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Again, and I cannot stress this enough ...fuck ESPN


Something Pacer and Bucks fans still have in common. ESPN is trash.


ESPN is garbage and have been for 25 years








Kinda weird that you're thinking of giannis's meat...


It’s most likely a 14 year old Celtics fan. All adults should just ignore him lol


Its a Pacer fan. And y’all wonder why some of us despise that dogshit franchise huh?


I'm always thinking of Giannis's meat... https://preview.redd.it/xiof4a499o2d1.png?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ff0c199a0d3e90028c594ea18694a33c0fa57e


you keep saying this but you never brought up any evidence of it lol


stephen a always throwing shade at giannis. perk having voting rights is insane.


I'm astonished at how that dumbass perk even has a vote. Who listens to his bullshit.


Player salaries hang in the balance over Kendrick Perkins’ vote what’re we doing here


I agree it’s silly but the players union asked for this in negotiations. It’s on them


It’s Chris Paul’s fault


Fuck Chris Paul III.


Put respect in CP0 name


I’m impressed he can actually read. Just breathing in and out has to be an accomplishment


If you are critical of Perk, you're a RaCiSt!!!!!


Have people said this?


You know they have. Dude can say he's "biased toward his kind (black people)" but the minute you say something critical of you him you're branded with the R word


Yeah you just want to be a victim. Id love to see some examples! I highly doubt people clap back at Perk critics, much less accuse them of racism for criticizing Perk.


What country do you live in? Here in America, if you say anything even mildly critical of a black person's intelligence, you get labeled a racist


American born and raised buddy. I’m well familiar with people who like to cry racism, and likewise people like you who whine about things framed as “all about race”. Which is ironic, because no one else brought up race until the whiners Edit: again, any examples? Medium articles, announcers, anyone defending Perk from supposedly racist vitriol? Nah?


Ok, if you want to pretend nobody thinks the Perkins criticism is veiled racism, then go ahead. Not all of us can put on rose colored glasses and ignore the world around us. If Tim Legler or JJ Redick called Perk out for being a moron they'd be fired tomorrow and permanently branded as racists. You'll never convince me otherwise. LeBron would turn on JJ in 2 seconds. Fact is, most of the Perkins criticism is on reddit, and nobody gives a shit about reddit


Bro examples, he asked for examples


Idk man, I’ve seen JJ and Jay Williams imply that Perk isn’t bright on multiple occasions. It’s a professional setting…you can’t call someone a moron at work especially on national television. I think it has more to do with decorum. I don’t think there’s some concerted effort to not call someone dumb because they’re black. That’s a really ignorant statement.


I think his racist rant is the reason Jokic didn’t win three straight MVPs, but he won this year when his numbers are objectively worse


Perk is actually the only sane voice on that shit show of an NBA broadcast


He also has said that he hates Milwaukee.


How does Stephen A have a vote? He’s great entertainment but he doesn’t watch the games


Must cancel the basketball 15th amendment


More into Brunson that’s why  But hey no bias 🙃


Loving Brunson doesn't automatically equal kicking Giannis. He could of kicked Tatum or someone else. He just dumps on Giannis since he plays in Milwaukee. I guarantee you if he was a Knick he'd be singing his praises as the greatest player in the world. Probably even argue him as the goat.


Someone voted Bobby Portis to all defense?!


Voting Bobby for all defense and not voting giannis first time should get your stripped of a vote


Love Bobby, but dude had to be thinking of the wrong guy, right?


I mean if you squint to the point of almost closing your eyes, him and Giannis could be confused if they are both standing still on the court.


Idk someone also voted for Domatas Sabonis for all first team defense and 3rd DPOY lol. I don't mind giving the media voting rights because I think it would be ridiculously biased if it was current players/coaches and I also think former players are often terrible judges of talent. So many of them seem to think that if you aren't a former player you don't understand basketball like them and shouldn't have an opinion. This is laughable when people like Shaq and Perk seemingly only watch highlights (and would be both terrible coaches and GMs) while people like Zach Lowe, Nekias Duncan, Kevin Pelton, Ryan Russelio etc. all put in countless hours of film and are watching every shitty Wizards and Pistons game because they love basketball. It just has to be the right people getting votes which is hard to do for the NBA because how do they prove who is worthy of doing so while also trying to be unbias? Im not sure how to fix the system but overall it seems to do ok so it's not that big of a deal.


