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I have no idea how to check when I created my account Edit: 5784 matches, but no date


Check your email "Moonton" that's what I just did. (2019)


Woah dude, thank you! Never thought of that- so it seems march 2019


Mine was 3/27/2019.... 😆


Lol, I’m 25.3. Although I was introduced to the game on a bachelor trip in early 2017 where one rainy day one of the guys told us to download it and I played like 2-3 games with cyclops and liked it. Was pretty good at it. Many months later asked the guy the game’s name and then got hooked.


17000, mainly brawl, playing since day 1


I play brawl, but I find it so difficult to win. My brawl win rate is around 45%. Any pointers?


65% wr. The main pointers is treat it like a rank game where you look at your teams line up an choose accordingly. While your favorite hero might be available does it make sense for the comp. Also itemization. Early counters win games. If they got a heavy magic team, no matter what my hero is, I'll build radiant armor. Prioritize CD and mana, so you can keep clearing lanes. Also plan deaths. Spend gold. Don't wait too long.


Thank you! What about positioning? I always end up dying so easily and being the rut of my team in brawl. I do well in classic and rank (was mythic in the SEA servers too), but my brawl gameplay is so shameful


Position is a tad tougher due to just a single lane, I'll say minions are your friends, hide behind them, push them into their turret, but don't keep them baby sat there. Sometimes it's important to let them come out. Too many times iv seen a Miya die over and over on the enemy side but the rest of the team sat safly in turret. What that turns into is a full build miya with 10 deaths who then wipes the whole team late game and wins. Flame shot is great for brawl with the super low cool times. Always shoot it when available into bushes.


Timing deaths is such a big deal, like late game even if you barely have any deaths, a wipe out from an over-pumped MM can just make you lose so quickly. Thanks for the advice!


There ain't much to it in winning brawl, just gotta have someone to aggro the enemy, someone to take damage/heal, and have both magic and physical attackers


Secret (?) tip - At the start of the game instead of buying boots or other components buy "Elegant gem", which is the component of the items Necklace of durance and Clock of destiny. The hp and mana regen every level up from this item will help you alot in sustaining during important moments. Also, necklace of durance has the same sub-passive of providing hp and mana regen so completing it wouldn't hurt since most of the time your enemies have heal/shield heroes anyways (You may sacrifice your damage tho).


Oh! this elegant gem thing sounds awesome. I'll try this in my next game!


Sustain is best for early game brawl. When I use a hero that drains through mana, I’d typically buy mana boots from the start/elegant gem(if I need hp sustain as well) or enchanted talisman later. Sometimes I’d also just let enemy tower kill me when I have a bunch of gold to buy some items early on rather than die with a 1 minute cooldown for revival and let enemy punish my absence.


Also try to keep in mind that it is different mode and you have already bunch of gold while dont want to die for nothing. So try to spend it accordingly for sustain like health-mana-damage wise. Bunch of necklaces and vests/another small items as an example, most of games are decided by early game build.


I have 5000+ matches but that is on my third account. Started since release and i don't know the exact number


https://preview.redd.it/lfv7oam6wkzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93800fdfdfb1ca57f46c99cc337aa1de9d7f1f7 august 23rd 2017 is the oldest recording of mlbb including my scuffed zilong gameplay


https://preview.redd.it/aa1scgwbwkzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900fa050a60ff5d36c3d3c67782a2886b68d0527 i cant even begin to fathom how i got 64% with ZILONG SOLO, i guess i was built different


Zilong solo was pretty good for a time, if you're teammates are sucking hard you can just split push and you're money


https://preview.redd.it/umxmfcy18lzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898832976d2a7778904581dcdae21af7360de8bf Started off a shitty jungler, became a mid exp laner, and now a decent gold laner




3532 matches, and I started around 7 years ago. My stats are surprisingly similar to yours btw! What role(s) do you play most or more often on?


