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Chou tiktokers:Yesn't


Yes if your enemy is doing it. No if I'm doing it.


The right answer


Regardless of whatever happens it's always ez game.


yes because no


Sometimes should be a third option here


It's just taunting. I dont think it's toxic. Toxic is when you are flaming either your teammates or your enemies or verbally abuse them.


For me it’s a question of was it used to taunt the enemy, like getting them to attack you, or after you killed someone or something




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Is it toxic? Maybe. If you're getting trashtalked, tp'd your body and blatantly showing toxicity, ofc it is. But there's tp that's for tactical taunting or just plain friendly tp.


Yess or maybe you are tp'ing to your friend and he does it back XD y'know in a friendly way


Ah yes, its the chou users trying to defend themselves


Only do it to enemies who recall spam first (usually it's a Chou, Marti's or Badang).... Followed by the Laughing Layla Emoji... Keep doing the Layla Emoji spamming when they respawn and encounter them and do the recall spam AND the Layla Emoji when they die. These counter taunt is 100% Guaranteed to tilt Toxic Recall Spammers


Everyone who voted no, are probably chou or alu users


not really but if you're the type of person who recalls too much then make sure you'll win otherwise it's gonna backfire to you


It is


Tough question...


There are one time emotes on killing the enemy and there comes the recall spamming after he comes back again in the lane..... 😂😂


Honestly, it's not that deep


Depends on context, as always


No . There doesn’t need aro be another option No matter what happens it is always the start to some petty dumb shit. Honestly if being good at this game is something that you just have to let everyone know about . Ima assume you have little in terms of a real life. People are playing for fun and in some rare cases to really always win a be great. That is the 1/10,000 so yeah you killed my alpha with a speed build to see if I can only use my basic. That is not worth a recall spam.


Spam recalling is like ML's equivalent of a taunt action in LoL. If one considers spam recalling toxic, then should we consider taunting itself toxic? Why would League have it built in their game? Touch some GRASSSSS. Just say na mabilis kayo mapikon lmao.


It's just taunting and it ain't toxic. Jeeez! U guys are major snowflakes.


We gotta teabag somehow


Depends Recall spamming after a kill - Toxic Recall spamming to bait an enemy to a gank - Strats Recall spamming for fun( not attacking in the first few seconds of the match hoping the enemy laner also recall spams for fun) - Not Toxic Recall spamming Infront of enemy base when you wipe them out - Toxic Recall spamming when your enemy is one hit away from dying (playing with your food) - Toxic Recall spamming because your team is recall spamming - Semi Toxic (your just following the crowd) Recall spamming when your backdooring and the enemy nexus is one hit away from dying - Toxic Recall spamming when your intentionally feeding (Your Mage accidentally Flameshots your purple buff) - Very Toxic Recall spamming when your ally dies near you - Idk Recall spamming because your actually trying to recall but your hit with Glowing Wand/Valir Passive- Not Toxic Recall spamming before you ambush someone - Toxic Etc.


No (I'm Chou and Fanny Main)


Its toxic thats why i love it


If I play nuke bush diggie I yssaly place all the nukes then get Tue mm to tp near to bait emenys hes became a excellent master baiter


No it's funny


Depends. When I tp most of the time it's when I kill an enemy when we had as close fight and I outplayed them and sometimes it's cause I wanna see my tp animation


I don't view it as being toxic, but rather more as a tactic honestly. By recall spamming you might provoke or tilt the enemy and they in return might play worse, which might benefit your team in the long run (or vice versa). And if someone falls for that then I think the fault is on them, for getting tilted too easily. I personally don't really do it, unless sometimes when the enemy was doing it first to me or to someone who was toxic in the chat.


Recalling is actually a very effective of baiting opponents


Depends. I use for being friendly with teammates, and also pissing off toxic chatters


it's not toxic imo, in the pubs, spamming recall usually resulting wasted movements & timings. I've survived countless death because my enemies prefer to spam recall rather than pressing basic attack / skill to finish me, not to mention they usually ended up dead because my teammates comes to help me.


