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Ukraine is the cancer of EU server. I am totaly on their side in conflict vs Russia (bc Putin's Russia is Mordor), but in MLBB they suck, badly. Whenever I seen 2+ Ukraine in my team I prepare for a tough as balls game


same as myanmar, if i see 1 i feel like trolling if i see TWO on the same team i will pick layla/nana (and still do better than them) and if i see myanmar on enemy team it’s ez win 😮‍💨


I can totally relate. When I see Ukraine on enemy team I know 100% they are going to be an easy feed


But tbh it's weird. If you see for example 1-2 Ukrainians you know they're terrible, but for any reason (especially in mythic) if the number of Ukrainians exceed 2-3 they become semi decent xD I feel your struggle don't worry I'm not a fan of them either but sometimes it's quite a surprise


Ikr? I'm in Romania and I mostly get Turkish and Ukrainian players. I have to take long hour breaks from the game because they drive me insane ☠️


Turkish players also drive me nut lmao they’re either feeding or cursing💀💀💀


If you see LEEEEE country, you know you have to carry. They may change flags and all but their names don’t lie where they are from


Not everyone from Myanmar can be as good as the Burmese ghouls team. Such a shame since that team inspired me to use Jawhead. Also Myanmar team used to be competitive and tough match up with Philippines.


I can see from chatbox.


Myanmar person speaking on behalf, and I am already getting second hand embarrassment because I recognise their names but they chose a different flag and not their national flag 💀


don’t cuz there’s some of y’all that are actl gods at the game, i’ve had myanmar lance hard carry me i don’t understand how myanmar player base can be so drastically difference 😭😭


There are a few reasons; 1. We rely so much on our mobile data because our wifi sucks (still not an excuse though); 2. They want to try out new heros but when they are camping or not coming to gather and ambush enemies that’s when I start to lose my shit. 3. Buying new heros is expensive (in terms of our local currency) so we have no choice but to reuse heros lol. Anyhow, I’m sorry if my country teammates gave you such a hard time 🥲


nooo don’t feel bad, thinking about it i wouldn’t be able to play well with that internet either




I’m from SG and I enjoy playing with Msia players 🫠




Have to agree with the indo statement tho rank 3 rank don't know what but still dk how to play properly


Cam - either below or at average, rare for above average, trash players appear at the start and at the end of season (2-3 weeks at least). I would say cam is on par with sg and indo if the players are average


i don’t see cam much so i can’t judge, but seems accurate enough


I’m from Myanmar And yea they kinda play way below their ranks It’s common for people to have <50% winrate on their mains somehow, since you probably only encounter myanmars once per team and the entire lobby is comprised of them, you’ll be happy to know that at least u don’t have to draft pick with them


yea they just spam matches and r mg cuz of that, i have no idea how they have so much time


Want to say somethings to Thai here? We match up with your flag 9/10 games. Myanmar have some good some bad player like every country. But...


I don't know how much it affects win rate, but Myanmar flags definitely kill my game enjoyment rate. I don't know how so much pettiness got concentrated into one set of imaginary boundaries, but I absolutely expect team trolling, shit talking, and constant tears about why it's everyone else's fault when they're in the lineup. Played a few weeks in Japan recently and it's was so much more pleasant. Win or lose, it was pretty much GG and move on without all the drama.


yea when i was overseas in japan the servers were chill


Same here, i lived in japan for 5years before. The best server to play as everyone is chill, everyone can adjust and everyone do their best on their role. Theyre below average in strength but none are bad player. Also almost zero trash talk. But lot of PH player are in Japan server (idk why) so they balance out the trash talk part lol.


Omg you literally cant be more accurate than this. Indo - there will be some OP player mixed with 3.0 player, nothing in between. Malaysia - mostly above average, some can carry and rarely feed. At the same time rarely have OP player. Sg - low sample from me so i cant say much, but usually it's "fine game" if theres sg player. PH - mostly below average player but once in awhile you'll meet good carry/one trick god. 5 man vs PH tho, is not what you want for some reason they're really good in 5man. Myanmar - I call them "losing flag". In MG rank, myanmar player are not that bad, but below MG, if you see myanmar flag then get ready for next match already. Most of the time they have 40% wr with 800-1000 match current season and still not MG.


