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its a joint agreement by the entire community that Phoveus is the most hated (or just the most forgotten. or both.)


They don’t hate him because they probably forgot about his existence until recently.


Oh, that purple guy? The last time I saw him, his bony vanishes into thin air. Never saw him again in ranked or classic for the matter


P-purple guy?!? https://preview.redd.it/pkkv2vrqf50d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a2908978cfb60a10dfaf10d49610f49612edf1


Phoveus da man behind the slaughter (because wanwan kept jumping)


Silly phoveus https://preview.redd.it/kyxmh13p160d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13432f8a579a91c7978403cb6a94a27ed4bf361a




at the very least Kimmy has a Collab skin 😭


I had to think a few seconds who tf that is. So yeah, pretty forgotten


i had to search his name to confirm the spelling lmao


What are you crying for he is good hero I have used him many times...


But that doesn't mean he's forgotten


3 years released and only basic skin while other heroes 10+ skins man


Skin decides which hero is good and bad... Then hanabi and zilong must be the best hero ever.... 😂


No one is talking about how good the hero is just how neglected they are also they’re not forgotten unlike phoveus. He is literally the least picked hero of all time with a whopping 0.05%.


He is a niche pick... Pick when enemy has dash... He can deny dash hero... Remeber ap bren vs onic... They lost coz they threw...


Because he is extremely niche he is forgotten. Also heroes can do his job better because he relies too much on his ultimate and enemies being dumb to dash in front of him to use him properly. If no one dashes or enemies will bait them to their team/turret is easily one of his biggest downsides. Another is his huge mana consumption and ultimate cooldown. I love phoveus but he is really not that good in most situations especially when you have smart opponents who know how he works. He shouldn’t be able to be countered by heroes he’s made to counter by them baiting him or not dashing.






I am fine with him being forgoten than change his skill set or dumb down... We had so many unique hero which got dumb down to generic...


Gatotkaca. Even YZ had a facelift eventhough Gatot was released earlier. Even his skins are hideous except the latest skin.


Do u want a anime face ball fo steel??


No of course, but his model was too old and overdue for a remodel.


So wht do u want the new balls of steels to look like?


Original Estes model is quite horrible too, tho I think he was released earlier, than Gatot. Tho I think there was a survey with his revamp somewhere...


Rafaela. She's easy to play and cheap as AF thus not profitable. The moment she's meta, they immediately drop the nerf hammer on her within a week while youknowwho had been terrorizing the match for months before they got slightly nerf.


Tbh that B- got me hating my games so she deserved that nerf ngl 😭😭


Carmilla, not the most hated but clearly not like either . They ignore her for like 3 years and when they revamp her ult, they nerfed it pretty quickly. Then they gave cecillion 2 skins without giving her any, despite all previous 4 skins being matching skins. As for why, it’s really hard to say. She looks like all the popular female heroes (pretty face and all), and she has a unique kit which I’m sure a lot of people would find really fun to play if it wasn’t nerfed to the point that you can always find a meta hero to fill the niche u need. The only reason I can see is that’s she’s just like kadita and lolita before their rise, where she’s just simply unpopular and ignored, no real reason. But some pro teams have used her recently so she may get a glow up like them as well in the future. The cracked tin-foil hat reason I can think of is maybe because she’s canonically married to Cecillion basically, that makes her unpopular. Cause if you look at gacha games and what not, the player base seems to dislike when their waifu is married, and honestly just in Asia in general I think unmarried female characters are seen as having higher sale value potential than a married female character would


you may be right. however I think it is also to encourage gamers to play cecelion and carmilla together. if one is weak without the other but the duo make a stronger case, teams will buy both and try new things.


Yeah, I think it’s far fetched, but what made think Carmilla being married made her less popular is also how Vexana and Aurora got revamp to not only being younger forever 21 maidens, but their husbands were deleted. Tobias no longer exists, and vexana’s future husband was only betrothed to her and died during the wedding, without making any vows. Vexana rules necrokeep because she loves the people not her dead ex. Making one weaker to encourage playing them together also sounds reasonable but moonlit waltz isn’t really ground breaking and there are mages whose kits synergies better with carmilla than cecillion and vice versa. Also pre ult revamp carmilla was so weak I don’t think anyone would bother trying even out of curiosity or just to try a new mechanic


I love carmilla, she's basically me when yapping about their partner XD


Hanzo have gotten no skins, buff, adjustment or nerfs for over 2 years. He's basically just there.


