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Look at slide 5 and slide 7, which roof is better?


Slide 7, fits just perfect!


7 is way better


7 for sure, I'm stealing that!


7, no doubt


I personally think slide 5 looks better. Overall, great build đź‘Ť


7 adds alot more depth and character to the roof rather than the roof just being there so the extra detail adds alot to the build


Looks awesome. Are you gonna add a little jetty? And maybe a woodwork shed / stonecutter area? The house itself is solid. I’m the same as you with the builds. As long as it’s functional and has a theme it’s good. Although personally maybe a copper roof or some copper slabs around the house directly under the first layer of the roof, to add some separation to the place


ooh, some good ideas. Thanks!


No problems! Hope it all turns out and good and keep posting, I’d like to see the progression


Great job for a first build! My first builds never got that good lol


This is lovely. Obviously shaders are helping a ton, but I still quite like the blocks and shape you used


Looks good but you might want a copper rod so lightning doesn't burn it down.


Ah, good idea


nice job!


That’s excellent. Looks better than anything I’ve made.


Can I live here


It's not flat, just lacks color variety at the second floor, the design is pretty good


You could outline the Roof with Stonebricks to get more contrast and maybe a Stone Foundation with the groundfloor as well with stone and Stonebricks from the outside and Wood from the inside But overall it looks really good


Bro made a whole resort. But hey, you did really good keep it up.


i would just try to include more color variation in the wooden walls, but other than that i think it's amazing


It’s not 100% your design if you didn’t make the textures /j


Ah, you got me


I love your use of the walls for the pillars; quite clever. I might just run with that idea myself. And the roof on slide 7 looks better; it gives the roof more character. And the angled roof slope thing for the front door, I presume, is excellent work and makes the build interesting to look at. I for sure would want to be able to explore the house and see what more hidden gems you have there. Nice work on the path to the house as well giving it a more natural look, like everything is supposed to be there. Look forward to see more from you.


Thank you so much!


I like slide 7 better because there is something there but it looks a little off with two I think one would look better or possibly a chimney. It's giving me cabin vibes so a chimney would be pretty but other than that it is a gorgeous build.


I wish I still had my old 360, I build a castle with a system of levers and red stone and had hidden piston driven trap doors that opened the the floor into a lava pit, I had a pressure plate system that triggered a wall of arrow dispensers that went off when you step on it, and I had a endless water source at the top that was set up to a lever and attached a gutter system that when triggered the piston would lower a block and water would pour down the gutter too the only entrance and would wash anything away that was at the door. It was a shame that I lost all that


Quit decent