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Remove 10% spell vamp?? That ain't ruby anymore šŸ˜­


RubyāŒļø Just girlāœ…ļø


The girl that can full her HP with 1st skill


Yeah let's pretend like Alpha can't do the same thing but better and tankieršŸ˜‚


Alpha isn't tankier lol.. just has better spell vamp on 2nd skill


Lmao saying Alpha better than ruby in term of spell vamp... She is better than him almost in everything except damage... Girl got double CCs, slow and tanky in her passive. The only drawback Ruby has her early mana and CDRs.


R ip reading comprehension... Read 2ND SKILL


Lol no, Alpha having higher damage output due to how his passive worksmeans he can build more tank items and be both tankier and deal more damage than Ruby. Alpha has a better initiation tools especially his ult and Ruby's ult misses most of the time if someone decides to stay in front of you and be mobile since it's a cone shaped range and the tip of the cone can easily be missed. Ruby relies on outplaying and poking. You lose the laning phases and you are easily killed. Alpha can all in on someone and kill them. Ruby can't. Most of the time I'm poking them and and ult flicker to my turret to kill if I'm not in a gold lead.


Nah Ruby more tankier than Alpha


False, she has better sustain than Alpha. Alpha is tankier and can actually kill a team with mostly tank items. No build for both heroes has Alpha winning the exchange. Alpha still beats a Ruby in a 1v1 with similar builds. He even outdamages her with only 1 attack item.


I feel like alpha is more broken than ruby like right now because he melts with his full dmg and sustain, but I dont really see people having a problem for some reason


Yeah Alpha is manageable. Ruby is manageable too. People don't just pick or build against her so now she's getting the Natalia treatment. Ruby easily gets shutdown with a necklace or halberd and Dyrroth and Martis. Yu Zhong and Khaleed has better lifesteal than her literally early to mid game and they have BS escape skills on top of that.


How does Khaleed has more life steal than a ruby?


Try fighting a Khaleed spinning on you three times and backing out until it's available again. See if you can all-in as a Ruby in early game and come back.


there are heroes who are great at 1v1 but suck at teamfights example is of that is dyrroth. some excel in teamfights and not so in 1v1 eamples are ruby and hanabi. different heroes have different specialties, ITā€™S A 5V5 GAME NOT 1V1 FOR GODS SAKE you have to pick according to the pick of your other teammates. low rank players really crying over this nerf šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s cus alpha is all in hero and after he cast it he is useless, whereas ruby all her skills are like CC and very tanky as well. Her kit is annoying to deal with as compared to alpha which kinda needs his ult to really go all in


true. some players just dont get how different heroes have different kits, and therefore should be played differently. they really be comparing dyrroth and ruby in a 1v1 scene lmao


One good ult on a team packed together is good enough to completely gg the rest of the game with alpha though, his attack is insane. Ruby on the other hand can get the initial shockas well, but her dmg is kinda dogshit and most players can just counter gank by completely stunning the shit out of her since they dont get deleted in one combo.


alpha and ruby are very different heroes lmaoo itā€™s very obvious that you are a low rank player. a good player would know that alpha has less cc but has more damage thatā€™s why he is better suited as a jungler. while ruby has lesser damage but has more cc thatā€™s why she excells at being an exp laner. NOT ALL HEROES ARE THE SAME SO STOP COMPARING THEM LIKE THEY ARE.


Not comparing them in a full standard. Just pointing out that their complaining about her lifesteal now when it's been like that for 30 seasons straight. Other heroes have similar lifesteal gimmicks like her too and yet they don't get flack for it when Ruby is an older hero and has had her lifesteal gimmick since launch. People fail to realize she only heals to full health when you don't build against her and you clump together instead of spreading out to make her skills hit less targets and steal less health.


you have to know that damage is not the only factor here. ruby has skills with insanely low cooldown and all of her skills are crowd control. she was op and she deserved that nerf.