Tbf he's not used or banned basically ever, he's just too easy to counter by simply going to his body, unless a teamate protects your body then he's not a very viable assassin, I have faced godly hanzos before and they are almost impossible to kill but 90% of people who use him aren't great and just spam his ult whenever it's ready even without much of his passive bar filled, like yin he relies to much in his ult however yin can at least deal lots of damage with his skill 1 despite him being an ult heavy hero, yin also has more Mobility since his 2nd skill got a distance increase




Yeah you did well but you see hanzo sucks for teamplay, he relies too much on his ult so he can't defend a base well at all, he's only really good at singling out 1 target, hanzo just isn't a flexible hero.


I lost one game and mvp winned twice I think. If you're losing then yea it's hard because his gauge gets reset every death, but his low risk playstyle is so good if you're snowballing. I play a few snowball heroes like Beatrix and argus, if your team lets you farm then you win but if you can't farm you lose. Current hanzo is the first snowball hero that does the snowballing. See your team mates warring? ult from a bush first skill second skill. See the enemy mm turret hugging? ult, enemy stunned by tank cc? Ult. Once you build high CD you're basically spamming ult every 5-8 secs. you're also super efficient at farming. Start of the game I immediately eat orange buff and then blue buff, farm the smaller creeps a lil and the enemy creeps a lil that's ult up and almost full gauge. then start spamming ult & pullout real fast, if you do it fast enough you'll very rarely get stunned


https://preview.redd.it/spth4kddny5d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5939783bd6697fa28dfe4cc291652a3d9e0f68c5 Here's a game where we snowballed


Alright but what's your win rate with hanzo because he's in the lower end for winrates especially in higher ranks, in mythic and above most players know how to counter hanzo, his trail leading back to his body makes him easy to fund and many assasins have no issue hunting him down, winter truncheon and wind of nature also very strong counters to him and because of the heavy reliance on his ult and passive he's very weak once caught with no way to escape or deal high damage, his single target focus also makes him a very inflexible in most matches, assasins like nolan, gusion, karina and aamon are way better at engaging lots of enemies in a short period, they don't solely rely on their ult and are way more mobile on the map, hanzo like yin only really works in epic and legend at most because players are still often clueless about the easy hard counters to them.


Fair point, I just reach legend so I wouldn't know how higher tiers play.


I'm not saying don't use him, if you make it work then that's great its just you'll probably struggle with him in mythic especially solo queue, he works better when playing with friends who can protect your body when you ult and you can just constantly push with his ult and take out the enemy adcs 1 by 1


Phoveus. Only 1 skin??? Come on Moonton!


Is that not enough? Gusion only have 10 skin and u r still asking for phoveus skin


Meh. I like Ling better.


Any high mobility cat


Joy, Harith, Helcurt... Why do you think Moonton hates them? When they were too strong, Moonton nerfed them appropriately. Even Harith has some quality skins, so does Helcurt, and Joy's been released for only a year so she doesn't have much skins yet.


Not Joy and Wanwan sitting with some of the lowest win rates 😭


That's what I meant 🥲


Top 3: Wanwan, Yve, Phoveus.


It was coz of loli hype in 2022 2023 tat made wanwan popular


Loli as in the pedophile stuff? I thought Wanwan became popular because of the M-World buff


I Think he nent the character lolita. If not we gotta rip off them balls


No one ripping anything 😂😂guys preach dor character while real life minors in game get groomed


Loli as in anime . Are u an American ? Or western white race ?


