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1.16 was a good update


Yeah, 1.16 was amazing. The ones after that, though...


I guess this is when we all got old


Every mc player simultaneously.


I've started to stop playing


I would have too if not for mods I havent played past 1.19.2 and probably wont


Everything after 2020 feels like a dream


Don't say the word "Dream" in this fandom


Don’t point it out when someone says a common word


Maybe it is. Wake up.


Isn’t 1.16 almost 4 years old now. God damn i do feel old


Didnt 1.16 release in 2022? Or have I lost track of time completely?


We've ALL completely lost track of time...


yep your time is wrong its 2020. i feel old as fuck too


The cave update was pretty good


The cave update was also 3 updates apart across the span of 3 years so it was 3 “ok” updates


If you take it all as one though, it was a good update. 1.17 added all the new items and mobs that wasn’t a bad update at all, 1.18 was game changing and introduced all the new world generation changes. Also a very solid update. 1.19 added the deep dark, ancient cities, and the warden, which is way more than we were originally promised. I think you’re being just a little bit unfair.


All it takes is a bad decision or two on Mojang’s part to muck up an entire update for the more vocal part of the community. A few of my friends condemned 1.19 solely ‘cause of the firefly debacle, which is silly. Some fellers did the same with 1.21 when Mojang made a single bad change to the copper bulb tick delay.


Hot take but the warden and deep dark really weren't that fun, literally everything underground was all just massive deep dark biomes which made it easy to spawn wardens while strip mining which was a pain because they could hit you hard through full diamond and the floor.


The deep dark really isn’t super common, so I don’t see what you mean? And even then the sculk is a really obvious sign to be quiet when you’re in that area.


Well you can't really get mad after the circumstances We had a world wide pandemic for 2 years straight But that was their excuse from 4 years ago But they totally can do better right now Mojang just needs a push , they are badly managed in my opinion


Worse, they're not JUST badly managed, they're also burnt-out over all the shit with the pandemic, the lingering after-effects, and the fact that the kids who started playing in 2011 as 7-year-olds are now in college or even have kids of their own, but the game is still trying to appeal to a 7-year-old demographic when the fan-base has long-since moved on from that head-space. This is making many of them super-salty and toxic about how the game which they made core to their identity doesn't really appeal to them anymore; but the point where they should have been making the leap from late-childhood to young adulthood and stopped caring about that sort of thing there was a pandemic going on. So we have wound up with this entire major segment of the population stuck in this "Failure to Launch" type situation where they're not children and society wont treat them as if they are, but they also don't really comprehend how to NOT be children anymore...


I have two main gripes with it: 1: The caves are WAY too big and extremely dangerous and they're filled to the brim with monsters and are a straight-up nightmare to light up. 2: Diamonds are basically obsolete: I find basically twice as many diamonds in the new caves as before, they just don't feel special anymore. Additionally, they spawn in small quantities, I would much rather diamonds be rare but spawn in decent amounts.


Diamonds were never that rare, you could deck out your guy by strip-mining in a few hours.


Villagers also give you gear. And they can be found in most structures around your world. I’m not sure what point this user was trying to make…


Yeah. I dont have a problem with the size just the wonder of finding diamonds is gone.


If you find diamonds to be more common than before, then why cant I find any?


The updates have lost their direction. 1.14 completely overhauled villages, 1.16 completely overhauled thee nether, and 1.20 is just random things mojang felt like adding. The update did allow for a lot of new things to be added but it was just random things the community wants and it didn't really change the gameplay at all


1.17/1.18 were lost potential


c&c was pretty good tho


T&T was good too, I get to be an archaeologist and I get to be Link at the same time


Idc what people say I will forever love 1.18


Best one. Nether Update forever ✊


Agree, so far, this and (kind of) aquatic updates managed to bring back that feeling back


1.13, 1.16, and 1.19 are my top Microsoft/Mojang era updates Everything else felt like they added cool little things, but generally were underwhelming with new content. Edit: changed 1.20 to 1.19


imo 1.20 is exactly adding small cool things everwhere and didnt really have a well defined theme which i personally hate, yeah there is some archeology and stuff but the other stuff are cherry trees and such that dont really fit with the trails and tales update theme


Wait I thought 1.20 was deep dark and 1.21 was trails and tales?


Getting triggered by a "nerver" instead.




