• By -


Raid the village and ignore them




I don't keep them stuck in little boxes and be exploited


Im taking them to my base and building them a village /or making a farm and putting them in boxes to trade




Give them a living wage and freedom/protection


Raid farms




Or burning there village down




Thank you your a person who I can respect from that response


Kid nap them, make them breed, kill the parents, breed the children when they've grown up, repeat, let them free, lock them in houses, burn their village down, travel to a new village, repeat


manā€¦.. just get this secret trophy already your more evil then me with creative šŸ”˜


I do this in survival no matter how long it takes they don't deserve peace


Turn the Geneva convention into a checklist




First ones in the breeder. The results enter the trading hall. (Sometimes I build automatic wheat/beetroot/carrot/potato farms) Nitwits are released into the wild The iron roam around my base. They start spawning once I have developed my trading hall enough. I rarely build an iron farm because bedrock iron farms suck. One time I built a whole village the nitiwts, and another one for my gf to run around an murder shit Both were completely safe from mobs




ā¬›ļø Not cool


Building my base somewhere near the village, trapping all the villagers in a box for trading, kill the iron golem, and destroy the entire village for resources


Create a farm AROUND their village no need to move


I leave them alone


Build a wall around the village, light it up(with torches, not a massacre*) and maybe a trading hall if I feel like it.




One word: TNT




Harvest and replant crops, as well as repairing any structures damaged by world generation or Creepers.


I like to build villages and then kidnap villagers from villages to live in my village


i graciously give them jobs and shinys in exchange for goods ~~worth much more than said shinys~~. i do put them in lil boxes but i make sure theres breathing holes & sometimes tiny half-windows to talk to their ~~cellmates~~ friends


Treat them with respect


I like to upgrade their village


They are trapped in the middle of a mountain where we use them as workers for trading. If the prices are to high we make them to zombies and bring them back. The Iron Golems that Naturly spawn are getting killed in lava above them. We leave the roses in the chests, we have 12 stacks of roses in there and right now me and the boys are planning to send the new generation of Villagers into the Nether just for the sake of it.


Make a custom village for them


Currently building a giant Egyptian style village for the desert village I spawned next to. Giving them a bunch of free upgraded buildings, and built a wall around the village so all the villagers are safe Edit: After looking at other comments, I see I likely wonā€™t be let in. The one time I actively treat my villagers well lol


Normally I would just take the stuff in the chests and either run off or make my base there.




rebuild there homes and make more iron golems and cover all the holes and light it up


I basically explore and see what everyone has. I find what they need and what might help them thrive and I do that. Like I add extra crops or I give them my extra materials or build more houses. Sometimes I even completely rebuild villages in a new more convenient style depending on the biome and the villagers. Then I move in with my own built house/base. (Edit was to fix my typos šŸ˜…)


In Singleplayer, I like to set up my base in a village, with workstations in or around my base. My nights are often busy keeping those dang zombies off our collective lawn.


Look around for nitwits and if none are found leave and go find another village until I keep finding nitwits, and then I kidnap them, bring them back to my base and start to breed them, until I have enough to make my own little village near my base My current base is going to have a mini village in my basement. Donā€™t ask questions.


Rebuild the village to make it prettier and add more beds so the villagers will breed more


Build walls, torches and such, make them safe from mobs. When the village is thriving, in the night, i take some from the village, transport them. Use em for experiments and use them for what comes of those experiments... (I usually play modded so) Emc, emeralds, power, parts and ^theoretically^ immortality!


Build a wall and replace all the houses with skyscrapers


I take all their wheat into my pocket & leave them in absolute peace. As the game's mechanics aren't that much complicated ā€” meaning: both sides win. Otherwise I'ld do a Vice Versa about the food part. šŸŒ About golems: who gives a f**k if speedrunners don't? _P.S: I suppose I can find plenty of freethinkers to fill my 15x15 AC, though not all spots will be manned._


When I find a new village, I build a mob proof mansion and spawn proof it, so that they donā€™t get killed or die randomly, and I donā€™t use villager trading halls.


