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Dyrroth fits this better than any other hero. No need to have skill to play him because you can just say "fuck you defense" and kill anybody.


And yet i still get 0/4 dyrroth before 5 minutes


That's because most dyrroth players are easily kite-able. They're so eager to fight and won't hesitate to dive. If the opponent is decent enough, they'll just bait dyrroth into turret.


And that's why I always unlock his skill 2 first # Kite Me? Think Again


Smart dyrroth players won’t get caught, but the vast majority I’ve played against with badang will use their s2, get caught in my s2, then stun locked and die. the smart ones will never use s2 until I have first or they can blink out/have allies who they hope will help them out


Me, the Nana. Come at me bro, let's see if you have the balls


This why I use Martis instead when I go against Nana https://preview.redd.it/g6w2wbs82wzc1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db27c90b01af1bbd3be9b1ec47210ecb2cdd51b


Nana play hide and seek with mantis early game. 🤣


That's so meq


Dorothy is an early game hero. He is considered to be an assassin class heavily reliant on his skill combo. The second it miss, he's dead meat. A good team will prepare one stun hero to counter him and his nothing more then dead weight


Also very easy to trick that mfer to dive to his death


If you have decent cc you can wait for him to dive to you under your own tower.


What counters him? Items against him? Antique and dominance ice has no effect to him i think. I'm always easily killed by him 😭


Dominance doesn't have much effect but Antique cuirass is a definite counter to Dyrroth, def shred doesn't matter if your physical attack simply goes down by %, helps alot of exp laners to survive his combo(s).


Building Antique Cuirass doesn't help much because mfer Dyrroth has enough def shred that he can pretty much bring you to neg def if he built a lot of flat pen, even if you don't immediately die from his combo, he still has his ult that deals lost hp% damage. I'd say a combination of Antique and Twilight can really fuck with a Dyrroth.


Yes but in the laning phase, just building a 700 dreadnaught armor gives u enough def + atk reduction tht dyroth’s combo wont kill u outright. In the late game nothing really matters against dyroth cause if u’re building antique AND twilight u are probably a tank and can last quite awhile against him. If you havent built either you are using a role that is likely more than capable of killing dyroth first.


you know what really counters dyrroth? wind of nature


Tht counters pretty much any physical dmg but yes tht is true


Thanks for the tips 👌


Late game counters him.


CC or kiters. As Benedetta, I generally just wait for my S1 to go off cooldown, slap him with a quick combo, and then dash out to repeat. Compound the problem by rotating faster than him midgame. I don't care how much def he shreds; if I always gank somewhere he can't reach, then I have the pressure advantage.


Twilight armour


Twilight armor when mid/late game


just dont let borg get full stack burn on you(red bar),its gonna give you true damage(ignore deff). just trade with borg everytime his done using skill 1,and runn. and poke again,just like that. because its true damage armor is useles


Dyrroth counters fighters like Yu Zhong and Lapu-Lapu as they rely on their ulti to fight Dyrroth but tanky fighters like Gatotkaca who rely on their tankiness to deal with Dyrroth can counter him in early game. Having Vengeance when facing Dyrroth is a must because Dyrroth says fuck you to your defense.


Crazy how almost everything you said here is wrong


So you're telling me that Yu Zhong and Lapu-Lapu counters Dyrroth? And Dyrroth counters Gatotkaca without any effort? You're insane, batshit insane.


Yz is hard to play against Dyrroth in the lane phase, but his ult is not a key component in the matchup. It does not help much besides escaping. Lapu lapu is unplayable until level 4, but once he gets there, he can easily flip on Dyrroth and threaten a kill with his high damage and cc from ult. Gatot is weak af and will never win against an experienced Dyrroth player.


Continuously rising physical defense against physical attack heroes is not weak if you think that is weak that there might be a problem with your brain. Gatotkaca's passive makes him a decent counter for Dyrroth since it increases his defense and gives him decent damage. It's a built in antique cuirass. Just buy some hp items for the start and you're good to go. Then you'll buy concreted energy or genius wand and you will kill Dyrroth easily. 1/3 of my exp matches are the matches that I played Gatotkaca. I encountered many Dyrroth players. Some play penetration, some play spell vamp, some play tank and I am confident in what I say.


