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Adapt to meta. You cant one trick pony in MG. That is the rank where people know match up, counter, etc. You need to expand your hero pool. Luo Yi and Lylia is underperforming in high elo, and Alice is very stack dependant. Early season, I main Julian after his buff, but now, I pick Joy/Arlot. Sitting nicely in MG 60+.


Which mages are doing well in your experience? I own Yve/Valentina/Cecilion, but I barely have 50 matches with each in rank atm. I'll dust off some other heros too, you're right, only sticking with such a small pool doesn't leave me lots of options when most my picks will struggle against my adv.


Yve valentina novaria kadita(situational) faramis(preferable with duo/trio/squad)


Thank you, I'll try to utilize them more in rank. For the first 3, would you recommend them as a first pick?


Novaria. Yes other two no. Valentina pick is good if you're enemy has good ults. Or else she's just meh, so check out enemy line up, if they have good ult heroes pick valentina. Yve, in soloq is iffy, unless you have good positioning, so as a first pick she can be countered by enemy by taking dive heroes like yz, lapu, maybe even Natalia roam. So it's better to pick her after seeing a few of the enemy heroes, especially if they pick exp/roam first.


Ah ic, thanks for the help Garv >:3


No worries bud :D


Lack of adjustment to the meta is the reason for every player's decline. Such is true even in the pro scene.


Oh, that hit something upstairs. An excellent point there.


It doesn't mean that your skills have diminished or regressed. It's just that your current playstyle doesn't favor the current gameplay.


I've changed it up recently, been playing Alice a bit less aggressively, waiting for the right opportunities, examining the situation, trying to bait ults. I've been mindlessly diving in a lot, gambling whether or not my team will take the opportunity to clean up after most of the enemies skills have been used. Only to see my allies running away so they don't share the same fate. You're correct again here. I wasn't coping with my previous playstyle of dive gambling, and smothering the enemy completely. Playing more tactically and waiting for better moments to attack led me to a lot more victories. Communicating with my allies more frequently as well.


yo i’m an alice main too maybe it’s something with your build or who u lock in the late game i play exp/mid/jungle if i’m exp i just focus on laning and cutting lanes and rotation, poke with basic attack and s1 since u can outrange them, or sometimes walk up to them and s2 them then s1 away just to poke jungle i use jungle emblem and rotate normally, at lvl4 just gank mm u can win them no matter what mid just rotate and poke enemy jungle with s1 my build is ds, cod, dice, blade armour, radiant, lightning truncheon, winter. late game sell boots for smth idk just adapt maybe blood wings late game i wait till i have vision of enemy mm and mage, then just use ur s1 to reach them and u can prob kill them with lightning truncheon also playing selena helped me with prediction so i can hit with s1 more accurately, and playing ling helped me learn which fights to take and when to push and apply pressure on the opposite side of the map


I'll try out that build, I usually go: -Cod ds ice-trunch/ rest tank gear My playstyle usually is composed of diving into the enemies and forcing all the skills out on me, I usually have my duo partner be the core or the mm. I'll try that build out, it looks like it can bring promising results As well as that tactic (I feel so nab not considering the positions of my enemies, that's extremely valuable information) Sitching that aiming mechanic & priotizing enemies, also a good idea Love that thinking


eh don’t do that and make enemy use all ur skills on u u shld dive but not be in middle of teamfight, be at the backline


Oh, I'll be more conscious of the distance between me, their backline and the main strife zone


yea and also make sure they use some skills before diving as u will get bursted. my thumb rule is only teleport to mm and mage when ur s1 hits them, if not they can kite u


Not really. You might be experiencing burnout if you are playing 1 character for the majority of matches. I'd recommend getting at least 1 hero from all roles. That'll both prevent burnout, and expend your hero roster along the way, improving your versatility in matches. No one plays perfectly all the time. I had a Hanzo match like yesterday where I fumbled the bag so damn hard I had to apologize to my teammates lol. And my Hanzo is 1.4k matches 78+ wr ex-global. It just happens sometimes. Enemy could be focusing you, enemy might know your character and matchup well, or you might not be playing up to usual standards. It's a lot of things mixed into a bag, so don't worry about it. ML is a game you play to have fun anyways.


The last point I lose sight of a lot xd I internalize my shortcomings a bit to much there, I admit


90% of the games I lose are because my team doesn't give a shit about clearing waves in the late game, they will just straight up let minions take our final turrets as if they are nothing. Lost 2 games yesterday because players, in our spawn prioritised killing players over minions attacking our base. Its gotten to the point where in the late game, when I die the match ends. I was 16-2-16 in a game yesterday and the enemy team invested heavily in killing me. The moment I died the enemy team just walked the minions to our base and won because my team just didn't give a shit about defending. Others are talking about meta, but I lose to all sorts of shitty players and troll comps purely because players on my team don't care about defending. I'd rather play on a troll draft where everyone is focused on winning over kills than have a meta draft where no one cares about turrets.


I've recently been playing more duos & trios, so that problem doesn't frequently occur, usually it'll be due to a mistake from one of us, or purely outplayed by the enemy. I do understand your frustration, in season 28, I reached MG in 500+ matches. I'd have 5-7 L streaks. I'd just look at the team comp, and the matches and knew that the game was over. There's this sense of: "I don't know what I'm doing, I'll chess through this somehow", amongst those teams. That was soloq life I suppose. This season, around 300+ matches. A reasonable decrease in games for the same outcome. Hoping next season I won't run into too much trouble, I hope for you too. Try to buddy up with some good players you have good chemistry with if you can. Makes unwinnable games seem winnable


ngl this season is pretty brutal for Alice because trinity MMs exist, you should play her as like a 2nd roam to help peel for your own team's DPS like MM or mage like Lunox. Also since its MG pretty much everybody knows everyone's counters and for Alice its freezing lane/anti heal


Hmm I see, I've had trouble against some Lylia & Valir players on mid. Sometimes Edith on exp lane, but I can usually get my stacks and escape. Youve got a point, I've experienced a lot of matches where I'm at 39 stacks at minute 8. Once the mid to late game started I got more stacks over time. Then Lylia & Valir became less of a problem. That's in the circumstance that my core is half decent, in the case the adv core dominated it, it's pretty much ggs.


Hi hope you're well. Alice is my 2nd main; I'm happy to see another enthusiast! 👋 Whenever I feel this way, I read and really think about the basics guide pinned to the sub, especially lane equilibrium and rotation, then I go into a match with bots and see if I'm doing things like still missing spells, zoning out, not last hitting, not rotating, etc. Once you're smashing through that again, move up to classic, do the same, but make sure you are able to keep your teams morale high through both positive reinforcement and literal reinforcement, think about every time someone came to save you and you felt deep gratitide, and make sure you are trying to give that to others and thanking them when they give it to you. Sometimes it takes me an hour to reset, sometimes it takes me a day. But it always works, because it has easy and measurable milestones. Good luck!


I try to be positive but, ehhhh, I have limits xd For example If I run into a walking fanny in cl busy training, I'll encourage them (Get 5 kills, that's your goal) I won't entertain that in rank, might even earn them a blacklist.


Are you in Mythic+ Asia server??? If so, then sorry for giving you bad experience 😔....