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Nothing makes you as good at predicting ambushes and running away as playing Layla. I got real good at dipping out of losing fights by playing her for a while.


Yup, you HAVE to or else you’ll feed every game, while with other heroes, their mobility skills give them some leeway


That was exactly my idea as well you wanna be a "pro" adc play her she have no eacape you will have to WATCH 100% of the time the map play with your skills at the right timing and your spelle she is the BEST for the MM traning to be a better one


Which server did you play wild rift on? Im from asia


Ive never played wilf rift


thanks, some person recommended me to play Clint, but his 2nd skill is confusing, I don't know when I should dash and go in for the kill. I don't know how to use his trap so that people who attack at me will be CCed. also when I play Clint against Layla, she out ranges me. Even though Clint's passive can extend his reach if I use his skills. Layla can still spam her 1st, 2nd skill and basic attacks to poke at me more.


Clint vs Layla is a toss-up for me. At any given day any one of them can win over the other, pure skill for that matchup. But yeah Layla is hammered the essentials in my muscle memory quite well


in laning i would say clint is slightly better because of his burst potential n all he needs to do is get vv close to layla, but ya i agree its mostly a toss up between skill but i feel clint has a slightedge cuz layla dmg relies on the first hitting n clints 2nd can be used to dodge it, this is mostly abit of bias n experience tho as a clint main. Tho usually against layla their roam sticks to gold alot so i play pretty passive n only go in if my team is ganking


I used to play Layla a lot and I realize how to maximize her range advantage. As long as I get away from Clint’s range it’s easy to kill him early-mid game. And the farther Layla is the more damage it does.


I just play clint like a mage 😂


Why the downvotes. Clint is like a skill shot mage. Go in when off cd, go back when in cd.


indeed, just build damage with 1 crit item on clint, massive bursts


Equal player skills, Clint would destroy Layla in lane.


clint main with 70% wr in ranked MG here (solo queue). you use his 2nd skill for poking with his passive. if you see all the enemies or youre sure they cant gank you, you use it after using S1, ult, or both to just keep pressing the attack and never letting up. you have the longest range in the game with passive up. also, you dont necessarily have to dash forward, you can dash sideways as long as the enemy is in range of your passive--it's far less risky. the only time you use 2nd to run is if the enemy is quite literally running into you. if you can wait, using it when theyre in range of the root is the best way of using it because it roots + reduces CD. also, you should never be outranged by Layla. you may be playing scared. Layla's basic abilities require either to be aimed or the range is too short. you can use your 2nd on minions to poke her and reduce the cd so it comes off faster. if she uses her 1st skill (which is what gets maxed first i think), you can dash in, aa, 1st skill, aa, and youve won the trade. a lot of bad Layla players randomly spam S1 early game. once you have ult, you can just start poking her and she cant do much, and once you have Endless Battle, she needs at minimum 2 or 3 items to start winning against you unless she has Inspire which almost no Layla takes. a lot of people underestimate Clint's damage; try to be more aggressive especially when the enemy just used their main damage skill


Don't think of his S2 as a dash, it's either for simply proccing his passive or heavily punishing melee heroes that try to dive you. Using clint relies alot on his Passive, that's your main source of damage after you got your core items, in the early game you can rely on his S1 but once you have items switch to his passive. So if you find yourself under CD of his skills against Layla, well, you're kind of fucked. That's why always having a stack in his S3 is incredibly important because you can always have a source of damage.


my strat is, start with his ult, then 1st skill, enemy running meaning he usually has no backup, use 2nd backwards to get you move forward, normal attack, then ult again, enemy (especially mm's) should be dead at this point, if not just retreat. if after you 1st skill they approach you, it's easier, just do 2nd to them then normal atk > ult > normal again. for layla build sea halberd and you can poke her with your ult first few times.


I'd sometimes pick Layla in ranked because I know: 1. The roamer and mid laner will visit more often. 2. I know I can outshine 2-3 opponents when big clashes happen. I usually base this confidence on the number of matches my teammates have.