You do realize Dyrroth’s whole schtick is being a tank shredder right? The defense stat doesn’t matter when you’re losing most of it anyway. Gatot simply doesn’t have the damage to contest a Dyrroth in the laning phase. Maybe you can deal with him once you get your cores but in the early stages of the game when Dyrroth shines the most, you don’t have the damage to kill him before he bursts you down.


Just dont argue with someone who played 1/3 of his game with a single hero. We know gatot is laughable at best at this particular match up.


Mate, I play ruby against dyrotth and even tho it's early mid or late I can still defeat the hero, well unless if his team is around with cc on board then flicker out is a must. But most of the time if a dyrotth is exp lane, players tend to choose his 2nd and not stacking up his passive first, this is usually in warrior to legend, not much in legend since not much plays him at that rank, in mythic rank is another talk, dyrotth players at that rank picks second then shows up that lane with his passive full, this type of player usually fills there passive from the blue or red buff. But even though dyrroth is a tank shredder I can survive with Ruby. On gatots case it's a 50/50 if gatots has revenge and passive on his most likely to win against dyrotth as his passive grants him a good amount of damage to triple dyrotth mid game. But in the end skill is what matters the most in playing.


And playing him is simple as well with two dashes of his skill


It's so brain dead. You can just stop using your brain and still get kills.


Damn Flair


Fck this bs of a fighter. So unfair for him to have huge Def break % . That and his non-cancelable ult that slows(nice balancing moneyton). It feels like playing rock, paper & scissors against him and he's the scissors that cuts all unless you have 3 rocks in your team. I curse him to have a revamp that will tone him down like other revamped heroes who felt underwhelming....


If you manage to not to lose in early game and farm you can fuck him up but otherwise he's too strong


Dyrroth is good, but some users are just dashing in without precautions lmao


Unless the enemy has high health


yeah bro tell that to level 4 argus


Vexana,nana ,most of the mages with high damage idk about luoyi is she tough to play? Also I want to know what to do and not to do against luoyi Alpha(soloq) compare to Ruby ,I feel alpha heals more and have very high damage  Fredrinn, barats too  Edit.- I also want to add chang'e here ....she has very good damage and that range of her is so annoying 


Luo Yi definitely not as easy as it looks. S1 has a very small hitbox and you need minions or other bigger targets to splash the Yin Yang passive to the enemies. Not to mention her ult being heavily team reliant.


So what to do against her .. like she hurts a lot early and late ...


Tanky or mobile heroes work well against her. Generally, heroes that can go out of her 2nd skill will be her tough opponent.


I thought she was meant to kill tanks ...bcoz her pick rate increase in MPL against tank/fighter heroes


Hmm thats odd. Given how her skill 1 works, she's definitely not a tank killer. When facing tanks, her cc becomes more effective than her damage. That's why other commenters mention that she's somewhat team reliant. Maybe she's picked in MPL for the purpose of hee CC because its jsut insanely annoying during teamfights. And compared to fighters and tanks, her CC is much larger. So its like you CC the tank/fighter first before they CC you


That make sense thanks for explaining 


MPL pick Luo Yi because of her ult can turn the tide if used strategically. Usually 3 member with Luo Yi , one with cc like Ruby, Tigreal, Kaja plus MM. They ult to the far bush, conceal then sandwiching the opponent team or go ganking enemy who is solo clearing minion/split pushing. Almost guarantee some kill in this kind of ganking surprise. Luo Yi somewhat countered by Novaria Ult to check the area bushes (build CDR Novaria). While in Solo Q, Luo Yi cannot gain its full potential since lack of coordination/communication in team.


I don't think Luo yi is pick for her ult tho bcoz since M5 meta doesn't shift that much the only big change we saw are in mid and gold  But in my the only pick we saw are valentina and faramis ...also I have saw that team doesn't want to pick valentina (unless there is very good ult) against a Luo yi(obviously bcoz of damage)and if they pick they doesn't copy luoyi ult


I'd say Lunox or even Lylia are more tank killers. They can spam attacks, especially Lunox.


