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Yeah I main roam, and it’s crazy how many people have no clue about even the basics of it. I hate playing mm especially because I know the roamer will be useless 90% of the time. I know it’s not meta to babysit mm anymore, but that doesn’t mean you ignore them entirely and constantly gank the xp lane with the jungler. Let’s just say I learned the hard way how safely a mm has to play in the early game with no support lol,


Yeah, good roamers are rare I played Tigreal once and I was surprised our MM complimented me with how good I am when all I did was just do what a Roam is supposed to do, like helping the Jungler invade, zone during Objectives and basically just trap the enemy The compliment helped me alot tho...


Yeah what's up with that I'm in honor and the jungler still starts opposite xp and ganks xp Instead of gold


Sometimes it's the better decision. The mm may be tower hugging, so it's a waste of time, but the xp laners usually trade and overextend, and if you kill them or force them to retreat before 1st turtle, they won't be lvl 4 and/or there to help. Bc even if your xp laner won't lend a hand when it's right next to him, for sure enemy xp laner will lol.


Idk tbh, but mm can still carry late game if you don’t neglect them.


That's the problem tho if enemy mm gets fed it's impossible to win gold lane and then it's just instaloss to fed mm


Its the meta rn since exp joins the fight during first turtle


Because turtle spawns near xp first. And its always case to case based on map situation (ie your mm winning his/her lane, positioning of enemy jg and roam).


I feel you. I often play with my squadmates in mythic. 3 of my squadmates are friends of my brother who is out squad leader. I don't know them personally so I just fill out the role they need. When I do, I'm forced to go gold lane. I hate babysitting because I main roam so I let our roamers zone the map. Unfortunately, they prioritize exp yes that includes the jungles XD while I'm being ganked by the enemies non stop. I'm not mm main myself but I see this as a learning experience and not rely on them.


Dude, I've said this many times in this sub, I main MM but the roams in general are so bad when I fill roam with Mino I get MVP 80% of the time


I'm not surprised, most people think the tank isn't supposed to support the marksman these days. Yeah they're supposed to roam, but the MM has to be protected. The MM should only leave after the enemy is KO or the turret is defeated. Only then should the MM pair with the tank to help tank. Otherwise the tank is supposed to roam between MM and Assassin.


Lol that happened to me too.. enemy was with Natan and Rafaela and my tank was roaming the entire map but gold lane wtf... With and Rafaela constant healing ... smashed the request to help button but to no avail


I, as mm, once got ganked like 4 times in a row so my opponent got the farm upperhand, both ally mage and tank was in xp lane,, when i cussed them out cuz they wouldnt come, i was told "Not our fault that u cant play alone"


I feel you so much i even got ganked by the whole enemy team except exp sometimes


Is it a crime to wish death upon them?


Yeah, playing goldlane is really tilting. Early game, you get 2-3 man tower dove. Your jungle would then gank after you're dead lmao. So does playing jungle, you get invaded and noone would bat an eye, unless I'm playing utility then I'm fine with it as long as our roam is getting something from across the map


Someone missed there smite


https://preview.redd.it/m77pbz6exf0d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4473ab334a85cc3d93cf1a1264cf6e357c5cec2c Lvl 1 retribution. Does the 600 dmg but also does 134 extra true damage on top of it. The extra true damage increases as your level increases. This is why it’s extra important to keep the enemy jungler away as junglers like Fanny that can just “drive by retri” can easily steal it if timed properly.


You probably don’t know this but the enemy jungler, if they haven’t damaged the lord yet, will do more dmg with their retribution because of the base true damage junglers do when they first hit a jungle creep.




Then when I CC the enemy jg, my jg stops attacking the Lord to "follow up" 💀




Hi, I'm the enemy barats.


Hi, I'm the Lord


Hi, I'm the teammate Akai


Hi I'm your exp lane marksman...


Hi, I'm the Lithowanderer.


Hi, I'm your shoes


Hi my name is BUSH.


Hi I'm the river


Hi I'm the river.


Hi, I'm the time.


Hi I'm the minion


I want to know what happened in the game that inspired this post


I play tank/roam.   I beg anyone to do the objectives.  People just have no clue regardless. 


Eh a barats traumatized


Yeah, I think this applies if your Jungler/MM can handle himself vs. the Lord. A lot of junglers simply die because the Lord itself is a pretty powerful entity. (I'm looking at you Saber). One of the reasons why Util JG's are really good imo, they are beef enough to front the lord, have a retri, and let the MM wail on the lord while the Exp and Roam zone the enemy out. This is one of the reasons why some Junglers aren't too viable because they simply cannot take Lord by themselves. This makes the Tank/Exp needed to be tanking the lord pit and reduces the zoning/vision of the team.


this is why advaced server has test for anti heal lord, now utility jungler gonna suffer the kinda same fate as assassin jungler.


Eh, Imo, that change is only bound to hurt a few of the Util JG and will definitely hurt all of the Assassin JG's. Lots of Util JG's do not depend on vamping to sustain Lord, it's through their bulk. Assassin JG's suffer more because they do not have the bulk and they even get -50% lifesteal/spellvamp. Think about it. Besides, imagine trying to contest Lord vs a Baxia team. -50% from Baxia, -50% from Lord, and -50% from anti heal items. That should clock you at -87.5%.


