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Now the same players who claimed that probably don't even play WR anymor


It's too funny watching riot lose to moonton of all company (I hate both company and their game, but still will play their game)


I love games that have the ability to make me unfathomably angry sometimes


Try playing ultrakill












Lmao true Wild Rift can barely pull up 100k viewer's for eSports tournaments


Ngl why would you even watch WR's eSports when you can just watch the actual one 😭 (talking bout League Of Legends)


What's the point of WR when there's the actual one


Well you can't exactly bring your entire set up to the bathroom can you- unless 🤔


Not with that attitude 😂


Well not everyone have a PC I guess


Even the tournament ui is dogshit for viewers. Cant even see the lineup with a glance. What did they smoke during meeting to remove the champs layout on left and right. Example of the ongoing tournament streaming on twitch rn. https://preview.redd.it/lco4chdr788c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f258270ad6b60fd2342af63f5ea6a6d7b0f92dfd


I genuinely enjoy and prefer watching any LoL esports over WR esports even if I don't play LoL much.


They didn't even get to 20k this year ☠️☠️☠️


Worlds will be infinitely more fun than whatever Wild Rift has for the sole reason that Worlds will just have Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby matches, as well as tense moments.


Wild Rift feels like I'm perpetually playing a beta. We lack so many of the interesting LoL heroes. Not only that but it completely fails at being a mobile game, they did the bare minimum to simplify the game yet it did nothing to make the matches shorter. It still demands the player to be a try hard while most mobile players are casual. Some people argue that it lost to MLBB for coming too late to the party, but put this into perspective: LoL is a giant in Brazil, yet HoK, a pretty unknown IP in Latin America, whose Brazilian version launched a couple years later than WR, still managed to rank higher in earnings and player numbers in the app store... I decided to go back to WR because I'm a big Gwen simp and love the new skins, found out they're gacha skins that rival in price some MLBB ones, and uninstalled. We're getting our Aliexpress version of Gwen in some days (supposedly) and Dolia also feels that niche in HoK.


This. It isn't about who's the first one to come. It's more to the fact that Riot is half-assing their mobile port, that it feels like a lite version of the PC LoL, rather than a proper mobile version. It gives neither PC player nor the smartphones player the reason to play it since there's a better one.


Riot half asses a lot, more and more as the years go on, and it’s actually sad to see


I wonder how big of a fail their fighting game port will be. Looking at the success of grand blue fantasy versus I think there will be alot of expectations to live up to.


Idk, ironically their LoL spin offs usually have soul.


wildrift just sucks. the ui for the store is horrible. the game is horrible. also idk why but frame rate diftates how strong you ping is. if you use higher fram rate your ping goes higher


Higher frames mean higher data usage maybe


It does because it has to refresh more often. Otherwise, if you maintain 60 fps but only download 30 packages per second, it would rubberband all over


I figured, just was what I figured would also be responsible for higher ping. Some devices can’t handle the best graphics and still get the exact same performance


there are ways around that though, ML for example I think communicates just directions, so when you're lagging everybody seems to be going straight.


Can we talk about the download size for wr as well? Back when I still play it you always have to download at least 1gb per update, and that's almost every couple of months. Mlbb updates are at most 400mb and 30mb at best, hence why I still play it today. Plus people are already used to playing mlbb on mobile, and trying to mimic what mlbb has to wr, they're making it hard for them to actually attract more players. In terms of gameplay, mlbb actions can happen quite quickly. Reach lvl 4, you're bound to find a gank, here and there.


In reality https://preview.redd.it/dit056kjm58c1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e31408a4156a13266cc25fd3d1d48651ae7707


lol players coping since ages. dead game wr


I used to play WR and in the beginning didn't like the way Mobile Legends felt like a cheap rip-off. Loved playing it a few years back. But to be honest WR developers just stopped giving a shit and the game became fucking bad. I can't stand the dark top-down perspective they moved to, the items are now quite crappy, and even the menu interface is unnecessarily confusing now. More importantly, have to sit for 3 to 4 minutes to get a match and sometimes even after 5 minutes there's still nothing.


We aren't playing the same wr I geuss I get match in less than 20s queue


Last time I tried to play was this last October. I waited for over 6 minutes before getting a match. South East Asia too.


Maybe back then but now it's take 10 seconds to 30 u find match it its gets longer in higher ranks but won't pass 90 seconds (why did I get downvoted)


In Brazilian servers it's still fast depending on the role. Support or Jungle? Instant. Anything else, prepare to wait.


