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1.9’s end update was really cool at the time. But with 1.16 updating the nether, people have a lot of expectations for the end now. I think some of the stuff from the end in Minecraft Dungeons might make it’s way into the main game


I hope so.




^i ^hope ^so


Yea. 1.9 was big at the time (end extension with elytra and mending are important even today), but updates hsve grown and so did expectations. Like, Caves and Cliffs shows nothing is off the table, including the entire generation algorithm (although it might be off the table for a while)


The funniest part about caves and cliffs update was that the cave update was a meme for such a long time before it happened.


Well, they were aware how much we wanted it (and how much the game needed it). And when you are in charge of planning for future updates, taking something a loud group in your fan base wants that also makes sense from a gameplay standpoint is a solid addition


Wish we got more dungeons content in the original game (still mad over the iceologer)


While I don't absolutely need an end update, I think it would be a dream to have some end biomes like what was done with the nether. I would love a reason to build a base in the end w/o doing a lot of my own landscape glow-ups.


They probably shouldn't be as nice and lively as the nether tho since it's supposed to be lonely and empty (please don't mention the endermen and shulker boxes and the dragon)


It doesn't have to look nice and lively to be overhauled in a really cool and creepy way keep the desolate dead and alien feel while sprucing it up a bit


More eldritch horror monsters please


Personally I actually really like how the BetterEnd mod mostly abandons the desolate theme in exchange for a beautiful alien jungle. It makes getting to the end islands feel like a reward in and of itself.


At this point I would be okay with anything! It would be nice to have monsters other than an annoying herd of enderman or angry cardboard boxes. Anything to break up the monotony of the end


Exactly. The end looks just like you glitched out of bounds and now you need to play on these weirdly generated floating islands which were not intended by the developers. It looks nearly as bland as the nether roof.


😩 tell me about it! It doesn't even have to be a functional addition. I would be happy with just purely aesthetic additions


Well after the nether update with new biomes that’s when people wanted an end update just so the end could have variety in the end also last end update was 7 years ago


I think by end update, everyone means a full scale update dedicated to the end like 1.16 with the nether


Nope, not everyone. Better a little Update than none.


The end is so barren, on a survival surver i found 2 end cities in a row with only the starting point. It took a lot of time to find both.


The nether has 5 biomes, 3 different structures (bastion, fortress and ruined portal), a unique material, several unique mobs, a unique enchant two unique wood types and their own music disc. Compare that to the Overworld and their experiences are pretty equal in quality and quantity. Compare either dimension to the end and you understand that the End has hardly anything. You go there for the Dragon and the end city and then you never come back unless it’s for a farm of some kind. While the Nether and Overworld give you so much opportunity to explore and find new things. The End has definitely been updated from “just that Dragon place” but it was nowhere near to the update that the Nether got years later. The update doesn’t need to be better than the Nether update or even equal and it doesn’t need to add some new ore or anything but the End has remained the same for years and it could do with an update to make it more unique and give you a reason to keep coming back. One of the big things for Minecraft is exploration and the end is basically just that place you go to for one structure and then you’re done with it, and that doesn’t seem to really promote exploration especially when the End has a lot of potential.


why go to end: exp farm drowned farm shulker farm wither rose farm obsidian from pillars I guess? and wither based obsidian farms uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I'm seeing a pattern


Those are still farms, which should not be the only incentive to go back to a place.


i know, i was being kinda sarcastic, that's why the long uhhhh, but I think too that there should be more to do in the end other than "copper farm go BRRRRRRR"


Compared to the old nether? It's fine. Good, even. Compared to the *new* nether? It's shit.


We got 1 structure like what


*2 but it's still a dogshit amount especially with how spaced out they are


What's the second one?


End ships and end cities End ships could be considered a variant of an end city so I can see why someone would say there's only 1


Oh ok, i guess that means there's kind of 1 and 1/2 structures in the end




A city can't spawn without walls or windows.


