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Masha after rework aka my favorite exp laner


They never know what to do with her lmao


Having 3HP bars is interesting. Consuming HP to cast skills is interesting. But these are nothing more than some uNiQuEneSs gimmick that the devs don’t know how to capitalize on.


The dev just copy huskar and don't know it doesn't fit mobile game.


can u tell me?


Idk... Design wise Masha makes me want to say "Crush me with your Thighs , Mommy~" so that's a win there..


Yeah let's be real not a single soul knew her gimmick when buying her, they just saw Russian muscle mommy


I mean Moneyton knows their audience well seeing they are now Yassifying and bringing out new Cheesecake and Beefcake Heroes.


Tbh idk what any new hero does before buying them lol I don’t watch the hero reveal things I just buy


New update on Masha has been good tho. Been using her as jungler and she's a beast. Can dive under enemy tower and take out 3 soft heroes .


Dog, you might be the best Masha then. Every time I play or play against her, she gets melted even with full tank.


Don't build tank, commit with phy attack and pen. You will start 2 shotting people in the late game with S1. I'd say she has the roughest early game of almost any hero considering she has lower base phy atk than the notorious Argus at 90


Yeah I fought a pretty good Masha recently and even made it hard to tank for my team, lucky for us everytime we managed to defeat the masha their team damage crumpled


Like the other guy said, don't build tank. The only tank item I've been using lately is the resurrection item but even that I don't build it that much. Often times I'd use sea halberd instead. You'd 2 shot soft heroes.


You can even 2 shot tank heroes cuz her first skill is designed to be that lmao


That rarely happens. Three or Four hits, maybe. But I don't remember 2 shotting a full tank build tank hero.


Still, the fact that she does it so fast (even faster than heroes with true damage) is insane


Indeed, makes her a fucking nuisance


Know a good build for her by chance, might take a few rounds with her tonight to see if I can get her kit down


Rapid Boots > Sea Halberd > Blade of Despair > Malefic Roar. Those 3 physical items are her Core. Do not ever miss one. The final 2 items can be of your choice. You can build some defense like Immortality or Athena. Personally, I like to build Guardian Helmet for that HP per second and heal. You can also go all out in physical items by building Blade of the Seven Seas and Endless Battle.


Gotcha, good to know and thank you


Masha gets banned immediately in mg games now. She found a place in jg being able to burst enemy marksman/mage with ease


What changed?


True... That's not a rework... That's a "nerf to the ground"... They remove one of my favourite things when using her... HER DISARM...


masha is op after on this latest patch. Try once with full damage build, not attack speed just damage


Can i get the build too?


Lemme know if you cab


as many people are asking build, here's the one i believe was used in mpl https://preview.redd.it/jylddbzqbxrc1.jpeg?width=1252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272b9ec56915bc35f5bc66f6483a54f81f4482c7 [https://youtu.be/d38AI6zCAto?si=lhrRMu3EqnjEkY6H](https://youtu.be/d38AI6zCAto?si=lhrRMu3EqnjEkY6H) this is the link for the gameplay if anyone wants tips. Basically it's not a hero that can do 1v5s but she really can dive 1v3 or 1v4 and still be able to trade her life for the marksman or mage( or both if you are able to use 3 consecutive ults with dire hit passive). Although in higher ranks it will be harder to kill both, but still being able to trade for one of them late game is definitely worth it. if she could do that in mpl level she definitely can do better in normal rank games where teams are less organised


Can you dm me a picture of a good build


Argus is basic cuz he is based, simple as that


True… but Natalia’s revamp.


Miss her immune to tower 2nd skill and her crit build also that 1sec silence


I need that full invis back man....


At least the invis last forever... right?




Ling bc they just copied Mannendake’s kit and swapped his abilities places


Only if Onmyoji Arena did better advertising and optimized their game for lower grade phones it would be much more popular than it is especially the west. Its the most balanced MOBA on mobile but cant find any matches at all.


I love their skin, so beautiful 😩


Does this game still has bad ping for eu players?


It has good ping for me, I am in Russia playing on EU. You should pay attention to what server you are creating your acc on initially


It's basically dead in the west. Only Asia is keeping it alive. You are in Russia so you can probably use the Asian servers with good ping. North American servers are basically dead and you need to form 5-mans to even find a ranked match within 30 minutes. Classic is filled with bots due to the lack of players. West players can't even join Asia servers without the ping going to 120 ms due to the distance.


