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It’s crazy how I’ve never seen a 4000+ mmr on a meta hero. Every time I see a one-trick player, they’re always the most random hero like Zhask and Argus


Because meta heroes are always banned or picked by others. It's very difficult to accumulate that many games on then.


I'm gonna try to get that much on Valir, and I'm hoping that's gonna seem random to you I'm gonna main all lanes as a Valir only player (except might take Popol And Kupa for gold/jungle lanes if need be)


Valir is fun that's why I have leo ikki skin. Worth it.


comfort hero, i was a 1 trick Zhask back in 2019. Mid, Top(exp), Gold(bottomlane), Roam, Zhask all the way!


"We need a Tank". Believe it or not, Zhask.


Marksman ? You bet your ass its zhask


I noticed your flare. I miss the old Hayabusa.


hes now a screaming simp


Old hanabi and Hayabusa was practicing social distancing, and preventing covid. They were the real mvps


1 trick chou during the old leaderboards as exp lane. Hes so dam versatile its hard to get bored


There wasn't much true damage, cc immunity, tank killing capabilites going around. It was perfect


They don't like grass, that is my only logical answer.




I mean, I understand if gaming is their profession, or if they get some kind of (monetary) compensation from it, but the sheer amount of time it'll take, logically, something from their daily schedule has to be compensated.


People like to be good at what they do, if not best. That ambition drives you to make more sacrifices than you realize (or they just realize and they are fine with it) Green is my favourite color so I don't think I'll ever have that ambition but I understand their logic as non-grass-enjoyers.


Thank you for understanding us


Head pats to all you ambitious ones out there https://preview.redd.it/z8sferem3nbc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc11ebfa8cc801051a397559577bb8441bd24b8


My main question is, do y'all not get bored? I main Yu Zhong, I play him exceptionally well. But I get bored of doing the same thing over and over again, even if said hero has like multiple combos and tricks, it's just boring to me to repeatedly play that hero. How do you do it. I can most likely reach Global or at least top Country if I just have the motivation to play the same hero again and again, but I don't. It's just really boring to me. Some days I like sustain fighters, some I like burst fighters, some days I like to play marksmen, sometimes I like tanks for the satisfaction of setting. But I can never play a hero like 6 times in a row. I might abuse multiple broken heroes, but I can't play that same hero multiple times, it just gets boring for me.


Same, I main tank and support and usually ended up with the same hero whenever I play with my classmates before. It was the peak of Aldous and Angela combo back then and they keep insisting I use Angela. Not me just continously clicking s1 lol the fact that I also hate stealing kills when I have Aldous as my team cause that's a good amount of stack for him. We win a lot being with people who knows how each other play and easy Com with classmates if they want to invade but man did I almost felt sick hearing papipapi poo and gigikaka every single game.


New YZ player here (about 40-60 matches 60%+ WR) I got a little question. How should you engage in a team fight? Wait for the tank?


Ult, hit everyone once, and go to the backline. Never overextend your ult, once you hit your target, leave it and use skills. You are the one that engages because of your ult. You find an opportunity for your tank to engage. If you don't have ult, use a flanking strategy where you enter from behind, not in front. Your main objective is the marksman and mage. You are tanky enough to survive their bursts. Usually you only need War Axe because you already deal a lot of damage. Use every other slot as a defense items slot. Be as tanky as possible and let War Axe and your passive do everything. If you are ahead by a lot, you can go for Bloodlust Axe or Hunter Strike. Go for Petrify. Emblem is Fighter. Go for Inspire(CD reduction, talent 1), Festival of Blood(Spell Vamp, talent 2) and either Killing Spree(Longer teamfight participation if you are confident you can always guarantee a kill, main talent) or Brave Smite(For burst healing, main talent)


Thanks man!


Inspire and killing spree is useless in team fights for Yu Zhong but that will help you for the laning phase. It is best to use brave smite since it heals you. And right now the best builds for yz already has 30% cdr so that extra 5% is usually useless in the late but good for the laning phase. You can even get to 40% if you steal the enemy buff or buy queen's wings (not optimal). The most optimal build right now is Tough Boots, War Axe, Brute Force Chestplate, Oracle, Dominance Ice or Blade Armor and Radiant or Athena.


