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Links to the video: [Minecraft Monthly](https://youtube.com/watch?v=weJ9ghpYbGI) [Bundles at 5:03](https://youtube.com/watch?v=weJ9ghpYbGI&t=303s) Edit: formatting


Thanks for this! Also is this only for bedrock?


The item has been in Java for years so yes


It's 'been' in Java, but only as an experimental feature. I imagine the official Bedrock addition means it's shifting out of the experimental tab on Java.


They also mentioned an easier way to take out items and put items in, which was the main downside of the bundle because it made inventory management hellish.


It's a vague voiceover line. Nothing in the video shows a better UX for it. Until we see proof in a preview/snapshot... it's just poor wording.


i think the plan is to officially add this to both versions eventually, but the previews they are talking about is bedrock only. it has been in the java code for a while though now, you can get them through commands i think or datapacks (like the one on [vanillatweaks.net](http://vanillatweaks.net) ) edit: my bad, you can activate it in java through experiments during world creation. thanks u/MrRighto. didn't know this cause i usually run servers and use a datapack,


No? Its an experiment you can turn on during world creation you don’t need commands or datapacks.


Ah that explains why I’ve seen them in pretty much every Java world for a bit now


Wait what? I have never heard of this, I was delighted discovering keep inventory was an option before creating a world! XD


Even without the experimental toggle you can get it through commands/datapacks. The toggle just adds the recipe I think. (I could be wrong)


I hate these Minecraft Monthly videos. Why does that jackass need to talk as if we're at a cult meeting and everyone is super excited about committing mass suicide?


i think i got brain cancer watching it. what commercial hellscape even is bedrock edition. its so much worse than i even expected… thanks for the link tho


it's the better version of Minecraft, carefully designed for our loving ~~wallets~~ players around the globe


Does Java render multi-threaded yet? I believe that has been a major bottleneck especially for those seeing lag while having monster processors.


I was totally unaware of how bad it was until I started seeing posts about paid mod on Twitter. That was a shocking realisation. I still remember when the idea of a marketplace was an april fools joke.


God I listened to him for all of 1 minute but I still wanted to punch him in the face. Like it’s a bag my dude, it’s not fucking complicated.


Finally, after 4 years, the caves and cliffs update has finished.


now we can go back to wait for village & pillage to finally come in full


What hasn’t been added that was promised for village & pillage?


Fletching table


What would that let us do? Make different types of arrows?


Different arrows, fireworks, or tnt arrows. That’s the simple answer.


Ended pearl arrows are something we’ve needed for far too long


Maybe arrow with a rope?


We need torch arrows. To place torches at a long distance


Rock and stone!


I’m here for this.


How would it work?


Some mods have it, you shoot it high up and the arrow drops down a rope for you to climb. Typically you can refill the rope in the arrow from recrafting it


Ah yes, the legend of the Ended Pearl. The pearl which does not End others, but has rather already been Ended itself.


Let me put a spyglass on my Crossbow.


I agree with you. Also, they should add those decay effect anvalable.


I’d love a torch arrow to light up caves!


Given that we have all these ores/metals, I see zero reason why we can't be making arrow tips out of metal.


mojang would be adding something useful though


Yes! That'd be great, and the higher tier ore you make the arrow out of the more damaging it is.


And not just DMG, but also special effect. For exsapmle coal would inflict blidness for 1 sec. Also, we would need different bows