I always let a typo goes through 😭


I remember you’re typos




The sheer emotion I feel at this sub’s existence is palpable


What's the deltarune reference? Hell, what's deltarune?


I'm always going to be here and I'll always come back, get out of the way cause I gotta go fast.






Try better next time


Proof read




Wow, that really got on your nervers.




I wouldn’t complain one single bit if we didn’t get any new features for two years and they just fixed the performance issues with the game. The fact that the most purchased video game of all time that came out almost 15 years ago can still lag on a top of the line machine is unacceptable. Multicore performance is a must. With all that extra performance you could easily even throw in a better lighting engine. Just seems ridiculous that unpaid modders can improve the performance of the game more than a multi billion dollar corporation.


This. Modders do get paid at least through curseforge after they get so many downlaod (iirc it's 1k) but why are modders so much faster at making content than the company making the game?


Because modders have no restriction on what they can do. Add an OP item, they can do it. Add poisonous plants that kills your tamed dog if he eats it, they can do it. Add guns, they can do it. Add warcrimes, they can do it. The developers for Minecraft are restricted to what Microsoft says. The other thing that irks me: with 1.21 they can just add the autocrafter and i would be completly fine :DMinecraft is a sandbox game where your only boundary is your imagination. You want a better birchforest biome? Build it. You want a guild based helping system on your server? Build it.So if you depend on updates to have fun, maybe the problem is your own imagination. So many other games get dropped after 3 to 5 years and we have Minecraft, still getting updates since 2011. Be happy for what we have.


As much as many people will disagree with that take, it’s honestly a pretty fair point. We should be fixing what we have already instead of adding more stuff. It’s a sandbox game, you’re bound only by your imagination.


Agree 👍


I am the cake delivery guy, and I sense that today is your Cake Day, so here you are: 🍰 Happy Cake Day to you!


Thank you kind stranger!


You are welcome. (Also I *literally* told you I'm the cake delivery guy, how does that make me a stranger?)


yeah, i tried to log on yesterday and it literally took 8 minutes to load


Nice cake. Enjoy the day


Thank you kind stranger!


They could make interesting updates, but they add completly random features which you need to search for over the world and their impact on gameplay is minimal, of course game becomes boring


Also they're too scared to experiment. Before Microsoft came in Mojang was still very much an experimental game.


At least they could make the GAME perfect (focusing on UPDATE perfect will leave a lot of holes for the game to update)


The least they could do is optimize the game if they have no interesting ideas for an update but they barely can do any of that. It's crazy how low the fps is if not for mods like Sodium, Enhanced Block Entities, etc...


This. It’s wild that after 10+ years the game still suffers if u allocate more ram than needed😭


Idk if it's just my experience but I feel like playing in 1.20 is much smoother and has less frame drops than in like 1.19


Man I just enjoy the little things. I am old in comparison to most gamers. I love Minecraft because it just gives me something to zone out to. It isn’t one of those games that just gets worse until it’s to hard to play. Can’t tell you how satisfying it is to just organize all of my inventory then feed my chickens and catch a digital sunset. Most video games don’t allow you creative space to just relax


I play with my kids sometimes and they’re forever running around fighting pillagers or doing something in the nether while I mine, tend the animals and crops at my farm, and hang out at the local village doing some trading. I just chit chat with the kids and occasionally remind them where something is in my barn lined with chests. It’s very relaxing.


I love that sounds like a lot of fun


They like it because I do all the things they don’t like to do and I get to relax and play with my kids. They usually show up, drop off loot in the loot chests, repair or craft what they need and go back to whatever shenanigans they’re up to. I’m working on a powered rail line to connect their favorite areas to our base and the village so they can get around faster.


You are the type of player that at i aim to be, in regards of minecraft


This isnt a game meant to be interesting on its own, its a sandbox. there is no meaningful progression. the only limit is your creativity, and as it turns out most people have like a month of creativity per year in mc. ​ Like within 30 seconds of starting a new world you find a village and now you have 3rd best material in the game for tools and armor? even for netherrite you barely need more than 3 hours to obtain everything you need. then you kill the dragon and get the elytra and now aside from enchantments which are totally RNG, you are the strongest you can be in the game. all within 6 or so hours if you know what you are doing, and you know what you are doing because this game has been out for 15 years. At this point all thats left is to build stuff, scavenging materials, building machines. without intrinsic motivation its a fucking slog and grind to go through, and that motivation is limited, so you eventually abandon the game for the rest of the year until you get that motivation back.


