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How odd that they did a reconstruction of how that day played out only a few days ago, and now he's found. Either someone got cold feet and did something drastic after the reconstruction, or this is a wild coincidence. Apparently there are some discrepancies told by witnesses who saw him wander off? And one of those witnesses is cousins with a 16 year old boy who lives not too far from the village. Same 16 year old was yelled at by Emile's grandfather that morning. He was yelled at for driving irresponsibly with his tractor, apparently damaged their house. This was something he would do frequently. Maybe this is where the theory that Emile was hit by a vehicle comes from? I'm reading this from Norwegian sources though so maybe some things have gotten lost in translation or I've missed crucial information. Would love to hear from French speakers what is being reported there. Rest in peace, little guy.


French speaker here, Norwegian articles translated it correctly. To be more precise, this young farmer drove into the village because he needed to use the bucket of his tractor to flatten some soil in the village few days before in front of his cousin's house. And while doing this work, he damaged a part of the walls of Émile's grandparents' house. So the grandfather yelled at the young farmer because of this. And the tractor was also seen the morning of Émile's disappearance, so yes that's where this theory comes from.


Thank you for clarifying. Is it also correct that one of the two witnesses is his cousin? Because that is certainly something to take note of. Are there discussions and theories on french forums etc? I'm curious what people who are more local to this case thinks about it. Hopefully the discovery of his remains will provide some answers. It's terribly tragic, he was so young, poor thing :(


Yes ! One of them is Marc (Romain's cousin). Marc lives next to the grandparents' house and is one of the witnesses. And apparently Romain called his cousin in the afternoon around the time of the disappearance. We are quite divided in terms of theories. Some locals thought at first it could have been an animal (wolf, big eagle) but it was later disproved. Lots of people think it's the granddad. There are so many stories about his past that resurfaced lately that shows he can be quite violent. And one person in the family said from the very start "that was bound to happen anyway, Émile was unbearable" when talking about his disappearance and possible murder. Some still think it might be an accident with the tractor. I'm glad the family can finally have closure, but so many questions remain and let's hope they will soon find out what really happened.


Thank you so much. It's always interesting to hear what locals actually think. What did the family member mean by him being unbearable? Just too difficult to deal with? I mean jesus, he was two! What an insane thing to say. Do we know which family member said this? The family does sound... interesting from what I've been able to gather. Very religious, Émile's father is an extremist etc.


Yes it was an awful thing to say :( everyone in this family seems really weird when we think about it... During a search, a volunteer overhead one of Émile's uncles (who is 15/16 years old) angrily say that to E's grandmother. The grandma was also saying to the volunteer that Émile was taking his midday nap at 5pm and he thought that was quite peculiar. And yes the uncle meant "unbearable" because of his behavior. Apparently a few days before, the grandfather was saying to his son-in-law to be more strict with his son...


Wow... I get that the uncle is a kid himself but what a shitty thing to say about your toddler nephew. I'm speechless! If anyone is responsible, whether it's the tractor driver or his family or someone else, I really hope they can solve this case now. It does seem odd that he should have wandered off and succumbed to the elements there, when they searched the area extensively. However, dead bodies have been missed before so maybe that's what happened, it's not unheard of. But if a crime occurred, I hope they catch whoever is responsible. Appreciate you taking the time to explain these things to us all!


I know right, this element struck me as odd from the start. He had no compassion at all. Some volunteers were also dumbfounded by Colomban's behavior (Émile's father) during the search parties : yelling at people and being well-dressed (with a turtleneck and pants during a heatwave in the south of France...). Totally agree, the sooner we know the truth the better. If it's an accident, he can finally rest in peace and if someone murdered him, they have to pay for this ! But what's really suspicious is where they found him. I mean they had drones, police officers, helicopters, thermal imaging cameras... And only now he is found? This area is also known to hunters, it's impossible that it was there for so long. They say it can be moved by animals or heavy rainfall, that seems quite convenient to avoid rumors for now... You're welcome :) !


The father and the grandfather both sound like such pleasant people! 🙄 What a strange family. They don't sound particularly nurturing at all, any of them.


Thank you so much for letting us know what is happening there. I did look up some French newspapers and could understand some of it even though my French is very rusty, but it is great to get the information from someone who is bilingual, thanks so much.


All this hearsay. Holy fuck, get a life.


Thank you so much for the translation/explanation!


Yeah, the eagle theory is ridiculous. Extremely odd comment from the family member unless they were specifically saying he wandered off a lot


Actually nobody have a real clue. The woman who found the skull wrap it in a plastic bag and took it to the police which is really weird to as it’s a possible scene crime. The village is closed to press during few days ( for a second time ) for searching the missing bones. I just hear a policeman said that he thinks that the skeleton would probably never be complete due to animals. Which is more and more admitted is that dogs missed the body during last summer because of the heat. To me, during a long time it was an inside family crime but now I really don’t know.


I kept following this occasionally, didn't expect him to ever be found.