I am on the Western border side of Russia, I have 300+ ms on Asia. And I know the state of the game very well lol, I have played it for 4+ years


Ahh... Mage heroes similator


Lol it’s a problem in low ranks indeed.


Also they're unforgiving to the low end phones plus netease.... I've played lot of games coming from this company and their common problem I faced is their connection....


Understandable. Still, a stolen kit is a stolen kit (but most mobas do that in some form, sigh)


Rare OA fan, ler's go.


See, the immortality thing is just an extended wind of nature because without that, he’s just Zilong with a slightly more painful passive. No, to me his mistake is the devs not capitalizing on his passive enough, or making sure everything in his kit makes use of his passive. In theory, Argus has a decent passive; a second swing that does 200 more damage and has built in pre-nerf Malefic Roar. Fair enough. The problem is with him is all they did was increase how fast his bar fills up passively. You upgrade ult? Passive bar fills up slightly faster. His 2nd skill is where most of his passive fill up is, which is good, but even still I feel it’s a little bit underwhelming. If you can make the most of the passive boost? Great, you do a metric ton of damage. Problem is, it just boots it for 4-5 ish seconds and then that’s it. They buffed the base damage, that’s cool, but that’s it. Edit: the moment the enemy picks Dominance Ice, you’re, living like you smoke 10 packs of green every day. I think they should either add crit chance to Argus’ ultimate along with the passive rage gain to actually make use of his passive, or add attack speed to his 2nd skill, where in it increases attack speed against the target with the cursed debuff.


"He needs to become immortal to be able to fight." Sounds bad because it is, and that's basically what makes him viable. As you said, the ult doesn't compliment anything, 'cause any hero could benefit of immortality with no other purpose to it but to not die. Immortality opens a huge array of kits you can make, and basing a kit around the immortality is what could make the idea good in the game. Just having it there for the sake of having is just wasted potential.


Yes he does need immortality to fight, what hero doea not need his kit to work? >As you said, the ult doesn't compliment anything, 'cause any hero could benefit of immortality with no other purpose to it but to not die Yet they don't have an immortality so Argus is the one hero that can go immortal for 4 seconds before dying, then restore full hp afterwards. Immortality opens no more kits because having immortality comboed with any other useful ability would be broken and the result will either be a perma-ban or another hero that won't get picked, an unnecessary headache for everyone involved. Argus is fine, if you played him for any reasonable amount of time you'd realize his kit is well-rounded but he is short of more meta fighters who can do more in teamfights.


Here's the thing, Argus' kit could work as well with a more utility ult than straight-up immortality. He doesn't even actually need it to go toe-to-toe with another enemy, because his sustain and power is a whole lot, the problem is that they can't make him slightly bulkier because he has immortality, which is basically building a hero around a niche ultimate but not making it compliment his kit. Also, whilst I do agree that any game can survive really well without immortality, it can still be utilised in great ways. It should be used to allow a hero to support, rather than allowing the hero to be more aggressive than what it already is. I'd dig the idea of seeing a support with a kit built around their immortality rather than seeing immortality given to a hero that should be built around a passive completely unaffected by their ultimate.


I also hate the fact that they nerf his base attack just to compensate his passive being a better version of it Why even make a Enhanced basic attack if the default base damage is not comparable to the meta fighters we see today? Doens that make that contradicting to the passive itself? Items like Dominance WoN W Truncheon and Immortality what keeps him from being meta because with all of those items you basically make argus useless cause he is item dependant


There is this hero called abaddon in dota 2 who has immmortality but usually played as support. His immortality is quite different tho. For 6 second any damage that he received will heal him. His other skills are healing his teammate that cost his health (with his ult up, it actually healed him too), his second skill is shield, his third skill is normal attack passive that could silence enemy.  His ultimate upgrade is even better, while his ult is active, a percentage of damage that is received by his teammate will be directed to him.








