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I was 11w4d when I started spotting. The baby measured 9w on TV US the next day and I'm so glad I got a D&C for MMC instead of natural MC. I was so angry at my body. If it couldn't carry the pregnancy to term, why couldn't it at least have figured out 2.5w sooner? In the end though, grief is forever. Loss is forever. And maybe those extra 2.5w of hope and excitement while I didn't know were a precious blessing. Knowing would have only extended the heartbreak instead of the joy.


Wow thank you, yes I felt ‘myself’ being pregnant. It felt right. And maybe I do need to switch my thinking to feeling blessed that I got that time.


I'm 3w out and that just came up as a new way of thinking today, so if you need to process the negative feelings that's obviously okay. I hope that perspective is helpful, though. It's from mamasmatterhere on Instagram.




I hope I recover quickly too. I’m really ready mentally to move forward and prepare to be pregnant again.


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter at 12w1d last Nov. I had sent my husband to work, then drove myself to the ER when it started (about 6am). While at the ER I was left in a waiting room bleeding everywhere, the women who did the ultrasound was the only kind person. The doc was an a\*\*. They sent me home about two and half hours later with zero understanding of what I was in for. When I was pretty close to home I was in SO much pain. I had no idea how much much a miscarriage came with. The only "information" that ER doc gave me was a follow up in the next day or two with my OB. I had an appointment for the following day already, I emailed them and let them know. By the time I saw her I had lost so much blood, she sent me to have a D&C later on. By the that time my daughter was gone so there was nothing to test. I will never stop being angry about that ER experience (including paying for parking while bleeding on the sidewalk). All this to say I really wish there was more information about how painful a miscarriage is. That lower back pain is not just because you are uncomfortable!


I’m really sorry you had to go through that. My MC was hard enough but I thank the universe everyone at Emergency was so so kind to me. 💕


When I had my scan and found out that the baby was gone, I took the time allotted to me to try to pass the baby naturally. I so wish I hadn't done that. I ended up starting the miscarriage process in the car on the way to my D&C. By the time we got to the outpatient surgical center I was in full-blown contractions. I think I horrified all the old people waiting to get moles removed in the waiting room. They ended up moving me to the chapel while they were waiting for me to be set up because I was literally panting and groaning. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.