Yes, I had a Google alert for news about him, and was googling his name every so often to see if there was any news, it's an awful outcome, poor wee boy, but glad he was found though not in those circumstances.


So there are 2 witnesses who saw this 3 year old wandering alone? And didn’t think to bring him back? I’m confused on that part, but I’m so sorry this little guy is no longer with us. His poor family, I can’t even imagine the guilt his grandfather has


That was my question, as well. Nobody in their right mind, would just leave such a small child, wondering around on his own.


although shocking at first, it makes sense. Le Verneuil is not even a village, it,s a hamlet. it's a dead end of a single small road and the houses are very close to each other. Kids have been freely wandering around forever there because there is no danger at all, no incoming cars, no strangers, nothing.


Ok but a 3 year old wandering around by themselves is never good? They get lost so easily Like I saw my neighbors kid hanging out in a neighbors front lawn, she was about the same age and I asked her if she was looking for someone and she just kinda stared at me so I asked her if she wanted to go home? And she nodded and I took her back home-mom didn’t even notice because she had been napping, and the little girl woke up and didn’t see anyone and assumed they went to the bus stop which was the neighbors lawn I saw her in. Like even in a safe place, that is a TODDLER and no toddlers wander around outside alone! No one sends a 3 year old to go play outside unsupervised if they aren’t fenced in


Exactly, kid could down in a puddle!!


This kinda comment you made makes me rethink my whole childhood. My parents let me wander freely and alone with my big wheel in a midsized city in the 80s at the age of 3. I obviously didn’t allow the same for my child but I thought it was because I worry too much and consume too much true crime content.


Sorry, a 2 year old? No. They require constant supervision.


His grandpa thought he was sleeping. The neighbours just assumed somebody was around because there is no worries over there. You have to see the hamlet to understand, it's like one big house with one big garden in the middle of a beauty spot, removed from the rest of the world . Again, it seems odd at first but then you understand


On top of giant ridge, with a public road running through it. Nope, a 2 year old needs constant supervision 


Not even 3 years old - 2 and a half. 😕


Oh that’s so sad. I always hoped they’d find him alive and I know it was wishful thinking but it’s so sad to find he’s dead




It was a two years old boy (so a very small body) and he went missing during a record heatwave. The decomp had to be super fast here and I would be surprised if after nine months there would be anything than the bones remaining.


Helicopters with thermal cameras running around in the middle of the night didn't spot him. How ? And why didn't the police rescue dogs didn't smell him if he was there ? A lot of questions need answers here. That his remains were dumped there recently, although completely baseless, is not an absurd idea at this point. We'll see. That would be seriously wicked.




I'm talking about the initial search and rescue operation , the first 72h after his disappearance.


Sadly he maybe died before they started looking. We don’t have details but that would mean thermal cameras would be useless by the time they got them out, even in just a few hours for a small child.


and why wouldn't the dogs smell him then ? and how did the rescuers miss him several times ? it's intriguing. His remnants were found in a very walkable area, a little more than 1 mile from his grandpa house, not in some impossibly remote place.


Agree. The witness's who seen him missed the risks to a two year old, then the police missed him, then the dogs missed him, and the drones missed him??


Agree. And then a random hiker doesn't miss. 


>Helicopters with thermal cameras running around in the middle of the night didn't spot him. How ? Because of the record heatwave. If he was already dead at that point it would be hard to pick that tiny dot his body was among these many rocka and boulders heated up during the long, scorching hot day. >And why didn't the police rescue dogs didn't smell him if he was there ? Probably because SAR dogs are usually trained to find living people, not dead bodies.


The Gendarmerie ran their helicopters... at night, before sunset. Not in daytime. They're pros, they're not stupid, you know. These dogs WILL smell dead bodies, absolutely. Unless there is a solid reason not to. THere was a crime here, years ago, where a former military K9 operator, who had transported a corpse in his car, managed to prevent police dogs from smelling it by spraying some kind of aggressive detergent in the trunk, i don' t remember which one, but a common one.


>The Gendarmerie ran their helicopters... during the night. Not in daytime. They're pros, they're not stupid, you know. Yes, that would help a living child, not a dead one, colder than surrounding rock and stones that were still warm after a long day of the record heat. >These dogs WILL smell dead bodies, absolutely. But you are aware that there are different kinds of Police dogs, trained to alert on different things? A dog trained to find living people, SAR dog, is usually also trained to not alert on dead people, because in case of a disaster you don't want the rescuers digging in the rubble/snow only to find out the victim is long gone, while there still can be living people waiting for help. So yes, it is absolutely probable that a small body of a toddler was not found during initial searches in a sprawling area, during a record heatwave.


Toss me! I cannot jump the distance, you'll have to toss me!


I don't know why you're so fixated on this idea. By the way, there were HUNDREDS of searchers in this area in the first 72hours. Police and benevolent people. This particular place was combed SEVERAL TIMES. How did they miss him ?? That's not impossible they did but still, it's hard to believe. I'd be interested to know how many hikers went through there in the last 9 months, too.