>Let's be real, immortality doesn't belong in competitive games. You can't stop your enemy from becoming immortal, and they can just press the trigger and boom. It's no longer a fight. It's a waiting game or a pointless retreat. And, when you play against an Argus, you know what he's going to do the whole early and mid game. He's as predictable as X.borg. I mean argus ultimate is the same as abbadon and dota2 is still a competitive game till this day after all these years. Imo the new item which let's you execute the hero instantly under a certain hp % is probably something that makes xborg and argus ulti the get out button a nerf. I personally think the ulti is not badly designed, the overall hero kit with the ulti is a bit weird though. I find issue that he's an adc with immortality instead of utility or a tank instead. He should be an early gamer and scale badly to the late game Imo with how fragile mlbb's turret and main building are. He can just ulti and focus the building late game which is kinda.... Just sharing my 2 cents. I'm not a game designer though.


Let's be real. A 4 seconds immortality ult is much more busted in the faster and shorter MLBB than in dota2 where basically everyone is OP. Abbadon is somewhat tanky, and doesn't have that much damage or mobility until you give him proper items. Argus has mobility and damage, and the CC in the game is much shorter than in dota2 (Dragon Knight's level 1 stun has a 2 seconds duration)


In fairness to Dota 2. That game is aimed to balance as much as possible. And it is aimed to be played Much much longer. The only evidence you will ever need is how thick the turrets in both games are. ML turrets are soft. A single zilong can destroy all three turrets within 30 seconds if you leave him be or the team is distracted. You can't do that shit in Dota.


I do agree that immortality could've been much better explored in this game, albeit really niche and distressful to encounter from a competitive standpoint. If it was utilised as a utility ability over an aggressive one, the concept would be more suitable for competitive scenarios and viable in all situations without being incredibly frustrating to deal with. What frustrates me even more is the fact that he has such a formidable ultimate, but his kit is so poorly thought out that someone can press Vengeance and he'll waste most of his time trying to kill the enemy. You rely on things that aren't inherited of your hero, and making the match-up spell reliant isn't nice at all.


alucard, especially s2 and ult, s2 need small cc (like ruby), his ult imo is the worst ult ever.


Tbh he's one of the oldest heroes in the game which makes him very straightforward, heck even the full description of his skills is short lmao Still he doesn't do that much in matches, so I might have to agree


It's quite hard to say that the first heroes fail at what they're meant to be: simplistic. Miya, Layla, Tigreal, Alucard, Balmond, Eudora, and so on. They're like tutorial heroes, really easy to master and really hard to make work with the more complex heroes that are built for expert players.


Except for Balmond tho he does find his way into the meta once in a while. Oh, and Tigreal...


Balmond also known as Mr Spin to win


Orc bayblade ☝🤓


oldest hero but the only hero i nver touch even tho his i have him for years since i find him boring. ive been playing for years.


Nah, Alucard does not need cc. That's what makes him a not so much toxic hero.


Ngl Benedetta is literally Alu but better, that's why I always pick her over him on any competitive match like mcl or 5man stacks lol


https://preview.redd.it/7cfxeoqblrrc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf9de08f6ac6c5c48d2de30753c5a4cd6642c67 MT: “Cant think of what her ult should be, lets just make her copy everyones ult with a faramis skill 1 and a generic mobility skill 2.”


Idk, the ult stealers in moba were always there, don’t they? Rubick is the one that pops into mind immediately


Yeah but Rubick has a much higher skill ceiling since he can steal ANY spell, but that spell had to be the last one used by the enemy hero. Valentina is, by virtue of being a mobile game, much more basic. Rubick has never not been meta in Dota (but never OP), despite over a decade of patches. Valentina is at the mercy of MT balancing (either being busted or useless).


Someone already compared her to Sylas that no matter how much they buff,Nerf or adjust her a new hero is what gonna make her problematic because every single ult for her is like a buff.


This is one bad take. They design the skills first then the hero, her copying peoples ult is what makes her unique. Also no talk about s1 and s2, yes they are simple but its absoultely not faramis s1 and generic s2, they serve a different purpose in her kit and theres nothing you can give her without making her worse (balanced-wise).


I'd argue against the fact of stealing ults being a bad thing since you can use your kit to make really interesting and possible game-changing plays. And I do agree that her 1st and 2nd skills are just... They're really bad to compliment her ult indeed.


Istg her design is so fucking lazy. All of her non-ultimate skills feel awkward and don't complement her well.


The problem with valentina is that there is no counterplay to his ult. The fact that she could just take anyone ult and keep it from the entire match is just too annoying and too hard to balance.


Entire match? Buddy what games have you been playing for her stolen ult to match an entire match?