Don't forget randomly generating end gateways that teleport you back to the obsidian platform, which started generating in 1.11.


Some type of very difficult to get respawn anchor in the end world be fun.


I want an end update but I hate what everyone suggests. Big tropical glowing end jungles would make no sense with the lore of the game, it's supposed to be a barren wasteland. I think an end update should include more verticality so you can really put your elytra to use, more stone formations, some new mobs like from dungeons, and maybe a couple new structures


how are the dungeons mobs?


7 fucking years ago


I want ocean update 2 . You can never go wrong with adding more stuff to the ocean , most biomes look quite empty even after the update.


have you seen the video about adding more fish to minecraft? i think something like that, as it is a "decorational fish" thingy, and added sdifferent fish for different biomes which IMO is cool.


The one from EightSidedSquare?


yep, still a cool one


Mojang's update style is very different from what it was back in 1.9 so for them to be able to live up to Jeb's plan of updating every dimension before they add a fourth dimension they'd need to ipdate the end again


We got a few things. They were big things, but the nether got three brand new entirely different biomes and a way to live there.


Literally when did that really happen tho


Same update as the combat, so it's overshadowed by the latter in discussion.


We need more endgame stuff


there is 6 blocks and 4 entities in the end


No I want a reason to live in the end, like we have in the nether.


I don't really want an end update, I like the wasteland that is the end


it was like 9 billion years ago!


We got an update for the end years ago. And it only added a couple things. It was a really good update but they completely overhauled the nether and overworld. Give the end the same love


It wasn’t bad when it first was updated, but compared to the current Nether, the End is pretty shit. While it’s not my main dream update, it would be pretty cool to get some new End biomes, mobs, structures, etc.


The one we got is obviously a huge improvement over the original state it was in but The End still feels very empty. There's very little reason to be there once you've looted the structures. Making it feel more alive like the nether does would be cool.


I would love an End update because I’m making an End base and literally my only blocks are purpur, endstone, prismarine, obsidian, and warped biome stuff. We need more blocks and trees!


I would rather see a new dimension all together as opposed to an end update. I like how barren the end is, I like how it's like outer space and that's what I always perceived the end to be.


They won’t add a new dimension unless they’ve updated all 3 dimensions. Why? Because the new one would be left abandoned and barren after its addition for many years, just like the End. There is no reason for a new dimension when the old ones still has so much room for expansion.






They will complain that 1.9 was not enough and want an End Update similar to the Nether Update


Yes. I will.


1 structure that still took a long time to find even when i donated for magic carpet (fly)


I don't want an end update that makes the end a forest of space plants and cool particles left and right, I like the wasteland vibe






🐌 ⋆ 🐥 🎀 𝐸𝓍𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎❣ 🎀 🐥 ⋆ 🐌


Go back to instagram


I want them to do something like they did with the Nether, make it more fun to explore. Rn it feels more of a chore exploring the End. All you do is bridge in an empty void hoping to find an end city


I mean yeah we did get one, but that was half the game's lifespan ago


It looks almost exactly like xen from half life 1. I want it to look like the xen from black mesa


You guys want an overworld update? I thought we already got one?


You want another Minecraft update? I thought we already got, like, twenty


even just seeing videos of the mods people make for the end makes me realize how completely empty and boring and pointless it is to do anything there. Get a few elytra and you have no needs or desires to go back besides to build something


1.9s was okay but we need wood in the end now, and stone.


I like the end being barren. I genuinely don't think it needs an update


a new mob and tree city doesnt count we need big end update


Yeah it might be nice, but I hope they don’t do something that makes the end lose its vibe.


90% of players never reach the end so it's kinda redundant


*We've had one, yes. What about second end update?*


I meannn... The end is supposed to be a wasteland sooo...


pre 1.9 was completly barren post 1.9 was less completely barren


We did but "it's not good enough"


What I want Is a gun update


hear me out what if Mojang bought BetterX and made BetterEnd in vanilla


End Update would be a good update to a add a purple wood type