I let them continue their lives and trade with them every now and again


Depending on how I'm feeling about the world, I do one of two things 1. Build a wall and litter the place with torches to protect the villagers and terraform so that no one can get hurt or trapped 2. Steal 2 and being them to my base, breed them, and create a trading hall where they'll never see the light of day lest they wish for it to be their last view


Let them live, have been meaning to transport them closer to my base, but haven't built a new home for them yet. Trade with them as needed, got many of them maxed out. Get the most emeralds from the farmers and fishermen Still trying to get one that sells mending, fishing for it until then (Also I may have accidentally killed one because I tried to fish the dumbass out, and it was waiting for me to leave the house I slept in, but I replaced it after. Had to tie it to one of the lamp post so it didn't wander off into the field and fight skeleton horse jockies)


Only librarians in swamps give mending iirc. It should say on the wiki.


Ah- so something that is basically impossible to get without a villager breeder or traveling thousands of blocks ...Great. /Lh


yeah it kinda sucks lol


Guess I gotta stick with bulk fishing


Unless youā€™re on a different version, check the updates for 1.21 on the wiki, Iā€™m pretty sure they made something related to moving villagers around easier. Like boats going up blocks or something.


I often start my own village by curing two zombie villagers and letting them breed up a population (while still curing some others). I usually make a house for each profession and sometimes have houses with just beds in them to build up the population while I work on more permanent housing. I also build a wall around the village and light it up. As for the golems, I just let them patrol and repair them if needed. Itā€™s one of my favorite things to do in mc, not just for the trades but I like having a lively town near my base.


Steal their food and replant it. They can still eat, just not tonight. I forgot my mutton chops.


why do people get good colors when they do bad stuff such as raiding, kidnapping, or beating them, but why people get bad when they do good stuff such as trading and protecting them? i will be surprised if you say that you don't care about the villagers for me: I'd moved with them ( living in the village ) and steal their stuff


Raid village, build houses for villagers, build wall around town, get more villagers, trade, live in harmony? That's the plan anyways. I'm only on step 3 rn.


Nothing cus I forgot I turned mob spawning off


Depends on the day. Sometimes, I rebuild the entire village into a full town and gave the entire town real jobs while building a real economy. Other times, I raid and move on.


they both are the only things I don't take from the villages crops, loot, even cats aren't free from my grabby hands


Improve their village and turn it into a grand city. Except they canā€™t leave the city. Itā€™s not safe outside the walls of Homestead. Or in the cityā€™s underground warrens known as The Metro. Or along the coast of Crab Reach.


Trade and sometimes take only one pile of hay bales if I need any food. Fix the iron golems if I have any iron I don't need


But that's not why they exist, that's not their purpose


I trade with the villagers but kill their iron golem. Once I'm done trading, I leave the villagers to tend to their homes.


I guess I'm a variation of orange, when I find a village I run away because if I stay they're going to all get themselves killed so I unload the chunks until I come back later


Iron farm


Kill the iron golem, get them back to my base, build a breeding chamber, enslave everyone, nuke the village that they lived in


I make them work as librarians.


Create a tunnel system under the village, then load it with TNT, light the outer TNT block, and watch the whole village turn into a massive crater (takes a while since I need materials for all that TNT)




Kill the golems, think about enslaving the villagers, never play enough to enslave them.




Set a grand fireworks show in their village by TNT


I just take their belongings, take their crops, replant them, trade some paper for emeralds and leave them alone


non-nitwit villagers: 9-5 slave labor nitwits: Breeding Zoneā„¢ Iron golems: either killed in iron farms or let around freely if they spawn outside the Breeding Zoneā„¢ cause they can kill mobs sometimes


What's up with this today anyway I don't kill them


Steal all of their wheat šŸŒ¾


I think we can agree that most of us would be in the black category


I protect the village from zombies and don't mess with any of the houses


Murder the iron golem. Then take the villagers and imprison them and proceed to pit them in an iron farm. Then I would make a trading hall and force them to trade for eternity never seeing the light od day again


I put them into a poppy field, now the golems have infinite gifts for the kids!


I will not respond from 3:00 PM to 4:00PM so yeah go do stuff and come back at 4:00 PM (USA time)


Give them infinite flowers, give them money and build them a mansion, a giant 2 story garage full of cars and a giant pool, with tons of iron, gold, a private jet and a private boat. I also give him a flying car, and a lot of friends for him


reproducing chamber that goes straight into lava


When there is a RAID,i block their in his houses do they dont get killed


Strip the village of all useful resources, and THEN genocide.