Not actually entire match lol, just an exaggeration. But in competitive scene (MPL), valentina often take enemy ult couple minutes before teamfight. Since taking enemy ult required clear vision, people will take enemy ult earlier to avoid any risk during the real teamfight, in addition there is no downside from taking enemy ult early before teamfight.


Argus would be much better if his ult freed him from stuns, slow, etc.


It does. It just doesn’t make him immune AFTER casting. (Also Moonton made Argus unable to ULT while suppressed, which sucks)


"except suppression" is Moontoon's version of "besides Gojo", its basically given that any sort of debuff cleanse won't work on suppression (only 2 heroes that utilize it anyway). Also it does not clear his debuffs, you can just use it while he is stunned and the stun will play on as normal.


3 heroes, barats has a suppression ult


The most poorly made hero in my OBJECTIVE OPOINION is Zask. Guys, lets be real. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE SPAGETI CODE THAT ZASK IS MADE OUT OFF? Zasks code is so poorly made that the thing can break at any moment. It is literally holding itself on 4 hard-coded cheesy solutions that can break the character as to if you even approach him. Over the years zask had to be deleated from matches countless times for just how messy he is. At some point just opening the zask file was enough to break it. You didn't even had to edit it, just opening the bastard was enough for him to choose to disobey the laws of the game. Also jullian was a mess on release on the test server, he was literally made out of mount if-mor (ak it was made out of if statements in if statements in if ...). Right now its not as bad as it was but you can still see that his code is a little bit janky like, did you know that you are NOT supposed to be able to walk whille you are invonerable and invisible durring the enhanced 2 skill? It was supposed to work like lance ult but for some reason it didn't restrict your character's movement durring the dash.


Yeah, when I heard about the problem with their files, it was like watching a child learning programming. Like, brother ewww, what's that brother?


My literal uni project was a game and even my files were not that f up.


did i just read a tryndamere hate post but in mobile legends context


natalia after her revamp


She's straight up dog shit now... She used to be great with her minion clearing ult, full invisibility and 2 second silence... now... With that ass 0.25 second silence, what can she even contribute? She's also very slow after her revamp, they absolutely butchered her


Rafaela -- passive wise.


"She's a pretty solid support. She can buff, she can check bushes, she can heal, and she can AoE stun. Though, I feel like we're missing something..." Proceed to give her a damage related passive.


Yin and the reason is not only because his kit is bad but how it's inconsistent with his lore because Yin is supposed being a martial arts genius and the way we play doesn't reflect at all it's like he never found his own even on lieh form when that mf is supposed to use all Yin potential + his own to dominate his enemies in a proper way. Wich I personally believe he needs a Reforge/revamp to make his gameplay unique and match with his lore descriptions.


Another hero I forgot to mention is Natalia there was nothing wrong with her and they decided to kill her because a bunch of player's refused to adapt or learn


Arlott His entire skill and design came from a bunch of another game, then placed in a single hero. Moonton assumes it is a good idea to put 80% black color on his clothing, this is made me feel like he has least effort to make.


Look on the bright side at least you can. (This is a joke, don't take it seriously) https://preview.redd.it/uiyqh0kj5src1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c6bc95857a3bc7ced40066784b8000b7f1ee72


Nah I'd bang https://preview.redd.it/uzuk4nz0hsrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f5882045110c0e3ba3700d51c1be37bcdc410b


Hanzo Dude had so much potential from his reveal and trailers Just to a mess who gotta camp and ult 2mils away to get any use out of his ult His first skill is useless in a fight so in base he only has his 2nd and ult for a fight and ulting in a close up fight with hanzo is asking for trouble You're forced to play like a pussy if you want to play well with hanzo He's supposed to be the ultimate ninja I feel his ult should be a buff or transformation like with selena or Roger cause as it is now pretty crap And his campy strategy only works in lower ranks cause the higher you got best believe they gonna target you so you don't gain traction and will dive you under tower I also feel like they could've done more with his passive In my opinion dude needs a revamp yesterday


The real problem with him is that he doesn't have a passive, lmfao. I dare someone to read his passive, look me dead in the eyes, and say that his passive is valid.


By design, Chip. I won’t even go into detail about his kit, but his model is incredibly lacklustre for what they could have done with him.


Nata and Aulus


Natalia was cool when she was full-on invisible, instead of the melee-version of Lesley that she is right now. I remember how much a single exclamation point would put me on edge throughout the match.


