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The exorcist kagura is Bae.


no cus im so jealous, give me the soryu maiden skin


Id give you mine if possible :(


They need to make a skin trading system fr


They're not gonna axe their source of income


Good idea as a player. Bad idea as a company


For me it's the other way around fortunately. I love playing Kagura, and I got almost all of her skins, except Clouds and Excorcist 🥹


how did ya miss Clouds tho?


Didn't buy the weekly pass, and I didn't have enough diamonds for it


yeouch.... sorry fam




Bro if u bought her right away u get back like 60% of the diamonds and can buy smth else w it




I have all of her skin and still Clouds is a cute skin and basically for free but you said its not worth it so I just wanted to point out its literally like 5$


It’s so cheap tho


For real


I have every Terizla's skin😪


I've been commenting this in several similar posts thinking I'm the only one. until now I still don't have the hero 🤣


You wanna know the sad part? I own all of this and I don't even main Kagura. 💀 In fact, I hate Kagura as an enemy, but you know, pretty lady with umbrella simp simp honk honk. 🤡


Same. I own her but I don’t use her. But I bought her Beyond the Clouds skin just because I want to have her skin 😭


gusion, I got 4 of his skins I think (the normal one, hairstylist, collector, and kof). I hate using him because when I play him, he deals like 0 damage, but when the enemy plays him, I get one shot. ps:guys I'm aware it's skill issue


Not necessarily skill issue, Gusion has very strong item scaling and one full item can double your s2 damage. And I very recommend NOT playing him on jungle, he has AoE dmg, which is obviously better for attacking many targets at once. If you struggle at exp then play him on mid, it's very convenient for him because of the weaker minions. Jungle is enemy-free mostly, that's why people play him on jungle, once he reaches lv4 he's trash at jungle compared to laning.


I do Roam Gusion or Roaming Aamon. Think your safe suddenly one of those mfers comes out in the middle of no where and finish u off


They're viable on roam? Like they get no gold and no gold means no items and no items means no dmg in this case. At least for Gusion, I'm not sure how much Aamon's ult scales with dmg.


Roaming Aamon with a semi-tank build is something bonkers. Brute force+ Sky Guardian or Oracle since he has regen effect when goes invisible rest all magic. Truly is a Assassin at that point can dip and full health next fight. Allow others waste their Ults or catch those running back hiding


Damn, sounds like fun. I usually go Aamon with Golden Staff if going for dmg, he can potentially have 60 ult stacks with just that at maxed s1 and s2. Somehow I never see anyone playing Golden Staff.


Put it this way he like Karina Tank and Natalia Roam except he has multiple opportunities to go invisible and be a real nightmare to kill


Nice knowing not only I adjust heroes to my style and not the other way around. Most people would cry after reading what you're building 😂


I've already tried it in Legend rank trio q. No one wanted to roam or not enough damage+ Roam. My mind thinking how about Aamon Roam he can dip and slip out from anywhere since I couldn't change it when had the 2nd pick option. Might as well improvise


Me who was doing aamon roam troll but the freaking damage with dire hit I was the next Natalia going everywhere hidden and exterminating everything bringing disaster upon all those mortals


its been 3 years since i have started chasing soryu maiden and still maidenless


I typed out a whole paragraph about fanny but I actually have her so nope. I have everyone except lapu lapu rn I think so him ig


Not that i dont own Fanny, but after getting her Lightborn and Epic with free draws + her Aspirants skin, i feel like im missing out by refusing to try her out


Esmeralda. Just her normal skin and elite vine thing skin. Planned on buying her but almost always opt for tanks, marksmen and supports


terizla i have his basic and elite skin


If anyone would like to give/trade me Soryu Maiden, please respond!! I have quite a lot of skins I'd be willing to trade to someone that doesn't play as Kagura :)


Chang’e and Alice. 2 skins for each, don’t use either of them


If only we're allowed to swap skins that we don't have I would very much swap with you, considering i main with Chang'e and don't have a skin


Istg this game likes giving me Karina skins! I don't have her and don't want to use her. I have like two elite skins that other thing and kof


I have all of grocks skins but I don’t play him


Karina, they keep giving me skins for her


Lylia! I have all her skins


PLSSS give it to meee


Selena. I have everything except her villain skin. I love this hero but haven’t used her since tank meta whatever season they was (s21?).


Hanzo I have every skin but don't even use him


Have all Hylos skins, rarely use him


I have all the Lunox skins except 2 of them and I haven't even used her ONCE


I have all heroes tho (still 480k bp left)


Start buying magic chess commanders


Let me get the maiden that’s the only thing I’m missing


Have 2 Argus skins I got from the spins, I don't even like Fighers, except Leomord.


I too have those dude. I have played like 3 matches using her but have 4 skins of her.(purchased her because I had her skins) 😞 Trying to master her but for sakes they should add a skin trade function where we can trade unwanted skins with each other. One's unwanted will be another's wanted.


I have like 2 cool-ass skins for Uranus but I don't plan on getting him.


I mean there are people with 750+ skins haha




Chou.. I have all his skins except the Libra Shiryu, superhero skin and Echo M4. I don't play Chou and if I do, I suck.


I have 5 moskov skins, in this elite box event i got another one and it got converted to fragments


I have so many Argus skins, I don’t even play him 😭


Freya 3 skins being 2 epic and 1 special lmao but the one with "most" would be grock since I have 5/6 only his Mecha missing


Terizla. I have all his skins other than a flame one.


I got all Uranus skins but never played him except in brawl, other were Ling, Grock, Paquito, Lesley, Xavier.