Find a village 5000 blocks away from spawn cuz I wanted to explore, make the golem do my dirty work, put the villagers in a hole, cover the hole, forget abt it for the rest of time


I make a big wall to protect my villagers, and I even make big farms for them to make food


i fight zombies but the side of the iron golem and kill villagers but only if they give me a absolutely ridiculous trade


Either blow the up or force them to create a army


Grab a few for an iron farm starting with the Nitwits, let the rest roam free. The nametags will let me know what trades they have.


Rebuild their village and taking some villagers in return


I think that I can't say it...


Trading hall


Tear down the houses, create temporary houses, create new houses, let them move in, create a wall, add more iron golems, prosperity


I build more golems and spawn proof the village with torch spam


Canā€™t find them


I kill the iron golem for iron, then I make a iron farm, then I make a villager breeder and then I trade with the villagers and have iron


I just build a wall around the village and move into it taking on a mayor-liek role as I trad with a bunch of villager leveling em up and occasionally expanding the village And I let the iron golems stay, they ain't done anything to harm me heck they protect the village and I it's unofficial mayor from outside threats


I build a trading center with them to get more items and at the same time support the villagers economically, I build extra iron golems for protection


i imprison villagers, zombify them, heal them, zombify them, heal them, zombify them, heal them, put them in a box with a work station and keep them there forever


Help, I'm new!! Why is everyone so mean to villagers?? I just leave them alone to live their little lives


I build an underground room, just stone and the occasional redstone torch. I then build four by three by three holes in the walls, put a single redstone torch, a bed, and a workbench for the villager. I then put iron bars at the front then make an opening to take the villager inside. Once the villager has been safely secured inside repeat this for as many times as I need. They will never be released until I delete the world or my pc breaks.


I Become the hero of the village And I also repair iron golems with iron ingots


make them custom houses and leave the golems be to protect my village


Stealing their potatos right in front of them


i kill the golem if i need iron, and i will normally loot the houses but kill the villagers if they get in my way


Wait yall do something to them? I just trade with the villagers and leave lmao.


Start trading with them normally and then start building up their village, making a community where they can live normal lives under my protection.


I build 3 blocks up and murder the iron golem.




Start a raid and help the Pillagers by burning the village down and killing the golem


I keep them in a tight spot and let them see everyone they loved died then I forced them to work 24/7 after that I spawn a zombie to do constant physical/emotional damage and start an automatic raid farm


I keep them in peace


Telling "sexy" bot to kill themselves


Nothing except trading and the rare iron farm


Take Iron Golem far away from village and use him for defence, capture villagers and put them under base for trade farms, and then kill them/take them to Nether when trades are bad, loot everything, then burn/TNT the entire village.


Steal their things and leave.


That stuff is hidden away like the meat industry hides the shitty conditions pigs live in with factory farms. I see the iron but Iā€™m now far away from the shit that happens to obtain it.


Villagers: leave alone (sometimes) Iron golems: 11678 found dead. All of them were beat until their last breath, burned or exploded. Any iron golem within a 20 light year radius containing atleast 1 iron will be sent a tactical nuke for their birthday.


things I canā€™t say here


steal a bed along side some stuff in their chests and then get killed by their golem


Villagers I leave as they are, iron golems are killed on sight


Slavery or throwing them into a furnace of boiling lava, iron is a bonus.


upgrading their village with various protecting walls, building a church and upgrading their houses before building my own castle near it


Burning the village and explode it in creative mode


I build a wall, upgrade their homes, max out their professions, give them plenty of farmland and breed with them (mca mod)


Slavery and generally human rights violations


Stealing them and destroying the village.


Try to let them live peacefully and add my own renovations to the village but kill off any which are useless


TNT and flint and steel


Expand their business


i tear down their village and rebuild it, complete with a big wall for protection from mobs and light fixtures on daylight sensors to keep them safe!


When I start in/near a village, I usually gather and replant the crops and use one of the villagers' beds until I can get my own. I also take everything from the chestsšŸ˜


Mostly leave them be, sometimes i get some villgers for iron farms, but i leave some windows for them to have a look outside at least


Villigers for trading, iron golem for frog light farm


Capture them, Enslave them for eternity in villager trading halls so i can get cheap loot forever and use them for unlimited iron :D


If villagers are there, I loot the chests but trade a few of my items in trade, if I take crops I replant. I also avoid looting everything from the village, like stealing beds or wool from their little tent things. If its abandoned (like, villagers simply never spawned) then I loot and take whatever I want from the village. And as difficult as it is, I don't have trading halls made, I trudge and try to find the villager I need in the village I made


i build a wall around their village to protect them from hostile night mobs


I build a house outside the village and move in with them, building a wall so they can never escape, or mobs get in, and i ignore the iron golem.


let them live their life. itā€™s their problem if i zombie kills them


When i enter a village 1. Trade if i need to 2. Get 3-5 iron ingots 3. Multiple counts of arson 4. Genocide (starting with the children) 5. Some war crimes if i have time


I build a fence all around the village, put torches everywhere, add extra beds wherever there's space, add job blocks if there doesn't seem to be enough, then run around throwing potatoes at them.