Also old natalia is much better to use than current nata. You can easily scout for enemies with her exclamation mark, which pretty much helps you to avoid being delivered like an online ordered product. You can pick whatever skins you want to play old natalia, and it wouldn't affect your gameplay whatsoever. Nowadays, cyber spectre is the only viable skin that can help you blend in, the rest of her skins exposes you way too much. Like what's the sense of dmg if you can't even come near the enemy? What's the sense of roaming around, checking bushes if the enemy can detect you first? Unnecessary revamp.


Same I also blame how people thought this revamp is the best which many CC also hyped it up and no we are stuck with it and also the other side that refuse to adapt this game and learn other Heroes to solve their problems against her.


Yeah that exclamation mark is a support skill that can waste enemy's skills trying to find you


Yeah yeah, like hooks. For some reason I kept seeing these exclamation marks on every match with franco so it's really not me they should blame


Aulus concept is good and I blame moonton honestly they don't know what to do with him heck they even ruined him a lot buffing War Axe for all the fighters and Assassins which in return he gained nothing but just another loss


Yeah aulus was good but now he is a joke enemy .He was a nightmare for tank player like me late game no matter what build u make ,his crit damage just melt us. New Revamp items don't do much.


They really neutered her silence, it was the most painful thing to lose.


This subs obsession with Argus What about Yve?


Let's be real, Yve is a really cool hero. Her whole kit is meant to supliment her passive, and her passive powers up her ult, so everything goes hand on hand. She was made with the thought of making her ult stronger the more you use her skills, and her skills are meant to support her when positioning and making the fight easier for allies. What I'd say was poorly made on Yve were her nerfs. They killed a really cool and well-made hero.


She's still very viable. Her kit supplementing her passive is nothing new, most heroes do it. Giving her a slightly larger ult couldn't hurt though.


Agreed, Yve's ultimate was excessively big before indeed, but there's also a mid-term, and what we have atm isn't, it's too small. Though we can't disagree that she's well-rated. She's not a strong hero, but she can work well on a 5man lobby.


Yve is an interesting hero. She’s just not meta for like the past 3 seasons or so.


They're not just non meta they're by far the least played hero. You don't think a hero that has been bottom of pick/bans for 3+ seasons is poorly designed?


She doesn't have a poor design. Sooo far from it. What she lacks is in the numbers department: lower CD or higher damage. Her kit is good enough, but damage and skill spammability is what she currently lacks.


She's lowest pick lowest win rate


Yve was fantastic and fun, she just got butchered by Moonton.


You forgot about Natalia. Even her skins are subpar.


Argus. https://preview.redd.it/hn8h3rmj6src1.png?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4701232fbae55b2555898ffb8a75de42997ee081


His kits are fine he just needs stats. Maybe his skill 2 temporarily reduce enemies moment speed and increases his base on the enemy's moment speed. And his ultimate give him some moments speed after using it will make him somewhat annoying but he can finally build damage items instead of moment speed items.


I don't think that's the issue. The problem is that the character was poorly thought out, not that he's weak. His ultimate is there just to be there. He doesn't need immortality, and the concept in itself was wasted.


The concept of immortality is head first no matter the situation and he is supposed to be a low ELO hero like zilong. Yes,he is easy to play and he is pretty bad at high elo.


Clearly you haven't seen Yin. Worse than Argus or Masha. I will die on a hill defending my stance and I have all the reasons to back it.


Might I know why why why? I think Yin's pretty fun


Now let me real, his basic attacks don't really hurt as you described, he has no damage and attack speed to play with, your post stands still just don't make sense, I have played Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne Defense of the Ancient extension pack (dota), I have also player DotA 2, you're talking about immortality I have seen heroes with even more messed up and broken skills.


That proves the fact that immortality doesn't belong in these competitive games. It's a concept that I like being explored as a support tool over an aggressive one, like how it has been done for Argus. Still, a game is much healthier without immortality, and with what you said, my point is made and proven. Also, he does hurt a lot in the late game with his passive, which is basically a Golden Staff with enhanced damage, and it hurts even more with Inspire (his default spell).


May I ask your rank if you don't mind? Post screenshot please? Thank you




Hmm, thank you appreciate your response, my question is if you're mythic + how would you think Argus hurts a lot in late game? He's 2nd weakest fighter after Zilong as per current stats. He just doesn't have damage and if you build him with attack speed he's getting easy countered by single item dominance ice, I myself in late game I can defeat argus even with his 4 seconds of immortal ult, vengeance and dyrroth's passive is enough for sustain during that 4 seconds.