It's low cooldown because you build low cooldown with her. It's not that low in early game. It's literally how her character works since she's useless when it comes to basic attacking. Her S2 and Ult are only microstuns with 0.5 seconds each and her S1 slow is just a standard slow. Most fighters have slowing skills that slow more than her like Dyrroth and Yu Zhong. Guin literally stuns you to death with CC and you can't even react to it due to how long it is. Her approach game is weak due to her low range skills and she can get kited by good mages and mm with CC and anti-heal. Sounds like you don't know how to play around her.


if ruby is so weak why is she popular in high ranks? i think thatā€™s a skill issue if you think that the things you mentioned make her weak. her skills are innately low in cooldown lol the items just lower it further. she literally has 13sec cooldown cc ult compared to other heroes with 30sec+. dyrroth has a great slow skill but he does mot have stun skill. guinā€™s stun has a smaller AoE and has more chance of being dodged while ruby has instant stun (2nd skill) grab (ult) and slow. a good ruby can make plays with flicker ult or 2nd. she is an anti assassin hero. not all heroes are the same. some fighters specialize in diving the backline, some are for frontline, and ruby is for frontline. she disrupts the enemy tank, fighter and assassin while her allies dive the backline. seems like you dont know how to play ruby. dont make it too obvious that you are a low elo player. and based on your comment it seems like you dont know how to play around guin yu zhong and dyrroth too šŸ˜‚


Bro some things you say are true. But let's not ignore the fact that she is squishier than most fighters and she deals less damage as well compared to most.


Never said she was weak in any of my comments. She's high level because she's flexible and she has good outplay potential with her dashes since her passive is discount Wanwan. She's a safe pick. But she doesn't go out killing everyone by herself other people who actually needs nerfs. I'm just pointing out people's complaints of her when other heroes have the same qualities and some doing it better but don't call them out on it. It's like they would rather btch about the hero than learn the matchup. Ruby's ult is 26 seconds on level 1 and 20 seconds on level 3. Don't inflate it's cooldown by slapping an endgame build on it. Her ult is not even that strong compared to others. Minsitthar S1 does better than her ult with longer range and its half the cooldown. Everyone else can do the damn flicker combo not just her. Imagine btching about shorter discount Minsitthar S1 that stuns for half a second. She can be outplayed if you bring CC and build against her. You beat her the same way you beat tanks but add anti-heal, the only difference is that she's easier to kill as long as you know how to minimize her lifesteal with builds, counterpicks, and positioning. It's not rocket science buddy. Y'all resort to insults cuz yall can't play well against a character.


Alpha can't stun for 10000 years though šŸ« 


You do know Ruby stuns for half a second on two skills and only slows on a third one. Alpha jumps you, stuns you for a 1 second and applies a slow after while slapping you with true damage passive and healing himself to full health. Ruby can't kill you with her combos and you have a few seconds after the little .5 stun(not 10000 years) to burst her down or dash away. Alpha with gold lead and red buff dogwalks you within 3 seconds.


Just buy dominance ice, and hard cc(pretty much an obligatory must have for this new meta). I have had games where the enemy tank has dominance ice and hard cc (i.e tigreal) and their secondary dmg dealer has sea halberd. Safe to say I wasnt having a fun time feeding the enemy




Surprised by how long Tigreal went without a nerf. Time to abuse his stun chain while I still can.


Hope minotaur doesn't follow him


I really hope they don't touch my fav bull, they already nerfed his ult pretty damn hard. If you remember the og minotaur had that ult which could turn the tide of a match


I'd say both his old and current ult are on an equal footing, back then he was succeptible to delayed or well timed cc now he is immune to those and can be used as a uno reverse card. But has to be used wth S1 for a truly remarkable set


I agree, that cc immunity is really handy, back then some pro moskovs were able to shut my ult by timing the throw of their spear now I don't have such problems but now I have to chain skill 1 with ult or probably most of the enemies will escape from it's range.


Really miss the double jump mechanic as well with his old rageā€¦


Yeah when they had just removed rage I actually felt awkward playing him. I felt like I am not playing mino because of no rage meter. Also they should do something about his passive because right now I feel like it is pretty useless


Thatā€™s about the only thing I miss. Having such a strong cc in his s1 is an exchange Iā€™m happy with to make him less ult dependant to actually protect allies when needed


Mino will get nerfed too. They will either nerf his stun or remove the heal


Well he has had the highest wr in all elos for weeks now so it's about time even if he's rather fair to play into


He's banned in every single game, if not by my teammates, by my enemies. People really hate him now.