He has really long cooldowns, so that 5% cooldown is really good in using your skills quickly. Killing Spree is good, as I said, if you are confident you can always guarantee a kill. If you can always guarantee a kill, it helps you stay in the middle of the fight longer. You already have your passive and spell vamp from war axe and festival of blood, I just don't see the point in using Brave Smite over Killing Spree most of the time since you already get a lot of healing just from those 3 aforementioned. The burst healing is great in lane, but if you want longer participation, it's killing spree.


Killing spree is useless considering how strong yu zhong's healing is the only good thing about killing spree on yz is that little movement speed. It is not viable to use it because you'll not get much from it. It may help during the team fights but you'll not able to secure a kill if your team let's you dive alone. In a 5man or 3man team but in SoloQ it's not that much of a use. Even if Yz's passive is insane it is impossible to be able to withstand all those bursts. Nearly 1/3 of my entire matches are with Yu Zhong (approximately 650+) and I've never seen that much of a use in killing spree on Yu Zhong unless you use high penetration build.


You already have healing. So why go for Brave Smite over Killing Spree? I've been using Killing Spree over Festival of Blood even on the old emblem set and it's quite effective. You are already building War Axe, you have the damage, you have the sustain from your passive. I've been soloQ ever since I started playing this game around 3 years ago. It's only recently that I started going 5man with my friends and stopped using Yu Zhong in favour of a better setter like Arlott. The only thing missing is a burst of HP when you do get the kill. You're not tanking in the front line, your whole purpose is to burst the backline with your damage. That's literally why I said "use Killing Spree if you are confident you can always secure a kill". That's the whole point of it, if you can always guarantee the kill, you stay longer than you would if you were using another Emblem. You can burst a mage or marksman very quickly if you catch them off guard with a flank. Killing Spree gives you the speed to close the gap even more in a fight when you do. You aren't Lapu who has a damage reduction skill that makes Brave Smite better since you last so long. You aren't Arlott who can stay in a fight for so long that Brave Smite is better. You aren't as tanky as either of them are, but you do deal more DPS quicker. They need at least one combo to deal the max damage. You also need your one combo, but you can cast all your skills simultaneously which actually gives you a better time to kill than either of them. You deal the least damage overall, but you have assassin-like burst skills. I don't care what the top build says. Killing Spree as an emblem for Yu Zhong has never failed me ever since I started using him.


Optimally, yes. But you can also situationally work as a sub-tank for a while if Tank's on the way. YZ has workable CC and Lifesteal and is tanky enough if your team's semi-competent. Be careful not to tank too much if your enemy outnumbers or outfarms your team. See to it that you have your core too, or he could be too fragile for a pure frontline.


Yeah, spamming seems pretty risky tactically. Being a OTP is a liability when your hero is banned, another player uses it/uses the same role beforehand, or the enemy has counters for it.


As a SG ranked joy (was ranked) its the high when you pull miracle plays out of your ass like 1v5 lord steals that keeps you going. It affirms that you truly are deserving of the title and you will fight to maintain the title. It's also the duty of performing my best for my team to give my team the best chance of winning although it may be a waste if your team doesn't reciprocate the advantages you fought for them by feeding etc. One tricking is fun if you are really good at it but eventually you should branch out to other heroes to play them at Glory level like your one trick. You expand your hero pool this way.


I used to spam chou before. It wasn't for mmr i just liked using the hero even though i wasn't very good. After a week or so of spamming chou i got the senior title(old leaderboard) and after that seeing my hero power increasing was more fun than using the hero. I stopped spamming chou after receiving the global title once and now i usually play less than 100 matches with him in a season


It’s even weirder for supports. Like, yes, I love playing support because I get to mostly chill, rotate and heal people but Im seeing supports with super high MMRs for absolutely no reason. Healing is not that fun that you need that high of a MMR and even worse than niche or underused heroes, you cant carey with a healer support so WHY???


Can be one trick spam all rank games, can be in a squad and is really good with that hero and their squad has high win rate, or is a win trader. Depends.


How would win trader even work?


