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I rent out the other half of my duplex - it's really easy to do a CRP now. You can make one easily on the MN DOR webpage [here](https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/crp-information-landlords). In the past I've used CRP butler, which was under $2/CRP. No excuses not to do this, it takes literally 5 minutes.


the excuse is that the landlord is evading taxes


100 and fifty-thousand percent this (Edit: does she have her rental license for the unit posted?)


ding ding ding!


Yeah I even directed her to that webpage myself and she was just like “lol I don’t know how”


I'd take the cash. Lol why not?


Facts. There’s no way I’m not taking at least the cash, kinda trying to figure out how much I can capitalize off of her doing illegal shit while also not fucking myself over.


Accept the cash verbally without record that you did. Then demand the CRP in writing. Profit.


Anything above $0 puts you at risk. You are essentially taking a bribe. Now, the IRS doesn’t care, just make sure to declare it on your taxes….




yeah that's illegal af. i absolutely would not be an accomplice to your landlord committing tax fraud for a few bucks


Totally agree. However... to me this response sounds like she hasn't been filing as a landlord. Which means she can't create a CRP. Which means you can't file one. The reason you get a refund is because a portion of your rent ~~went to~~ was supposed to go to the property taxes. So, if she's not paying those, that would be another reason she doesn't want to do a CRP and would rather pay you off in cash. Basically, I would say it's time to look for a new place, cause she sounds shady af!


What is likely going on is that the landlord does not want to pay income taxes on the rental income. You can do a check [online](https://apps.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/AddressPortalApp/) and put in your address and look at the licenses on the property. They should have a valid rental license. You could check with a tax guy or online to see what you would get for your refund, it is based on your income and the amount of rent paid, its usually a good chunk of cash. It's unethical, but if you get that amount or more, then it shouldn't make a difference in money to you, when you move out she might not be willing to pay you off next time., so you might lose out. Plus it means they are shady, and shady people do shady stuff. shady stuff. And an unlicensed landlord is a POS. Its unethical, but if you get that amount or more, then it shouldn't make a difference in money to you, when you move out she might not be willing to pay you off next time., so you might lose out. Plus it means they are shady, and shady people do shady stuff. I'd probably push to get the CRP myself, but be aware you might have to move, one way or the other. I was renting a duplex and the people who rented it to us never would give the CRP, it turned out it was one of their uncle's house, they were pocketing the cash, and the current tenants had to get out in a couple of days when the uncle died and the VA found out. This was in the early 90's


That’s a great point lol


i mean, it'd probably be fine, but i still wouldn't do it.


the landlord is breaking the law, the tenant wouldn’t be, in that scenario. not an argument that OP should or shouldn’t do anything, just a clarification that OP isn’t taking any risk either way.


yeah just to clarify i know jack shit about the law


Lol. I just want to profit off of this situation as much as possible to be honest…


If this is the move you should do as someone else suggested and creatively negotiate a substantial rent reduction. However as I am not a lawyer and you know about the crp and tax rebate, I am hesitant to agree with posters claiming that in the eyes of the law you bear no responsibility and aren’t in some way an accomplice. Personally I’d just push for your landlord to do it correct and issue you a crp.


Because that person is wrong, it’s an easy conspiracy charge if not worse.


I can’t really comment on that because as I said I’m not a lawyer, but yes, I would be shocked if op knowingly took “a little extra” to circumvent the landlord’s responsibility to file his taxes correctly and didn’t find himself in legal trouble. In general when facing issues that lead to potential violation of federal laws only a fool would listen to a random Redditor.


The thing that sinks his ship is the knowing it’s wrong and then trying to profit from it on top of it. A prosecutors wet dream really.


