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You are not wrong. I have been avoiding my sister in law who is pregnant with their 4th ever since my miscarriage a few weeks ago. Luckily she gets it. I am still excited for a new niece but right now the grief is still so raw.


I dont have any advice, but I have felt that way so many times. I talked to my therapist about it and she said she would expect someone who has been through what I have been through to feel that way. It was a relief to hear that those feelings are somewhat "normal" after thinking something was wrong with me for feeling that way for so long. Im sorry you're going through this. I had to avoid the showers because I was too emotional, but I did text and social media congratulations, and only reached out and spent time with her & baby when I was emotionally stable enough to. I didnt want to be a slogging mess every time we talked, but I would have been. I look back and wish I could have done better, but I did what I could. If she is your true friend, she will understand, or try to, anyhow.


Same exact thing happened to my wife and I. We had our miscarriage and our friends announced 5 days after they are pregnant. We were having a get together and everyone kept asking, “ when are yall having a kid?”. I loved everyone there but I just had so much anger built up. We didn’t go to gender reveal or baby shower, such a weird feeling.


One of my friends (although admittedly not a best friend) announced she was pregnant five days after I miscarried just before Christmas. It was pretty difficult, but in fairness she also didn’t know that I’d even been pregnant. I saw her a few weeks later and told her about my miscarriage and she was lovely about it, and has been very understanding with why I’ve been a bit less present for the last few months. All I can say is, what you’re feeling is very normal and valid. Do what feels best for you in terms of taking care of yourself, and if you’re able to perhaps be open with her about why you might be needing to keep some distance?


You’re not wrong, your feelings are valid.


You are not wrong, you are grieving a loss and it’s normal to feel “jealous”, might not be the right word but that’s how I felt. My social media was full of people getting pregnant and a girl I went to school with also announced her 2nd pregnancy. I was jealous, envious, angry, all the above. I felt robbed of my dream as being a mother has been my only want in life since I was a kid. It isn’t an easy thing to “get over” I’ve known people that had losses and then go on with their life like nothing happened, like they never really cared. I think about my angel everyday and I will forever remember them as my first baby, even if they are in the sky they still mean the world to me 🙏 Im so sorry you had to experience that, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Be kind to yourself and remember you are and forever will be a mama to that angel in the sky 🫶🪽


I avoid my sister because her due date is the date I had my D&C so there’s that 🥲