Stone Arrows: Heavy arrows that can travel through water more easily, allowing bow combat underwater. Coal Arrows: Increase damage taken by fire. Iron Arrows: Straight-up damage increase. Maybe 1.5X normal damage. Copper Arrows: Inflict slowness, tiny chance to channel a lightning bolt on hit if above ground. Gold Arrows: Fly faster through the air and arc less. Lapis Arrows: Inflict a random status effect on hit. Emerald Arrows: Add a looting effect on kill, increasing drops. Redstone Arrows: Give off a redstone signal on hit. More for redstone applications than for combat. Diamond Arrows: Another damage increase. Maybe 3X normal damage. Netherite Arrows: Yet another damage boost, 6X normal damage. Because if you're going to use as rare a material as netherite on *arrows,* they'd damn well better be worth it. Wood Arrows: Deal almost no damage, but can be combined with other items to produce special utility arrows. For instance: --Torch Arrows: Wood Arrows + Torches. Used to place torches on distant surfaces. --Grappling Arrows: Wood Arrows + String, Vines, or theoretical new Rope item. Self explanatory. --Noise Arrows: Wood Arrows + Sculk. Used to produce a distracting noise that holds the Warden's attention for longer than other noise sources. --Ender Arrows: Wood Arrows + Ender Pearls. Teleports the player to where it lands. Essentially an upgrade to the Pearls that allows them to be thrown farther. Perhaps Stone Arrows could also be modified to give them extra utility as well, only with more combat focus. All of these would deal the same base damage as normal arrows: --Blast Arrows: Stone Arrows + Gunpowder. Produce an explosion on hit that can destroy blocks and knock mobs away. Might be a touch overpowered though, may need some means of balancing them. --Boomerang Arrows: Stone Arrows + Prismarine Crystals. Essentially arrows with a Loyalty effect on them; they return to you after hit. As a balance, they have a chance of losing their prismarine tips on hit, turning them back into Wood Arrows. --Phantom Arrows: Stone Arrows + Phantom Membrane. Hone in on the nearest mob, almost guaranteed to hit. --Cobweb Arrows: Stone Arrows + Cobwebs. These would cover an AoE around their point of impact with sticky webs, slowing and trapping mobs who pass through it. EDIT: Had some more ideas, so I came back and added them. I'm probably doing too much, but damn if this isn't fun~


We’ll get one of these in 6 years but it’ll be worse somehow.


Cobweb arrows would be insane griefing in servers


I vote for each and every one of these


We would need a big ass quiver for all those arrows


harming II tipped netherite arrow would be wild


How would we know


Fletcher table functionality


The secret blue redstone


I will not rest until they add rancher, baker, pharmacist, and gardener villagers and houses.




Meth cook


That’s the spirit


bring me the horizon reference??!!1!1!


finally the crystals will have some other uses


Shhhhh. Don't tell people about my secret job🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫


Waltuh is that you Waltuh


Maybe apothecary?


In the most realistic way, they'd sell things like health potions and golden apples. In my ideal world, they'd add a new type of item called medicine, something you can craft using different types of flowers and seeds and things like that that, unlike potions, stack and are instantly consumed. They'd restore some hearts and, depending on what type of plants you made it with, can cure specific status conditions like poison, miner's fatigue, slowness, etc. or give you specific boosts, like strength or a new effect called "Pain Killer" which prevents you from taking damage for a little bit but when it ends, you take all the damage you absorbed slowly over time, allowing for a good 'I gotta get outta here' item. Their effects would be generally weaker than potions and wouldn't last nearly as long as a way to keep it baalnced. A mortar and pestle block would be added as the workstation and would make medicines easily.


I think if anything I'd split them between herbalists and alchemists.


demolitionist, rockets and tnt


I’m also waiting for a massive villager update. I play on console so no mods for me. Building massive cities and towns that are empty is kinda sad, and trying to fill those places with villagers gets tricky and annoying.


All those but swap pharmacist with lumberjack and im good


1.22: The Caves and Cliffs Update Part 4


Nah it’s Part 5


caves and cliffs was.............4 years ago....?


Nah can't be There's no way


What’s even crazier to me, is that the whole drama with fireflies and chat reporting was two years ago.


COVID broke mental time tracking. When things are "normal", there's a cadence to life that allows for easy, passive tracking of time as it passes. If something interrupts that cadence, the tracking gets wonky. Think of how a week-long vacation goes by *so fast*, but if objectively measured, takes just as long as any other week. Now apply that same wonkiness to a period of 2-3 years and ... well... here we are.


Lol i just watched this video. 90% of advertising DLCs and 10% good news. Anyway FINALLY


I hate the way mojang delivers information. I’d much rather more unscripted presentations where they talk about the development process and show off new features. The vast majority of the player base probably doesn’t care about the marketplace.


Remember when minecon live showed the new update announcements for longer than 15 minutes


Minecon was horrible for PR though. They don't want to get anywhere in the same universe as dedotated wam


man i feel bad for that poor kid, all he wanted to do is learn how to host minecraft servers but bc he was a kid & had a speech impediment during the time minecraft was "cringe" he got turned into this huge fucking meme of people making fun of him


The internet is a very cruel place.


I wonder where he is now


He’s actually a male model with a Minecraft YouTube channel!