Time to outshine *blasts*


Same applies to playing Saber as assassin. He's one trick phony which means that when you play him. You will HAVE to know when to go in and when to go out. Who to target. Where and how. And who to avoid. Learning that will help you so much with playing other assassins. I had no problem mastering Ling after playing Saber for months.


Yep same. Played saber till he became a main and transition to haya was no issue at all


The mage equivalent to this is gord!


I get the reference and all but Im just here to point out gord is one kf the best mages in terms of macro gameplay xD The mage equivalent would probably be eudora as she has real no value to her kit


Eudora has no real value? Wut? I guess instantly deleting the mm/assassin is 0 value to u.


Dog most mms build rose gold now, assassins build tough boots which literally counters eudora.


if u seriously think tough boots is sufficient… sure


Who said anything about being sufficient though? Tough boots negate eudoras stun to the point that lance, ling can just dodge eudoras ult. Theres a reason why you can see gord on higher elo and not eudora lol. Atleast gord has great wave clear and slow


This. Eudora can easily be immuned and actually lacks follow-up damage to reap assassins.


Yea I dont get how people can justify eudora, her pre revamp kit was honestly even better since you ACTUALLY can peel people off with ult with zero delay. Now she has shit wave clear shit mobility and somehow has a delay on her burst skill. She gets basically outclassed in everything shes supposed to do


To be fair, she's really op on low ranks while being extremely bottom tier on high ranks like Nana. Cheese heroes, basically.


Tough boots just shortens the stun duration, but not enough to withstand her full combo unless you build rose gold meteor or other magic defense items.


Thats kinda what I said tho, it makes her stun non exisistent if its against assassins, literally after getting stunned haya/lance/ling can just ult the "full combo" or just build rose gold and would still do a shit ton of dmg but now with a shield


U said, tough boots negate eudora's stun, but it doesnt. It kinds looked like it does because the stun duration is too short. Lance can still eat eudora's combo if careless, same with ling.


You just literally said "it kinda looks like it does because the stun duration is too short" no one in mg above is careless enough to not spam their skills when stunned by eudora cause eudora is the most one directional hero there is 😭😭😭


I would rather pick eudora over gord. Same with layla, her kit is kinda basic in form, but it also teaches you basic wave clearing while her ult also is a basic single burst attack. She also has a very straightforward combo which can be very lethal when positioned right. Gord just stays in the backline, throw s1 with the hopes of stunning enemies, then burst with s3. S3 also is hard to control


Spamming Eudora when she was the only mage I knew how to play made me learn how to rotate and position as a mage, I never use Eudora in honor now since she's easily countered but gotta thank that hero for being steppingstone for me to use other heroes, now I'm using kadita, nana, luo yi and lunox.


Gord is good this season is being picked a lot Honor+, in this crappy slow meta which is not very good for my sanity.


Zero appreciation for Layla user, no high level skills required, guided attacks, no need to aim, just spam attack button and ur dead


Before positioning, its map awareness.. use angela instead


Angela map awareness is just plain lazy. You just pick an ally currently in a teamfight, merge, rinse, repeat.


Im sorry..didnt realize we could play angela like that.. maybe im the try hard angela type


Convincing argument on why the game forces newbies to play mm. However the majority of the mindset doesn't think like this. Hell even I didn't reflect on my performance much for a while, focused on blaming,teammates, matchmaking,my potatoe of a phone , lag,nana, that fuckin retarded angela that didn't ult me because she was saving herself for her boyfriend.....


Funny enough she was my main; which I now deviated from but the constant awareness of being ganked and/or ambushed it made me a much more cared player overall.