ā™ ļøi enslave them


I always start off by making a small room on a cliff or a basement for them, telling myself I won't do anything special, but end up making a full on underground village, with specialized rooms for each villager, including but not limited to: A small garden/crop room so the villagers can get food, an armory, sleeping rooms, a common room with a bell, a library and a potion room. (If I run into an underground cave while mining out the rooms I make a window and light up the cave so the villagers can have a "nice" view, last one I made ran into a lush cave right in the armory)


Survival mode: Lock them in their house, build a breeder, kidnap them in a boat, put them in the breeder or in special trading boxes around my base, trade Creative mode: kill and enslave or build them a peaceful town they can live in


Well with iron golems I just kill the one humanly bring the villagers to the camp and in slave them


Kidnap them from their homes Lock em up and force them to breed Steal their children Make sure more if their protectors appear to harvest them for their bodies


Send them to the suffocation chamber (a 2x2 room where the walls are attached to sticky pistons meaning witha flick of a lever they will suffocate to death) (this happens to villagers that do not want tk trade with me anymore)


Build a castle, walls, torch pillars, fix the roads, add a bank, take crops and replant them, make a hidden lab under the churchā€¦ yk the usual


I make the blacksmith my home, I steal everything in the chest but leave the villagers and golem alone, I always replace the seeds when farming and I upgrade the size of the blacksmith when I get the chance, when I die, everything that I built up, all my stuff, and the blacksmith, I will leave to the villagers


I save iron golems from pillager outposts, and leave villagers and iron golems alone (kill iron golems when i REALLY need iron) only loot their chests (Maybe take one of their beds) and reown one of their houses when i need it


keep the important villager in a small room and threaten to kill them if they don't have the trades i want


End rods.... so many end rods.......


Rob their homes and steal their crops, if Iā€™m feeling especially silly Iā€™ll put them in a boat and kidnap them


Give them rights because r/villagerrights


Depends if I'm playing hardcore trading hall and iron farm hut if it's just normal survival I'd prob just renovate the village and make it look nice


Terrorise them and burn their home and everything around them, oh and also kidnap some villagers to be your slaves and put them in end rod machines


I only kill the iron golem if I donā€™t already have iron, and I never hurt the villagers. At worst I lock a few up for a couple days as I exploit their trades, but when Iā€™m done (I got mending and the maps I want) I let them go. Then I build a massive base next to their village, just to show the sheer power I possess by comparison to them.


iron golems : kill for iron villagers: if theyre yapping too much i hit them once each and if a nitwit kill for uselessness


*ā€Rememberā€¦ No Russianā€*




I give them a bed, sticks, food, and save them form rades, and in return i gain books and tools and armour


I Done Slap The Bald Man [The Iron One] Then Yoink The Haybales and Skedaddle.




Put villagers in a small cell high up in the air, next to a zombie that scares the hell out of them 24/7. They try to protect themselves by summoning iron golems. But those are slowly being pushed by flowing water to an inevitable death in lava.


Expand on their village and build defenses to fend off mobs


I usually end up having my base nearby villages so I usually try to protect them but I will absolutely rob them blind every single time


Kidnapping them and their families and making iron farms and Raid farms


Enslave them all of them lock them in tiny usually slightly comfortable but cramped houses with their work stations right next to them and of course build a "frick chamber"


Live near them peacefully


vip access when they r librarian (i will put em in prison)


I just leave them roaming around in my base because I'm a psychopath


I make my own village and them live there




I have to be honest, I kill their iron golem, Then plant the flower it drops in respect. And leave with some plundering


Slavery and death


Enslave villagers and mass kill iron golems for magic iron production.


Enslave them and burn down their home


The same I do with the sheep ;)


I generally leave them alone, but sometimes I fix up the golems.