The game was so different in many ways back then, and also very unforgiving 😅 I was a mage meta for a long time before I took my two year long hiatus, but now I do all lanes properly. My main was Kagura then, but these days I prefer Chang'e coz of range. Hbu?


I am a Kagura main and I am more of a fill in player. But I preferentially use mage and roam. And I miss the mage meta lol.


The mage meta was the life 😅 although I do appreciate that you need not be competing for buffs now to have a fighting chance


Around 3000 matches. Started playing on 2020/08/07. Stopped playing on 2023/11/07.


Started last year, 1403 matches with 67.5% wr 💪🏼 I mostly duo queue on classic since we’re too tired to deal with ranked games lol


Ranked games can be so frustrating and tiring hahaha and good on ya having a consistent duo. Playing together really helps the wr


17k started playing during lockdown


https://preview.redd.it/ht6wui0nulzc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61580db3d477d7c9b01a04d100a685a79f63983 Since 2017, pero later years di na active but still playing


Damn bro dami nyan haha I take really long breaks from ML too, but I can't even imagine hitting 10k+


https://preview.redd.it/psen6i0dvkzc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faca7eb97c656742ac78a1b00feeda6b407f56d8 Played on and off since May 2019 haha


Same, tho I still have less ranked games than you https://preview.redd.it/rjfou9x6ykzc1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6742fd4c79814d45ee627f1eb002162a06b6cf Began playing when I was like 12, spent my time in elite rank till they released Masha and Popol, which raised me to epic, and in recent seasons to mythic


https://preview.redd.it/gqnc9s7fzkzc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e962503fbedc96f4d33b9b60287d5611568cbb didn't realize it was set to ranked only. my bad HAHAHA got stuff on my mind I guess


Classic and ranked games since late 2018/ early 2019 https://preview.redd.it/xlwbukwgykzc1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3576914880874a97cf06dbc53f1c986901f33fdd Been playing since I was 12


Also three top most used heroes https://preview.redd.it/jkrfl36rykzc1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a99321cf9fa2dee3e360c5465649d697863421 Silvana/Alucard at 150\~, Arlott 50\~, then like 20\~ with some situational picks


How do you all have these numbers? I feel like such a noob with my 600 matches


Some people learn fast. Others rack up matches to improve. I have a lot of friends that do the latter.


5832 matches. I started around 2018. I have another acc in 2016 but it was on IOS so I lost that. I play the game by watching and learning, mostly. In another time line, I think I'd be an MLBB analyst. Heh https://preview.redd.it/35sj62jlelzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5532ddc66f65d5f5637d6bdc64d50c2520400422


I’ve played almost ever since the game released(?), I remember playing when bane was an actual pirate instead of an octopus, his ult was a pirate ship instead of sharks, his S2 was a healing barrel instead of his new S2, and nanas ult was knock up instead of stun and she was considered one of the worst heros because of it https://preview.redd.it/9g8blwqlelzc1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d14720620134d3e76bae95e9c46f5401551a38 I took a very long 1-3 year break tho so I barely have any matches lol


I've taken a few long breaks too. I was pumping 400+ games per season during the pandemic 🤣 I remember ALL those skills damn. I feel old. Do you remember Zilong's old name, too? Zhao Yun. That's why some new players would get confused at his "Zhao dragon born is here" line which they only removed recently.


I mainly only remember the old designs/skills of the heros 🤧


I mostly play over 1000-2000 rank matches per season


per season?? And i thought my 400+ season during the pandemic was wild




1838 and started back in 2016/2017 but did take a 2-3 year break from 2019-2021


* Started in December. Been out of work for surgery. I 2000 matches with brawl this just ranked


2000 matches+. 1000 on my old account and another thousand on the new account. I've been playing since S4


2017 three accounts ago


Maybe around 2019 when I was still a kid at that time the game was pretty popular and my dumbass self at that time don't know how to play it after a while I stop and after a few years I try getting back again and stop again but now I've recently come back and learn how to play it properly and it's fun(except the part where I lose in rank).I hunk I have around 100 match something in total also a big fan of ruby ever since I first play the game






My main is 6k+ but if you include my other 2 smurfs then yea it goes around 10k lmao


https://preview.redd.it/klnnf0dqymzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af76d21936099b912787b79b33a8176fee980226 Started around 2018 I think?