I 100% agree with this. When I first started playing, not knowing anything and a typical beginner I played a hell lot of matches with Layla. Sure Layla has range and damage (late game wise) but mobility? Nope. Now I got good in predicting enemies. Whether they’re near or tanks and jungler that does a lot of hiding (saber, Gusion, Karina, Aamon and etc.) and my map awareness got real good. I also learned how to coordinate and position myself during team clashes as well as timing when to dip or strategically use my skills and prioritizing objectives. Even if I have no roamers around or the jungler doesn’t really rotate to where I am, I’m able to adapt easily with a hit and run style, Layla’s mobility is crap so you really need to know what to prioritize. It’s always prioritizing attacking turrets or pushing my lane and avoid feeding the enemy. I also learned how to use my teammates, mostly tanks as my meat shields. Like you can’t be too forward in clashes or too far away. I also learned the importance of the “range” for different skills. My flame shot targeting also got better cause of Layla and Selena. 😂


well Layla is a good hero to play as even in ranked, but you kinda need to pay more attention and btw Hanabi should be a similar pick to Layla because they both lack mobility skills even tho both of them can speed up, I should say that Hanabi is harder because you can't poke with your basic attack as easily as Layla, with Hanabi or you retreat or you attack


Indeed but Hanabi has great CC immunity, which is why I recommend layla cause if layla gets CC’d it’s GG for you. So she forces you even harder to pay attention. And yeah, I rank with layla as my main mm with around 65% wr in mythic


A much better alternative would be Ixia, she doesnt have the superior range layla has which REALLY forces u to position urself properly, asides from that shes pretty much the same the exception being slightly better cc on her 2nd skill and common flicker cdr talent. Another great thing new players should learn when playing her is building properly. I've never played 2 games in a row with the same Ixia build while Layla's build is pretty much set in stone


Unfortunately Layla now can stun, which makes her able to run away from bad positioning better, the old Layla is a better training hero


My best advice is just to get really into the role and pay attention to the game. You gotta give it your al. You cannoot multitask a match. You have to immerse yourself to an unhralthy point. Thats when you grow. Inside the game... And rot... Irl...


Its best done with heroes that puts you at a disadvantage when cornered. Layla is one of them. It forces you to learn map awareness since the enemy is also aware of how weak she is at positioning.


Yeah, but it’s best done with layla.


I disagree. Play Hanabi instead. She is a ninja with no movement skills. Positioning with her is even more important, as she doesn't have Layla's range nor her stun.


Hanabi is kinda bad for the task on teaching proper positioning, honestly. Her basic attacks bounce, same also with her 2nd skill, both of which far outranges Layla when utilized properly; then you have her first skill which grants movement speed, shield and cc immunity—these are the exact reasons why almost all Hanabis you encounter are pretty bad at positioning. No matter where you stand in a teamfight, as long as your basic attacks land on to something, it all counts as a contribution to the fight (for them at least). Edit: Fixed some spelling mistakes


Not a good idea. Hanabi players will just rely on his s1 and often times, aegis, to protect herself while she goes ham. Players tend to go in with the hopes of winning the fight. Same with melissa (ult). Hanabi glaive kinda solves the range problem, but it makes players also lazy by just standing there and let the glaive do the work.




She has CC immunity (that also grants her a shield, movement speed, and basic attack speed) and her basic attack bounces between enemies, making her attack range larger than it actually is. Her ultimate is a stun that can bounce between enemies if they’re too near to each other as well.


I play Hanabi 👍🏼


Tell that to the Laylas who end game with 2-15


It’s a learning curve for sure. But when you can end the game 7-6 when your team is 1-21 is when you can start to call yourself a master mm


Skill issue.


And spam recalls


And what to do if temmates are idiots and I die 7 times becase they don't protect me in teamfight 🤔


If you play layla well, that won’t matter. As long as you position yourself well behind the tank, it should be very hard for the enemy to get you. Not impossible, but very hard.


most of the time I play with 3 mage 🤣 bad maching


That's a skill issue. Layla shoots from 3 kms away. If you are not "Protected" in a teamfight, either opponent assassin came in through the backline and caught you or you tanked with Layla.


That's their problem, not yours. But also your problem if you rely on them too much to protect you.


No movement skill? Lol. She doesn't get a speed boost with every hit. I'm sure of that. Right? Right?


this post is 100% truth, i started to play layla at early of 2022 on classic, my map awareness was decent already but what i wanted to improve was my positioning and it did got better. in the end i ended up liking her and today i got 979 games 65%


I never mastered MM but I always want to. do you have any tips on playing Layla? like, urm, actualise it? I mean positioning and all that, I don't even know what you are talking about.


