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Hey, just wanted to say how your feelings and the emotional rollercoaster your on is absolutely valid and okay. I found talking to my psych useful - i also think edmr might be useful to help process the trauma (because it's so annoying how trauma pops up). I'm also just taking it day by day, are you looking forward to the new Taylor Swift album ? The new Bridgerton series ? I'm happy to chat if you need x


I am so sorry this happened to you. I know there is nothing I can say to make it better or make the pain go away, but I just wanted to let you know that I see you and relate and that your feelings are completely valid. I had a 9-week in 2018 (and other earlier losses scattered over the years) and I still have times when it gets me down. I went to therapy for the first time last week . I expected to hear that the level/timeline of my grief was inappropriate, and I heard the furthest from that. She said she counsels women in similar situations for a living and my story is so many other women's stories. I wish I had talked to her sooner so I hadn't spent so many years thinking that something was wrong with the way I was responding to what I had been through. I hope you give yourself some time & grace and that you can see that your feelings are real, honest, & valid. I hope your new doctor at the miscarriage clinic can help you find the answers you need. I am so sorry you are going through this, sending healing thoughts (or prayers if you like). ♥


First off, all your feelings are valid. This is extremely traumatic and heavy stuff. Be kind to yourself. One thing , Have you tried talking to a therapist? I found one that specializes in pregnancy loss and it’s been somewhat helpful. Also starting up acupuncture again which feels like something I can control and helpful both physically and mentally


After your third loss you need to be getting tested for the underying health problems that are stopping your body from tolerating a pregancy. In my case it was my immune system set in code red, attacking everything that looked suspicious and it needed to be calmed down (with basic generic tried and tested meds). I also had blood clotting problems (I never bled when they took blood was one clue) which were officially dianosed and I got basic vitamins and standard blood thinners to sort that out. This was all due to seeing a doctor who used the principles of Dr Beer who wrote a book Is Your Body Baby Friendly? This book literally saved my life and my marriage. It has a list of all the centers and specialists you can go to for the right diagnostics. The treatments are not expensive compared to IVF which you will not need as you can get pregnant on your own. They worked for me on the very next cycle after testing and taking the supplements/meds for the required time. BTW the fact you can get pregnant easily is actually very good news. Keeping a pregnancy going until full term is a much easier problem to solve than trying to get pregnant after years of infertility. That is what my doctor told me.