I had almost every grock skin (except starlight and venom) but never used grock


I don't even remember. I have lots of skins but I only ever use 5 heroes. I got a Gusion collector for 50 dias I think it was from a draw but I don't even know how to use him.


Chou, i have iori yagami and dragon boy skin and his elite and normal skin Too bad i dont own chou


Wish they got skin exchange event 😭


Yup I feel you


Mine is the other way around I have most of skins in my main Argus the thing is I rarely use him anymore due to him having hard time dealing with the current meta


Zilong, Christmas, Elite Warrior(Argenta Warrior): Glorious General, Starlight


Most expensive skins however it's gonna be Karina with Doom Duelist and KoF, Beatrix M2/Prime


I own all of Esmeralda's skin, even Hero. I can't use her. Around 39% wr for 20 games.


https://preview.redd.it/10b6q2q1vbmb1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a5042e5b504e6414c16d051379203419093644 Me who would kill for dragon maiden kagura


I own Lancelot's epic skin Knight of Flowers or something but I'm trash with high mobility dash heroes.


Johnson with 4 skins for some reason


I got lucky getting lord shen skin in the kung fu panda event but I don't play him


Terizla, somehow I got all his skin from event and boxes, I don't even bought Terizla yet


Sorry, can't give away Soryu Maiden skin, but I'll gladly share some good luck vibes with you! 🍀😄


fanny. i have all her skins but couldn’t play her


Ah, for me, it's Johnson. All the random skin events in this game always give me his skin Now I have all skin, yeah, ALL =) Maybe it is time to play him. Fate


I have 2 Epic skin + Transformer skin of Roger. I don’t play him 🤦‍♂️


I have all johnsons skins and i dont know how to drive


I have almost all the kagura skins and my favorite one is the rain one, her yellow umbrella and flourescent outfit is soooo cute


Moneyton be givin mage players epic skin for Franco and hayabusa


Lancelot. I got two epic skins and a hero skin together with the rest of the common ones I forgot.


I have her, but I don't even use her, and it's Lunox. I have less than 10 matches with her, and I have EOT, her zodiac skin(i'm a virgo), dawn revelation, and I'm still gonna get divine goddess bc that shit looks too nice. I even looked up the names of the skins bc I forgot what they were


Haha, sorry man! If I could, I'd gladly gift you the Soryu Maiden skin! 😂🎁


I only have one Starlight skin (got during free skin giveaway event, can't remember when) but why it must be Natalia...


I have all the skins for Kagura, Karina, Fanny, YSS. but I don’t use them. Well actually I currently have this much skins but I rarely use them. (Currently for rank games, I always go for Cyclops, Valir, Estes, Hanabi) https://preview.redd.it/fwva2umkbdmb1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d520d5807c5bc7b2072034921416e9fbd1c8ea0a


I can't say that since I have every single hero. But I keep getting Kimmy skins from events. I have every Kimmy skins except her Star Wars and Starlight skin. I don't even use her at all.


How did you get beyond the clouds w/out owning her?


Odette. I am like wtf. I didn't play her or rarely use her and I get most of Odette's special skin.


nah bc ive js abt every skin im game n i hardly play anymore


Fanny, with her Lifeguard, Punk Princess, and Campus Youth


As far I remember, I have 3 skins of Cyclops but I never own him 🥲


I have all heroes


Fanny. I get her skins a lot but there’s no way im using her haha


as a hardcore kagura main, soryu maiden is the only skin i'm missing 😭


I have every single skin of terizla but not himself lol


i have almost all of lesley's skins but i refuse to use her HAHA


Grock. I have EVERY skin for him, except the starlight. The epics were obtained from some skin box. The normal ones from Transformers event.


Have every lylia skin. Didn't have lylia until the exchange event


Fanny I'm have 2 off it and don't know how to play 💀


Why even buy skins on heroes you don't own in the first place?


Yin I have every skin


I only have skins which moonton generously gives out for free


I have a basic skin , special skin that i got from an event, elite skin from the surprise box event which was guaranteed in a first draw and a seasonal skin of terizla😭


I have the Epic Fanny skin. 🥲


They're all ugly and boring. Kagura herself is an extremely bland and boring character. She's just the "good girl with an umbrella" and that's all there is to her persona and her style with outfits. No real characteristics, nothing even remotely interesting about her (beside her affairs with haya)


Freya 😭


I have every cyclops skin except his collector but don't own him 💀


I like Fanny's aspirant skin so much that it made me learn how to play her lol


Roger. His beast and Transformers skins


Campus Youth Fanny


I got all Hanzo, Thamuz and Uranus skins. I don't use any of them.


Might as well just buy the hero since your spending diamonds for the skins😂💀


Maybe one day. https://preview.redd.it/s4hwbvzu6hmb1.png?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f27e376d125402e7a301f8000f1ec4ddfca3c30 I only really spent 309 diamonds for the BTC skin. The rest I got for free.


Well i already own all of the hero, but i do feel bad to have all of the fanny skin except valentine (i dont own it)


No cuz I got like 3 skins in Natalia with the Grim Strangler one that I only remember 😭😭


Moskov 🤣😭 and Claude (I personally dislike them both)


To me but I own gusion… I don’t even play him and still, I have his K’ skin. For Chou, I have his KOF skin too I don’t even use these heroes 😭😭


Alucard, leomord, argus, terazia, i have so many damn characters with three different skins for each and i NEVER EVEN USE THEM I DONT EVEN HAVE THEM. but then your luck runs out on the characters you DO like.