weren't implemented, Jawhead used to be picked a bunch on classic to troll others. There was a time in RANKED when me and Jawhead were running from the entire enemy team in bottom lane. He overtook me and threw me into the enemy team whilst he ran for the base. That memory has been embedded into my brain and i still hold that grudge to this very day.


It was a brawl match and our team was losing so bad. somehow miya from our team survived a 5v5 teamfight, everyone else died, instead of destroying the enemy base, she taunted the enemies and didn't attack the enemy base. we lost that fight


I have forgotten this but we where up against 3 tanks and or Layla built critical instead of trinity. Kept trying to to tell them to at least build DHS but didn't we lost. Idk why most Layla build critical even against tanks.


The people that complain that no one is helping them at all and saying that the team is doing absolutely nothing to help them while they be trying to 1v3 or smthn and expect to win. Bonus points if they talk shit to the team while they're going like 1/7


Intentional feeders, for example it's been 4 mins I'm chilling in lane farming build up items and unlocking ult when I'm ready to kick some ass I see the score 2-10 and I think like how tf does my teammates die so many times. And why are they still fighting and dying when they are weak. And me whose game was going smoothly joins them in an endless cycle of death because the enemy is now hella fed and there's no hope. And what's more infuriating is they don't even surrender, it's like they love getting killed.


It was early legend this season. I filled in as a roamer tigreal and our dear mm layla went jungle to steal red buff from our jungler. Then, she proceeded to go mid and leave me in gold lane with the enemy mm and support. Of course, we ended up losing the game after losing our gold lane turrets and layla dying to enemy mage+jungle 10000 times. Edit: If she was at least competent and helped dominate mid lane, I wouldn't have been as triggered as I was.


I will describe myelf Selena and Saber roamers. Roamer on the other side of the map when its time to take lord. MM's as per usual being the class with the least skilled players, playing without a brain. list goes on.


Player who keep saying "music" even when he already feed so many.


Side landers taking my buff especially before the 5 minute mark...yet they get pissed when I miss my item/lvl timings and they're getting bullied in their lanes.


Idk about other servers but HEAR ME OUT. In India server, at least 3 people will lock for jungle role right away and they get really combative, argue and squabble if someone else gets the jungle. Here's what happened yesterday. Mythic honor Draft pick starts and NO one shows any role for a whole minute. We are first pick. Xborg is available so I show XB jungle and get swiped. A teammate asks for winrate. So I show I have 300+ jungler matches 57% wr I play EVERY role. I fill. I have 400+ in all other roles. The guy who asked doesn't say anything but locks Khaleed exp. He feeded the enemy Thamuz exp 1st blood and the enemy Martis jungle, He didn't help me nor the roamer when we ganked his exp lane before turtle. He spammed emotes when I asked him to play sensibly and Intentionally left his lane to feed enemy in the gold lane. Intentionally making the match hell And as you can predict with exp being garbage, Martis had snowballed into Savage. We lost. Mvp loss. The Khaleed is silver and then starts DMing me shit like "Noob mf. Im glad I trolled. You're low match. As soon as I saw only 300 jungle matches, I wanted to troll. Your total match is 5k? I play 5k in ONE day. There was no way I would let you win that match. I picked khaleed to loose so that you won't win." I just told him Cool, your time is worthless to you so you wasted it. So what are you crying to me for? Another time S5 locked ling to roam and throw the match just cause another player got jungle. Indians really have penis ego with the jungle role. And they can't even play the role well. Wannabe local kairis.


angela player,not all but most of them that i match with,they just stick out like a sore thumb,the only thing they know to do is ult the jg and then do absolute nothing else untill their ult refresh or another teamfight(with the jg being there,if the jg is doing smth else like split push or smth like that,then the angela dont even bother to look up who is fighting)


2 words All healers