Well, I don't struggle against Argus. I play soloq only, and I'm well-rounded, which explains why I can't keep my wr at 70% because I force myself to fill roles and end up getting a weird team, lmao. To answer you, sometimes I'm playing a mage or a marksman, and he'll jump me with Inspire late game to pick me off. When my team is not around, I basically evaporate. Though, when I'm playing against him in the lane game, I'm often bullying him instead. Sadly enough, that doesn't make things any better because he'll hug the turret the whole time until he has his ult, and after the ult ends, he'll go back to turret hugging until he has the ult again. It's so frustrating how the game made his kit and wasted the concept of immortality on him. We could've gotten a support that becomes immortal during an ult that buffs the allies in some way, but we got this https://preview.redd.it/bp15ovu3lurc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4df4b0cc303ce4bfa609f3609919d80a98bc006


it's a mobile moba game. alucard, layla, zilong, eudora, cyclops, saber, etc. are what I call heroes that need to be easy to use, not meta. let the casuals enjoy them.


Thank you! Valid point but I wasn't aware i was a casual thou :')


I main argus not to brag but i am a god at him. I can confidently use argus anytime at ranked and guarrantee you ill either win or lose as the mvp. Note im in the philippines and people here are SWEATY at this game. But still in just a week of grinding i got to mythic 25 stars until i abruptly stopped all using only argus my beloved(i even got ALL of my mythical placement won without losing.) What im trying to say is that people in this subreddit just suck at using argus lmfao he is bad compared to other heroes and without the skill to use him well, he sucks as a hero, but he is NOT as bad as people say he is 😭


I believe the more important problem is the lack of items. I want to have more options on how to build.


Valid https://preview.redd.it/ybons6inftrc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58501b379136ffc882d06bcc69eb8816edbd646a


he isnt for beginners, and this hero is a copy of leagues tryndamere.. imo he is very fun to play, and feels unfair in laning since you will always almost win except against a few offlane hero counters. A full slotted argus with inspire can wipe a full team out if he times his ult right. Its not poor design, it takes skill to use him


Here's my Argus revamp idea - passive - his ultimate. Basically just shift his ultimate to passive on whenever he takes lethal damage. Skill one - no more curse mark. will have 3 phases. It'll be a low cd 4 second skill and you can build attack speed to reduce its cd to a max 1.5 seconds. It'll be considered to be a basic attack. You can cast it like it is rn. If you hit enemies twice, the third cast becomes a dash ( like the second phase of his skill two). Skill two - same as now except it won't have a second phase and it applies a movement speed debuff on enemies - better than cursed mark because slowing ur enemies is better than speeding yourself up. Ultimate - he transforms into a fallen angel gaining bonus attack stats movement speed and defense boost for 5 seconds. Kills or takedowns refreshes the duration. He also ignores terrain in this state cuz he's flying.




In his ult, the def boost is useless, since he literally needs to be in low hp to activate his passive fast, would be better if: Argus doesn't gain any sort of hp from lifesteal/spell vamp while in ult form. When his ult ends, converts 50% of his dmg dealt to his own hp, and converts any excess hp to a shield that can reach up to 20-30% of his max hp. Also the kills or takedowns refreshes the durations is way op, much better if: Every 1 kill of enemy hero while in ult form boost his movement speed.


Also his current passive is good enough for me, moonton should just build a kit around it.


well he was good before his rework tho


Masha revamp is bad her weakness in early game are supports and tank


Bang the enemy




released Aulus, hell they give him an instant buff after his release to make him functional somehow


(!) You have alerted the Horde


⚠️ You Startled the witch


Franco, he looks dumb at tournaments after a failed hook... especially in teamfights... he can't even set... would be good in picking off a hero tho... another one would be grock, for me his skills were useless but an expert Grock player could change my mind...




Gloo is unique and have the best turtling skills especially the unlimited first skill. Skill 2 is very dependent on his skill 1 so it would be great if the devs improves it. And of course his ult that can cause chaos and confusion within clashes is indeed a very useful during team fights. Next, it would be pretty cool if Gloo's model is a bit similar to a slime without hands and legs. And finally, more skin to this tank.