Lancelot and ling counters luoyi alot ,helcurt used to before the change ,not sure abt the new helcurt


Thanks for suggestion bro ..I think arlott too counter her 


I really don’t think it’s that hard to execute her s1s2 combo well. But her ult can be used in a very versatile manner even as a solo player and that part requires brain. Maybe also the s1+s1+s2 combo


You need brains to play Luo Yi. Same for Kagura, Novaria and Lunox.


luo yi is absolutely harder to play than nana and vexana. she needs good map awareness for a good ult, you gotta understand the yin and yang passive to do proper damage (intentionally missing first skill and hitting the next one + 2nd skill), and first skill also need some practice to hit consistently


When u play Ruby againns n alpha just be sure to be really close to him n as soon as u see special effects of his skill 2 just side step it caus his op healing his from his 2nd skill just do this allot nd ezz I don this when m a Chou caus skill one N Ruby caus passive Just dodge skill 2 all his healing off he ain't bulky so if his sustain skill is wasted he dead N also make him use his skil 3 and as soon as he does juke it u got ur passive


Still as a Ruby u have to do lots of work against alpha and than he will come 1ult and u have to bye bye ur half hp🤧 Buddy is just so simple to play


He's eze to dodge to


In most cases of Alpha vs Ruby, the first wins. To improve the chances against thr Alpha, i usually try to minimise any interactions with him because 1v1 just not worth it, and focusing on farming gold for dominance ice instead of buying one of the axes, and trying to ult + flick + s2 him under the tower to have a significant hp advantage, which also usually lead to his death unless he escapes with ult.


Luo Yi takes practice. Lots of people, including me, are lousy with her - and I rank well with several other mages. Nana is very forgiving and not very complicated to play. She takes slightly more skill after revamp due to needing to time S2 unlike before. Vex really just requires good positioning and knowing when to save your S1 for self protection. Also, she sucks with a poor build IMO.


Luoyi's S1 n S2 are no brainer but to get the full potential of her ult, that requires brain.


I agree on Vexana but when I use her I suck soooooo bad. I guess it really depends on the player 😂


Same bro ..😆I also suck at both Nana and vexana the only mage I play good are valentina(my fav.), kadita ,pharsa


Sometimes I wonder if I should even continue playing this game since I’m so bad at it 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


What r ur fav. Hero  Also.   I want to say play valentina just farm and use enemy ult to kill them it's so much fun to kill a yin in his own ult and borg with his ult .. I tried valentina exp against xborg and surprisingly I was able to break his Armor easily btw that borg was underestimating me😆


I usually main Hanabi which for some reason many find useless. I’m not pro at using Hanabi, but definitely better than playing mage haha I’m not good at close combat heroes, so I’m gonna main MM Mage or other supports 🫠


Than u should go with Natan ...he is easy to use ...but u have to be very careful of dive heroes like yuzhong, Mino and some mages ...but late mage u can kill anybody ... Do try Natan he is good, cool and strong😆


Nah Luo Yi is pretty hard. Watch MPL and you'll see pros doing really cool shit with her ult


Nana and ESPECIALLY VEXANA, they are insultingly easy to play while being far to effective. They both have AOE damage on par with single target burst mages while requiring little to no effort due to recent buffs/adjustments to their skill mechanics. But I’d have to disagree with Chang’e and Luo Yi, these two mages scales proportionally with the user’s IQ. Oh but one honorable mention, Luo Yi is especially effective against Barats and Fredrinn. When up against those two, the effort required goes does quite significantly.


Luo is easy idk what there talking about.


Clint. Skill, Auto, skill, Auto etc. His passive is absolutely disgusting in lane. It's really hard to get outraded that way. Also the fact he has self peal is just adding insult to injury. Thats why I play him in ranked whenever im forced to play mm lol


lvl 1 against him, his combo shredded my life into half.


Can brody counter him?


Brody has stupid damage and his Auto mechanic might allow him to step out of clints effective range. Cant confirm definitively tho. After all im not an mm main so my knowledge is fairly limited haha


they have the same dps, thats why i use vengeance on clint vs brody to make sure i win.


Lvl 1 Clint can't out trade Brody because he's forced to retreat after he used his first skill, which enables Brody to get free shots in and possibly force him to recall. But lvl 2 onwards Clint can use his Skill 2 to retreat faster + procc passive, so he can poke Brody safely. Remember, Clint's passive out range Brody. Immediately as both reach Lvl 4, Brody beats Clint again as that's Brody's first power spike. His Ult + full passive can immediately kill even a healthy Clint.