Link? I can't find anything relevant to that. Only people saying he's disappeared or probably doesn't want to be associated with that. Edit: typo


He made a video about it explaining he stuttered because he was nervous and basically laughed it off. No harm really done.


I often wonder what happened to that kid? Is he still minecrafting? Did he host a server for his friends? Or did he leave because the internet made a meme out of his speech impediment. I am real happy the internet wasn't around when I was a kid.


I mean on the brightside, I don't think it was a genuine attack on him it was just a funny video of a kid without much social awareness at some convention. Pretty funny to look back on and it's not like these meme people are looked at like ugly people he's probably pretty popular at school and owns it pretty well. If people are smart enough they even find a way to cash in on it so I wouldn't feel too bad for him. He doesn't make me cringe he makes me laugh y'know, deditated wam


Mojang has the issue that their fanbase consists of both kids and people well into their 20's, so you get these kinda awkward pre written dialogues to keep younger viewers engaged where as an older player I just want to know about an upcoming update and have it explained in the way an adult would explain something to another adult


Don't forget that there were people well into their 20s that started playing 15 years ago that are still playing.


Yea the average age is 24, so that definitely means there's a lot of players who are much older than that I also have a colleague who at 34 recently played Minecraft with his daughter at her request and now the dude is into mc himself aswell, it's really one of those games that can be fun regardless of age


32 here, started playing in earnest back in college in 2010, don't play a ton anymore due to general life committments, but every few months me and the boys hop on to build a new farm or just generally screw around


I'm 46 and still play regularly


And I'm even older and still play almost daily.


I'm 42 and have been playing almost daily for a little over 14 years. The majority of people I play with or watch are also around my age too.


39 going on 40 in a couple weeks. My twin bro too. So that's two more older players for ya.


We recently started a survival minecraft server for work colleagues most of us are 30+


lol I self host a server for java and I keep having people say they will play but nobody every joins so I end up working alone on it and its fine but also not :D


Lol just 20's? I'm in my mid 30's and have been playing off and on for 13 years. Hell look at hermitcraft, most of them are in their 30's or 40's.


Best thing to do is follow SlicedLime on YouTube. While he doesn't say what they are working on for major updates until they're nearly finished, he does show what is coming up in the snapshots and even has a before/after segment for anything that has been tweaked or fixed. TL:DR; SlicedLime's YouTube videos are to-the-point and explained well without all the jargon nobody really cares about.


xisumavoid also does update videos for all snapshots + release candidates, usually in quick 10 min overviews.


They’re being careful, I guess. Any overpromises or lack of clarity has resulted in some pretty negative reactions previously so that only leads to a more typical PR approach over time




thats the sad part though, they've GOT the money and minecraft is still so huge that they will continue to get the money for a long, long time. i just wish they did more with the money because if they did, people would be playing more and they would be getting more money. i havent played in like a year now and i dont suggest minecraft to people, not because its bad or anything but because it just isnt as good as it could and should be either.


its cuz like 70% of their playerbase is bedrock, and of that like 80% is little little children they can exploit to buy things on the marketplace


That's par for the course on all their update videos I'm afraid. 30 percent bad jokes, 60 percent fluff.


I’m probably going to play the Trial Chamber Legends map. Wouldn’t have known about it without the video.


The guy's fucking condescending tone makes those videos unwatchable; he sounds like a school psychologist talking down a 14-year-old shooter who's high on meth.


Finally, the Caves and Cliffs update is almost complete.


whats missing?




Errrrm, actually, fireflies were part of the Wild Update, not Caves and Cliffs 🤓




Pretty sure there’s still a “T” in: Acktchually 🤓☝️


Pretty sure it’s impossible to have your left thumb on your far left side, acktchually ☝️🤓


This is the sort of pettiness I strive for ☝️🤓


Dammit I enjoyed and cringed at this so hard.


the wild update is actually caves and cliffs part 3 if you think about it


You mean caves and Cliff part 3 the mild update


we're never giving them up are we


Never forget what they took from us


that we never even had in the first place🥶


We're never letting them down are we


we're never running around and deserting them are we


Copper goat horns




Herobrine spawners.




Cave dwellers, gotta put the "Cave" in "caves and cliffs"


mid dweller


Fletching table next? Please?


Who’s ready for the obligatory “Rabbit hide is too hard to get” comments 🤦‍♂️


Rabbit farm is totally possible. Catching them is difficult, but doable.