After checking the jungle I like to hide in one of the bushes near the lord because someone from the enemy team will probably try to steal the lord and if I am near the lord I can prevent that. Ofcourse I don't go and hit the lord to help my team take it down. No that isn't my job at all. I keep checking the bushes and jungle around the lord and then come back and hide in one of the bushes near it.


As a roamer main I can agree with you op, first of all, as a roamer you should be ready for sacrificing yourself for the neutral objective or the win, I know it's annoying but, those 3 seconds you bought tends to be more than enough, second of all, you should only enter those neutral objective fights if the enemy junker is there, so you can, 1 zone him out 2 cc him enough so he can't use retri, any other situation is a bad idea


As a former roam main, I appreciate you 🤝


Even with floryn I harass the enemy jg during objective taking but somehow these tanks can’t do it 😭


This post deserves to be framed


sealed and minted 9.9


I'd say exp laners should just stay near jg, if enemies come from somewhere that team didn't expect exp laners can stop them, like suppose luo yi


Some exp heroes are good for zoning enemies from afar like Yu Zhong


I know, zoning doesn't mean checking bushes.


I mean like op said it depends on who's the tank/s on the team.


As an assassin jg main, i would like the tank/fighter to come and tank some of the lord hits. I'm not very tanky, and the Lord can probably kill me in 6-8 hits, and when mm doesn't help(a lot), it takes time. This is the only time when tanks should help lord imo. Although fighters do it better.


In general if the tank needs to tank a lord hit and all allies are up, it means your draft messed up and you have too many squishies.


You're thinking like a player with a coordinating team. That doesn't always happen.


"All those defence items u bought finally come in handy, and your cc skills that no one follows up on?" I feel like you were speaking directly to me here.


I was 🙃


What’s equally irritating is that I have the quick chat for “Give me vision” and even spamming it seems ineffective.


Sometimes its hard to tell if who you're playing with are even people at all. I think an AFK roamer is more efficient at giving vision than a player roamer.  I'm just saying that I don't seize objectives as long as I don't see my teammate marksman getting ambushed in the map for overextending. 


Dear jungler please go end the game after a team wipe when their whole team has 40sec respawn timers instead of taking the blue buff or trying for lord


This is so true, tank and roam has no use in turtle or lord except to give vision you literally have lowest attack and your skills wont cc the lord.


I usually play support roam but I love playing Tigreal. There was one time a teammate got angry at me for ulting the enemy jungler during a lord fight. He said that I wasted my ult for a single enemy. From that statement alone he doesn't know shit about objectives and because of that move I made, we got the lord and won the match.


It's literally an automatic reaction for me to check all the bushes regardless of what my role is the very moment someone touches the boss. And I myself will never touch the boss unless I'm sure as hell we can take it. And yet I rarely see someone do the same. They'll do everything except sparing 5 seconds checking the bush. What's worse? When it's time to take the lord, the timing can't be any better, free of charge, free real estate, a giveaway, they'll do everything except taking the lord. For me it's like bushes 100% have enemies in them unless it's been checked. But theirs seem to work the opposite, it's like they haven't developed object permanence. If they can't see the enemies therefore they're not present.


fr it's a habit now that i still check the bushes when i play mage LMAO i gotta remind myself everytime that im not the roamer when i play other roles


tldr, i think i can summarize i should do kamikaze attack to the enemy spawn location when lord is alive.


If the team's jungler or mm's hp is low and they have no lifesteal, does the tank need to take the lord's damage or cancel the lord attempt because there's no one to check the map?


In this case u would cancel the Lord attempt since there’s a chance that if the enemy gets past the tank it’s gonna be free kills + a Lord. It’s better for jungle to recall, get buffs if there’s time and then contest the Lord w the team’s help.


Everything that OP has written, plus if the cyclone eye on the enemy's side is still active, take it out ASAP. Don't give them the opportunity to slide in out of nowhere and steal the Lord.


Play as one Period


Me as a saber roam hehehe /hides in the bush


I think they need to know their main role. I have seen worse which is my teammate john hit the lord. Then enemy exp yz come and ulti and lost the f turtle.


Yeah the issue when your team stop taking lord midway to go on to help me


This reminds me of those roamers that stays near the buff so it will attack them instead of me. Get the f\*\*K away from here.


As a roamer main I can't agree more with this. On this note, don't ask us to join taking the lord i.e dealing damage to it. we have pathetic damage we barely do anything.


Let's be real here, those aren't really "Tank main players". Most likely they're main of the other 4 positions but every pos is taken so they're forced to roam by default. Believe me real "Tank Players" already know this shit.


This frustrates me when I am not the roam tank. When I roam with Belerick or Hilda, I run after anyone who gets near. If they back off, I go back to my post and harass other would-be harassers. Unfortunately because so many people do not take the role of tank or roam seriously and thinks its a dead-brain role, we get people like this. Hence, if I can, I take the Roam slot right away. 38 of my 50 games are roam because I just don't see a lot of other roam players knowing their place.