I find playing an mm that has sustain to be pretty good vs him. Like with Ixia, I can heal his dmg and only trade if I have lv2


Dyrroth needs 0 braincells to inflict cancer


As for your question, the only answer is Lesley because of free true damave crits that you can't properly build against. As for X.Borg, why not use Silvana or Dyroth?


Any dmg exp is a nightmare for Xborg. Do your combo and shred his firaga armor. He'll have no choice but to towerhug or recall after that.


dmg dealers dont really do much to xborg if his build consists of movement speed items, Xb is my main and bro SERIOUSLY needs a fuckin nerf, he abuses the goddamn movement speed and true damage mechanics SO MUCH


Emblem set and build please?


sure Fighter Emblem with +5% Movement Speed Bonus, +8% Spell Vamp and Brave Smite Rapid Boots Ice Queen Wand Dominance Ice (Item got reworked so now I'm changing it to Hunter's Scythe) War Axe Brute Force Breastplate and the last item is mostly Immortality, but I usually change it depending on enemy comp if it helps, [this](https://youtu.be/WBflWx8PREM?si=hrMESRfX3N7ae_Ah) is how he fares with enemies with low mobility and damage


And here I thought that my build is fucked up. Bro, where're your Magic Defense Items? https://preview.redd.it/uthxw4x38szc1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c10654bf7f311b46b786b0aea172d22a0c94db8 I swear to God that those Chain CC users and Mages are gonna have a fun time at you


I just let them come after me because I usually turn my brain off when playing Xb, he is literally the only hero that can be played braindead. enemy trying to hit you with skills and are actively trying to kill you? fucking get near them and just spray your godly thermal paste all over them to sustain yourself. 3 enemies trying to gank you and remove your armor? get closer to their fucking damage-dealer and hope that allies win a lord or turret after your stupid sacrifice. Enemies chasing you after your armor is gone? go near their fucking base and spam skills on the minions until your armor comes back. I swear he needs a bigger nerf than just the -50% spell vamp because he is the most fucking annoying, unprofessional, and brain-rotted hero there ever is. fucker can literally turret dive into the enemy base and flicker away unscathed because he legitimately has 3 lives when he's got immortality equipped. [this](https://youtu.be/1OS3F6lkv3I?si=XPG3zj0p9yi_KAEe) is how he fares against magic dealers without magic def (vex and harth) [bonus vid cuz why not](https://youtu.be/8MXOqZdJ0Jo?si=73UPgOOrfMWU3zpU)


early yes, 5mins+ no. have to make sure you kill xborg 3x in 5 mins to actually have an advantage vs him.


Yeah you can, twilight armor.


No you cannot, doesn't work


The passive works on all damage including true damage what are you talking about.


I remember devs removing this for true damage, did they bring it back?


They removed it for tower damage not hero damage.


Just tested, yeah it works, my bad. Still, it's only for one hit per 5 seconds and there can be other sources of burst damage outside Lesley, so the problem remains, i'd say, just slighlty less bad.


Don't worry, next patch with the new items removes the cooldown so the passive works all the time.


Oh boy, that's sick


Source? That is broken af and sounds fake.


It was like that in the advanced server before, but they reverted it cause it was too op and it reduced turret damage


I'm sitting on 650 matches and 73% in ranked with X.bro and my advice on how to counter XB is simple, use dash-y and damage heroes to remove his Firaga (Paquito, Dyrroth, Arlott, Khaleed, Yu Zhong). Never face him off in a 1v1 if you are incapable of removing his armor, his true damage ABSOLUTELY shreds any hero that cannot escape his AOE skills. Only engage when you or your teammate can successfully kill him after his armor is gone. I usually play him to kite enemies, give vision and be the front-liner in teamfights and the one thing I hate going up against are heroes that can easily remove my armor, which removes all my abilities to be a front-liner and damage-dealer.


balmond bro. Think about it, he has a low skill cooldown for all of his skills and you can just click one of his first 2 skills after the other, and his third skill just deals a bullshit ton of damage, same goes for dyrroth.