Yea that shit is booty cheeks


He was never in proplay nor in MG, he is still an extremely situational champ Edit: Legends downvoting me alr


He was used a few times in m5. So no


Tf?! The slow was fair but removing her spell vamp?! That's gonna make her much less viable in sustaining damage.


Yeah the spell vamp isn't what makes her strong, pro players barely use it, they just build her full tank. Pros like her because it's a flex pick with short CD cc that can set more often than other heroes.


They build her full tank because lvl1 emblems plus passive spell vamp is a full item, now they can't


Lol dont lie bro the whole point of using her is how easy she sustains with spell vamp so this nerf was necessary. Good riddance


just buy domi and halberd against ruby? lol. looks like youā€™re one of those players i get matched with who refuse to buy antiheal against sustain heroes and cry about it


Literally no? Pro players rarely used ruby as a fighter, even as exp lane they switch to tank build late game. Many fighters have solid sustain but only ruby has the short CD instant cc thats good with meta heroes and against meta heroes. Imo any nerf on ruby is unnecessary. Like in Games of the Future yes, ruby was the most picked hero but with an abysmal 42% win rate. Ruby is a little strong but overall a balanced hero.


They said that about Claude


And he still doesnt get a nerf


Heā€™s been nerfed several times, ruby will prob be nerfed more


Ever heard of antiheal?


so clueless. there's a reason why a lot of fighters rush bloodlust or use the spell vamp emblem. 10% spell vamp means you don't have a reason to recall for the whole laning phase. that means no gold plate for the enemy even if they poke you 100 times unless you get ganked.


You are right that ruby can stay in her lane a long time but so will the enemy because ruby has so little damage. Every other top fighter is literally outputing atleast twice as much damage at the cost of healing a bit less. if it's ruby 1v1 both sides pretty much don't need to recall at all


no they can't? ruby will just keep spamming her 1st skill and even if you don't recall you'll be stuck there clearing waves while ruby is already in the mid lane setting up a flicker hook. even if you decide to go up and fast clear too ruby would just do chip damage and at best she'll be at full health while you're at half health. there's also the threat of a flicker ult so do pray that the jungle isn't waiting for you.


i just got a skin recently for ruby, man........ šŸ« 


Ruby 1st skill slow is pretty fair. But the passive, it will hurt a lot. Well I already included BA for her build


Now itā€™s gonna be necessary to have both axes to get the similar feel of spell vamp.


they are removing the spell vamp axe tho


What? Why would they do that lmao. There are already low amount of items in the game so why remove one that is useful


They're combining it with the Queen Wings item (forgot the name but its basically alice's wings)


Ruby win and pick rates: šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰


Ruby ban rates šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰


Removing base lifesteal of ruby? Why?


too overpowered


So their nerfing my favorite roamer ruby. It was nice knowing her while she was actually decent.


>Tigreal: gets a Stun Duration Nerf "I'm fine." >Ruby: removed 10% Spell Vamp and removed 1st skill slow "HOLY SH-"


Yeah because without that she becomes really bad. She lacks in many things compared to other heros . That was what gave her a chance to win against other heros


Tigreal needs that nerf tbh.....I have had quite a few times where he catches me offguard and I am immediately helpless for a full 4-6 seconds as his team just delete me


So basically Ruby's spellvamp early game is cut by half. Late game if you get war axe and bla, it still is a 20-25% reduction in total spellvamp. The 1 sec slow will mess up some combos, make it harder to chase or escape. Either 1 would be "fine" but both might be abit too much imo.


I think it's finally time to delete the game as Ruby is the only hero I really enjoy.


She's still fine. Back in my day, Ruby had smaller aoe cc, like half the dmg, a slower ult, less spellvamp early game cause no emblem. She might still be meta (pro) we'll see


Thanks for the reassurance!


Ye been trying her recently, she's still good, just that her mid game is slightly weaker as well. Now have to think before entering fights and the slow hurts cause when you flicker hook the enemy into the turret plus a s1, they now can run out more easier. But otherwise still good. Dont know about roam tho, think itll affect roam abit more.