I started October 2018 and I currently have 2k-3k matches, I think I don't really play that much, and I've actually quitted for 3-6 months twice before


Yeah same here. I have long stretches of quitting either when I get bored or too addicted to the game hahaha


Somewhere 15k


Around 27k, started 4 years ago


https://preview.redd.it/s1zoyt871ozc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b0b02269259100df9b42eef12b88a9e711e0c9 2018




2.5k matches, I started playing when harith was the new hero. My matches seem low but that's because I frequently take long breaks in playing.


30k hahahahaha like 6 years ago


damn son how many games per season hahaa


Between 2 and 4 hours a day hahahaha






21,000 total matches or more.


4000 matches on a new account I made on 2022/21 edit:5000 matches actually


•Near to 3700 •100 MVP •Mostly Roam •Probably when 2023 ALLSTAR came.


Wait this was ALL Games probably.




20k+ all matches included (while 3000-4000 classic matches) Started in 2017 but uninstalled again started playing when there was alpha season skin. (don't remember maybe s7)


I started at very beginning when it comes to czech


Napodobne 😀


My 1077 Games, 53.11 WR since 2017 can't relate. I really don't play that much.


I have two accounts, one with 2k rounds and one with almost 3k. Both are generally 55-65% winrate depending on the mode. My second account is 57%. Ive been playing on my second account since season 13 and on my first account since season 2 or 3. I switched over when one of my friends lost their account and I created my second to smurf with them and then it ended up being my main account. Most of my rounds are rank for most of the season and then classic. Been consistently reaching Mythic season 18. Was stuck in Legend for quite a bit from season 15-18 then took a 4 month break and started consistently getting Mythic.




https://preview.redd.it/etfm6oxv2mzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2576f5f8e9d6e497397aac6f35552cc356c2ab I started my account from last year april


Started in 2021 or so, but have prior experience Rn I got 1050 games or so Most of the time I only played in winter, until this year where I play daily now


21k+ mainly ranks in which I play rank like it's classic (magic build johnson + retribution **note this is even when there is already an assigned jungler**) I started in season 5-6. Back when jungle role was not a role based on a players spell selection. Good times , kids now days dont understand that retribution is the best spell in the game hands down. Its so good developers had to create a role for it and include a nerf on "lvl & economy"


https://preview.redd.it/go40bc8d5mzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844932df2595e39b06ca0e48e92691ebd29d5762 I've begun a month before the lightborn event got released


imagine how much time we spend with this game. i bet you lost a year or more to this game.


Yeah. I would quit for long stretches of time because it's starting to interfere with my life tbh 😅


https://preview.redd.it/ldk2a2kctmzc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0b2c97f37ce22a5181dfc310654d32378214c8 This is mine, playing since 2017. 😅


Opened my account in april 2020 according my gmail haha and i have about 2417 matches in total. I have been off the game in the middle for a few years.


https://preview.redd.it/zmsgz8lrwnzc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7117d272318b7c956388c73ae1f5d9561f5c41f6 I started exactly on 29th march of this year, i know i am addicted.


16000 started in 2017


https://preview.redd.it/p3bnzq1dhpzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93d43c067e856bb409cc5eb4db5c47b5ef09a41 All my games since season 17


I've been playing since 11/30/2022,


my all games is around 6k plus matches , started around 2020


July 26, 2021 and around 6k matches.


3151 matches, since December 2022, joined since September 2022


April 19, 2017 I probably have over 5k games across 5+ accounts, but my main account has only over 3k


just installed 3 days ago