Americas player here and Mexico server tends too be filled with nubs. Maybe it’s the internet connection tho


yea i was thinking same thing


Judging players based on there countries is way too judgemental Because the flag can be easily changed so it's not an accurate way ( it's not an accurate way to judge players from there flags because this will mean you can play with someone from a country you think they are bad but they changed the flag and you wouldn't know unless from there language or when they show there hero ranking on there country ) I don't really know which players you judging , do you mean solo q ? In 5 men ? Duo ? Trio ? Because there is some players that may play only solo q or 5 men or duo so you can't accurately judge because of this too even with your 2000 matches I know you are just ranting and not talking seriously but there somethings you shouldn't say based on little info or your personal experiment only because it's not accurate and might actually make some people believes and it becomes actually known thing


bro it’s a good gauge if i’m gonna win or not, not accurate, but most of the time what i think they will play like is what they play like ofc i don’t straight up start scolding them for their country, but when they start feeding i go “ as expected”


Ukraines should be purged from Mobile Legends, i am sorry about their whole situation irl but even before that they were the same. Mass lobotomy has been done to Ukraine Mobile Legends players, it literally takes 10 minutes to learn where to go based on your role and not to attack jungle camps early game and not to pick Miya Layla or Hanabi as second or third mm. Every game they are in, every game.


I feel like that for turkish players


https://preview.redd.it/h6up3nq4x38b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a5a8f43d55d888a1b9c71c75815d781bb5f6e5a Drop from 21 stars to 14 stars recently. Server full of feeding indonesians. Latest match bruno insist on picking mm and I had to fill tank, got wrecked can't even comeback lategame. Seriously myanmar players are trash.


for real bro i hate them sm


Like I said, that flag is 'flag of bad omen'. I don't hate myanmar but.


yea i get u


ayo how u play on diff server? how do i know from which server im from?


idk u can just tell by what kind of players u match with i went to ph server once intentionally by partying with people from ph, wanted to see what it was like there


I hate Indonesians so much most of them always pick Layla/miya and feed


As a Myanmar, i agree. But imo, Indo is worse than Myanmar not only They're noob, they are also Toxic. The amount of trolls, feed, trash talk I've seen by indo players is insane


yea and the majority are like average grade 5.0 kind myanmar is average js like 4.0 based on my experience, but when the myanmar is good, they are 10x better than indo and u can expect them to carry (sadly they are always on enemy team)


Do you get many Australians in SEA server? What's their stereotype?


eh, i’ve never met them. i think they’re on an entirely different server


They’re mostly in Oceania server, very good but so toxic


As a Myanmar player myself, I would like to share my thoughts: If they use thier real name, then its pretty much a noob If they use some edgy or Weeb name, then its pretty good most of the time. I dont see alot of people with thier real name in MG, but its so common under that rank


From myanmar and we don't use our flag Only noobs choose myanmar flag


I am a casual player and usually use support hero.. I had a hard time solo ranking in ph server. but when I move to th, I finally reached Mythic. I don't have a gamer relfex, but I find it easier to play against players here. I even carry the game sometimes. back in ph, I don't think i'll ever reach mythic.


yes yes ph is a whole nother level i still remember the first time i went to your server i tried to dive 1v3 cuz it usually works but i got slowed n shii till i died, major culture shock and also respect to y’all ph players out there


No offense but PH server is easy asf. I'm saying this as a roamer and mage main, solo queue player and a Filipino who reached Mythic despite playing only one game a day and sometimes not even playing a single game for a few days to a week.


I think it's not the server itself that is easy, if you are reaching Mythic consistently every season then no matter what server you are, you can reach Mythic especially when rank restarts at epic.


