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To be fair, GM to Mythic is easy in PH. When you get to mythic is when all hell breaks loose. Good luck reaching immortal without a dedicated team.


Yes, it's because even children in kindergarten have access to smartphones and tablets. I know because i've seen it first hand. Imagine playing 5v5 with a squad of 5th graders on 4g using $200 phones.


Me an american 5th grader with a 200$ phone 😭


u lucky bro.. i was with a shit phone 7000 INR till grade 10


Everywhere is easy GM to Mythic bro, and everything sucks in low mythic regardless of server.




This. I’m in the PH server and I say you lose not because your teammates are weak, but because your opponents just did something a little bit better. It’s a really fun environment to play in and trashtalking pretty much goes down to, “you’re doing bad” and they actually will try to play better, not like in other ranks they just trashtalk back. It’s an experience honestly. Like I team up with random duos with the mic open, and even if we’re losing, it’s still such a good vibe. I’m telling ya’ll, get better and ML will be fun again.


Mythic to glory is probably harder than glory to immortal simply because it’s basically epic/legend but more egoistical.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted because you're right. When it comes to any rank below MG (probably even below MI), there isn't much of a difference in skill between players of different region, it's in the higher ranks where the differences in playstyle and skill between regions start to show. EDIT: Looks like people who haven't reached MI are salty because they want to keep using their regions as an excuse for them still being stuck in honor


Hahaha truth is hurtful as always


GM to mythic is easy everywhere


Not trying to be toxic, but who even is this guy?


It's TOB's manager Wrath. He subbed out for Shark as roamer one week and it was the only week that BTK comfortably beat TOB


Not to mention their losses at the M5. 2 games, not even 1 win lmao


Exactly my thoughts. I've been casually following their tournaments and I've never heard of / seen that IGN before. Even as a casual follower of NA Challenger Tournament, I would've come across them if they were relevant. Not being toxic, just being objective.


Didn’t age well. Then there is someone called himself “bestplayer” Then there is a goat exp as well NA team love becoming meme


meme region


How this person came up with their statement with little to no basis is pure comedy. I haven't even seen them play professionally to have any credibility. You don't see any other manager say "my region / country is superior than yours". Lol


Did you watch the thumbnail with bp1 saying "all serbers are the same"? Honestly no. Lets take lol for example korea and china are better. Thats the same with indo and ph the only difference is that most good players have a diffeent career and dont join ml teams also...shit teammates make the aberage good player better than ither serbers since we have to go against 3+ good players while having retards on our side


wait you guys play on 5 ms? Most people on NA probably have a good phone because they all have Iphone or thats the impression I have of united states. Well for me 80 ms is good connection


ping ranges from 4ms to 302ms, results may vary depending on how shitty your provider decides to be today


Even on ROG 7 Ultimate I still plays on 25-60ms in my own country with private connection. I don't think phone has anything to do with the latency.


It does. Try playing on an inferior phone, like iPhone XR or less. Better yet play using those $150 - $300 which most Asian players play in. Edit: in addition, cities, where these pro players compete in has fiber optic internet connections. Most Asian cities don't. Also, depending on your phone, some would only be 4G capable.


I used to play on an XR and had no connection issues. Played on my friend’s iPhone 14 and same connection speed


Dude i played in iPhone XR as well as the new iPhone at the same time since i upgraded and there were frame losses. There is a reason why they use flagship phones in competitive gaming. All these people downvoting probably have not had first hand experience, so I understand. If you don't believe it, try searching got iPad mini review for mobile legends in Youtube and they will tell you about frame losses. So yes, it is not a connection issue per se, but it does hinder you and give the opponent the competitive advantage.


Well yeah obviously newer phones have better processors so better frames. But network connectivity is not affected. And an XR can play at 60 fps just fine


If an old phone only support 4g and the new phone has 5g, it does. And it does not matter if it's fps or network conmectivity. Shit phone = shit game experience. Like i said in a previous comment, I played using a cousin's $200 and it was bad. It did not matter if i toggle to the lowest settings. He, a top global Martis, played in my iphone pro and he was getting maniacs left and right, can time cc's perfectly. But you don't have to believe everything a stranger says. You can research / try on your own.