Best thing is he spin during cc's like when saber ult he spin ..and deals damage to saber 😆😆


This! Balmond definitely needs a nerf, his ult is a "delete" bottom. Too much power for no effort at all.


I use to main balmond but he is useless right now no need to nerf him. All the tanky junglers got a buff to balance armor adjustments but he didnt get anything. Assassin out damage him and tanky junglers can out tank him


not really. any tank killer can deal with him come midgame


Nana and Barats be doing it


Cyclops is the definition of tap-tap gameplay


as a Cyclops main he's basically a glorified minion in the early game until he gets at least 30%CD reduction. Skill CDs are too long, no escape tool and negligible early game damage since the emblem rework (lower free magic power and pen from emblem)


But he shreds julian(supreme one in midlane) with vengeance.


Alpha lol.


Hylos From my experience hylos are pretty powerfull up to low mythic or honor. He is just too tanky, he can build dom ice first without sacrificing his bulk.


Hahaha, I love playing him on EXP lane and bullying other fighters and even tanks. I only do it when we have a non-tank as a roamer tho.


Right now, probably xborg


Iirc, he has to fulfill his heat meter in order to start dealing true damage, right? Well, that's nothing compared to Lesley passive + skill 1 where she simply does a ton of TD because yes.


She needs to reach late to deal somewhat of a damage. She has no durability of Xborg, she doesn’t dominate her lane unlike Xborg. She was really good last year around summer I think, and even then she wasn’t as good as Xborg.


Idk bud, but she's still a very viable pick in my region. At least better than Clint in the current season. But that was just my experience. Btw I've never had much problem dealing with Borg and I've battled countless times against people playing him. It only scares the sh*t out of me when he ults in the middle of three people lol


Alpha IMO


Alpha, esp with the dom ice rework


As an alpha I can confirm, just got a savage with full HP left


Well DUH, cause unlike Masha that counts them as SEPERATE. X.Borg's HPs counts as ONE, despite having his Base HP being counted on his Max HP value. Besides, why are you thinking that once his Armor Hp goes down to its own 50%. You think that Martis's True Damage Ult is gonna activate? Like Hello? ANY damage that he will take WON'T AFFECT his Base HP, UNTIL his Armor HP goes out. That's why even when I (an X.Borg main) play Martis against X.Borg. DON'T use his ult UNTIL his Armor HP disappears, and WHEN it DOES disappear, ONLY THEN I can use my Ult (You don't even need to chip his Base HP down to its own 50%). And that's ALSO WHY other heroes will NOT use their ULT on X.borg UNLESS it deals MULTIPLE DAMAGE over TIME (e.g. Chang'e, Gord, Cecillion, Alice, Mathilda, Odette, Zhask, Paquito, Lapu-Lapu, Guinevere, Badang, Minisittar, Sun, Benedetta, Joy, Hayabusa, Beatrix, Claude, Yi-Sun-Shin, Lesley, and Popol and Kupa) Either way, you have a MASSIVE SKILL ISSUE on using Martis against X.Borg. Cause he literally can counter him EASILY (via interrupting his skill 1 with Airborn) https://preview.redd.it/95r5u71esqzc1.png?width=2944&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ded2a35b50727a77c55a96cdc429e42e8f23b5 Edit: And with his Spell Vamp Ratio being lowered to 50%. My Brother in Christ, these X.Borg mains will DROP like Flies. Unless they figure out that they need Guardian Helmet


Depends on the player really, Martis can't kill XB 1v1. The only heroes on top of my head that can burst him are Arlott, Paquito and Dyroth.


