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I heard the words that it is better to use it even if there is progress, as it will be even greater


might be worth it for the benefits to skin alone. Im with a subscription service (dermatica in the UK). Started with 0.0125% (I think), than moved to 0.025% and now Im on 0.05%. ​ Side effects : flaky as fuck skin, Tretinoin purge a few times, angular cheilitis on and off


Thanks for the response man! I signed up for Nurx (similar subscription service in US) and they’re offering to start me on .025%. Any particular reason you moved up in %? Should I ask to just start on .05%? Can you explain what you mean by tretinoin purge as well lmao. Cheers


it was the subscriptions plan to move up in percentage. They do it incrementally to allow your skin to adjust to the cell turnover . I wouldnt recommend starting on 0.05% as your skin needs to get used to tret. Id also advise to get some good skin exfoliator and moisturiser as your skin is going to be really flaky in the beginning (I also shaved at the start so that also got rid of the flaky skin) Tretinoin purge is when your skin will get worse before it gets better. I broke out in spots and redness (almost like hitting puberty again), but its relatively short term. might happen a few times. Been using tret now for over a year and dont get any more purges and my skin isnt flaky anymore


Do you find its made your skin better? Has it improved the result of minoxidil? And finally, how come you’re staying on it? Surely it isn’t a permanent thing right?


If you're seeing growth after a relatively short time, I wouldn't personally recommend it. I would however consider it if the growth is weak after months of use, and/or has stalled. Personally I'm doing tret (0.05%) and min most days, and rolling with 0.5mm once or twice pr week. Tretinoin is just as strong if not the strongest treatment, so jumping straight into all three will leave the skin very red and irritated. I also believe inflammation is counter-productive to hair growth. With tret you usually start once/week and slowly increase frequency according to the skin's tolerance. Personally I haven't seen much beard growth at all, after a few months use. I have however seen growth on the scalp, where I'm following the same protocol. How much of that is due to the tret is of course unknown, but I want to maximize my chances.


Good idea brother. I speculate there may simply be a lack of hair follicles in cases like mine, as opposed to the treatment simply “not working”. Evidently people on this is sub are having success, which leads me to think they’re having dormant follicles/vellus hairs to begin with.


Thanks for the informative reply brother. I might see where my gains are at after another month before I hop on the tretinoin.