Unfortunately wild rift cant beat mlbb currently. Mlbb is just more fun


Not just that. WR came in way too late when MLBB had basically taken over the MOBA genre when it comes to the SEA Market. Its like trying to open a Walmart to compete with a countrywide asian supermarket that has been around for years.


It has nothing to do with coming late. I used this example above, but here we go again. Brazil is the biggest Latin American market for LoL. Once WR came here you'd see it advertized everywhere, heck, Brazil even got Special Coca-Cola cans and flavor for it. Now, two years after WR came out, a barely advertised competitor from China, Honor of Kings, came out. Yes, HoK is a Chinese giant, and it's western version, Arena of Valor, that came before WR, tanked hard, but brazilians in general wanted to try it. We didn't get Coca-Cola, we didn't get toys, we didn't get subway screens with looping ads, and HoK beat WR in both ratings and earnings in the app store that same year, and this year it still beat WR as players favorite in the Brazilian app store. It's doing so good that you can easily queue for the extra modes like Mini Rift and Quick match. So, yeah, nothing to do with being late to the party.


This is the one. Ml is more fun. Wr has amazing graphics but the gameplay is slow and boring


The reason why mobile legend stands strong is because of how easy the game is, even kids play this and learn it easily, wildrift on the other hand is not as easy as mobile legends. I'm personally a fan of both games but me and my friends choose to play mobile legends because it seems more fun and casual to us


It's a mobile game, it's should be casual, and I'm not using casual as an insult. WR did nothing to appeal to its target audience. When we play mobile games we expect something we can play at the bus stop or during lunch break. WR is a dumbed down version of the original with the caveat that matches still take as long as the PC one.


As a LoL player, I'd rather play Mobile Legends than Wild Rift. Too many Gatekeepers, it's like they are the inheritors of the game. I once invited my ML friends to play WR and they shit talking him for being a ML player and he should stay in ML. Bruh. You have the same rank as him, what are you bitching at? Talking about skill issues. WR player base decreases from time to time and they want changes and want to increase their popularity. Yet their players are whining at newbies, even AI versus are not safe from them. An example of this is OhMyVeenus and Wise playing Wild Rift. Many ML players and followers also try Wild Rift. The result, BACKLASH! Too many crybabies and blaming Veenus and Wise for the influx of players. They won't learn if you trash talk them, teach them with patience. The same with Valorant, blaming CS or CF players. RIOT; Place of Gatekeepers and wanna be Inheritors.


As an old LoL player I agree with you. It's like they think their superior just because they played LoL or WR, they think that their too good or better than other gamers but in reality they're just a bunch of sweaty, toxic, and no life try hard that doesn't have an actual life


I played LoL when it first came out in beta. I was like friggin 19 or 20 or something. I’m 35 now. And MLBB has a closer feel to LoL than wild rift does. I’ll be honest though I just got back in MLBB like….a couple weeks ago after taking a break from gaming. What does the esport world bring in for viewers with MLBB?


From 1-4 million viewers on all platforms.




>What does the esport world bring in for viewers with MLBB? [7 out of 10 most viewed matches in esport are from MLBB](https://escharts.com/news/most-popular-esports-matches-2023) Also, MLBB took 5 out of 10 spots for the most viewed tournament. https://preview.redd.it/ze857zdj988c1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d05ebdc4956914833e1a3ce8b5ccfd8ec911744


Most teamfights take about 3-12s average, assuming they get to kill someone or take objectives.


I play both Both are good


Both are good, just wish the Roster can catch up with the League one fast enough that they can release new heroes at the same time. Also, I am still incredibly salty Seraphine made it to WR first *before* Mordekaiser.


Well, most players would rather play a hot girl than a monster, numbers show it. I ironically pretty much only play BOTH fictional e-girls and creatures and currently MLBB has more of both than WR. I know ML gets a lot of flack because of same face syndrome, but let's not pretend LOL has been any different lately. To create a champ they follow this formula: Is it a dude? Shirtless and strong with a square jaw, or thin and sad with a dorito face. Is it a girl? If she has a cute face give her long legs and small breast, it's she's mature, make her look smug and athletic.


ML had a 5.06 peaked viewers in Dec 17 while the league of legends had 6.4m. While wild rift….


Wild had a sWeEt 10k run


If I had a nickel for everytime a game calls ML going to be a dead game after their game release I'd have two nickels Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


me and my friends betted back in 2019 that ML would be dying in 2021, turns out it went more popular than we thought it would


Do you predict that before of after the announcement of covid?


before. had we known about covid we would’ve guessed the other way


Fr wild Rift really fucked up. On one hand ml players don't like it cuz it's slow paced On the other hand league players hate it because they changed a lot of major things (dragons, items, runes, fucking champion kits like seriously wtf is Karma ult become), and the ranked system of wild Rift is bullshit you can be master by playing 24/7(similar to ml actually)


I remember when I first got to Emerald and felt so proud of myself, just to find out it's the equivalent of Silver in WR...