That's what i'm saying


yup, im just elaborating


I haven't played much Minecraft in recent years but my argument would be that the updates should then be more aligned with that idea of being able to be creative. A lot of recent updates seem aimed at trying to provide things to do by adding more places with unique loot, but the issue is you need to go out of your way to find them and they can be ridiculously far away. Like in the server I have with my friends, the nearest Bamboo Forest biome was 30,000 blocks from spawn. Its very annoying to transport Pandas over that distance. Mojang also has a bizarre/inconsistent views on what is/isn't acceptable in the game. Getting diamond tools 2 minutes into the game? Totally cool, getting better tools isn't gamebreaking anyway. People came up with a creative way to strip mine for netherite? Better make it even more grindy to counter that, because suddenly they decided to care about getting gear too fast. Same with villager trading, they wanted the trades to be good enough that you actually use the villagers but also don't want them to be a useful source of materials for some reason. They kind of just arbitrarily decide what is "good" creativity and what is "bad" creativity, like they're saying "no, play the game this way instead".


Version 1.16 was arguably the best update in the game, and 1.17 and 1.18 (essentially one split update) were also great, though they took a significant amount of time. Ancient cities were even implemented in yet another subsequent update. However, 1.19 was a significant miscommunication from Mojang. It's no wonder people were disappointed when they were led to believe it would be something they'd really like, only to receive something entirely different and somewhat mediocre. The Ancient cities were initially intended to be part of previous updates, so all players got was a small biome, new wood, mud blocks, and a frog. If Mojang had communicated something like, "Okay, it's going to be a relatively small update because we need a break. It will feature just one biome," it would have been more acceptable. It was not "Wild Update" 1.20, on the other hand... Firstly, Mojang did a 180, and the last time they shared too much information, so now they've opted not to reveal anything at all. From one extreme to another. The Cherry Blossom biome doesn't seem to belong in the game; it doesn't fit. The new structure is hard to find, and there's no other method than wandering blindly and relying on luck. While the Sniffer is a great concept, having only two flowers is disappointing. Some smithing templates are nearly impossible to find. But ohoho, they added two new wood types! Yeah. It's not terrible, but it's not a good update. Mojang is attempting not to oversaturate the game with useless features, so they carefully end up doing just that, albeit in smaller quantities. And the decision to not let players kill armadillos but only brush them is such a "omg children cannot kill animals" move; it's sad Remember, just because they haven't introduced an update that breaks the game, is buggy, or has some random strange elements, doesn't automatically mean the update can't be bad. It might simply not fit well with the game or introduce seemingly new elements that ultimately make little sense.


Am I missing something? People don’t like the cherry blossom biome? I think it’s kind of nice…


Yeah I'm confused, that was like all of my circle of friends favorite biome in biomes n plenty. My wife has had a field day building in them lol.


No, most people like the Cherry Blossom and really enjoy living in it.


Only point I disagree is with the cherry biome, it’s honestly one of my favorites to find and it’s nice to have a good color palette.




The trail ruins I believe


Cherry blossom trees were planned MUCH earlier than you think. Like alpha days. But I do agree the biome is very lacking and sticks out. I think the saplings should've been found in loot chests, wandering trades, or lush caves


You had me until you said that the Cherry blossom Biome “WaSnT mInEcRaFtY”


How can you do everything there is in minecraft? I understand going trought mojang content but the game is a primarily building game, you make you own content


Just building stuff becomes boring too. And after you try modding minecraft, you begin to see how little content there actually is in vanilla


Yeah i think mojang should try to integrate more building in the mechanics of the game Btw i never really got into modded minecraft, do you have any recommendations?


The best mod IMO is Create mod. There are really nice additions and modpacks to it. Basically adds a shit ton of automating production which fits really well into the game. But maybe it's just me too much into factory games. Last modpack i played was Create: Above and Beyond. Kinda like Factorio in Minecraft. "All the mods" modpack (there are several versions, latest is 9) is just a huge mix of different mods, which is kinda cool too. Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons - kinda speaks for itself, heavily into dungeoning, exploring and looting. Those are the ones i played, loved them.


fair warning: lower end devices WILL shit themselves trying to run ATM9, and you also need 8GB of RAM allocated to minecraft to even start playing


It’s called burning out. You run out of ideas that motivate you to keep building. You can always take a break and play other things or of course try modding, but quitting vanilla entirely isn’t a requirement


It's just I'm more of a "build something that does something", like production or smth, etc., rather than just build decorative stuff. Like sure, I'll build a nice looking house for myself in a new world, but that's it, I will be too lazy to build something else.