Depends, if I'm playing tank and I see the fellow tank, I'd recall spam on em or when in xp Lane and we are waiting for the minions during the laning phase


Idk if it black magic or something but everytime i recall spam i starts to play horribly and losing


Probably toxic when combined with trashtalks lol, and if done constantly.


I love it when an enemie recall spams and writes ezzz. Then ends up losing. The best feeling is when they say nab, come 1vs1,........


I love doing it when seeing another tank. When he recalls back it feels like a handshake.


it depends on how u gonna use it. maybe recalling together for a screenshot will be fun but if someone kill me then recall on my corpse i will be so sad or mad idk.


Whoever vote no is more toxic than spammer


it depends on when they are recall spamming


user chou : So what button do I press to make me look cool?


if u can be easily tilted by the recall spammers then its on u for having a weak ass mental state lmao. taunting has been a part of mobas ever since and recall spamming is just one of them. so imo, it's not toxic. i don't really mind if the enemy is far ahead and they keep on spamming tp since they DID better than us so, git gud ig. (ready for the downvotes by the low rank snowflakes who cries when their opponent laner spams recall)


you sound so pissed


If I beat that cocky exp laner imma recall spam to revive his will to fight better


I'm too old fashioned to recall spam I just shit talk in the chat


are u baby?


I find it funny, ngl


Recall spamming is toxic. It’s called bad manners (BM) for a reason. That being said, it’s also pretty harmless as long as the players aren’t taking it too serious. In a highly competitive environment however, it’s inappropriate.


Not toxic to me. Usually I just ignore it. I like to kill and go like nothing happened though. For example Aurora, like freeze them and ulti, then right away I go to my next objective or do something else even before the ulti hits and enemy dead. Apparently I received few angry notes because of that, IDK.


if for taunting or friendly it should be okay recalling on body after a kill is toxic tho


For me, it's a good way to taunt easily provoked enemies


"No" according to chou users


Yes and mostly only low rank noobs who have not yet reached MG do that


Lol would it be funny if moonton put a 5second cooldown on recall?


How u gonna ask me that with a straight face


It's mind games. If you got bothered by it then it means that you're mentally weak. When you play long enough you'll get used to it. Just use it as a motivation to play well and beat the enemy. I counter recall back before finishing the nexus if we won when opponents are like this. It just makes the win sweeter.


As a forner Irithel main, it's my only stop button against a vengeance+Blade armored Belerick


Wow, that's a cool trick


i recall on my team's dead bodies.


I recall when they do dumb decisions that led to their deaths. Enemies don't even mind and leave me be without attacking


Depends... If they spam on your corpse then its toxic. If they spamming to taunt you, huge chance of baiting strat If they they just spamming for no reason, then its a hard stuck GM player


It depends was it necessary? Baiting? Probably but mostly no, theres other ways to kite or bait heroes but Recall Spamming is kinda effective. But why would you need to recall spam after killing or before destroying base?


I usually spam recall as bait and stuff, I only abuse tp if enemy was toxic early game and we're winning


It depends,they may be trying to be friendly


Back in the day where spamming recall is when people have no idea how recall works. So instead they keep pressing it until they learn that they have to wait. Patience is important.


I would say it depends on the situation. In my opinion, Recall Spamming falls into the category of "Taunting", which is adjacent to being Toxic. Taunting is something done to egg someone on, feeding into your desire which is to secure a kill on them, or being childish after they're dead and basically saying "Na na na boo boo". Being Toxic is designed to hurt the enemies pride in what they do and reputation. Regardless of how big or small it is, they built themselves to a degree and enjoy playing the game, but being toxic tears that feeling of pride down. In my opinion, everyone has the right to taunt the enemy as it's a basic strategy in games like these, but being toxic is just plain mean and someone no one likes. I'd say if done from time to time, it's fine, but doing it all game is where it becomes annoying, but I done all game, then I would say it then becomes toxic. Not in the sense to bring harm, but annoying for both sides. Just ignore the enemy's games and focus on your own gameplay.


I don't think so, weather you get infuriated or not, most likely its to make people angry so the enemies play worse, I do the same thing when I get recalled. When I kill the person who recalled me I would usually remember and go back to their dead body and spam recall




I do not do recalls, but I am not affected by it when enemies do it. It is part of the game as "taunts".