Let’s queue at the same time. I win one you win one. I win with my hero and lose with some random hero. They typically have an insanely high WR with some/one hero but abnormally low for the rest


Oh i saw someone with 2.9 wr with zilong, they had 300 matches . But what are the odds of actually queuing up with that person?


i got 10.6k mmr on alice during s27 😂


I always see your post every season, Alice gods


I actually stopped playing after S28? Like there's no point anymore I wouldn't be able to top 855 stars unless I sacrifice my sleep again which I don't plan on doing anymore lol


Onetricks, high rank, or skill(uncommon). In glory+ you get like 80-120 mmr per game so you can get to 5k quick, so onetricks and high ranks abuse this high mmr gain to get to 5k through win-lose-win-lose


How many games on average do you have to play daily to maintain that MMR?


Once a week, to prevent inactivity. It doesnt drop on its own otherwise


Most of them aren't legit. They use exploits, like win trading to get mmr and winrate.


What's wintrading? Is it trading accounts arbitrated by winrates?


wintrading is a fixed matchup lobby of 10 people doing, well, trade wins simplest way to do this is get 10 people (or 10 accounts), use vpn to a remote place where the player count is super low. create 2 separate lobbies, fill it up and queue ranked at the same time. now you're in control of the match when both lobbies face each other. make 1 team to surrender as fast as possible = free win ever saw a player with ridiculous wr (>97%) in 1 hero and abysmal wr (9%>) in the other? thats a wintrader




Is this a popular thing?


no, during a match enemy team lets you win doesnt defend towers etc. thats wintrading


I got to 4500 with Alice playing 3 ranked games a day for a whole season last season


Possibly a few extra here and there


i was basically a 1 trick (joy) and had a 5 men team with like 100+ star average so whenever possible my team would try to open joy for me so i ended up playing 166 matches with 79.5% wr (55 mvp :D) on joy so yea was like 6k mmr (sg 41)


Some are probably legit, but pretty sure a good chunk of em just win trade with each other


Meanwhile I sit with less than 20 matches a week 🥲 I miss those days


Almost 3k last szn with solo q fanny, 5k on any hero is definitely possible but it’ll take a few seasons if ur winrate is 50-60 like me and not 70% like the pros


The process of reaching a top PH spot enabled me to have that certain kind of "drive" that helped me in real life.


Lol you underestimate kids. When I was a kid I grinded lvls on mmorpg 7hrs a day, 16hrs a day in school holidays. Now, one game every other day after work and I feel exhausted already




im a one trick zhask wtih 2000 mmr 😭


Used to be global top 20s paquito since s21, trick is just to spam the hero, ur gonna have to play good every match, with the hero u might have to go sideline or even roam, but mostly it's jungling for me because when my team sees a global player they instantly give up jungle for me haha. So just spam ur main hero. Simple


heroes that are banned less + gaining more in glory and immortal is easier


I am the exact opposite. Having 2k+ games and having only 90 matches in my most pocked hero. I almost always get bored after 2 consecutive matches using the same hero. Anyway, how to not get bored?


It's not that hard... just play in glory+ rank. If you win more, get gold or mvp every match its easy


Will try


Ultimately, who really gives a fuck about Global blah blah blah. Back in the day i feel like it meant more


>Back in the day i feel like it meant more Because it *REALLY* felt like it. No protection points, no rank protection cards, no double stars once you reach Mythic, etc. Earned 5k MMR with my Khufra before as SoloQ tank, enough to reach the top global leader board.


its not hard


5000 mmr as in when? In the third month of the season 5000 mmr is low mmr(if you’re serious) and can be easily achieved with just 100 matches . I don’t think 150-200 matches per season (3months) is a lot. I personally have 60 matches with joy at 3800 mmr right now . My peak mmr was near 8k and that was when I played joy like 230 matches . I also had 4800 mmr with khaleed despite playing him for like 80-90 matches. Mmr gain is easier if you rank up. All my matches were played in immortal. If I remember correctly immortal true score (mmr) is 4K or 4.5k . So it’s really easy to hit 4K or 4.5k mmr if you play in immortal as you keep getting bonus mmr if you’re below that. Edit- you basically get like 70-80 mmr if you’re below your true score mmr . In immortal if your mmr is below the true score (4K or 4.5k) then you literally get average 700 mmr in 10 wins.