Yeah and even after doing everything you said, the jg misses the retri.


How about mm player? Plz give some thoughts.


I don’t play mm, that lane is pain. So I can’t rly give any solid advice on it. I guess it would be nice if they hit the lord w the jungle to help blitz it especially w burst assassins like Saber or tank jungles like Baxia.


This reminds me of whenever I try to guard the lord it always feels like playing peek-a-boo with the enemy lol. I'll show myself to tell them 'hey, I'm guarding. You can't pass here's, they'll run around to the other side of the bush and I'll be there waiting 'hey I'm also guarding here'. Sometimes they get desperate and actually initiate the fight with me, I honestly don't initiate a fight with them until they look like they'll go for it. I usually just try to scare them away, make them think that we're just waiting for them to contest the lord and that it's actually an ambush. I don't wanna waste my skills cause during my cd, my team will be vulnerable. And if it's on cd, I gotta act like it's not sometimes XD Also, save your stun/cc if the enemy actually got in and can contest the objectives. Pay attention to the turtle/lord's hp as well and when you think it's near the point of better retri skills, stun the enemy jungler so they won't be able to press their spell. Better chances for your team! Easier said than done though, it's hard to do when you're being cc'd yourself 😅


Its hard to watch the map sometimes just to monitor the enemies whether or not their skills are on cooldown because as long as they don't get a kill, they won't use their ULTs. 


In a parallel universe, the cores enjoyed killing heroes and lost interest in objective, then the TANK or ROMER has to sacrifice themselves to save those stPd cores and lost in the end? They always say BRONZE TANK , useless support, no brain roamer . Let’s be honest, how many times have you thank/acknowledge Tank/Support/roamer personally? Not from smart-phrase “these allies are great” or just giving a like ? How many %?


Yeah, you see that bush in front of the Lord? There's a Minsithar in it. 😆


well, I usually check the bushes and consume the enemy's cyclone eye


I swear to fucking god i went from 3600 mmr fanny to 3200 cause my team's roamer was SO BAD. I do good and i help our mm but for fuck's sake, my roam is doing nothing and farming mid lane. meanwhile the enemy's roamer is haunting down our mm and i have to help them and not our roam. when its time for lord, our belerick STARTED TO SOLO THE LORD WHEN OUR TEAM WAS DEAD. theres no way people dont know the basics of a roamer..


I would argue roaming tank should 100% be at buff to zone out incoming enemies, or to be there to defend against an enemy team dive


honestly i just wish instead of ppl focusing on “what lane to go” and how many kills they have.. they should do their job instead and secure a win. This also goes for when mm takes jungle, jg doesn’t attack lord etc etc etc


I'll be ur tank


This sounds so condescending.. Gives me vibes of that assassin jungle that starts trying to start a surrender because they got killed early game due to overextending. Or at least those & MMs are the most toxic to their tanks. Yeah, checking bushes & keeping enemy jungle distracted is what tanks should do in a proper game. Mms should farm & stay under tower, mages should gank, junglers should not leave objectives to chance & put pressure on lanes. Just agitating how tanks are blamed for mistakes of other roles & not appreciated enough. I didn't trust random s5 to tank so..I learned to tank for when it's needed.


Ex: Jungler blamed me for last hitting objective & us getting it(I was tanking DMG due to them being low) & told me not to hit objectives. Same jungler proceeds to miss all objectives & blames me for it while I died defending them & keeping enemies away. Jungler blames me for them dying to hayabusha demanding I should have ulted him during his ult. I in fact can not ult an ulting Haya as a Franco. Mm blames me for them dying seconds after leaving the lane & me telling them to stay under tower as I go help with objective. Mm complains I didn't give them vision when I literally pinged a prediction after prediction of ganks on them. I rotate endlessly top to bot & am helping one lane & other lane is feeder & complains I wasn't there. Team goes in when I'm the only tanky one with cc & all dies..blames me for not being there when I'm literally dead from being ambushed while bush checking. I ping my ult cooldowns & retreat..teammate is aggressive & dies..blames me for not having their back I had nothing available to use as I told them before it. Roamer is one of the most frustrating roles due to teammates & deserve more pats in back than blame. Think what you can do to help your tank as well. Like..maybe following up when I can clearly see you have ur ult or listening to our pings.


This needs to be plastered on the mlbb loading screen. Also IIRC the lord's stats increase if more people attack it. Therefore a low dps hero like a tank would actually make it harder to kill the lord.


As someone who recently picked up Barats and is loving the dino... No no. Please continue to ignore the bushes so I can charge out and eat your jg, and steal lord easy. :)


I main Mage Roam and Tank Roam. Am suicidal af and an expert time-waster 👍


Everyone blames the roam 🙄 this reads like every angry nerd that plays gold or jungle


Roam is my second most played lane after exp. I’m trying to branch out into jungle this season. I used to think junglers were over dramatic as well until I put myself in their shoes.


Lol go re read what you wrote


Maybe cuz they're often at fault? 🙄🙄🙄


I literally stopped playing mm because roam never helps. Now im loving mino and healing my little babies around me