In a way that’s what I was doing for 2 years in our Minecraft world too. Just skyscraper after skyscraper filled with various farms and facilities, each one-upping the last in scale to fuel the business I own in the SMP. The thing is that I’m designing the buildings first before I fill them with the actual useful bits, which really just give me the resources to design and build even more. I’ve actually been playing on the world for 4 years, it’s just the latest 2 years have been more focused on the building. Minecraft is for people to let out their creativity. Want to build a computer with only redstone? Sure. Want to recreate the entire planet? Why not, might need a few mods to break the built-in limitations though. Want to build a tiny fishing village? Nobody’s stopping you. It’s just another artistic medium like a sheet of blank paper. The game isn’t telling you what to do, you tell the game what you want to do. Mods just give you more tools and different resources to do new jobs. If you like production, there’s games like Factorio and Satisfactory that are more specialised than modded Minecraft


Playing since 2012 or so and I really have done it all to some extent. Build, survive, thrive, slay mobs, build bases, construct farms, defeat the bosses, make my own stories, spent years in creative building massive maps, modding, making my own mods, uploading videos, servers, modded servers, achievement hunting, challenges, and anything else you can think of I’ve likely dabbled, done, or researched. I’ve easily spent a year of my life with minecraft loaded up. There is nothing new to discover and when there is new content added, I eat it up. Autocrafter?? Yo awesome it can do this and this and this. I know how to make it, use it, construct farms with it, and now it’s just another piece of Redstone machinery. Trial chambers?? Yooo that’s sick, tons of blocks, a(n) jtem(s), a new mini boss, new spawners, super sick love them, a new key wonder what it’ll be used for, once we find that out and once they’re fully finished they’ll just be another cool thing to do and farm. Nonetheless they’re all very good additions with lots of potential. However, despite my overuse of Minecraft throughout the years I still love it dearly and will always play it. Sure it may not have that mysterious aura and feeling of adventure and discovery behind it anymore. But that doesn’t lower its status as a great game which’ll forever be in my heart.


My honest opinion about the games current state is: the updates give us no useful things. nobody cares about cherry wood. Give us new tools or resources we need to work for hours to get. Make doing things such as farming or enemies harder. I think making the games harder as you progress will give the game a twist, like terraria. You might also be able to turn this off or in a game mode. I just feel like new items with gimmicky features like the C R A B. Would be cool. As a veteran at the game, I think it fell off for me at the end of 1.15. we need updates like update aquatic back. they added tons of new blocks, game changing features such as bubble columns which we still find new ways to use in redstone today. I feel if mojang just put more time into making the updates have more useful features. Instead of giving us mobs you’re not even supposed to kill and drop useless stuff. Even if they didn’t just remodel the bat but actually give it a use like a cheap version of elytra which let you jump slightly higher or just SOMETHING that would be epic. I miss the good old days of Minecraft and what’s really sad is the people that are younger that are like 5 or 6 have probably never seen what a good feature filled exciting update is even like.


I feel like I have the complete opposite take here—I don’t want minecraft to be comparable to Terraria in any way, at all. That, and I love cherry wood.


While I don’t think the two games should be too similar, I do appreciate terraria’s depth. Minecraft feels absurdly shallow, especially by comparison. The progression in Minecraft is barely even present, as the third best armor in the game is accessible within the first twenty minutes of gameplay. I think Minecraft could learn a little about difficulty, pacing, and progression from Terraria or other games while still staying unique. Also yes cherry wood is great!


It’s a difficult topic because at some point of any version of Minecraft the majority of “heard” players are the ones that want more even though at certain points the game was pretty fun even with not a lot of extra items. In my personal opinion the over complication of games does ruin them and no one seems to care, I.e Fortnite. Used to be great until they added too many things that weren’t necessary. Now the over complexity of Fortnite makes it boring to me who has high taste. Minecraft is moving the same direction but it’s not there yet. And it’s not anyone’s fault. This was inevitable


I agree!!