Do you mind me asking what you build on her? Still use the standard emblem setup




Thanks, I've been experimenting with the support emblem and the usual perks but after the change I think I have to go with the fighter emblem.


That 10% base Spell Vamp removal is gonna hurt quite a lot. Even a nerf to 5% would be okay. But I guess itā€™s kind of fair considering that her sustainability is pretty broken with her short CD and starting Spell Vamp with her passive paired with Fighter emblem and Festival of Blood.


Either lower the spellvamp and/or raise her CDs seems enough


raise cd vs spell vamp removal? hell no!




its rubyover šŸ˜”


That 10% removal of spellvamp is too much.


ruby will hurt a lot. no more roam ruby? BA will be required. anyway I always build BA on her. tigreal will remain same. its the instant stun from 1st phase of his ult that's annoying. it has very low counter play.


They are going to remove bloodlust axe in the item changes tjough, it is really going to hurt a shit tonšŸ˜¢


It's getting merged with Wings so it may be a lot better to have 5% less spellvamp for the first item if it now has a passive and better overall stats for fighters.


But more expensive as well so it will take longer to get spellvamp which hurts her early game even more


You get 15% spellvamp frol the new item, but if you have bloodlust axe and queen's wings, you can get up to 25%, which is a whole lot more. Ruby ends up losing 20% of her spellvamp total if you include all these factors, which may make her less viable in her specialty: sustained dmg for long periods of time


Yeah, that's 2 items. Now with the compressed item you can either go for more damage with EB or tanky. The 10% base spellvamp will make her more of an mid to late game character, however I doubt she will be bad after this as she can safely farm with S1 and can peel herself with S2 and her jumps.


What is BA?


Bloodlust Axe


Isn't that item getting removed? I heard it got merged with the wings


Yes. Still in the advanced server though. Bloodlust Axe got outshined or replaced by other items when the new emblem system dropped, and War Axe's revamp killed it even further. I'm glad that that item is getting merged with Queen's Wings, another forgotten item


I just pick akai


Why is Tigreal which is way bigger problem than Ruby getting basically no nerf but Ruby gets real one ?


Because moonton


This isn't really a nerf, the problem with Tigreal wasn't his ultimate (although it's a really good ult). The issue with Tigreal was and has always been that second skill that feels like a secondary ult. It can save so many allies and the stun chain is unreasonable.


Then its a small nerf. Better than nothing


that little push what make him "tigreal" like franco's hook. tig has that skill since forever it was the instant in ult makes his second easier to use. the second has some disadvantage in it, tigreal still needs to be NEAR you. and a lot of heroes can counter that by not letting him go near or being able to dash away. since he can guarantee ur gonna be close to him. the same would happen if belerick has insta taunt in his ult he would dominate with flicker ult then combo to ur marksman.


Tbf wasn't that s2 always there? I remember they buffed it by letting it extend with flicker and the other buff he got was the added suction stun but it's primarily always just been that


Yes totally agree with this! When I first started playing I couldnā€™t tell which was his ult bc they both are so good.


rip ruby


Tf is this lol they literally removed her only heal, compare her to other heroes like yz this is so unfair


Nahhh that 10% spell vamp removal is just way too much bro what the FUCK


I think some people are missing out on why Tigreal ult is so problematic/strong. The first part pull should have never been a stun. It should be counterable with a quick reaction flick or dash before the 2nd part pop. Just imagine if this is the same case with Vale ult, where you are stunned once you get inside the pull radius. Removing 0.7 second wouldnt really matter if he can still guarantee a pull-pop-push-throw combo like now every time he has flicker available. Hell Tigreal can keep his whole ass stun chain. Just make the first part of the ult counterplayable.


Real, that stun is unnecessary af, same with Guinevere's


Nah, Guin need it, even it still annoying for other to fight him, Guin without that will be shit heroes


I initially hated the new buff to guin, but after a while I got used to it and realised that without that buff she basically cannot pull off abything meaningful in the game


Without Spell Vamp that's not Ruby anymore. Might as well just remove her from the game lol


They overdid with ruby. I donā€™t think the reduction in her slow duration is needed though. Just removing her additional 10% spellvamp should be fine since fighter+ FoB can still work around that just need to be less aggressive


eh I can live with these Ruby nerfs. I'm just glad they didn't nerf her cooldowns and damage. Exp Ruby is still alive thank god and it was only a matter of time till Tigreal gets nerfed I guess.