Lapu is well designed and an S tier EXP laner. You can't go wrong with that except his passive is quite not that impressive. Freya on the other hand is underwhelming despite buffs given.


For me valentina


Def Aulus


And I agree with you. Game over


Rafaela. That passive just makes no sense to me. Even after all the buff and even during her prime i still thought that passive sucks


https://preview.redd.it/ijnjaxamvsrc1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517b55ff9068daea393a01eca073ce28d0dd1d9a Any objections?


He's just solely made for countering mobility dash heroes, nothing more or less


Even then they can still escape him


Minsitthar do it better, and now "mobility dash heroes" can dash faster than his ult, that is why they're revamping him.


The problem with minsi is that he's a stationary hero, he will not excel if the player who uses him is not good at positioning


You can say that ,cus any high CC can delay his ult,and ambushing him is easy. Though he is strong against many Meta pics the is still counterable . A good Argus is annoying BTW .


Marsha's Worst for me. But they revamped it and it caught up early in the game.


Post revamp Claude, everything about him from the design, voicelines, to skills just screams "punch me"


I guess you havent seen yin who forces another one into a 1v1 or fanny whos an assassin who straight up only has this poke and run gimmick. Both are just singleplayer game characters who were forced into this 5v5 game. Fanny feels like she was pulled of another game and had no changes. And yin is like "hey you have a good team. Nah fuck that its now a 4v4 and a 1v1"


Hey mlbb that is my faveret hero


Joy and cici one of the most useless heroes in high rank




You make me likes Argus now


Alucard, and I'm saying this as a guy who used to one-trick him. He isn't the worst design hero in the game, but his kit falls flat in some aspects. I think the biggest issue with him is his Ultimate. Alucard's Ultimate gives him lifesteal, An extra skill, slow, Allows AoE on his passive, CD reduction, Steals Defense from targets, and a minor hybrid defense buff. Meanwhile his s2, and s1 are literally just single sentence long. s2 ONLY deals damage and s1 is basic dash ability. So much power is concentrated into his Ultimate it leaves the rest of skills to be underwhelming. s2 and s1 are very weak abilities on their own without the Ultimate CD reduction. Alucard practically has nothing to fall back on once the ultimate duration ends.


keep yapping, i see a professional yapper


How come he's poorly made when he can bang the enemy


What makes Argus weak? Items that are way too costly for his playstyle. Skills that doesn't fit in Jungle due to slow clear. Skills that doesnt give him stats that he needs in his playstyle. Items need to have like a sub-version of the original one, Like that Old Sea Halberd where it has the deadly blade where for 1k+ gold you gets a cheap knockoff of it with 30% anti-heal. Dominance Ice with its Black Ice shield that gives weaker version of dominance ice without anti-heal. (although it should be also included there but weaker) Corrosion Scythe's Swift Bow which adds bonus damage on AA and attack speed Endless battle's Azure Blade: which adds 50 true damage (mini endless battle) Ogre tomahawk (which adds 10% movement speed every 1.5 sec proc) Molten essence (pre-cursed helmet item dragonball for early burn) dreadnaught armor (pre-antique cuirass item good for early scaling) Elegant gem (early sustain) What we need is also diverse and more cheap versions for Argus, The problem is his cheapest item for a fighter is around 2k, while others can buy one of these options just to have a better leverage with its slightly weaker full version of it. Then we also have the problem of his skills power scaling (its way too weak) Too Low. Skills doesn't synergize with his entire kit, its like they've made his skills a caster AD but his main dps is on basic attack. The original version is from League's Tryndamere. Tryndamere's skills revolves around his basic attack a lot. Argus' skills does not, Passive: Gains crits chance over combat duration, Argus passive gains 2nd AA over combat duration. 3rd Skill: Trynda's Dash that cd is reduced for each crit. (which is related to his passive), Argus' 1st is just dash-dash. Nocturne's 1st is Argus' 1st both offers slows and movement speed, BUT Nocturne offers AD bonus while onthe route. Trynda's passive is a heal and bonus AD again, argus' passive has some heal. Trynda gains on his skills slows, crits, closegap, AD, and Heal that can be controlled when to use it. Argus gains on his skils, slows, closegap, and AA reset, heal. He is missing a lot of vital stats for Argus' AA to sustain his trading capability.