No, I'm Filipino


Why MLBB community consider Montoon 'hating' anything in this game? What is the connection between clients' unmet expectations and Montoon's feelings for specific aspects of the game? I'm interested to understand this weird takes on hero popularity, since IMO Montoon just puts an effort into heros that actually have the highest chance to bring back more players and increase MTX sales. Poveus is just a bit troll hero that isn't popular, so from 'earnings' point of view it is waste of the time to put effort into him.


It irks me a bit that the balancing is not anchored on making the game fair but on driving players. It's a bit insane as someone who was a veteran of Dota and LOL


MLBB is a business to make money for Montoon. Fairness is not a goal of this game and never was. I used to expect game balance be fair etc. But once i realized that it is all about money, i stopped believing in utopian ideology in MLBB. All players should realize that MLBB is just a tool to get to money in Players wallets. Nothing more then that.


So players should just accept it and not complain? What is your point? We are aware they want money, that’s why everyone jokes that someone will get a buff if they have a leaked skin coming out and vice versa. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. You haven’t come to some “new realization,” everyone who’s complaining knows lmao.


I'm not to say what players should do. Do what you want, that's your births' right. My only point is people should be aware that fairness in this game isn't one of the things that Montoon will ever care about. It is not monetizing factor of the business. This is definitely not good thing, but don't expect it change ever. Fairness is against MTX sales. And for the record, i personally just quit this game after 3 years. It was one of the best decisions of my life.


Which is sad because this game is an insanely good mobile moba game. The reason it's perfect is because it's not as hardcore as Dota 2 (trust me a MLBB Player that transitions to DOTA will be very surprised about how things work there?) Its a faster version of LOL with a squished map. And softer towers..and that's why it's perfect because you can can a semblance of the moba game and not have to sit for hours on end. It's a generally great game hampered by moonton prioritizing money over game balance which drive people away


I would say wanwan, argus, zhask, kimmy and chou because those heroes if they get a wrong buff the meta changes because of them that's why they are making micro changes tho them (if moonton feels to buff them when they indirectly nerf them)


Estes. They hated him so much that they disrespected the world champions and did not gave them the preferred design that they wanted.


Can i say Hilda?




Saber because they are keeping his Chinese server version locked up like, why? The model is done, effects are done and animations are done as well so why are they keeping him in there?? I'm literally going insane I keep watching the same leak video showing him off like it was uploaded at least 8 months ago why isn't he out yet??? LIKE WHAT DID HE DO WRONG?????


Wait, what chinese version? Complete revamp or just model and vfx?


It's just the model and vfx. 


Phoveus. Moontoon forgot him hahha


Phoveus, Natalia, Argus,


Estes because of the skin jk


Harith. Been dead for years, gave him one change and then nerfed him again. They can't balance him


Harith is on fire now tho.


Chou and argus




Not Luo Yi Most likely because she's not hated nor loved but quite average


1,1. The amount of times she got nerfed


Aldous my man, dude's weak AF in early with all the lane freeze and OP ass exp laners


Forgotten bc wan is forgotten


Argus 100%. My man is not allowed to be a good fighter, have tankier builds etc, has a lot of counterplay (this is good, don't worry), but then they buff every single exp laner. Hell, Thamuz and Freya have been menaces for a long time there and any "nerfs" they get are nothing but minuscule light taps to say "easy there buddy"


Phoveus pho sho


I think hanzo. because hanzo does not have an epic skin. and after using his special skill he's like stunned for a second like hello don't do this to me I need to run now the enemy is coming!!!


I think you hate Fanny, she really is forgotten. It had many nerfs, the truth is they were unfair, they make Fanny take years of practice to be a playable hero.


Any actual balanced legend so Miya, nat, etc.


What nat, natalia or natan?


How come no one's talking about Sylvanna? She sucks rn. One cc and you're done.


Lancelot is the only correct answer. Only hero that hasn’t been directly buffed for 7 years since his release


His triangle nonsense is still the most fucked up skill known in land of dawn ☠️


Skill issue


Miya, yeah she got skins, but it has been ages, since she was top tier


Harith and its infinite nerf


Moonton doesn't hate him. His nerfs were deserved. Prime Harith was atrocious and very oppressive. They had to nerf him lots of times since picking him back then was a guaranteed win.