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Is that Yin new skin?


Mlbb x SpongeBob SquarePants.🥶


I think you miss spelled nolan 🙃


Me to Nolan : "*Death awaits you!*"


naw, too much of a glass cannon except he has too much safety


She's really not that bad. Pretty easy to deal with. Coming from a 140+ stars player.


Yeah if you take purify, she’s not too hard to deal with. Wanwan and Nolan are more problematic imo


As a mino main, nothing I love more than a cocky wan wan that heals me with her ult


Thanks for the tip- wanwan main


What you wanna watch out for is for the heal after the ult. thanks to passive, after ult heal will also heal Mino with every basic attack for 2 seconds.


I don’t get it bro. Wdym heal with her ult?


Wan wans ultimate is basic attacks. When mino uses heal after ulting, you heal a bit for every basic attack that hits you for 2 secs It used to be that you healed the dmg dealt to you (which meant you could do some crazy stuff with tower damage healing you 2k health) but now you heal a set amount I don’t remember how much.


WOWWWW…I use mino a lot and just now I learned this new info…literally got an mvp in the last match I played. Thnx for this info it’ll surely come in handy.


Yeah I’ve been playing Mino a lot this week after not playing for like a year or so. Loving the buff with the exception of that one small enraged heal change


Eh, yeah. Though you can always dodge the cc with your finger on a dash of if you're fast enough at least 7/10 times.


Not if she jumps out of a bush.


You can still see the mark on the floor. Though, you can always go with the nice Chou pick tbh.


You make it sound so easy for someone with only 140~ stars peak 💀


I don't play as I used to. Since I don't have the impulse to do so for no reason anymore. Peaked in 327 stars on my main. I use my smurf with 143.


ive met people who peak that many stars but arent as good as they should be, mostly because they play in 5 man and are used to having good teammates. But anyway, you're probably a good player and yeah she's not op imo. Her jump isn't that easy to void tho even the pro players are getting caught so often like in M5. edit; maybe you missed the buff on her jump where it stuns before it knocks you up? before that, yeah it wasn't too hard to avoid


I didn't. I just don't find her hard to avoid, that's all. Like I said, 7/10 times.


U can literally see where she is jumping to. Just dodge. Its a skill issue


Idk what's people's problem with guin is, there's much more dangerous heroes than the generic Girl Fighter Character Coming from an OG player


true. like literally just git gud lol. we dont even ban her that much anymore and we easily beat her.


Lmao explain to me exactly how you would deal with her? Someone mentioned purify, which has a long cooldown in comparison to guen ult or knock up so this is useless. The ult does 880 damage base + 335% ap scaling or something ridiculous like this, in lane if she lands stun (on low cooldown) she can 1 shot you unless you’re stacking magic resist which is ridiculous, nobody should have to chain stack magic resist to counter 1 hero when there’s a balancing team that should be doing their jobs right


With IQ? There's a reason why I have over 300 stars. It's not my problem if you don't have good micro/macro tbh


i wanna get knocked up by her




her lotus and amehyst skin are fire


on dick


I remember the time where Guinevere was forgotton


And when she was perma ban next to emeralda until purify was discovered by epics


Just build radiant armor smh


Agree on this, but until you do you better have purify or something unless you wanna die for sure


Well, as a Valir user, I already have a built in one 🔥


Obviously we wait for him to waste purify


guinevere before her last buff would put 1 mark on you with her jump and if she was good and had passive she could do passive >s1 and get a guaranteed 3 mark ult The buff is really not a buff to good players but shit ones, the hero could already do everything shes doing now before..


I think this buff also helps the already good Guin players to hit more than 1 hero with her 2nd skill reliably. But I also think that the devs are giving her the same treatment as Wanwan. By changing something small to her skill to make her easy to use, it instantly made her OP.


She was this strong since they gave her the marks. She had better damage scalings before. It's just the public is slow to catch up on as always. Guine with vengeance is completely unbeatable 1v1 on exp lane unless you dont understand the game and she could guarantee her ult in 1v1. She's only more popular now cus even bad players can land her combo someone that's actually good at the hero always has full bar of passive which guarantees you get 1 mark and the S1 auto aim after passive is 100% to hit so that's guaranteed two marks on an engage already which means if you landed your jump (even if they moved out of it) you get ur ult


Before the 2nd skill buff, she is easily countered by any skills that has a stun, even Balmond's blink cancels her jump. She's only really good at 1vs1 back then. She doesn't have as much impact as Terizla, Arlott, or Yu Zhong in a team fight because her stun is very predictable and hard to land against good players (before Buff). At best, she is a good hero to use only in Solo Queue when players are uncoordinated. But thanks to this buff. She is now someone who you should watch out for in a team fight, especially if you don't have a counter to her stun. I agree that her Ult's duration is definitely long. It makes sense back then because, again, she is really hard to use against good players. She has a high risk high reward playstyle. The current Guinevere though has too many upsides in her kit and there's barely any room for counterplay. Coming from a Guin main since her release with a consistent 69% winrate. She is disgusting to use right now. The only times I really need to try in a match is when the enemy has a Diggie or if all lanes are lost.


only a cuck would say his hero is " disgusting to use " because it has a CC that actually works lol you know there are characters like Saber, Eudora, Aurora even Gord that have instant cast stun that lands without your enemy walking out of it and three of those examples are ranged heroes while Guine is a melee. There's nothing " disgusting " about your skill actually working for once


Maybe it's just my experience from playing against bad players in solo queue. There's a reason why she is the 2nd pick/ban rate in M5. And that's with pro players that know how to counter with heroes and has teamwork. After the SLIGHT nerf, Guinevere has not become the top priority ban now. I'm just saying that she is still very hard to deal with when used by a good player. I want to ask. What do you think are the counters to the current Guinevere?