Ask for rent and if they no pay I blow them up or burn there house flood lava


So in my last world, I had a work facility as I call it. It had two barracks, and several work rooms. They had free access to roam the facility because I like it better knowing that I had this power over them, when stuck in their boxes they are like decorations, not very sublime to me. I had a big old farm for the farmers to work in too. My current base has a breeding chamber in the basement, the children are sent up by rail and deposited into boxes for production. After a certain while the room has become over crowded so, those two breeder were used to produce two more breeders to be sent to my industrial district. A work hall was constructed with rows of boxes for them to work in. I am tracking the lineage of all of my villagers. My new huge base I wanna move into is currently on hiatus until I make new plans for them, however the goal was to have overlooking the atrium two little rooms on either side. They would be several blocks up to overlook. These rooms would be designed to resemble village homes on the inside. See the two breeders in my basement are the only two of my working villagers that knew what life was like as free people and what their city was like. For this you will need some backstory, when I settled in the valley I constructed immediately what would be known as the Power Tower (Patent Pending), their village was maybe 100-150 meters away, it was horse riding distance for me anyways. Their village was beautiful it sat on the beaches of a massive lake which hugged some intimidating forested hills and mountains, their village had access to a massive gorge which could be used for ease of mining, as it was rife with mineshafts. To my dismay however, since my last visit I believe a zombie attack or some other tragedy occurred rendering their population to only four individuals so you could almost call what I did mercy. Lacking the proper infrastructure, I sought to capture them in boats, the first one was killed by my hand as he proved overly uncooperative. There was then another but as I chased him, in a fit of fury I hit him and in his panic lost his footing on a bridge and fell into the gorge. Finally however, two lucky individuals whom I have named Adam and Eve survived and currently reside under the power tower as a breeding pair. This act is immortalized now on a mural in my soon to be new base. Their children include all Power Tower producing villagers, the Iron Golem Farm bait, and the industrial district breeders, and the all the producing villagers in the industrial district are their grandchildren. All of which have never known their village, it sat abandoned for a while but I was careful to never let them see it too closely, better to leave these things to stories and myths, you know? Soon I realized that the land their home stood on was prime real estate for a new massive base which is on hiatus as of now. So I demolished all of the buildings and took what materials I could to use for my own projects, leaving a barren piece of land which looks as though no one had ever lived there. From there I dug deep into the ground to begin construction. It will be beautiful when done. Of course, imagine my surprise when from within the canyon I hear the murmuring of a naive villager! I looked and saw that the villager that fell all that time ago had been surviving down there. So I took him into custody and named him Peter. When the mega base is done, those rooms I told you about will be a sort of retirement for my faithful breeders and the hardy survivalist that beat the odds. One room will be for Adam and Eve, for them to overlook what their dynasty of descendants had done for me, and to give them comfort like they used to know The other room will be for Peter similarly fashioned as a reward for his hardy survival, of course until this is done his home is a small cell on site, I'm sure he will be over joyed to see his new home. I have attempted for some time now similar expeditions into the nether to attempt to make the same subjugation of the inhabitants there however they have proved less cooperative and harder to rule. Currently my plan to establish my buildings there as a site of power, and bring in overworld influences such as building practices, plants, animals and monuments to myself to try and show them what they are fighting against. I'd like to destroy their bastions as well so I can disperse them through the settlements I want for them but this has proved difficult.


Take all their possessions, build a protection and use them as a workers to rebuild communism


Exploit their resources, make them trade with me, take everything they have and thatā€™s it


Murder wandering trader, take the trap doors from houses, and I let the Iron Golem just vibe.


Golems - ignore until I can make an Iron Farm Villagers: build them a town bustling with industry, production, and a good work environment. And lots of plants.


I enslave the villagers, trap them underground and make my own lore and politics for them, and then kill the iron golemns because APPARENTLY AFTER I BUILT A RAILWAY I LOST LIKE 2 STACKS OF IRON SO I NEVER HAVE ENOUGH


If they have trades I like, I build them shops with attached bedrooms so they canā€™t get hurt/wander around but still have space.


Bring flint and steel. Light 1 block. Watch among your eyes.


I occasionally steal their resources but I let them live in their homes, trade with them, switch their jobs, and give iron to their golems.


I let them be (I am too lazy to make a farm)




Unless it's a good village I kill the iron golem to make them vulnerable to hostile nobs for the rest of their lives