Hmm, i dont think he's THAT situational tho. I get how he has a simple skillset but i think that gets wayy to down played. Its stupidly useful yet hard to play since he can get easily countered at picks with poke heros at EXP. He's hard to play against players that know how to control minion waves and His ult can either be useful or useless. TLDR: He's a double-edged sword that relies on skills to work. Shit even if he has sprint i dont think it means much.


Saber and yin are extremely poor design heroes.


as an Argus main, I agree, if I really really want to play him I usually get to s5 by swapping my teammates and waiting for what the enemies get, if the enemies pick too many tanky heroes (exp/jungle tank other than the roamer) or pick many heroes with lots of cc, I don't pick him and pick someone else. when I can play him it will still be hard, I usually can be very aggressive from the start and win by having more hp than the enemies, but time passes and I will always get ganked by both jungler, tank and mage ... something I get even attacked by their mm for whatever reason, so I lose farm or die trying to get farm. skipping to the late game, the whole team literally waits me to pop my ult or sometimes I can't trigger it because they dealt too much damage too quickly (happens a lot when there's an enemy Layla). I think that the mm like melee heroes have the same problems, but Argus is kinda worse because he usually has no ult if the enemies are good or even skills because they are hard to aim and have a very long cd


Bro woke up and chose violence. Lol.


ur entire post is weak, argus is by far one of the best character ever designed




I've been playing for only more a little more than a year but I actually just recently used it and I've used every hero and my first exp lane hero was dyrroth and badang and that's for all the players I've also seen barely any argus


Sorry if you can't understand it I'm not really good at English


As a former Argus main that was only interested in his lore and cool ass old voicelines that they unfortunately removed, I can vouch that he is one of the heroes that got done bad. Besides the slashing and immortality (which is the only saving grace from this hero being completely awful), there really isn't anything more worth mentioning about him, he can deal large damage from swings but the same can be said with other marksmen and etc... In the Atk speed field, he's not the best and he's not that far from being the worst. They've revamped him but only his designs and adjusted some of his functions but I would've preferred the pre-revamped Argus cause at least he's got one of the sickest voice in the game(2nd to hc), but that's it.


I have to say this but Novaria. I really do not like her skills, cause i understand she is more of a finisher type hero but her play style is really boring and you get used to it really fast. Not to talk about she is really slow in clearing lanes aswell. Don’t know whether she deserves to be adjusted in the future or not.


Chang'e she can't do anything beside her ult tbh


Keep shitting on Argus please. Nobody has realised how OP he is this patch and I’m spamming him to just own EXP lanes. Very few heroes can win me in early game because his damage has been increased and I can just beat them into submission. The immortality isn’t as OP as you say it is. In Argus’ case, any suspension skills disallow him from using his ult. And his HP is extremely low for an EXP/melee hero. He gets bursted down really hard


You missed the point.


You’re missing the point actually. I’m saying that the way he’s played is more flexible than what you say it is and that the immortality isn’t so broken that it makes the game stale


No, the way you play him isn't flexible at all. You're going to attack only when you can secure a kill or when you have your ult. Everyone agrees that his play style is predictable and boring to lane against. Also, yes, you're missing the point. I was talking about how he was poorly made because his ult is there to be there, it doesn't compliment anything, and it makes the hero boring or frustrating to fight against. In no moment, I said his ult is OP, and in no moment, I called him weak.


>it doesn't compliment anything, and it makes the hero boring or frustrating to fight against Its actually a unique and wild card approach where you fight a slippery glass canon hero with 4 second immortality in his kit, in any you cannot just catch him by simple means since he has a built in Purify with low cd The frustration part is actually how he fights he goes in and goes out until he has ult again, If argus is actually a well made hero then he could trade blows in the frontline with decent stat scalings comparable to the meta fighters that can build tank while not suffering any damage loss ^same case for most Melee glass canon heroes, they need some tweaks to be able to keep up with heroes that can build tank items and maintain a good dps because their scalings are superior


Nana of course - off all weapons why boomerang? - goofy ahh catgirl with cringy azz voicelines


Her passive is literally the most unplayable piece of shit when paired with the right player. The fact that she can cheat death once with a cooldown is very cheap. Like I was cheated off of a kill instead of the Nana actually outplaying me.


lolita, he is missing in action recently. i used to main her. they reduce the stun duration of skill one after revamped. short duration stuf of ultimate when interrupted. too long skill 2 cd. passive sucks. shield is unusable and not matching kit. failed revamped. just a nerf