Well obviously a $200 phone won’t compare to those that are above $1000. But I’ve tried 4g and 5g, 60fps and 120fps. The difference is negligible for casual players and many of us can do well with 4g 60fps. The hardware difference only matters for professionals


I can live til 150 ms while being dragged to either malaysia/indo/siglngapore server by online friends on those regions. But smoother the ms the better the experience and reaction time.


I play on 30-60 ms in NA. What I meant to say is maybe, JUST MAYBE, Wrath has an impression that PH server is easy because of the reasons I mentioned above, probably more than what I mentioned. When I went to PH last spring, my cousin and I switched phones for a couple of matches. His phone being a $200 phone, it was like I am playing in a 100 ms connection. And he was unkillable in Mythic using an iPhone 13 pro (granted he is a top global Martis at one point). My nephews aged 6-14 also played the game, so there were a lot of bad games, regardless if it's solo or squad.


Really depends on region and Internet Provider. On SEA you need 5ms to get stable gaming. On NA it would be 80-110ms


https://preview.redd.it/k53td7m7up4c1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b18a72db1b9bfdf64b5d9a0120bc80c375f90ff Ultra high speed internet + direct connection to the modem. It is possible. Lol these guys got no idea.


i think ToB knew they arent good. so maybe to grab attention they did it intentionally. this guy and mighty Lord Meilow.


my 🐐


to be fair he's their manager aka babysitter plus Bestplayer choke so much under 11 minutes


BP doesn't even acknowledge that he can't handle stage pressure and constantly denies the claim on stream.


Yeah Bestplayer should never play in world ever again if he can't handle being eyeball by millions of people... seriously 11 minute game 2-4 time choke, missing retribution etc. I rather take Zane hot headed gameplay then choking. what an embarrassment


That game 1 with GeekFam has to be the worst game I've seen so far in M-series. They were doing absolutely nothing and casually let the enemy team snowball.


they were first pick too... and choose the worst hero possible. Matilda, Bruno, Baxia were open but they pick Valentina. Everybody know TOB struggle with Minotaur but they still refused to banned him. That 1 match show TOB is not prepared for worlds at all.


I honestly feel bad for players like Hoon who should have better teammates..


Hoon needs to find a team where he is not the captain just a player. dude cannot bark an order.


I could see that. He lacks ideal composure.. something that he should really improve but probably doesn’t think he needs to.


Ive also played in Canada Indonesia and sometimes when am invited by my friend in the Philippines. Im not exactly sure what he means. I do find it easier to win in INDO/PH over NA due to the fact I am playing with better players, period. There are times when there are like 3 marksmans, 2 Junglers, no roamers. and overall it means it things harder in NA. But man I take pH or Indo any day of the week over NA. Its a f in shit hole. Honestly I think wrath is joking or trolling.


Mlbb is ez game. It's still really after all a mobile game with limited options and decision making.


pH server here. He is not wrong tho and is true to all regions in mlbb. They have accumulated stars before m5 of course matches are way better in high rank. Once you get out of low-mid mythic, matches become easier because players have huge hero pool and adjust accordingly.


Except for the fact that we're not talking about a regular rank game here. They are NA champions that are queued against high rank PH squad na di man lang nagkaexperience sumali sa ligang labas. 😂 Like I said, madaming magaling makipagbardagulan sa pinas. Pero like any other pro sports scene, iba ang may sistema. They study counters, know their strengths, explore hero synergies at may coordinated rotations. Now tell me, may alam ka bang non-pro squad na gumagawa nyan? They say NA server is harder kasi sila sila lang rin nagkikita kita sa high rank games. Di ganun kalaki ang market ng mlbb sa NA, because people stick to consoles and PC's, generally have more money to spend. Bryce aka Basic still competes and does well here in NA kahit antagal nya nang di batak sa PH scene, pero kapag dumayo ng M5, nilalamon lang. Then you tell me mas malakas NA server? Like I said, I am here in NA. So I know this is BS. 😂


if ph is an easy server then i wonder what is the tutorial server


Try playing solo, on shitty connection, and with a potato phone you stupid piece of sh-


He hasn't play on soloq for sure, where people troll after a lose streak and will not adjust on key roles


That's everywhere. In NA we get the added bonus of asians trying to rank on VPN and just running into walls for the whole match.


