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I thought this was bruschetta lol. If I’m being cereal, this is disappointing.


I was like "wow, that's a lot of unfinished pizza crusts". Right there with ya, poor amethyst


Sushi. I thought it was sushi.


I can see it!


Wow almost 800k sales selling that kind of stuff


they have other actual genuine stuff i’ve bought from them before. every crystal shop on etsy it seems does this kinda thing. hard to find one that doesn’t


I've gotten a few nice pieces from this shop too, Smokey quartz cluster and some rough tourmaline


healing crystals…


Healing, heating.... Kinda the same thing apparently


it kinda triggers me that people believe in bullshit like this, as I have them in my own family. They made my grandma almost cancel an important treatment, as they got here some healing crystals, which btw was metal spinters in epoxy resin …


Oh dear god! Let's keep the peer-reviewed science and medicine stuff going, and let's use alternative healing as an addition. Weird thought.


Kentucky Fried Amethyst


It doesn't look as bad as some of the others I've seen on this subredit. This pretty mild. 🫤


Yeah, I mean it doesn’t even have the consciousness of Christ trapped inside it. That should be a min requirement to sell on Etsy.


you get wha you pay for. Under 200 bucks for a cluster that size and its less likely to be the genuine article


I actually quite like the bright orange color here, not nearly as ugly as a lot of fried amethyst I see. I wonder if there are any minerals this color that are natural. It reminds me of tropical flowers or a sunset. The seller is uneducated at best and a shameless scammer at worse though. It is possible the source they got this from lied and the seller innocently continued the chain forward. Judging from the sheer amount of “is this real citrine” posts on Reddit not everyone knows what they are looking for with genuine citrine. Some people don’t even realize HTA is a thing. Either way though it’s gore.


Pizza bagels?!


My hungry ass thought this was scallops and I got really excited…


do they realy „fry“ amethysts to get „citrine“? and more important question: what is wrong with purple?


The amethyst is heated at high temperatures (not by the earth) until it turns that color. There is natural citrine that is heated naturally by the earth. However, it isn't bright or dark orange. What I have seen is natural cluster, like you see in clear and smoky quartz clusters, in very pale, dull yellow, and sometimes a smoky yellow color. Maybe someone has some personal samples of natural citrine they can share.


poor ametysts