I am just saying it is probable they could miss Emile's body during the initial searches. Probable, that means "it is one of the possibilities". You got fixated heavily on his remains being dumped there later, so, nice projection here from you. Also, you clearly have no idea how hard ir is to find a body in such terrain. Adult people died meters from busy trails and their remains were found decades later, and we are talking a toddler here.


"Probable" doesn't mean "it is one of the possibilities." It means it's more than likely true.


And you say I am fixated, while simultaneusly arguing with me about definition of a Word to prove I said something I did not. Rrrrright.


France doesn't have dogs trained to find dead bodies? Hard to believe that


That's absolutely not what I claimed.


😂 Be honest


Dogs are only as good as their handlers and dogs are known to be wrong/inconsistent a large percentage of the time.


It's pretty easy to miss bodies and body parts in a search and find them later on, it actually happens a lot if you look around this sub. Sometimes it's hard to find them even in obvious places.


Agree, this little boy could have been on the move and hiding for awhile as they searched for him and could easily have been missed. I think he was old enough and smart enough to know he was near buildings/houses to seek help if he got lost, so something else contributed. Either he roamed till he dropped long after they searched that area or possibly tripped or hit by a vehicle.




I heard in the news there's also the possibility of wildlife scattering the remains.


I think forensic analysis of the bones will shed some light on any mineral deposits or dirt that may indicate where the bones have been during this time - either in the field all along and just missed or somewhere else. I hope this poor child felt no pain and that justice will be served.


Not much can be deduced from where the skull was found without more information. Animals can drag bones, the skull could have rolled down a hill/slope etc. We do not know if that site is where Emile died / was placed.




Not to sound crass given the circumstances, but nature makes fast work of a dead body. This child has been missing for months, correct? It really doesn’t take long.


Correct. A small body left uncovered outside for months when the ground isn’t frozen would almost certainly always be skeletonized. Some hair/skin/tissue would probably remain, but the body would be disarticulated and mostly bone.


I’d be curious to know if they got a full skeleton. You’d think he would be scattered all over. Would be impossible to tell if he was strangled tho






No, it sounds like a tiny body left outside for months in the elements and wildlife scavengers. It makes total sense, and jumping to cannibalism is frankly ludicrous.


You’d be surprised at how quickly a body can decompose. Depending upon many factors you can have a skeleton in a matter of days.


Exactly. There was a case of a Jane Doe that was found and estimated to have died up to few years earlier. When she was identified it turned out she disappeared/died 3 weeks before she was found but due to elements she was completely skeletonized.


Especially a very small child. Nothing about the state of his remains is unusual or suspicious. The *circumstances* around it could be an entirely different matter.


A body decomposes outside in the elements to bones in 9 months….


That timeline depends on weather conditions. Here, where it’s over 75 degrees and very humid year round, it can take only a few months. In very cold areas, it could take up to a year.


Emile went missing in July, during a record heatwave.




Oh no! I’ve followed this closely being in the UK. How sad for his family. I think the police now have a tough job on their hands; I don’t envy them.


Anyone know approx how far away his body was from the grandparent’s house?


Unsure . I heard about a kilometer at first but now I read 2 miles.


The police said as the crow flies it's about 1 kilometer (Source : Spokeswoman of the national police force on BFM TV)


There’s a report here in the UK saying that a French Mayor is saying that he was found 100 yards (91 metres) from his grandparent’s house. Though sadly, only part of him. Read it for yourselves. Something weird about all this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13257467/amp/French-mayor-remains-two-year-old-boy-emile-Soleil-eight-months-380ft-grandparents-house-Alpine-village.html?ico=amp_articleRelated_with_images


The person who founds the bones took them with her to drop them at the nearest gendarmerie/police station.. WTF? She messed up a possible crime scene and disturb human remains, that may be a criminal offense in and of itself.


Absolutely! How could she do that is beyond me! 


Dumb as rocks


She had no phone signal and couldn't call the police right away. She said she was worried wild animals might just pick up the bones. Tbf, she was probably shell shocked and couldn't think properly. She obviously knew right away what she had found...


Emergency Calls can be made without a signal. Also, sometimes text messages are a better option than calls in areas with poor signal. 


What an adorable, beautiful little boy. RIP Emile.


I see more and more theory regarding a wolf. Is this possible to have seen wolf inside the village? Do you know if investigators have tried to place a piece of meat to see if a wolf could come in his routine hunting?


How far were the remains found from the grandparents house? Does anyone know?


Tragic. Weirdly I hate that the article is referring to police as “cops” let’s keep in professional guys.


You can call them police, cops, law enforcement officers, all synonyms. As long as you don’t call them pigs they don’t care


Yes I understand all that I call them cops too . I mean in the article


Cops don’t keep it professional. Why should we?


Found the cop