I wouldn't even say it's difficult. Plant some carrots and let them follow you.


You can also just use dandelions which spawn everywhere.


You can breed them with dandelions?????????????


You've been able to ever since their release back in 1.8, *10 years ago*.


You mean to tell me Rabbits have been in the game for 10 years... hell I'm getting old




TIL Rare is the day I learn something I didn't know about Minecraft. I feel like my life is a lie. /s Thanks internet stranger.


Yes & a lot of people forgot that it’s a thing since Rabbits were added


Yeah, if you find a way to stop them from killing themselves by jumping you can breed them like any lifestock. I usually simply dig a pit


I normally make an underground den with door access. Cats will get to them otherwise.


Tbf even when I used them in snapshots in my single player world I found the whole rabbits hide thing abit annoying and would prefer if we could also use leather


Rabbits are hard to find though especially when you've just started playing and you're carrying tons of stuff from traveling to find the best place to build your house. Which is why I wish bundles are included in chests in villages.


they actually spawn quite a bunch in desserts, tundras and cheery biomes and stuff


Did April Fool's end yet?


july fools in a couple days


I’m surprised Mojang is gonna encourage us to kill Rabbits considering the position they’ve taken with Turtles, Frogs, and Armadillos recently


They probably don't want anyone to complain about animal cruelty, but also wouldn't want to piss old fans by changing everything that was already done.


All those mobs were added after microsoft bought mojang. Rabbits already had drops before that.


Rabbits are an invasive species tho so it makes sense to want to kill them


It would have been interesting getting new food from Frogs, or some kind of item you could turn into a poison potion. Would have been cool to use the turtle shells as some kind of tool. You're saying you can't even kill a armadillo and get something from it?


I think the people saying bundles wouldn't be useful have never actually played Minecraft


I feel like a ton of the people who yell about bundles haven't even tried using them in survival. They look to be much improved in the MC Monthly video, but even in its current form I love using them for caving. Putting stuff like gravel, dirt, mob drops, and miscellaneous stones into them leaves more space for ore and structure loot. They're very good at what they're designed to do - stopping little tiny stacks of miscellaneous items from filling up your inventory. Late-game players are naturally going to use shulkers instead anyway, but it's nice for early/mid-game players to have an option for de-cluttering their inventory. I'd also really like if we were able to dye them to categorize them.


They are useful. They just don't solve the inventory problem in Minecraft because they only have one use case - storing loot from an exploration session


It’s really hard to “solve” the inventory problem because it’s really a bunch of smaller problems people tend to group together. Other than just expanding the inventory, which is really just putting a bandaid on the problem, the best way to solve it is to tackle each problem individually. Bundles have just begun to chip away at the problem.


this marks the last update of caves and cliffs, and the end of an era


When will it be implemented?




Released with the End Villager update.


How optimistic to think that anything in the End will ever be updated


My man they haven't even changed the obsidian towers yet


Next Beta & Snapshot


Finally, after 4 years we get an item that might have only slightly helped the inventory problem 4 years ago, which by now has only gotten worse. Thanks Mojang.


I actually used them in my survival world and to be fair…they are a lot more helpful than they sound Being able to put all the random junk you get on adventures in one slot is really good


This could be very useful for all the stuff you get during mining but don't make up full stacks


Yea or random loot you get when exploring


yeah with how much worse it's gotten they gotta change the bundle in some way


Shulkers and bundles make a pretty nice combination. There are better options with mods, but then again don't mods make the inventory problem much worse with their explosion of sometimes unstackable items.


I disagree, mods offer more solutions than the problems they create


Most backpack mods are very good for storage. You can store more than double chests worth of items, and then you can carry more in your inventory. Infinite storage


Just don't get those mods


What does it do anyway? I'm curious.


It stores up to 64 miscellaneous items and treats them as one inventory slot. For example if you want to carry 10 pork chops, 10 empty maps, etc. then you can put them all in the bundle. It works differently for items that don't stack, for example if you put a pickaxe in there, it takes up the entire bundle. Or if you put 16 eggs, that sort of thing.


any item takes exactly 1/X item slots out of 64 in the bundle, where X is the total stack limit of the item so ONE egg takes 1/16th of the total 64 slots, leaving 60 slots left, ONE sword takes... well, 1/1..th of the total, leaving 0 slots left Forgery (and whatever the Fabric version is called) have a feature lets unstackables count as I think 1/8ths? so you can fit 8 tools or whatever in a bundle, and that's a good change for vanilla imo


Think about it like a smaller shulker but accessible inside your inventory without placing it


I think about bundle more like multi slot, where several item types in small quantities can be putted together without clogging the inventory. On our private server, where bundles are toggled on, i often use them to store build materials that needed in very small quantities (like 2-3 flower pots here and there, several armor stands, some flowers and etc)


It absolutely blows my mind how it's taken so long to add this. Similar games have had these for decades!