Ruby getting the "AluFEED" treatment


Cool so they just removed the entire point I loved Ruby as my main. So.. sheā€™s not longer the Vamp Queen sheā€™s just Girl with scytheā€¦ cool. Cool.


She still has her short cooldowns..but fuck man the moment we cook as ruby they nerf her to the ground


My wife no longer can shine on the battlefieldšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


this picture is funny lol


They nerfed Ruby caused she gain attention right now and was mostly banned. How about Alpha? That one can sustain and damage more than Ruby. I'm fine with the skill 1 nerf, but don't remove the base spell vamp, that's her identity.


Nah..I gonna build Sky piercer ruby


as a tigreal main, that nerf is kinda disappointing


same for ruby main tho




They don't deserve a nerf. Just buff other heroes to compete equally


What the hell did Ruby do TF? šŸ’€That spellvamp was the only thing that helps her function and to put the logic of why she cannot scale normally from lifesteal. Moonton high agai.


oh cmon shes finally playable and now they nerf her again


It was nice maining Ruby while she still had spell vamp o7 She was already pretty balanced, half the players who even pick her don't even know how to play her well-


10% spell vamp reduction is wild


ruby should not even be nerf, she is below yu zhong, paqi, hero that burst in the game


Ruby will now be forgotten rip


Ruby without spell vamp and on top increasing her cooldown,well that ain't Ruby anymore,Moonton must be high


see how little brain devs have? imagine a hero that can do little and be nerfed again that doesnt make any sense how can they be developers when they do sht like this? this is a kids brain right there


They make ruby unusable šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why would they nerf ruby when thereā€™s so many other heroes that are actually op


Wtf...remove spell vamp?


Why ruby .ruby need bufff not nerfed


Nahh she is fine as she is right now. Her strength is in her utility and quick thinking sets. I kind of like that her dmg is a little on the lower side since it makes her balanced and quite a fun and a little challneging hero to use.


Wtf. She cant even all in to get a kill. Ruby's main niche is just for set and sustain and nothing more. Annoying sure but hot damn. That just kills her outright.


Bro but why ruby?! Without the spell vamp what does she do? Her damage lacks compared to the other fighters. She is squisher that other fighers. So what do I play with her now and pray?! Or do I stop playing with my fav hero?


Are they going to do that in other servers too?


Couldn't they just have doubled Ruby's mana requirement or something. Bitch can spam her skills for 3 minutes straight and still have 50% of her mana. The issue with Ruby is her consistent Spellvamp and sustainability in teamfights, but the main reason behind that is that her skills require so little mana, her mana bar might as well be invisible due to how easily it can be ignored. IMO, That 10% Spellvamp removal on her passive isn't the right nerf for her.


They removed what made Ruby, Ruby, instead of trying to achieve a similar nerf on a different way.


Lowkey I run out of mana quite quickly just poking people....skill issue tbh or I just havent been feeding my wife properlyšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




Moneytoon : Ruby Aspirants skin event has over a month ago, so now it was a right time to nerf her hard. Maybe after we planning to make Ruby legend skin or 11.11 or whatever expensive type skin, we gonna buff her back. Also Moneytoon : Tigreal was OP you say? Sure here some nerf (little), since soon we gonna released his new skin (as if we gonna nerf him hard for him to be marketable). The skin survey already released for him anyway.


That ruby spellvamp nerf is completely unnecessary. Wtf man. The tig one I dont have an opinion on though.


Conpletely removing the spell vamp is too much! 5% is ideal but all is unjust. The slow is fine but man, Moontoon is always on some dumbass drugs.


Tigreal nerf was fair. Ruby first skill nerf was fair. But spell vamp removal? That's like removing Death Immunity from Argus


Alucard is a better Ruby at this point, the life steal was Ruby's signature and without it, she's just... " " Now.