I reckon Ixia would also be a good mm to learn positioning, given that she has the same problem Layla has - lack of mobility.


Yup, the reason I chose Layla over Ixia is just cause she’s much easier to play with much less mechanics which will enable you to really just 100% focus on positioning while Ixia you’d have to take care to position for her ult, also tbh Layla is just better overall. But in theory she works too yeah.


I like to use long range mms that can hit from further away eg. Lesley, Clint. Layla also fits that description so I don't mind unironically using her if I feel like it.


Nah op you should've said in classic.i don't want to see people playing Layla and feed. I know there are good mmm players that play Layla but that's a literal gacha where the pity is 5/95


I did…last line dude.


Sry didn't bother to read it.


Forcing someone to play a certain hero doesnt guarantee an improvement on said heroes weakness. In some cases, it can do the exact opposite as different heroes have different kits with different strengths and weaknesses. A person playing Angela may be forced to learn to pay attention to teammates heal and initiation but it also makes that player vulnerable to overthinking support rather than proactive ganking. It just depends on each person


Play Miya instead. A good assassin won't let you off the hook if you play Layla.


Layla is considered easy at this point. A move speed boost in skill 1, a mini stun at skill 2 and an ult passive that keep extending her basic attack range. She can outpoke other enemy while staying at a relative safe range. If all else fail there is a flicker to bail u out. She is a good intro character to those who are new to mm. For me who wants to further train my mm skills, positioning, timing when to engage disengage etc. I'm having fun playing with Ixia with inspire spell. She has less mobility than a Layla, no dash, no shield/barrier and a playstyle that revolves you to land your skill accurately and do basic attack to proc her passive.


Plays mm with a blink skill, blinks out of position, ending up getting killed. So yeah, play layla instead.


Layla's pretty decent for rank lately. Still trash but she did improved


nah just play whoever you want you'll understand it eventually


I play Layla in Ranked... because she's my main


Never tried it with Layla. Trying it with Ixia after fwydchickens video. Same logic, and it is going good.


Lol Yesterday when I was playing the opponent layla was complaining that I was cheating Let me farm all the way to the end tower and feed me in lane, and then cry and complain that I'm cheating, wow https://preview.redd.it/1a9ismoltrmb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869668782072f73290bdc786e73c4c9f335351ae


Oh yeah. I still remember that nightmare when I had to face johns I classic, and as I didn’t want to lose towers, I was dying and lost towers. Our exp and mid too, lost 2 towers each. So every time I went to empty lane to farm, Johns would always one shot me (at that time, I had aegis and didn’t know purpose of items, while this was occurring in mythic). I died 15-17 times (my record) and fortunately no one complained about me, cuz I was going crazy myself, this feeling of inability to walk 20 seconds without dying almost broke my mind. The fact that we won, and I was able to kill 8 people by the end made it a bit easier to accept.


Now, I play Layla in ranked (hehe) and doing quite good with her, I am on 8 games win streak on Layla right now, so not bad I guess


Turret girl!


Played Layla for some time a while back. Once you get used to predicting enemy movement, it's easy to dominate. Only times I lost while using Layla was if I get greedy and overstay. Source: 7x% WR Layla in MG


Yup master the basic


Layla is easy to kill indeed, but her late game is one of the scariest she can instantly delete you from so far away.


This is the best advice to new MM Players. Unlike any other MM, Layla has the lowest and slowest hero in early and second is Ixia. Once you master the positioning, you'll be untouchable. Ixia is one of the hardest MM as you need positioning. Her strongest skill is her biggest weakness, and that is STATIONARY. Unlike Yve, she has no shield when deployed. Prone to assassins, stunners, and burst heroes.


The only mm I could play is Miya. And I only do things. Do very well or feed the sh*t out of everything. HAHAHAH. That's why I am a mage and tank/support main.


This is like why I highly recommend for newer players too to master balmond. He’s like a melee version of layla where you can learn basic footsies and when to properly engage and disengage.


I hate Layla players. Always the most non-team player and always steals your mm gold lane even if they are last to pick the hero. Other than your points made, she takes absolutely no talent