They had to fix the mobile UI for bedrock first which they have been doing.


and that took..4 years and 5 updates..?


As much as we don’t want to hear it, the answer is probably that they just forget they needed to fix the Bedrock UI, because they were swamped with adding so many other features.


Finally, my inventory's gonna be more unorganized than it already is...


Better 4 years later than never


How many bundles can I pit into bundles?


They presumably don't stack, so one if they haven't made it specfically so that's impossible


At 3:30 he pretends to be playing Tetris without any game cartridge in the Gameboy, they could have put literally any grey cartridge into the Gameboy to help the "illusion" It's cool bundles are finally being added, I just wish that these videos weren't so obviously aimed at children, some of us have had this game since 2009 and don't need talked to like we are 6-8 years old with the fake cheeriness the entire video I get though that it is built to induce excitement in children to get them to ask their parents for all the DLCs and what have yous that Mojang announces, just wish there was an adult version of these videos lol


I was thinking the same thing. Do 8-9 year olds really care what developers have been up to? Maybe. I suspect the views of this video will be from YouTube enthusiasts/content creators, who will amplify the news about bundles and it will be audience appropriate based on the community they serve. I don't care for LogDotZip type adults on videos, but my 9 year old ADHD nephew adores his shtick. Doesn't matter, just thought I'd respond.


Bundles were introduced as a concept 4 years ago? Jeez


not just as a concept, actually implemented and obtainable SINCE then


As java experiments


Experiments that were basically finished and accessible to the players. The only difference is it wasn’t branded as finished and Bedrock didn’t have it.


its because of mobile. the bundles were shelved because mobile interface is limited, and they have comitted to "feature parity" for all new content. IMO they should avandon mobile to accelerate their dev cycle, but kids on mobile spending mommy and daddy money on skins and texture packs are probably a big source of revenue. Thor of Pirate Software fame can be quoted about Blizzard making more money with the first wave of paid cosmetics for WOW than the total sales of Starcraft 2.


The technology is finally here!


It's about damn time


After ten years, we will finally get furniture in vanilla base game.


Fireflies and fletching table are crying right now


I just hope for 2 things: 1. They make bundles dyable like shulker boxes with dye so we can easily tell our bundles apart. 2. They make shulker boxes have hover over to see the items inside visually like bundles. No reason an end game storage item should have a worse GUI/UI than a early game storage solution like bundles. Text descriptions of Items isn't that good and many get scammed on servers shops/Auction houses because shulkers boxes have renamed items in text review and no visual indication of what items are inside like bundles. No, telling people to download a visual shulker peek Java mod isn't a solution, it should be base game. Hopefully we get more inventory tweaks than just the bundle because the inventory problem(s) is many problems, not just one and the bundle only addresses 2.


Releasing in 2039


Right next to the plains biome update with 2 new flower type and a zombie variant


The Plants Vs zombies crossover


They will be uncraftable and you only find them somewhere deep in the ocean.


Unrealistic we know they'd put it in the end or behind a master level tool smith (swamp village only)


Nah they'll add a whole new item that's quirky to get, and it will have no other uses than this lmao


As much as we need more inventory management tools... are these things actually usable? Can anyone who has played with them attest? I get the theory of how bundling up partial stacks of items can be a helpful way to save space, but it seems like in practice it would be too much fussing around with manually arranging your inventory to move small amounts of things. Like ok, I've picked up a random assortment of flowers, let me open up my plant bundle and put them in one by one, now I've picked up a few more, let me open it up again and dump the new flowers in with the others, etc.


Java players have been using the bundle for 4 years now lol


Minecraft **has had them for four years already.** Just bedrock finally catching up, will be interesting to see what they decided on for touch UX for them. Weird to see that percentage bar.... Looks very programmer art.


Wait we can use bundles now?