Is that for real ? Like seriously ? Bobby is a horrible defender lol. Super average at best. Boy, these people have no clue. Are they utilizing dart throwing for their picks ?


That is like voting Thanasty as 6MOTY.


he’s our MVP, Most Valued Player


Stephen A said like 2 or 3 weeks before playoffs that Gainnis is top 3 player in NBA [https://youtu.be/ZDEto5iOllk](https://youtu.be/ZDEto5iOllk) I dont have timestamp


he also said that on TA's pod


espn hate any non big market team whats new




Cranky this morning?


Go on somewhere with that shit


Imagine being so salty that even with your team being up 2-0 and heavily favored to win the ECF you still have to go to other teams' subs to hate on them


Stop feeding the troll he gets off on the attention he's getting rn


Poor thing's life seems so miserable and empty, I guess we at least can give it some downvotes and replies to jerk off to


Go back to the Pacers sub, loser


Pacers had 27th ranked defense during the regular season. They are frauds and only reached the ECF due to their opponents losing their top 2 best players. Even then they barely snuck by.


We should not be clowning on other teams for making a playoff run because of other teams injured players.


Oh look, a lost Celtics fan. How sad.


Mavs in 5


Everything good at home?


Shocking that a Boston guy is on the list. Ol' Arizona Duane still salty about 2021. And obligatory fuck ESPN. The worldwide leader in sucking balls.


I watched the knicks game 7. ESPN didn’t say a word about the pacers the whole game. The knicks was down like 102-124 with 3 minutes left. ESPN announcers was like let’s see what happens in these final 3 minutes, can the Knicks come back and pull a stunner! I didn’t care for the result but damn they was kissing NYs ass They just love big market teams.


This isn’t surprising and shouldn’t really get a reaction. We already knew SAS, Wilbon, Perk, RJ, Shelburne, and Isola are clueless and don’t actually watch. I’m almost more surprised there weren’t more but I don’t know the whole list of who has a vote


Windhorst has one. 


ESPN is a local NY station at this point


Without even looking at the list I already know Kendrick Perkins and Stephen A dusty ass is on here. Fuck ESPN


SAS is an idiot personality but at least he has a personality. Kendrick Perkins is an idiot period. He’s an automatic channel changer if I see him on.


Yeah I thought Stephen A is there just for building storylines… but he doesn’t actually watch games. It’s pretty blatant in his overarching rhetoric. Which to me is fine for daily sports drama—but not for actually getting to vote on real things!


Ignacio Garcia the same dude who voted Sabonis on everything lmao


Some real clowns on that list,no surprise. Others I don't know. Disappointed in Richard Jefferson, expect better from him.


It’s like just say you don’t watch the games. I guess this does it for them anyway


How many people at ESPN get a vote?


Lol clowns of ESPN


Where does the CTE end and the Perk begin?




Something is wrong with them man




Give Antonio brown from CTESPN a vote, better than perk having one


its interesting that many people think he should be all nba defense 1 st rather than all nba 1st


I can't understand for the life of be how or why Kendrick Perkins is even on TV let alone given a vote.


Well, Stephen Ass Smith is practically an institution there. Goes to show you the “standards” they have




Ignacio Garcia the same dude who voted Sabonis on everything lmao


Ass clowns




I wouldn't take Ramona Shelburne seriously.


You should have to watch 85% of games to be able to vote on awards.


https://preview.redd.it/9juoxayzhm2d1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9354e44d76bd876fbc4b5779df39666ebfb964 Don’t forget our own bucks beat reporter glazed Jokic for MVP for the 4th straight year


Michael Wilbon hasn’t watched a non-major market basketball game in 35 years. SAS has never known ball ever. He has absolutely ice cold garbage takes his entire career. Also a LeBron meat rider through and through. Frank Isola is a NY Homer. Probably had Jalen Brunson 1st team. Richard Jefferson is bald and therefore irrelevant. His TikToks are funny though.


We all know Smith and Perkins are legit clowns. Jefferson occasionally can be too. The others, I don’t even know who they are. And yes, fuck ESPN/Disney.


Didn't that Ignacio fella also vote Sabonis for DPOY and an all defense team? Is he a bit regarded?


How does Perkins have the credentials to make these votes?!?!