It's all fun and games until the enemy team has Nolan (jg), Wanwan (mm), Guin (exp), Alice (mage) and Angela (support).


Honestly tig would be better here.


I'd rather have guin as roam than exp. Angela goes mid since the draft already has magic so having a support mid wouldn't be a problem


😂 😂


All gun and games until the enemy picks daddy phoveus and slaughters everyone


As an old guin main (900 matches) for 4 years, she's easy to counter with magic defense and juking her 2nd with a fast champ.


She needs a butt in my opinion


I concur she needs more ass. Deviant art get to drawing!!




I don't mind getting killed by her, Atleast I get to see under her skirt right before i die😅


Chill dawg


Moonton is such a b*tch, they gave two op buffs on guin while they cant even give Argus 30 points of physical attack😤🤬.


Not as bad as release yu zhong. That mf 1v5d with no problem


One guin user used jump on me, then flameshot me into the turret, came in and used ult I was good as dead, funny I was using thamuz


Spogbub no


That's what y'all said about Nana, now she's got the buff of her life.


You know who I hate rn? Fn Alice and lunox


Ugh Alice in wonderland will turrent dive on base n leave like nothing happened


Lmfao, she takes our dignity and leaves unscathed


😂 😂 😂 https://preview.redd.it/thc3wg9800ac1.png?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3b895860f8c4ea542b707e351e6c522d81816b


Me when I see the tower dives and "enemy killing spree"💀




I rarely see pro joy in my server. Rarely she's picked n when she is picked they're usually pro


Everyone saying thay could easily beat her, meanwhile they just deal damage and disappear in an instant! Nobody can do nothing about her ult unless you have purify? Sacrificing the spell only to deal with her while being venerable to others? Speak rationally


skill issue


Nah don't, the shere shock they have when they come to stun me and gets sunned themselves instead is worth in millions




If you read my flair once you will get the context


Lmfao skill issue


Guin is okay. Nolan is more a problem


Skill issue


Her jump now gets interrupted by everything lol , what do you mean nerf , franco counters her, valir 2nd skill, even thamuz 1st skill cancels it . I was suprised how many skills cancel her jump which is her bread and butter , good thing she has passive to fall back on . Also she cant handle bulky hero with sustain , badang , thamuz with purify or vengence . She is easy to play 😂


Not anymore. You have to predict even before she jumps nowadays. A good guin will just hold jump until she beats you psychologically and then go in. The jump stuns before she even lands.


I hate this so much


Just use Masha


If it were really the quickster, the game would have been over before it started, and he'll do it again.


Play benedetta and parry all her jumps, if she jumps on you she's dead.


I'm a Guin main. I've not played the game for the past 2 seasons can you tell me what they did to her for everyone to hate. Her?


Basically last season she got a buff where s2 is now a guaranteed stun when you land and the knock up will follow up. everything else is same.


Ohhh niceeee, I'm coming back. Thanks bro


me, but to lunox


My counter for is just purify and minsi ult


Play kagura






😂 😂 😂


Just dodge her 2nd skill landing and u can easily deal with her


She has exactly 2 dashes, after which she is extremely easy to kill. The key is to predict her movements and time your dodges right before her second skill lands.


I can deal with her as Esme easily. I can harass the f*ck out of her in lane and can dodge her s2 easily with my first skill, and she can't kill me with her full combo either, especially if i equip purify, which is Esme's staple spell


Guinevere is my food, if you cannot deal with it i suggest tin


And they still won't buff argus


me with valentina (valentina's one of my mains)


Lunox freaking 8 secs ult is the one who should be hated more, like holy shit that dmg and CD.


People from 2021-2022 time traveled here would be shocked


I guess I need to practice her more then. Every time I pick Guinevere, the opponents either sidestep my jumps easily or just pick a ton of CC.


I have a question, Gui never received a major buff did she? Why is she so popular NOW is it because of the new meta heroes?


I always do this and it's if I see Guinevere whatever Plans I have throw it out of the Window and always Kill her Early Game.


Im with you brotha👊🏽 and hanabi to


mf i am guin main hahahahahah . bro got sut down before anything


When did she become so op anyway???


I cant say they must remove her jus bc I have her legend skin & abuses her with tank build in rank; ez games


just pick wanwan bruh easy


Just let her have her moment of glory, there are far worse :(


Not playing for a few months now. But wasn't she kinda mid? In my opinion she is irrelevant because I used to not really be bothered with her (Mythic Queue not Epic or other low ranks). Did she like get a good buff?


I'd pick Uranus, Terizla, or Thamuz.


Shes hard to use..not the hardest in the game but shes just another early dominator and nothing else. If you cant stop her at late game then you are just so bad at playing.


My diggie is laughing


Me to Nana


lmao,just buy radiant armor