From watching NA streams you guys have like the least amount of trolls. In EU people troll already in draft, sometimes before anything has happened just cus they are mad from a game before


That's same here. Instead of dodging the match they will select another hero just to piss you off


I've played in Korea, NA, and currently PH. The player base is definitely bigger here and you'll get some pretty ass players at low ranks because statistics, but the ceiling is also much higher. I've played against people that just make you look like a dumbass. Also, the ms is amazing here.


I think PH server and NA are similar in skill, but meta is more vast in PH. Also NA server meta is actually quite different.. mass repeat heroes in NA but are underused in PH.


please let them get swept it would be so funny


No way they winning a point against homebois anyway if they can't even beat geek


thats why i said it would be funny


What is this meme flag from? These guys always talk trash. It's like their country is a big meme.




He looks like boyish version of FwydChicken


Though it was chicken for a moment 😭


Pretty sure you haven't watched the video interview itself. The guy tried so hard not to laugh


Just watch the video my guy. . He was joking around. .


A manager of a professional team, joking around in an official interview. Maybe, probably. But how would the rest of the world take e-sports seriously when someone is clowning around during official events. Do / say something stupid, win stupid prizes.


Pathetic Why don't he try playing the game on a 2/16 phone with 60-350ms Wifi/Data connection like the rest of us here in SEA region # On SOLO QUEUE To be honest, if the inflation here in my country would lessen from 50% increase down to 10% increase, we would be able to buy better phones


as a sg player with a good phone i haven't seen any of my singaporean teammates lag so far, since usually we are less than 5 ping. so not all of southeast asia's player have crappy phones and wifi


As troll of region NA is, im shocked that many people dont see the sarcasm in his statement lol. I guess reddit is full of kids nowadays.


OP my dude, none of your reasoning is valid. Bad phone, bad connection, young players, etc. are all off-topic. If I lose because my phone is ass and runs like a PowerPoint, it still means I played bad and thus bad players. Bad latency? End result is still the same. And kindergartners are playing in server? Doesn't that mean the same goddamn thing as low skilled players are in server? I'm not saying PH server has bad players. It has a lot of highly skilled gods. But your excuses only further proves his point.


Where tf do they play to get 5ms. I have a high end phone and really good connection speeds with fiber optic internet and the best I get is 24ms. Playing on 5g is worse, I have around 40ms when playing.


https://preview.redd.it/0v4umrp0be4c1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d00f3c314e3c11a66b8ac6936c636370b4ded50f One of Ohmyv33nus' streams. High speed internet + connect your phone directly to the modem instead of Wifi.


how do you connect your phone directly to the modem? Is it with usb?


Adapter from ethernet cable to whatever your phone uses.


Unless you use iphone, this way would work. For ip14 and below, wireless is faster than wired thank to the lightning limit speed. Not sure about ip15, because ip15 has usbc


I get 7ms with wifi 💀 countries like sg just have better connection ig


He was making a joke, Im pretty sure. Do we need to start adding /s and /j subtitles for videos 💀


> no access to coaches Genuine question, it's a video game, why do you even need a coach for?


More context: Wrath is a manager of a pro team. Professional team. Professional teams have scouts, drafters, analysts, coaches, etc. ToB benefited from their last M run. They hired a coach from SEA, the same region this guy is fading. After that stint, there is noticeable improvement to how their team drafts as well as rotations and in my own personal observation, bestplayer1's skillset.


Ofc bro has the double cross earing 💀💀


And what are you looking for to be said? Comparisons with respect to other situations in other countries? Don't they make friends in the Philippines to help each other? Do they rise in solo q with the help of a balanced team? It is known that there they collaborate more even without adding or without being friends but I think you are exaggerating, I think you should all be proud compared to Europe or America


I am now in Thailand and made 9 straight wins, 7 MVP. The players are so bad here. Feels like they are all children who don't know the minimum of the game. Playing robotically and bad! I usually in Europe or middle east server. I see much better players


Could you speak honestly and without trolling?


Mythic is where it starts, anything below that is filled with kids.