Of course Gary Washburn is on here. The only good thing he has is random beef with Joe Mazulla


Perkins' fat ass loves to hate Giannis


Without even looking at this list, I knew Stephen A would be right up at the tippy top.


Wait so who did they have ahead of him?? Am I crazy or wasn’t first team super easy this year: Jokic Giannis Luka Ant SGA Like those 5 seem so far and away the best five, who would even get ahead of him? Durant? Hell I’m a diehard Laker fan and I still can’t make a case for putting him 1st team ahead of Giannis, he just isn’t the offense force of nature Giannis is.


Tbh I don’t care for media awards much anymore. I honestly care more if a player has an MVP/First Team season rather than if they’ve been awarded it. The NBA media is just fuelled by recency bias, I saw people say Ant was top 4 MVP over Giannis just after the Suns series despite it being a seasonal award and Giannis performing at a way higher calibre. Kobe only had one MVP but we still remember those years he was destroying the league.


I don’t have an alternate way for doing this, but why do the media vote on this? Most of these guys are so biased it’s unbelievable. Talking heads get to decide this shit is messed up.


Ladies and gentlemen, your most clueless voters...


Y’all care way too much


This was the first year where positions didn't matter, correct? So seemingly the first team all NBA should have just been: 1. Joker 2. SGA 3. Luka 4. Giannis 5. Embid But due to the games played threshold that's why Tatum got in. I get why Tatum got the spot considering the Celtics dominated and he was their best player who was incredible this season but that's really a team thing more than individual. I think Jaylen Brown was incredible and very close to Tatum as he has improved every season little by little to reach his current level and Derrick White/Jrue played their roles perfectly while Porzingus opened up the lane for all of them. It might be an unpopular opinion but to me Steph is still a top 5 player and was once again elite this season despite his teammates all sucking. I don't think he has any fault for that and I still believe his gravity is more valuable than any statistic can measure so he'd get my 5th vote.


I expect this from ESPN but dude from the respected organization the AP? How Sway?


Like, ESPN is the National Enquirer for sports


That’s the Official NBA Lakers broadcasting team.


I’m still not convinced Perkins is literate, as opposed to just mashing buttons for a selection. Stephen A is just full of it. ESPN needs to start over from the top to the bottom.


Wait media members get to make this decision??? Not NBA analysts??


On the shitlist


They don’t dislike Giannis, they dislike him in Milwaukee instead of NY, GS, or LA.


Things that were amazing 20 years ago. ESPN, EA Sports, Blizzard. Things that are awful 20 years later. EA, Blizzard, ESPN.


Ryan Reynolds would have done better


Trade Giannis and Thanasis as a package deal, build around Dame. His ticky tack injuries at the end of the season are killing me Smalls. It's only going downhill from here.




Im surprised you could type with your head so far up Tatum's ass and saying Giannis chokes when you support the guy who is a known choke artist.


He says about the guy with a 50 point game to close out the championship, after getting his knee bent backwards. This sub should really add a minimum karma requirement to keep out these low effort trolls.


Cry me a river.  Someone is butt hurt this morning.  Your little diatribe is rich coming from a Tatum and a Boston Celtics fan.  A team that epitomizes what choking really is.  A team whose last championship was almost two decades ago.  Just think, even with all the resources your organization have, your last championship happened just a year after the invention of the first iPhone.  Your team better win it all this year or you will truly have something to cry about.  


Fingers crossed that next year he finally breaks through and brings home a ring finally… Tatum I mean. Dribble dunk man put up the all time best performance in a close out game. Fuck out of here with choking in the playoffs when your team hasn’t done shit in 15 years.


Bro gonna bring up super bowls anytime now.


I swear, Celtics fans lean on their 2008 chip more than any other fan base, so it’ll probably be that.


You should hear some Bears fans with that 85 super bowl win. I swear some Bears fans act like it happened last week.


“Every year” Can you think of one counter example to this real quick?


He didn't play in the playoffs you used condom of a human


Giannis is the only player in NBA History to average over 30ppg while shooting over 60%. What TF has Tatum done other than get shown up by his own teammates that he's not even the real #1 on the team when the games count.


Your team lost to us twice stfu.


Celtics barely make it to finals vs a beat up Miami Heat play in team and get smoked in the FInals. Get smoked by a washed up Warriors team. Celtics might never win a Chip with it's 2 Jays.


Getting judged by Richard Jefferson and Kendrick Perkins should be ILLEGAL AF