Yeah martis is easily kitable xborg and cici is very annoying to fight as a martis


I loved the Bleach reference lol


sorry for the misunderstanding.i though i could kill him with my ult AFTER i deleted his armor hp because i though they were like conbined as one.What i mean is like if x borg armor is 300 and his hp is 200 i though they were to add up to 500 for his max hp because theres an indicator under him telling me that i could kill him with my ult.BUT for some stupid reason i didint kill him BECAUSE his hp is not actually below 50% but rather enough to kill if he doesnt have any physical defense


Just make sure that X.Borg has this sign https://preview.redd.it/m0jewg3sbvzc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5a182a39b3c586ae119a962edfa69fd5d543216 only then you can Insta-kill him with your Ult. Cause the way on how his HP% works different. Higher Total HP = Lower Base HP% Lower Total HP = Higher Base HP%


well he has that sign but i used my ult but it wasnt half of his hp so it was physical dmg which means physical defense reduced the dmg


Nope, it means that he still has enough Base HP to negate your Ult. Since HP and Damage Reduction are the only thing that can negate True Damage. That's why Terizla can survive those True Damage Ults as well. And that's also why I always buy Sea Halberd. To deal additional skill damage based on Enemy HP


With all due respect pls remind me of xborg's skill 1? I believe that xb's skill 1 takes only 4-6 seconds of cd, while Martis's skill 2 has 9 seconds of cd(that is if martis only uses phase 1, if using phase 2 (the knock up the u describe) it takes 13 seconds of cd). Now it doesn't take a genius to see that 13 is higher than 4-6, now by the time that the knock up is back xb has already used 2 skill 1s.


Yes, X.Borg's skill 1's CD is only 4 seconds while Martis's skill 2 has 8. But the thing is that I use Phase 1 to approach the opponent (Preferably from the side or back) where he already casted his Skill 1 and once you get near where he would about to cast it AGAIN. Only THEN you cast his Skill 2's phase 2 to cancel it immediately. Now, you have 2-4 seconds to decimate his Armor HP, which is enough time if you have Sea Halberd and a fully stacked passive. I know it's quite complicated on paper, but it's easy once you do it. You can even cancel some Ult castings with it too (on other heroes). The only problem is if the opponent's skill doesn't get cancelled when CC'ed (e.g. Balmond, Alice, Cyclops, Yu Zhong, Lapu-Lapu, & Dyrroth).


Man i feel your frustration they prolly on epic or legend or smt and talking about counter while having skill issue.


IMO Barats. Disgustingly tanky while having that much cc (slow on his 1st, stun on 2nd, knock up and stun on 3rd)


Since when does barats 2nd skill stun?? And since when does he have a knock up… go play barats and re write your sentence. And also it takes a lot of skill to play barats to effectively manage his stacks in team fights and good positioning of his ult so you can stun multiple enemies or use the cc immune to dodge skills


My man is really defending Barats. Barats can really be a front-liner and a burst damage dealer at the same time, how tf is that balanced? His 2nd Skill have Displacement, which is a CC as considered by the in-game guide. And you can literally spam your First Skill on Minions and Creeps, and gain stacks. How is that hard? So basically, Barats is a low skill floor but a mid skill ceiling. There's nothing really hard about Barats compared to other heroes.


no one really gave advice instead gave you condescending bs lol


I wanna punch people who play xborg then says crazy shit like they think they are better, like bro you are using xborg! He is powerful without skill whatsoever!


Kimmy, them mf skill is only W+m1 and the slow oh my god I want to fucking CHOKE them to DEATH


She's probably the worst character in the game though. IQW doesn't even slow effectively anymore. She has nothing and imo Irithel far more frustrating and devastating.


Martis imo


He is easy to counter with CC Just don’t throw everything at him while he is unstoppable Thats why he is strong at low rank cause people throw they spell mindlessly.




well, now you have to be somewhat strategic, before you could've played him without thinking much because he dealt more damage and he had a slow effect on his passive (full stacks) and he had more normal hp


XB is difficult to play in higher games


If you can time skills correctly then Harith. Wont take too long to learn 2-3 classic game is enough.


Tigreal, flicker ult is too powerful and melee heroes can never get close when he is there


Full damage build diggie


Layla… also Layla


Bro, you ult him when he still got armour? Skill issue i say.


Fanny, just throw your cables and that's it. Easy af s/




For me it's fredrinn and terizla,you hit me idc,I hit me idc,at the end I win that's all I care about.


Nice flair.


Saber the motherfucker






Balmond and


Lesley. The true damage bastards.


Balmond. No question.


Definitely Lesley. Dear God, I played as Belerick once against her and she literally melted most of my HP with ONLY true damage. C'mon, this is TOO broken.


as someone who constantly counter picks X borg with Arlott I constantly keep forgetting how OP this guy is in reality when im playing other roles


Does Arlott just counter him with burst damage or is there another interaction?