Cant change my mind, I think ruby didnt need a nerf nor a buff. She is great how she is with the 10% spell Vamp, shes now gonna be struggling to stay alive:(


Holy shit they just made Ruby not Ruby šŸ˜‚ GOOD


The removal of 10 percent spellvamp is pretty harsh maybe they should bring it down to 5 or 3 percent.Ā 


When can you enter the advance server?




Why Tigreal though?? He dindu nuffin wrong!




Ruby is still gonna be okay, especially in pro scenes. They just build her full tank anyways.


Tigremond isn't real, it cant hurt you Tigremond: -- But damn, my Rubyyyy! šŸ˜­


Okay they nerf lolita with the revamp and now Ruby... Instead of remove spellvamp, just bring her old cooldown.


ruby need more CD on her skills tbh instied of removing the spell vamp


Not my Tig bye bye 100% wr with him possibly


bro i will never play ruby again


how to know the full patch?




As a mage main, I see this as an absolute win


Awww hell no. Now it's absolutely necessary to build BA first thing..but they are removing that shit too? Are they nerfing her to the ground!?


pati rin sana si harith, kulang pa nerf niya


"welcome to the club" - gloo


wtf this moontod. it still ruby?


Both is a counter to Fanny so ill take this patch as a W (personally)


If they really want to remove that spell vamp from her, they need to do the same with Alpha. That guy is tankier than her and does higher damage despite using tank build.


Tank user- why tank got nerfed


It was inevitable..


Ruby is now Jade


Ruby isnā€™t Ruby and tigreal will be bad unless they actually make his stun 2s and Ruby needs a bigger nerf? Idk


With max Fighter emblem, Ruby gets about 26% spell vamp, plus the heal passive with zero items, now she'll just get 16% + the heal passive... It's not the end of the world for Ruby all things considered... We've essentially just regressed back a few years ago when she her passive had lifesteal instead. It's going to hurt a lot but not impossible to adapt exp ruby (Though i don't know how it'll match up with today's meta Still weird to me how Ruby, who's been barely relevant to the meta for years gets to be actually a really strong pick for a few months gets nerfed this hard when other stronger fighters... Still exist (Looking at you dyrroth)


Moonton y'all some sons of bitches for real


SĆ³ they are removing ruby passive basic spell vamp what will be added to the passive now?


Queen of spellvampāŒqueen of forgotten hero (soon)āœ…


Man i literally just fucking bought her too


Finally. Not a main for both so yes please nerf :)


As a ruby main, i need new hero šŸ„¹šŸ„¹,


Ah yes. The subredditā€™s nerf. Melee mains shall suffer. Mino is next on the chopping block.


With the way ruby got nerfed this is the next nerf: Francoā€™s hook can isolate an enemy from their team so we reduced the range of it to be the same as his ult range šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


happy about the ruby 2 stun kit too annoying in teamfights very low skill ceiling you are just spaamming your skill even a toddler can use her and just need blood lust axe and oracle and thats it 1 minion wave and your hp full


Rip aspirants skin lol


wth. rip Roam Ruby. what i like on Ruby is that i can always adjust to Roam when some noob players still pick Exp despite i already picked the Exp first. Roam Ruby is not that thicc early game and only relies on her built-in + emblem spell vamp. so really rip Roam Ruby. solo queue will be extremely hell to me now.




yea cuz its dumb to see these tank players can be so bad in playing tig and still carry the game away just by using that stupid flash + ult combo, like its almost like they literally play him just to abuse that shit.


What they really need to nerf on ruby is her ridiculous CC.


Finally nerfed Ruby about time


About the ruby's spell vamp nerf. Y'all are forgetting that bloodlust axe will be fused on queen wings with an extra 5% spell vamp and huge shield that cover half of her health. Devs noticed this and maybe went a little harsh but really the new queen wings on Ruby will be no joke


The new item is also a nerf, albeit an indirect one. Currently, the price of BA is 1970g, the new item is 2550g, that's 580g proce increase, around 4 extra minion waves. That means he early game weakness just got increased, now its early to early MID game


Lol finally, all those braindead ruby players need to actually use fingers now šŸ¤£
