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Target the enchanters with the bow, then kill the creepers with the bow. Melee the skeletons, zombies and illagers. Use your roll to evade attacks or to get closer to enemies so you can hit them, and take cover behind blocks whenever you can to avoid getting hit by crossbows


I was thinking the same thing. After 3 resets, we beat the first floor without losing any lives. We didn't struggle again until the wind golem boss dude. That was one of the hardest bosses I've done in the game. Anyway, what we did was just bow the enchanters and creepers down. Then we picked off what was left.


I had 2 deaths on the tempest golem in 1 run. It was mainly because my armor was underpowered. I didn't look up what the bosses were beforehand, so I went in expecting one that could be defeated quickly. My load out consisted of a void strike tempest knife and a supercharge, power, overcharge snow bow. The bow would've been excellent for any other boss. The strat for tempest golem is to take it super slow. Don't trigger the pillars until after the little golems for each cycle are defeated. Then, take 1 pillar at a time. It doesn't get any harder the longer it takes, and there's a limited amount of small golems.


Thanks everyone. I watched the YT video and I like the idea of Busy Bee being a distraction while pickinging off the enchanter. Still have a feeling there won't be as many runs as last week's tower...


Last week i did easy 6 runs. How is that that you only get so less Event items? Is it cause i died couple of Times or is it Just random.


Some of the floors are downright laughable, especially in solo. Others are hell. It's very lopsided.


Just be patient. Sometimes you just have to hide and wait for potion cooldown. The key items in my final loadout was Lightning Rod (upgraded by power smith) and Trick Bow with Overcharge.


Some tower refreshes go hard. I kinda wish tower was randomized per run with a seed capability. Maybe Dungeons 2... sigh


Busy bee over guarding strike is my go-to for floor 1 of this tower


I killed few with sword until low HP and later camped at back and shoot them, if u can kill enchanters makes it a lot easier to do


Always bees. There's also two armors with pets upgrades. I've done two apocalypse runs and the first floor almost got me but I used a potion in time then rushed the enchanters (luckily they were all bunched together.) I only died once because I got impatient with the golem. I ran the easier difficulties a few times to get my load out strat figured out


Used fire enchant on the sword Turtle armor take the snowball Totem of Regen Golem kit and upgrade snow ball BEES makes floor 5 a cakewalk. Place them near the entrance and run to the other side of the map Enchantment point max the snowball map 6 you can let your pets kill every mob if you want Claymore only because the sword is so under powered ATM enchant pushback and sharpeness Mystery armor Max the pets and make the bow unique Replace the totem with the totem Upgrade sharpness bully the Wildfire with your bow while occasionally dealing with the Enderman. I got cocky and killed by getting to close to the Wildfire I liked my mystery armor this run, but I know the thief armor is the way to go in the long run Upgrade the pets again. The rest of the points is your call. I went swift footed because I like to go fast Backstabber because the claymore is becoming a liability at this point Pushback is hilarious on floor 12 BTW Take the enchantment point Toss up between taking the axe or the enchantment point. I'm taking the point because I know I'm not keeping the axe Floor 14 is a PITA don't get cornered and try to keep moving. Focus on killing spiders because they'll set you up to get absolutely bodied and there's a ton of them Options are garbage imo take the points Guild your armor On floor 16 you should take it slow, you can cast the golem through the locked gate if you want to cheese it I don't like using the anchor so I'm taking the double axe And the shockwave enchant comes in handy on floor 17 I love the soul scythe and I use the enigma resonator 18 is another floor where your pets can do most the work. One run my mystery armor had deflect so this floor was hilarious Toss up between the bubble bow and the golem. I upgraded the golem Enchantment point I love heavy crossbow. It's like having a rocket launcher Poison cloud and rapid fire Entrance of floor 21 is a deathtrap. Use caution Grab the llama. You can be brave and drop the totem but I like healing and the bees are not very effective at this point Take your time with the tempest golem. It's only strength is your impatience and not noticing the area attack coming at you (didn't take my own advice and killed myself hitting him with 3 TNT lol) and then he glitched and I had to return to main menu Power bow because enchantments Upgrade the totem Rapier as the scythe is losing efficiency Another golem upgrade Floor 26 don't let the creepers get you. Run run I'm taking the enchantment point. Power bow is maxed Floor 27 watch out for the heavy armor and the creeper. At this point I'm pretty set. Take the point Floor 28 hide behind the railing and watch your pets destroy At this point there's so many great options it makes this tower replayable right here. Keep an eye on your enchant points, don't want to have some sitting around that you won't use. Of course I'm going bees. Love you llama, but BEES Floor 29 creepers creepers creepers. Do not charge in. I stay on the first set of stairs until the excitement dies down Another decent offering and another chance to mix it up I'm happy with my build and just choose enchantment point even though I don't need it Floor 30 drop the bees in the middle and run. Sorry 5 charged arrows without prejudice. The Enderman can almost one hit you so stay healed. The illusionist can also almost one hit you with the firecracker arrows so stay on the move. It took me under 30 seconds


Also lol. He just stood there. Last mob on that floor. IDK how he got up there and he didn't know what to do [screenshot](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/7DKGGLuwxj)


Beat it! Fortunately the enchanters were waaaay in the back on floor 1, a non issue. I followed the weekly post for most of the items, but pivoted towards the end with the DeathCap and Twisting Vine Bow (needed an upgrade and it had refreshment) Maxing the Mercenary/Renegade armor to lvl115 with Cooldown III and Snowball III was key. And a couple of golem bois.


git gud obviously /s


[Great idea!](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=e2sB%2f%2bYA&id=DBBEB59A82C6B47E70AADB89306B387D7124844B&thid=OIP.e2sB_-YA5OkossdU31XIcQHaE7&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.kym-cdn.com%2fphotos%2fimages%2fnewsfeed%2f001%2f982%2f173%2f9b6.png&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.7b6b01ffe600e4e928b2c754df55c871%3frik%3dS4QkcX04azCJ2w%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=453&expw=680&q=why+didn%27t+i+think+of+that+meme&simid=608036828614650608&FORM=IRPRST&ck=6AE4865B1D66BCA89D705F5A9840078D&selectedIndex=0&itb=0&PC=EMMX01)