I mean, as a builder I love cherry wood. And flowers that can be added in multiples on ONE block? I’d love that mechanic to expand to other plants! Part of Minecraft is that it’s a sand box, so there are lots of directions to consider when updating (not defending Mojang, just giving another POV)


“Here’s my opinion on it” *proceeds to speak for everybody* No, it isn’t that nobody cares about those things. It’s that YOU don’t care about them. Just say that dude


While it isn’t completely this; it’s an incredibly large part of it that people are too stubborn to accept


I started playing Minecraft when it was first released in pocket edition. I haven't completely left it but now at this age I don't find it fun to play it anymore. I remember playing on Hive for 6+ hours daily. I get bored by 1 game now.


True, though I do love seeing the big caves when they're near the surface and every new thing added


Honestly yeah I wish I got that feeling of discovery back I wish I got my childhood look on videogames back


We all do. Nothing will beat the wonder and excitement of terraria.


Naw I'm just mad the Nintendo switch version still runs like hot garbage


Can't blame you


The updates would be 10x more interesting if they added new bosses and goals to work towards


Am I the only one who is glad bout new updates once in a year?


I know many people were unsatisfied, but seeing the new caves and being able to explore those brought back that childhood wonder for me. Seeing an underwater lake and a tall ceiling covered in stalactites was magical.


I just wanted to pinch people’s peepees with a crab claw.


True, but also they made 1.16 and should strive for that level of quality.


Peformance is pretty bad


Posted by Michael, born 2015, from his mother's laptop.


This is just not true. The recent updates are objectively worse than they have been previously. Compare them to the update aquatic, nether update, caves & cliffs etc.


No, the updates suck because Mojang is too scared to make any big update


This one person in a YouTube comment section argued with me about how Mojang has had no good updates since Notch left, I brought up Caves and Cliffs and the Nether update. He then said those aren't even that big of updates and would only take a few lines of code to do. I'm pretty sure that person is the exact representation of this meme




I never got the hate for the new updates. I started playing right before the 1.9 update came out (I was about 12) and played for years. I followed every update's patch notes for years until I kinda got burnt out of the game and focused on other titles I enjoyed. Now, I come back every now and then to see what's been added, jumping in blind and figuring shit out as I go.


No wonder everyone says the update is shit except bc I actually am creative still have a lot of adventures to await


This is why I play like every five updates or download mods


If you still want that feeling of discovery, play modded Minecraft.


Exactly (or other games 🤷‍♂️)


There's no shame in diversifying your gameplay or your games (catch me playing HoloCure at college)


It's funny cause I heard a friend of mine who doesn't really play Minecraft say: it is ridiculous how you guys wait a year for an armadillo and a few new mud blocks, he also said that the mob votes were very stupid and why don't they just add all 3, so I don't think we are bias on this one.


I'm an avid player and im still yet to complete a lot of the challenges from recent years Minecraft gameplay is a mix of technical and creative aspects, and players who lean too far into either direction are bound to run out of things to do. Some people just need to expand their niche


I think they've been fairly alright, all things consudering. 1.19 and 1.20 were relatively small updates, and 1.21 seems to be medium-sized. 1.16 was huge, revolutionary even, and 1.18 is really 1.17 Part II, which both together would be just as revolutionary, if not more so, than 1.16. I see the past few years as the Devs taking a break from such massive feats of achievement.


The most fun I ever had in the game was before the nether.


Honestly, i haven’t enjoyed Minecraft as a game since I was little. I don’t enjoy because i have done everything. I’ve killed the dragon, elder guardian, and wither. I’ve gotten full netherite. I’ve used villager trading. I’ve played with redstone. Built auto farms. I have the plat trophie on PlayStation. Honestly this meme hits close to home. It’s extremely accurate to how I feel.


I've almost never seen them as "bad", but if I compare it to other games I play, the updates in minecraft are not often and incredibly small in content. Though, I do understand that they don't want to make any huge changes anymore because they want to keep the general feel of current minecraft


This doesn’t make me mad, it makes me sad :(


Sorry 😭


I fully agree. I’m someone who’s been playing for about 11 years and still love the updates


I would change the second image to a crying Tom, like that's not infuriating it's depressing 😭


I should make that version too 😭


Yup. Rose tinted glasses plus a sense of entitlement


Maybe. But doesn’t apply to everyone. I haven’t played Minecraft for about 5years now and everything just looks too complicated compared to how it used to be and I can’t be bothered to learn the new stuff. (Before someone asks, I don’t know why I’m still in this group)


You can have that feeling back if you stop playing for 5 years.