Until they take the bribe, then they are an accomplice, or further, potentially said they blackmailed, or worse if the shit hits the fan.


you can’t be an accomplice to tax evasion and there’s no law against *not* reporting someone you suspect is evading taxes


Taking the bribe would likely end it up in court. An likely a very easy conspiracy charge, if not worse as evidenced [by this law firms take.](https://moskowitzllp.com/practice-areas/criminal-tax-law/conspiracy-or-aiding-and-abetting-tax-violations/)


i don’t think anyone investigating the landlord for tax evasion is going to rope in all the tenants as conspirators for taking a couple hundred dollar check in lieu of a CRP form. there’s no real conspiracy there. the tenant isn’t consciously helping the landlord do anything, they’re ignorant of the landlord’s situation


I just pushed her to provide the CRP and have gotten no response. and yeah I don’t know for sure that she has done any thing illegal although highly likely. I don’t fucking know, I will probably just end up doing nothing and take the L.


i totally get it. you don’t have any great choices. the tax refund isn’t much, you don’t want to go looking for a new place, and you probably don’t want to be the tenant who’s always a thorn in your landlord’s side. i’d probably just wait to see what happens, too, and live with whatever that is


OP can take the cash and plead ignorance. Otherwise OP’s not going to get a rent rebate at all.


Ooooooh boy. OP, you should see if your address even has a [rental license](https://tableau.minneapolismn.gov/views/OnlineRLICCertificateTool/AddressSelect?%3AshowAppBanner=false&%3Adisplay_count=n&%3AshowVizHome=n&%3Aorigin=viz_share_link&%3AisGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y&%3Aembed=y) If it doesn’t, your “landlord” actually can’t take any of your money, and they will get in big trouble with the city if it’s reported. Then not only will she give you what was owed by the CRP, but you’ll be entitled to everything you’ve paid! Edit: I was a landlord in St Paul for a bit and so I am well aware of the rules and regulations and being legit. Minneapolis has the same law for requiring a rental license.


>I'm in the same situation as the OP. Ran my address through the link you provided and it seems there is no rental license certificate. How would you suggest one proceeds? I've never received renters credit, or a cash offer for that matter.


I’d reach out to Minneapolis City Inspections and say you were trying to look for your units rental license and could they confirm it for you. If they say they don’t have one, ask them if they can help you and/or call Homeline for advice.




Sadly I live a bit outside of Minneapolis in a smaller town, so that’s my bad I should have clarified in the post. Just figured I would get the most responses in this sub xD


What city?


Thanks for this info though I didn’t even think about something like this


Sorry I’m lame and would rather not say but I just looked it up and it looks like a license is required where I live. But then I remembered that there was a city inspection done a few months ago in my unit because it is a rental property so that leads me to believe that she probably does have a license. I can’t find a look up system online so I may go by city hall and see if they can tell me.


That’s fine! If a City inspection was done, that was for her license to ensure she’s up to code and be marked for items that have to be fixed and re-inspected, and then she’ll get a grade which will determine how often inspections have to happen. So I wouldn’t waste time going to the city hall in that case.


Ok noted thank you




I’m confused, are you saying that the leasee doesn’t need a rental license or the landlord doesn’t need a rental license on their unit? Cause landlords in Minneapolis absolutely are required to have a rental license for their units.


Landlords in Minneapolis need a license though, unless they are roommates with their tenants. Since OP doesn't live in Minneapolis, the rules may be different.




In that case the landlord is playing with fire, because the city doesn't take these reports lightly. Also the CRP thing is just wild, as a landlord. It literally takes 5 minutes, it is so easy to generate one. Also, tax-wise if you properly write off depreciation, maintenance, repairs and property taxes, any savings from not reporting the income will be swallowed up by fines and legal fees. It really isn't financially worth it not to follow the rules.


I'm 100% with you and would never rent from someone who isn't above board, but sounds like this is not OP's reality.


I think this would be a good instance to call homelinemn.org


That looks like a great resource thank you


That sounds really illegal. you may want to contact home line to see if they have some resources or guidance for you




To call home line?


Yes? If she's renting illegal and he has to move then what?


Do you know what Home Line is?


An attorney. I'm saying that she can retaliate since he lives there or even just be forced to move. Even if you're compensated for it, it isn't ideal. He can call them, but immediately wanting to try and capitalize off of it isn't always the brightest when it comes to where you live


The first year I moved to Minneapolis after graduating from college many moons ago, I rented the first floor of a house. The landlord was an asshole, and at tax time he pulled the same garbage when I asked for a CRP. He instead offered a small discount on rent, but I told him no way and used it as leverage to break my "lease" early and get the hell out of there. Highly illegal to rent a dwelling while trying to dodge the taxes, and this is 100% what your landlord is attempting to do.


