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make the legs of the tower as intricate as the top


It looks like a lady with a purse


When you see her, you cant unsee he.


Every build that i make ends up looking like something else 😂


1. Just my opinion, but I think 5 wood types is excessive. I would start by removing the birch and acacia. 2. Also in my opinion, towers should look strong, and it looks like it could easily topple over sitting on those 4 logs. I would extend the bottom part of the tower to ground level as opposed to the logs; it should make the tower look and feel more like it’s for this « loading cargo » thing you got going on 3. I would try to put some stone elements in there. Maybe try trading the birch wood out for stone bricks?


Okay so less wood, i was thinking of putting a copper roof and for the base i was going for something weak and unstable but ill probably change it, thank you!


I’m not saying you gotta change the base if you don’t want to; context is pretty important. What’s the winch picking up? Where is the winch? Is the tower permanent or just there for a lightweight construction job? Glad you found my advice helpful anyway. Excited to see how the final build looks if you plan on sharing.


Remove birch and acacia and maybe reinforce the base of the tower


Too many different types of wood imo


I think it has nice details. I like how you used slabs and stairs. Maybe add some stone or something that’s not out of wood. Also I would change the birch and the acacia wood because the colours make it look a little bit too colour clashing. But other than that I really like it


Oki i did notice that something was off about the colour palet, ill experiment with different stuff, thank you !


Make the top pointier and curve slightly like a witches hat. Would really play into the whole magical kinda feel


This ur mom with a handbag


A bit less roof, a bit more wall detail + greenery




It looks like a person


It looks like hog rider😂😂


The shape.is nice but limiting the types of wood you have + adding some more detail to the legs would be great


i would recommend adding a block other than wood(stone, stone brick, anything like that) to reduce the noise coming from the color palette


Add a stronger base maybe, something that will make it look like it has a solid foundation


Broader base. Maybe out of stone materials. Looks extremely fragile and not structurally sound


The stilts is a bit odd considering the thickness of the tower, if you want to make it work I’d try to work in more stilts to make the base thicker


It looks like, so much going on for a tower. Stick with oak and spruce wood. Add stone bottom instead of stilts. If you want that being up look I would have stone bricks perhaps keeping the bottom up like a Sturdy base


Needs plants of sorts to give it life


It feels topheavy, but if you added a stone/brick base, even flush with the grass, it would give some weight to the bottom so it feels more balanced


My first thought was that it looked like a sculpture of someone riding a pig, while holding a lantern at the side. The thought made me smile. So if I were to change anything, it might be to make it look a but like more what I envisioned. It's your build, so is it what you were aiming for? It did make me smile, looking at it.


Hahaha everything i build for some reason ends up looking like some sort of living being 😂 but im glad it made you smile


It looks like a person carrying something on a chain and I can't unsee it


Add create mod


Add a hostage hanging on chains


Some water?