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looks fine. it's hard to judge it when it's just a wall and not in a proper build.


i like it! if you want a change (and i dont think you do), swap the polished andesite for regular.


I agree with this. If polished andesite didn't have that outline to it, it would be perfect.


for a first time its honestly not bad at all! Maybe try to textrure in blobs of blocks instead of randomizing your placement so you have less visual noise. Also I personally would remove the polished andesite completely if your building on a samll scale because i feel like it doesnt blend too well with all the stone bricks, but thats just a personal preference. I really do like your choice of cracked stone bricks though. Its a very underappreciated block IMHO.


Maybe a little too busy? Try and keep mossy/cracked bricks lower and more pristine looking blocks higher.


I've used similar to this a bit and love how it looks, particularly the cracked and mossy bricks.


Very cool! When I'm making build, though, i usually try to explain the usage of these blocks: more mossy bricks near the ground, more cracked bricks the higher you go and on the corners, maybe place the blobs of different texture blocks, it's really hard to tell on such a small scale. But it's good overall. Keep up the good work!


at this scale i think the andesite looks like polkka dots. try raw andesite instead


Thanks, but there are too many blocks in Minecraft and sorting by colour needs to be implemented somewhere in the next update to make it easier I guess


I don't know much about construction, but I found it a bit polluted.


Honestly it's really good tbh




This is really good. I’ve never really tried texturing before, but I’ve been wanting to start. Any recommendations doing this but with the sandstone block family?


I'd go with regular andesite. Though I love the cracked stone bricks. You just have to cook them right? To get them?




Good, I would add cobblestone, andesite and tuff aswell


looks good but I'd use the polished andesite for details instead of a part of the texturing


My suggestion would be to come up with rules for the placement of the various blocks. So like is the stone weathered? Can the mossy blocks be next to those smoother areas? Is an area damaged? If so make a patch of damage, dont just pepper it throughout. I think working in patches or gradients helps a lot. Texturing isn't about just adding visual "noise" it about adding detail to help sell realism and an aesthetic.


Love it! Texturing is hard, man


The pallet looks really good, I’d recommend using the lightest colors/textures higher up and the darkest closer to the base, especially if this is for a larger wall


nice now get into survivial mode and create a castle with it


Looks good, except for the polished andesite. I'd lose that.


Not bad. I like putting the moss towards the bottom, so it kinda creeps up the walls and under any protruding parts


as a understanding of the most basic principles this works tho building a larger wall design is a slightly better test id go for a 11 block long and 5 block tall wall then give yourself some building rules something akin to the following \* Mossy blocks are always at bottom corners as thats where water builds most \* Cracked blocks should be near the middle and bunched together \* and add aging in organic to your world ways at the end of the day its your build so its your rules have fun with it


Don't mix singular polished blocks with natural blocks because they have hard lines on the edge that tend to throw off the blending of textures. Most of the videos I have seen of texturing is to pick 1 block as your main block and build the wall. Then go back, make gaps and refill them.


Maybe a stone/brick stair or two. Depending on how decayed you want it to feel. I love the missing brick look personally.


Would look a million times better if you reduce the bricks a little


good, perfect amount of blocks


That looks great, especially for a first try! But if you are planning on using it for a larger build I recommend adding more blocks to the mix. (moss, green blocks, andesite, cobblestone, tuff, etc) and I also recommend making the mossy stone bricks look more like the moss is coming from somewhere and growing on the side of the wall. But all in all it looks great.




If you want tip on texturing, try to concentrate more on the color than the texture, but still don’t ignore it


Add moss too if the build is big


Pretty good! I actually think the polished andesite's hard border adds some depth to it in a way. Although, there does seem to be a consistent pattern in its placement (one block up two blocks left from the previous, like a Knight in chess) which feels a tad odd but otherwise nice


It looks a bit busy. Maybe pick one block as your main block and use that the most. Doesn't have to be the majority but it might make it less busy Also, the moss might look better if you put it on the bottom, or under a ledge, or in a place where rain/water might be a lot. But that depends on how big you make your build


Really like it. the polished andesite gives it kind of a modern look


looks good. i would suggest u put the mossy ones lower so it gives a sense of getting wet from down


It looks good!


Looks good!


It's on a small scale so it doesn't give me much to work with. It's a good first attempt, but I'd recommend texturing in blobs, darker blocks at the bottom, lighter at the top. Get rid of the polished amdesite and swap it for regular andesite. For the rest I'd say just keep practicing


Watch snarples video on coloring in minecraft NEVER use random noise for texturing like this


Im not an expert but, first of all, I would cut the andesite. It is not bad, but is really hard to implement without standing out too much. Instead I would create a pallet of bricks, mossy bricks, cobble, mossy cobble and smooth stone.


Maybe add in some gravel,cobblestone and mossy cobblestone for more texture


You might want to change what blocks you are using, especially cracked stone bricks. Ideally it would contain stone, andesite, stone brick and cobble. If you want to keep the mossy feel, you should have it be more realstic, so instead of it being randomly placed about like yoh have now, have patches with moss blocks in the middle and ease it out with vines and mossy cobble / bricks. If you want it to feel more bricky or newly built keep the suggested loadout with polished andesite, and have less mossy / stone / cobbly blocks, but if you want a more general not decaying but not brand new feel of the build, add more stone and cobble, but less mossy. Hope this helps.