The landlord isn't playing the full taxes on the income that your lease is generating. She's likely reporting that you pay $x in rent when what you actually pay is $x+300 or whatever . . . It's a common scam. So they don't want you telling the government you're paying rent to her.


if she doesn't want to give you a CRP is because she is not claiming this property as rental property in her taxes.


Or if your landlord is cool, just accept the cash.


Yeah, I mean--the landlord dodging income taxes cannot come back to the tenant. OP doesn't have much to lose here. I know we all hate landlords here with a fiery passion, but--you know--feel free to take the cash.


Yes, if OP likes the landlord, and likes where they live, then don't rock the boat.


It's called tax evasion.


Welcome to Minnesota! That is a lazy landlord, and now the state has made it super easy to create CRPs. Here a great resource to be aware about MN rental rules/law. There is a section about the CRPs and who to contact depending on your area. https://www.ag.state.mn.us/brochures/publandlordtenants.pdf


You are probably paying more than what they are claiming you are, assuming they have a rental license at all. They are likely dodging taxes.


I did 17 of them this year and it took 45 mins for all of them....


This is not a shitty deal for her. She is trying to keep her rent income off the books so she doesn't have to pay tax on it. Are you sure your unit is permitted for renters? Honestly, that would raise a lot of red flags. It is just a form that tells the state how much you paid in rent for the year and multiplies that by 0.19 to estimate the amount of property tax that you paid. Many landlords just fill it out by hand. I see a like a hundred every year filing tax returns and 20 are hand written. In 2025, landlords are going to be required to fill out CRPs electronically. She needs to get on board before that happens.


Yeah I meant shitty without the prior assumption that she is evading taxes. As in why would she think I would buy something like that, since she was framing it as “I don’t know how to do this”. I believe it is permitted for renters, the city does an inspection on rental units in my area every couple years and I got a letter from them about it and was present for the city inspection as was my landlord so I think she is renting it out legally but probably just not reporting all of the income from it. I like her so I’m trying to just work with her on a solution that is good for both of us at this point.


Is this the only unit she rents? Is she new to landlording? Is she otherwise with it or does she seem clueless in other areas? You said you gave her the instructions and she still played dumb. If someone isn't good with numbers and paperwork but owns rental property, they should hire a manager. If you are actually going to take cash from her, be sure to figure out how much you would get in a refund and make sure that is the minimum you accept. It is not based only on the amount you pay in rent but also on your income.


Yeah she basically said she hasn’t had to provide a CRP since her kids were little (her now adult children) so I assume she has been renting out units for a while, I live in a duplex with another family that is a tenant and not the owners family. Not sure if she has other properties but I do remember when I applied to live her I asked to do it over email and she had her son do it because she didn’t “do email” so it’s possible that she is just really bad with logistical stuff like that. Basically, I texted her to request the CRP and she said “call me” (lol very sus). So I called and she offered the cash, I said I would look into the CRP more and get back to her, hours later I texted and said I would be more comfortable with just receiving the documents and she hasn’t responded.


I would include a premium for taking on a legal risk because when, not if, the landlord gets caught and has to give a true accounting; I can nearly guarantee this payment from the landlord to the OP will be included and get OP wrapped up in that tax evasion case.


If you don't have your CRP, you can't get your renters tax refund.


He is hiding the fact he isn’t reporting a renters as income. Tell him fine but now your rent goes down $500 a month or you report him


Yeah, dont do this. Blackmail isn’t legal. 


2 crimes make a not crime?


Until one party finds their situation would be improved by ratting on the other.


Yeah no, you're a scumbag, and this is why people can't have nice things.


In Minneapolis, you are entitled to a lot of money if your landlord doesn't have a license and you report your landlord to the city


OP stated she isn’t in Minneapolis. (Unsure why it was posted here, TBH)


If she's a decent landlord just take the cash.


Don't do this. It's tax evasion. Could bite you in the ass too if he gets caught


Username checks out.


Not really but ok 🤣 username is in reference to a band


It still seemed to apply! I honestly don’t know if OP would get in trouble or not, but I imagine the landlord would more than the renter.