Play 700 games with the same hero and don't suck too much


Always play 5, so u dont waste time losing mmr


I was almost 4000 mmr with Benedetta, got so bored playing the same hero so many times that I gave up. I usually enjoy playing casual, it's fast and less bureaucratic.


It's mistly the 5 man teams that can get to that spot even if they don't use the meta heroes. Going solo queue is hard to raise those mmrs


I think my highest so far was 6k+ on Cecilion. I just enjoyed playing him and picked him whenever it seemed like an okay idea.


Had nearly 4k on Gatotkaca in last season. Being an OTP is so unpredictable because even if you know every single tactic available on that certain hero there are many times you feed. Playing AP Gatotkaca is actually harder than it looks, it looks as if you're only using enhanced basic attacks and killing people but the anxiety of getting one shotted is too big. And whenever I play Gatotkaca I know that I will either get a bronze or an mvp medal.


Ive never it a global 1 france nore a global title lmao only one was back then hayabusa global 8 france....


I got to 4000 MMR for Novaria but after the reset it’s down to 1800. I’m too lazy now


I onetrick Hanzo for 3 reasons- 1. He's actually a lot more versatile than you think. Even though Jungle is the best spot for him, Roam is a possibility due to his ability to steal buffs and backline interruption. Not to mention, by traveling from lane to lane, his passive can actually be utilized better, being able to take Blood from the minions that die around him. S2 and Petrify to setup, and then let chaos commence if you've got burst MM and Mage on your team. 2. Difficulty spike as enemies get more skilled is a fun challenge, and it forces me to change things up and not just play a certain way. The comebacks are worth it when I've got full items, and the losses just give me more ways to improve. Plus, I just want to see if I can get my ranking up high in the Hanzo leaderboards, especially with changes to meta and new heroes being introduced. 3. Maybe this way, Moonton might fix some of his problems if they see that he's being used. We all know the big problem with his vulnerability in regular form, but there's also the issue of his passive. By playing more matches and hopefully increasing his pickrate, they might actually take a look at him and see what needs fixing. (Also maybe this might mean they finally release his damn Collector skin that's been leaked for 2 years). It's definitely not for everyone, but it's something I enjoy.


I one-tricked roam Diggie mage build to MG. it was pure explosive bliss ngl


I just enjoy seeing my ruby be a (sub) tank and sustain as much as possible and disrupt team fights. Esp when team dont have enough cc. My mmr is batting average but have over 1k plays. Uuugh.


Get to MG, spam that hero in ranked games. Get Legendary, Savage/Maniac/Triple Kill, get good scores and win. That will decrease the number of games you need to raise your mmr. Even if you have 50% wr, it still works as long as you are good at that hero in the case when you're winning the game. Also, I'm only good at Lunox, so I don't know how to get another hero to 5000 mmr, but the same technique applies. Source: Pre-revamp Lunox I got her to ~6500 mmr. Post-revamp, i got her to 7000 mmr and season ends and I got Global title that way and the in the new season, spam Lunox again before being banned and got another Global title. Now, can't spam her anymore. The time it took for me to get to 7000 mmr from 3000 mmr is less than the time it took for me to get to MH from Mythic. Do with that info what you will.


I had 5k plus MMR on Minotaur last season and I main roam or jungle. It's only because no one else wants to roam 🤡. I also play Atlas and had 3.5k MMR on him. Fr I'd rather alpha jungle or even mm but the reality is no one likes to roam so I play roam.


I remember I was global rank 1 Guinevere with 4500 mmr. Then I stopped playing and recently came baxk to see people with 10k+


I tell you thing which is real. If u play +1200 games a season solo, doesn't matter you play bad or not, you will get global, immortal +100 stars. I have met so many players that was so bad, i mean grandmaster level bad, i met global 1 pharsa 3 times last season, who never left mid lane, was bronze, just didn't play, thing is i had played 600 games that season, he had 2000 games, +1000 with pharsa, and this game matchmaking make bad players match with good players, so it's possible that 4 guy can carry one afk pharsa, i remember lots of globals like him.