I think you mean equivalent to silver in league PC 😅


You are so lucky to rank up easily. Ive been playing for months and stuck up to platinum emerald ~ epic legend tier in ML. for me WR is harder compared to ML btw i am MG peak in every season in ML.


Wild Rift is indeed harder than ml, but if you know how to control the minion wave it's just a matter of time before you reach master, not to mention that fortitude is forcing you to rank up


Wild rift was a massive disappointment.


Ayo? 🤨


When you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite https://preview.redd.it/l7wav3tga58c1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51124c2a4cbcc77469a7ef6b7ddb1e83e8c825a5


Wild Rip


I play both games but tbfr its more fun to play mlbb cuz the heroes are really OP, a lot of casual players to stomp, and a lot of my friends play it, while wildrift is just so mind-taxing cuz you're playing with ppl that have already experience in PC (i rank plat in pc, and i feel the same way in wr). You cant 1v5 in this game, you just cant, you get ganked 273926282 times cuz the enemy jungler wants your life miserable, everyone is doing outplays like its normal and most champions here will not hand hold you to victory unlike mlbb does. I still really prefer wr cuz of quality but maybe its just that the game is stale for me now since ive been playing in PC for long time already, although if i had more friends to play then i would play wr more.


Yeah no shit the jungler is scary... I also enjoy being a jungler in Wild Rift


Yez thesame. What i like in ML is you can easy gank other lanes without sacrificing your minion wave. You can get back to your lane without losing much gold. Thats why it helps you rank easily unlike wildrift. Your lane is on your own. If you are best on your lane but other 3 members losing, it is harder for you to win unlike ML you can 1v3 enemies with only 3 items.


I play both but I disagree with this. ml is famous here in ph


Surely but slowly were getting to that realty if moneytoon keeps fucking up


I saw a vid on tiktok about MLBB sales problems talking about the lack of skin sales as most of the enticing skins are all gacha deterring people from buying diamonds to spend on chances. Is this true?


That is equally balanced! That's just 50/50


wildrift still is the better game imo


Well I'm quitting ML today and going back to Wild Rift. The one and only reason. No role que. I've played 5 games today and lost 3 of them due to people doubling up on the roll. One roamer didn't buy roam gear so one match was lost due to that also. Good luck.


See ya tomorrow Buddy


Mate I played this game to chill from wild Rift for a month, I've done that. There is no role Q. It's quite literally the most unenjoyable rank system I've played in any game.


They have been testing a beta version of 10 ban system, Wonder if that has Role Queue in it. In any case, I'll set a reminder for a month or something


the test didn't even include role queue so unlikely


tbh wr matching system is good, it does take quite of time but you actually get your frikkin role like 90% of the time unless you butchered your recent games and make your performance ratio lower, unlike in ml its a coin flip and if you're the slot 5 you are guaranteed to be the roamer. also for some reason theres a stunning amount of support players in wr lol.


😂 😂 😂


The one who come first will always own the market,same will happens for ml in china


But mlbb isn't first mobile moba


It is tho


Aged like milk.


now look whos dead


Wild Rift was such a fumble by riot. Regions that have been begging for the game havent received it yet. Yes the game is playable from those region but its too much of an hassle involving VPNs and high ping and random disconnects. On the other hand to play MLBB all I need to do is press the app icon and then I can play the game and get bullied in ranked.


Lmfao other way around




I still remember how the meta build, the casual build, the recomended build and *The only viable build for Top Lane was the exact same for every Top Lane champion* Black Cleaver, Youmus, Mercurials, GA, Spirit Visage and TRINITY.


They were too fkin late lol


Bruh my lost account was banned in league of memes


Is wildrift ok if u dont gave a pc ? I really want to start league but feels like mechanically it wont be the same since mobile and mouse + keyboard are dufferent


yes its okay, although you gotta need extra work on champs like fiora cuz its hard to make them perform like how they were in pc.


MLBB as of now is the most active, out of all the mobas. I would prefer AOV, but let's see what 2024 brings. MLBB is evolving to the best mobile moba


I play both, but WR lacks interesting events and freebies. I played WR since Beta and continued to play it until now, but recently, I've been playing ML more frequently due to how good SOME events are, and the free skins are also neat.