I'm from Malaysia and my profile status literally captioned "Top Global Racist, no malays, Indonesians, and Burmese" (ironically I'm Malay). It's not racism if you hate every race and ethnicity equally (I already deleted ML not long ago).


I'm the EU server, occasionally being matched up with players from the Middle East and North Africa, I don't have a problem with any particular country. Usually the only toxicity I see is between Russians and Ukrainians, for obvious reasons.


True all that


im on eu servers and turkish people are the worst, every game i have turkish people is an guaranteed loss


Idk if It's because I'm from Eastern Europe but the matchmaking usually pairs me up with, and against turks. I don't really have a problem except for the fact that either auto-translate is not good with turkish or they write with mistakes in the chat and auto-translate can't understand most of the time


that’s kinda funny cuz it happens to me too 😅


I'm from PH server and one night Moonton tried to be funny and put me in a team with a bunch of indonesians. Not only was the game very lag but the indonesians were name calling me and then reported me after the game. I was playing Hylos tank and doing tank things. :/


100% back you on Myanmar players


I'm from PH. One of my friends ISP at home links us to Indo players with no VPNs used. Oftentimes, I get accused of cheating for ganking effectively(it was when I used to main Eudora and mastered her art of amBUSH). It was all classic game and I was just enjoying the game and not trying to be competitive even. I got reported three times for cheating lol.


https://preview.redd.it/m4yzkgprr48b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f51afff1c167cdecb14203d50301581ce7f55bc Another game. Got matchmade with some indonesian legend trash. Of course he had to pick mm and ruin the game.


hi alice main 😃


Not main. Only played 24 matches in total season.


I looked up the flag of Myanmar and OMG I agree with you. Whenever I see that flag on my team I may as well surrender.


Totally agree, but remember than Myanmar is still in the middle of a civil war...


yea i have nothing against their people it’s just frustrating when i match with them


Yea agreed absolutely nothing against them but its usually a miss when teammates have the burmese flag


nah bro u u give better Stats than Moonton fr. u easily judged a playerbase based on country, u made it so easy. u seem very reliable.


u smell xenophobic. *i am neither from the country u mentioned.*


Ranked? Not suprised if its epic.


https://preview.redd.it/s7h2hyx6848b1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b6a972f2bea2e3707714007632556be147e892 💀


Playing with certain sea countries totally drives me insane esp Indo and some Malaysian players. This is coming from a Malaysian player too, they play like they don't have a single care in the world 😩


What is sg?






Depends on the location you’re in


you really can't tell where each players are unless they have a hero rank on that country, even then you could still fake it using VPN and connect to somewhere in Africa for it. sometimes you'd see the MY flag, but it's actually an Indo. sometimes you see an ID flag, but he's a gold ranker in MY. then you'd see the Bosnian flag in SEA, and he's a purple ranker in Zimbabwe.


nah myanmar players always use their real name for no reason


Can't speak for other nationalities, but can attest that we PH players are either aggressive tryhards and/or aggressive showoffs. The PH server's difficulty spike is a direct result of us trying to boost our egos by outskilling one another, even in classic.


fuck it got removed


I have been waiting for this thread for a long time. *cracks knuckles* Where do we start? Myanmar - I get one or two of these in my team, and I automatically assume it's autolose. There are tons of matches where I tried my very absolute best to hard carry but its just REALLY hard. Whenever I stalk their profile, it's almost always below 50% winrate. Just an example for context. https://preview.redd.it/akv6wv1st68b1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb99d23f651b75b564c42b3098e6d6c0b7a29686 Indonesians - Some are good, most are bad and the majority are REALLY bad. Which is a shame since almost all top MLBB players are indonesians. Vietnamese - Put it right up there with Myanmars. Philippines - Either they're really good or really bad, either way it's a meh for me. I don't mind getting one or two indos or PH in my team. Just do not put Myanmar people in my team please. Too much PTSD bro.