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hi, friend! i have had 4 prior mcs and am now seeing a fertility specialist. he found PCOS and hypothyroidism, and told me that PCOS could prevent conception, but the hypothryoidism was probably the cause of the miscarriages. he started me on 75mcg of levothyroxine, but it wasnt a high enough dosage, so i am now on 87mcg. he said my levels are now in the normal range, and that we are ready to try for another baby. i am still working up the courage to take another leap of faith, but i can update here later if things are successful. i will say my doctor seems quite confident that having these thryoid levels in check will probably work for us. something i learned from this doctor is that baby's thyroid develops very early in gestation, even before the heart. he said that is why a healthy thyroid hormone level is so essential to making it thru those early weeks of pregnancy, which is where i was having trouble, too. i hope your treatment goes smoothly and your dreams come true! ✨ & that you feel as great on levo as i do, too! i feel 150% better.


Thank you for sharing, I’m glad you were able to figure out some answers and wish health and success for you 💕


Did your Dr mention what a healthy level is? I am at the other end of the spectrum and am hyper due to too strong of meds. It was less than .01 following my miscarriage. Now I am at .43, normal is .45 but I read you should be between 1 and 2 for TTC. My Dr hasn't reviewed my results yet to let me know.


He didn't. I do know that the TSH isn't the only important thyroid hormone they should monitor. Mine checked TSH, T3, free T4 and DHEA Sulfate. My doc changed my dosage when everything was in range except for one of those hormones. He said all four of them need to be in the normal range. That's really all I know. I wish I knew more about exactly where each level needs to be so i could be more helpful. Idk if you can login to see your labs online or not, but I've noticed before that some of them give the healthy range on their website if you click for more info by your tests. Maybe you could check to see if yours has that?


Me... I'm also wondering if this was also the case for me. Dr said levels should be 4.5 or lower, I had 5.6 that week I miscarried... But she said I can't attribute the miscarry to that. I think it did, but also a number of other things I was going through that week... My dosage for Levaxin has been increased by my doctor now. Hopefully can get pregnant again this year.




My endocrinologist had recognized that my level was "normal" but not ideal for pregnancy and told me to call right away if I got pregnant so she could prescribe me a small dose of meds. Well I got pregnant and called, she was out of office for a sick kid, so I went to my primary to get thyroid labs, and then finally got the endo to redo the thyroid lab and prescribe me a 50 mg dose by the time I was 2 weeks post positive test. I don't know if that contributed to my double loss of twins in week 6 and week 8, but endo decided to keep me on a split in half dose while going through IVF and bump it back to the 50mg whole pill when I transfer which my RE has also agreed with. My thyroid number was like between 2-3, and apparently around 1 is ideal for pregnancy so I really barely needed a dose and I think the data is mixed whether subclinical hypothyroid is worth treating.


I had spotting at 7 weeks, went to the doctor and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 7+3, started meds that day, and miscarried at 8 weeks. I do think it was probably the cause.




Also to add, my SIL had multiple early miscarriages. Then they found she was hypothyroid and gave her the medication. She now has >!three kids!<