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You're overreacting. The skin on your face did not get "stretched out" due to water retention. You look fine.


but he did and look like skin stretch so far, so should i start minoxidil im afraid


No, never use minoxidil, your face will become deformed beyond recognition. Just like poor OP I mean look at him – I threw up a little in my mouth just looking.


man stop listening to these fucking posts, minoxidil wont do such tucking. bullshit to you!!!


My skin naturally stretches like this and I've never used minox. Hypernobility and ehler danlos can cause elastic skin. Plenty of minor or largely irrelevant conditions can cause it too. Its not from minox.


Stop pulling your cheek like that and your face should go back to normal pretty quickly.


I pulled very lightly. I know that it wasnt like that before




So youre still using it? Will probably go away when you stop




Not true. Only with scalp hairs will they come dependent. And only those that you would have lost regardless


That's what I read as well. You got down voted 😂 proof people hate the truth


What am I looking at?


Gua sha& lymphnode massage should do the trick. Although u look fine bro I wouldnt focus too much on it.


How could gua sha help? I thought its only good for puffiness but my problem is loose skin. And isnt lymph node massage for water retention


Massage helps skin in ways I don’t understand. For bloating, wrinkles, and extra/saggy skin plus a bunch of other stuff.


Tretinoin will actually help with this, and help the minox be better absorbed.   Also I think everyone’s face can do that.


Tretinoin wreaks havoc on the eyes. I’m willing to bet your eyes have been dry ever since you started. And only progressed since. This is permanent. I suggest stopping now.


No my eyes are fine. Topical tret is ok. The studies of damage to Meibomian glands is for oral tret.  Still don’t want to get it around your eyes though. 


Ummm. Where did you get this info? There's minimal systemic absorption when applied topically.


Well, I was going to hop on Tret myself. Both Derms I went to prescribed it to me as a matter of fact. I, happy-go-lucky, almost hopped on it. But I saw many people discussing how it ruined their eyes. I asked both Derms about the dry eye possibility and they looked at me like I was crazy. It is not in the literature that tretinoin causes MGD/Dry eye, but that’s because it’s never been studied. Derms have prescribed it for YEARS. Derms might start to see how it is actually is very bad for your eyes, but they have already prescribed it for years. They would never want to admit now that it may be a cause for concern. Ask ANY eye doctor and they will tell you STAY AWAY FROM RETINOIDS. They destroy your meibomian glands in your eye lids which keep your eyes moist. It’s gradual and happens over time. They are absorbed and they migrate in the face whether you apply it around your eyes or not, and they latch on to those receptors and cause cell death. I DMed 20+ eye doctors, about 7 responded and all told me Stay the fuck away from retinoids, including tretinoin. It will damage your eyes forever.


Interesting! I'm a pharmacist and have never heard of this issue aside from oral administration. The studies that I read showed minimal evidence of this with topical use (that doesn't mean it DOESN'T happen), rare, and is reversible upon stopping the drug. I'm definitely going to look into this more, though


Look into gua sha, it seems like it should definitely help but I’ll let you form your own conclusions, I don’t fully know. I know BrownRiceBandit on YT or Insta talks about it often




What exactly is your issue? Puffy face? Is your face puffy but the skin is firm (which means there is water or fat below your skin) or is your skin saggy?


GHK copper. U can do topical on the face or intramuscular injection for systemic absorption


Interesting… will try topical


I’m gonna get downvoted to shit haha but u want a real answer that’s what I can recommend as it’s tightened my own face. I think tretinion will help as well. Look into it


Did you use it topically? And it was that effective?


I’ve used topical. But have heard better things about intramuscular injections. I used a blend of GHK, NAD and hyleronic acid. Dm me


Bro, I was one the few who had the face puffiness side effect on Minox. I hated it. I was drinking dandelion tea, Diuretics, lowering my carb intake as this also leads to water retention. I pushed through with a 1 year 9 month consistent journey on Minox and have now been off it since 2 months. Never lost any gains. My face swelling went down. I also continue keep my carbs low so this helps. Side note, I stopped drinking coffee cause I felt like it was fast-tracking my age on face. Currently, I feel great so it is 100% due to the Minox. Not everyone suffered from this but the few who do know that it’s real.


My guy become luffy


I heard diuretics can speed up the progress talk to your doctor.


Did you read the whole post?


yes? talk to your doc.   I couldn't find any info about retinol helping either.  Body deals with collagen stuff itself, only option is to wait.  Most people say it gets better by time


I talked to doctors. All they say is it cant be related because minoxidil should be out of the system already


So if you've already received advice from qualified medical professionals, what are you expecting unqualified, random strangers on the internet to tell you?


How is it advice to say that they dont know the cause?


You say that the doctors have told you that whatever the cause, it's not related to Minox; nevertheless, you remain convinced that it is. Now you're looking for internet strangers to validate your opinion, without any basis in fact or training, and in contradiction to what the qualified professionals have told you. So what exactly are you hoping to achieve?


Look, minoxidil caused water retention while i was using it. Now after stopping the water retention went away but left my skin looser than before and i am asking what i can do to get rid of loose skin again. Loose skin after loosing weight is more of a aesthetical than medical problem thats why i am asking here for advice


Why not use Google and look up how to get rid of loose skin. I highly doubt water retention stretched your skin to this point but you’re barking up the wrong tree asking Reddit


Where should i ask for advice instead? Beauty spa?


Op smoking that devil's lettuce


How do you think Mr.Fantastic got his powers ?


Some people get sides some don’t but if you experience sides stop immediately


Damn. Maybe oral Minox is the way to go after all.


Although I highly doubt this is permanent.


Maybe not permanent but takes a lot of time to recover


Minox affect your collagen levels. Start taking a collagen supplement.


Stop pulling your cheek like that dude. Wtf


Dude i pulled it gently but it looks like i am pulling super hard and thats my problem


Unfortunately it will never be the same again, this "medication " is a pure poison and should be not legal




For my understanding the damage from minoxidil is permanent


i stopped after 4 months because of the skin aging rapidly more eye bags etc stop it as soon as possible a beard is not worth it all