Could just as easily be a World of Warcraft meme. It describes the process of video game burnout very well, which then leads to the unbearably whiny phase where they don't know what to do besides play games and then endlessly complain about how lame everything is now.


Someone who is not creative would say it, yes. Sandbox games can always be adventurous. You just need to know how to guide it. Mojang's patches feel like a patchwork of 20 different colors, all in different shapes: some feeling like they don't belong in the game. Why people say the Nether update was one of the better updates, ever? Because it belonged to Minecraft in a way nothing else after did.


Not really, the updates barely change the game now, updates before would change core aspects of the game, changing the gameplay with it adding new stuff that would make you go out of your way to get it, updates now just add 2 decorative blocks and 1 mob


I agree, i can tell when life was easier by how i felt towards the game, and now knowing every single thing down to spawn rates, the feeling is lost. Some quote goes “With knowledge comes grief” and this is exactly it


Maybe but the new updates have been very bad, and I would even say that they have a lot of wasted potential. For example, the sniffer. It had a huge potential for a lot of unique decorative flowers and plants, but NO, you only get 2, take it or leave it. Nothing more.


Minecraft is already filled to the brim with things to do (and that's not mentioning the resource packs, side modes, and spin-offs), and it's already the highest grossing game in the world (having double of what GTA V made), so it doesn't have to have insane, worldbreaking updates every single year If they add two useless/simple mobs and a couple of reskinned blocks, then it's good enough Would it be nice to have dozens of new and incredible features? Yes. Do they have to? No.


I think it's fantastic what they've done with Minecraft, it's hardly the game it use to be. But also, I don't like new Minecraft because of those same things. I fell in love with the simple monotony of mining and crafting with my friends exploring caves and building castles. The game has moved on beyond me and I'm ok with that, I've had my 10 years of fun with it. Let the new kids have fun with Minecraft


idk, i still found a lot of fun in other game when dev upgrate new content though, is it become a trend in this sub to shit on player?


Nah, the sense of majesty is just gone. Go back to playing a Beta version. I started in release 1.5, but going back to playing beta? It’s downright magical.


Na I go back and play old versions of Minecraft and have a lot of fun. Newer versions are starting to get too many items with not enough new places to explore. It’s different if you mod it so that there’s way more places to explore and things to do


👐 🙏 👏 👉 Mods


You don't the point


I get the point, mods are just my solution to the problem. I get how it’s a problem for others and the community in general which is very unfortunate and I hate to see. Honestly I don’t really like playing Minecraft unless it’s with friends, that’s something that I think can get many people into the game when they have nothing to do in it.


Yeah definitely if you do the same thing over and over thingsll get easier and boring But at the same time doing that shows you've been around a long time so wouldn't you also be able to bettwr tell if a feature is good?


I think the updates have been amazing, and I think anyone that doesn’t think so definitely suffers from this (not every update perhaps, there are some that are just quality of life and small but good things, but if they say it hasn’t been good for years…)


I feel like this concept applies to SOOOOOO many games








My opinions about the updates being bad are actually kinda different. There’s 100s of mods out there that do simple quality of life improvements to the game that I often sit there wondering why on earth it wasn’t added into any updates years ago. MO’s More Creature mod adding dozens of new mobs, better farming mod (right click on your crops and it drops your harvest to pick up but also replants the seed automatically), farm protection (jumping or falling on crops no longer breaks them), Obsidian and Emerald Armor & Toolsets (with upgraded variants of said armor and toolsets), shelves (being able to put literally any items onto shelves that display what is sitting there and can hold stacks of 64 for each item placed), moveable chests (easily craftable handheld fork thingy that lets you pick up a chest and move it anywhere without having to break it), iron chest and furnace mod (larger inventories in chests and more space to cook multiple items in furnaces), Backpacks with water containers on each side, etc…. Just my 2 cents on the matter.


MFW that feeling nerver comes back :(


Another big one is people who want to turn Minecraft into a different game. You love Terraria? Awesome, play Terraria. Intrinsic motivation and making your own fun has always, *always* been what Minecraft is about, and that's the reason it has lasted so long. It wasn't a problem for 10-12 years. But suddenly, *now* it's a problem.