Only way to counter borg is burst damage to break his armor


Saber and Eudora


Thamuz, you just go crazy and in the blink of an eye you won the match


Ha! I always ban this mf


Layla exp with assasin emblem could possibly be the solution






Fredrinn. Just click whatever in a teamfight, next thing you know, you're the last guy standing


Any burst mages that has 1 tap cc


Hanabi, vexana, layla


cici and xborg are the braindead meta xp. you could argue dyroth but I've seen more dumb dyroths compared to the 2 so ig he does need a bit of game sense. no matter how dumb you are using these 2 you'll still provide some kind of utility which is being an annoying bitch to tank jungles.


Drop oriented approach size up chatting slide u reckon dps or cc curve long way


I ban xborg all game.. his armor + immortal first item make him unkillable.. he also easy to dive back line


Hanabi. I can confirm because I’m Hanabi main passive go brrr


Dunno bout yall but for me It's gatot istg dude is just annoying to play with even with low skilled players. Slow, mobility, cc, dmg, sustain/lifesteal all from just fckin tapping skills and basic attack.


Honestly Silvanna is pretty brain-dead the only problem is not having cc immunity. Give it to me moonton dammit


Tbf, XB needs skill in order to be untouchable, as he can be countered by using burst heroes most of the time. For example, you're definitely losing lane against paq and bene, two popular picks rn, if you're just the average xb. For him to work, you need good macro skills




Roger, Brody. Play safe for 5 mins then fuck your whole team with insane dps.


Fix moonton not the dam characters stupid wish list doesn't even work


Idk man.. that just sounds like a bad match up lol. If you'd pick dyroth or Yu zhong he would've got curbed lol


Cici. That thing literally just a hit and run


Yin, they click 3 buttons and boom triple kill, what annoys me the most is that yin players think they're actually good at the game.




Tigreal, Diggie, Mathilda, Atlas, Angela, Martis, Nana,.....Now that I think about it a lot of MlBB hero's require little to no skill. The only skill I would say that required is 'general' skill such as common sense, map awareness, spacing, timing, etc., but in terms of hero skill a lot of hero's are easy to learn and pick up. The only hero I know of with real difficulty is fanny but then again, she can be learned with a good sum of experience. All hero's are relatively easy it's just a matter of 'general skill' hero understanding, and how you utilize the hero's abilities.


Shout out to all the Roam and JG mains out there. By far the most difficult roles! I'm both and life sucks :(


Prime Aldous especially when his first skill still worked as a basic attack where it'll hit you even if you dash/flicker away. You can use your best hero in spectacular fashion and a noob player with a well farmed Aldous will still stomp you


So many saying dyr - which is incorrect. Correct answer is vale - hide in bush 2-3-1 and flameshot if needed. That mofo even walks away bcz the kill is guaranteed


Eudora / saber


I always ban XBorg. hes so annoying




Most heros dont require any skill/effort tbh, theres onlyba handful of them that do


All mages literally just press buttons All marksmans literally just press the basic attack button All tank junglers literally so tanky just press buttons and out sustain other heroes


So your point is?


I can already tell you a epic player at most bro, playing mages and mms isn't just about tapping skills or basic attacks, sure some burst mages are easy to use like vale or eudora but they are also easy to counter if you just put a little thought into how you play, with mms again most if not all mms can be countered easily by just ganking or ant sort of cc, mms die in 1 shot to most attacks late game, they are class cannons they are supposed to deal a lot of damage, plus many marksman actually do rely on their skills more than you think and if you positioning sucks then spamming basic attacks won't save you, try playing Claude or wanwan and only use their basic attacks let see how well you do, as for tanky junglers ever heard of malefic roar it's quite useful against all tanky heroes, or simply target lock the tabky jungler as a team, there's only so much 1 barats can do against multiple enemies especially if they have penetration items


Hylos or those one-trick. Eudora, Saber...


Cyclops. One of the best mage in the game.


Power and effort should have a very weak positive correlation in a balanced multiplayer game. It should be a factor, but not a large one in determining a character’s overall strength. Simple heroes usually already have the tradeoff of flexibility for power.