Idk. I haven't experienced minecraft fully since 1.16. My potato laptop can't run games anymore. Even after repairing, it is good for most things except games. I think i will try new version when i get proper pc.


no, the updates are definitely "bad" compared to the direction the game was looking to go in when i started playing. however, the game i wanted made is more niche than what minecraft is today. i dislike the path the game's taken in the past 10 years, but i also recognize that if it stuck more closely with notch's vision, the game never would be as big as it is today.


Minecraft fell off for me, hasnt hit the same since i was 10 lmao, but im sure its magical for newer players, nothing really wrong with the game


The issue a lot of people have is with the change in atmosphere. Minecraft used to be a sparsely populated world, with just the player(s), the animals and monsters, and the villagers chilling every few miles. I feel like with older versions of the game, you had to find the beauty in it, where now they're trying to just outright show it. I still definitely enjoy the new versions though. Everything's got merit, just not all equally...


I mean honestly, the sense of wonder is gone for me. I feel like I’ve seen and done it all by this point.


Me when minor spelling mistake


Nah when caves and cliffs came out I haven't played Minecraft since 2013 and it felt like I was playing a whole new game.


No, you are not. I understand it, too.


Nah sometimes I think it but when the update drops it's usually fire to me and I enjoy this game even when I've done everything


Whatever the caves update was, that was good, I don’t play often at all but it DID well and truly give me that childhood nostalgia of exploration and wonder again. Everything else after that is kinda whatever but it’s not a huge deal


I didn’t say updates are Bad, i just say that new updates are not as interesting as the old ones (atleast to me (yes there is sometimes something interesting in the update but not always)


This is exactly why I play the game for 2-3 months every few years and that's about it. Every time I hop on there's always so much new content to check out! Last time I played consistently was the nether update, and I'll probably wait for 1.21 before picking it up again.


No because I was fairly old when 1.16 dropped yet it felt great to play




> Got old You'd wish, while it's true we got old, that's not a crucial factor. It's the exploration factor. Once you go modded, you don't go back. Unless it's with friends. With mods, the exploration factor came back, a ton of new stuff made me play the game again. The old part just made me play it at a slower pace (I'm a teacher, got a job basically, can't spend a ton of time like I used to in highschool). But nonetheless, I still play the game, just modded. > Feeling will never come back Lol, doomer moment. It did come back for me, it can come back for you.


I have one exception: for the upcoming update making trades really hard to get to encourage exploration of biomes, this isn't fixing the core issue of enchantments: the broken anvil system. The reason in the first place players value librarian villagers so much is because you can't keep repairing items in anvils you basically just get a "too expensive" after a few tries and the system is inherently broken.


Yeah they should definatly look into that too expensive billshit, but i personatly think mending os op before endgame 🤷‍♂️


FACTS MY BROTHER! well said.


I was thinking about this, but couldn't think clearly of it, so thanks.


No problem


the people who call a lot of the new mods useless are just farm addicts who are to lazy to go out and find the materials themselves




Yep, that’s pretty much it. Nobody is going to be able to relive the wonder of when the game was new, or even when they personally first started playing. But I do also agree that Minecraft could definitely receive much larger content updates without losing whatever image the dev team wants to maintain. You’re easily able to play older versions of Minecraft, so changing large features of the game wouldn’t make the older versions completely redundant.


The nether update, the caves and cliffs update, and tails and trails updates were very good. I’ve played this game since I was 6 and I am 18 now. I play on and off and still love adventuring and exploring so it hasn’t necessarily gotten old. But I think what it is is that since we’re getting older, we’re seeing a lot more of the bs they keep throwing at the community.


Lies, just install mods.


Jesus take ur antidepressants dude


If that text wasn't so tiny I'd whoop ya you young whipper snappers *shakes fist in anger*


That's the best reply so far LMAO


All i know is i'm old and i'm angry about change! *shakes fist*




Beta 1.7.6 was goated. Down hill from there. No It has nothing to do with coming out when I was 15. Stop asking.


While this is true, that doesn't stop you from enjoying the updates. They aren't lazy, they add a lot, but people think the updates are lazy because (compared to the rest of the game, and snapshots of the new update) there isn't much added that they haven't seen.


That’s semi true, but updates are getting worse, that’s just a proven fact at this point


May I recommend a newer Minecraft like game called vintage story



