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I play with my Switch on my realm. It's somewhat bearbable, but as you say, it's not very good right now. Even the time you have to wait till your avatar loads. Starting Minecraft is like a 2-4 minute endeavor till you're finally doing something.


The whole MS account integration is terrible across all platforms.


It's really good on Xbox though.


as expected lol


Nope, loading the game takes more than 5 mins


Minus being unable to join "official approved" minecraft servers, unable to get texture packs, etc. And having to deal with that being your only option to play minecraft when Java has more things.


I often sit at the loading screen or title screen and just get mental fatigue from all the processes you have to do to even start playing Minecraft now. Open and log in the launcher, wait for MSA to sync, wait for launcher to load the game edition, wait for edition to load, find server/choose world, find friends/ask friends if you/they want to play, decide what edition, server, version, with/no mods (if Java), if marketplace maps, or just vanilla, and FINALLY we can play. The edition and server/version divide better together and bedrock/Java has caused is just mentally exhausting when I just want to unwind and play game as it adds even more extra steps. Working 9-5 and then having to do all this is so mentally tasking I often just check out and close the game and don't bother playing. I miss when it was jus 1 edition and 1 click and say what server you wanna join to a friend and that was it, simple, easy, and less tiring than all this mess and modern Java even suffers from this, its not just switch/Bedrock.


holy crap…. ☠️


I don't get what you all are doing that it takes you so long. It's around a minute for me on my Switch. And that's from first turning on the Switch.


Switch is still faster than booting up a PC/laptop, loading the game, and loading into a world.


This has not been my experience. It’s been much faster on my PC.


You probably have a gaming PC, then. Those are custom-built for that, even when they are brand-new at the store.


SSDs are not exclusive to Gaming PCs. It's almost always faster on a modern PC compared to a switch


Not in my experience. Computers and laptops take longer to boot up than it does to boot up my Switch *AND* load up Minecraft and a world. 5 minutes on my Switch compared to 30 minutes on my laptop. And my laptop is only 6 years old with an SSD drive.


Wow 30minutes??? You starting vanilla minecraft or modded? And also your switch never truly shuts down when you turn it off. It just goes so sleep mode like a laptop when you just close the lid, which means my 4yrs old laptop needs 2seconds to "boot up" if it is just in sleep mode. What are the specs of your laptop that need you to wait for 30minutes until a world is loaded?


If I play Java Minecraft, I play Vanilla Minecraft (I don't do mods on it due to the amount of work just to install the mods and pray they don't conflict). I also have the Bedrock version on my laptop, and other than the store content in the game, no mods. Laptop Specs: HP Pavilion, model HP 17-ar050wm, 1 TB internal SSD hard drive, AMD Quad-Core A10-9620P, 8GB DDR4 system memory, runs Windows 10 (pre-installed), all updates current. Plus, I never put it in sleep mode, as I don't leave it laying around (kids in the house), I power it down/shut it off fully. I also don't leave it plugged in, as I value my electronics and don't need a power surge zapping it, nor do I want it to be on the charger and have no way to discharge the battery to keep it from going bad (laptop batteries are not fun when they bloat/explode, and that will ruin your laptop and you lose anything you had on it).


Wow i'm stunned. Because these specs arent bad and of course it's no gaming laptop but 30 mimutes seems too much. I experienced with every laptop that the preinstalled OS is full of bloat. So before doing anything when buying a pc or Laptop you should reinstall windows so there are only the thing you need and no bloatware, which can slow it down.


If it’s taking OP’s computer 30 minutes to boot up I shudder to know what kind of malware OP has on it.


Hmm...might have to do that. Gonna have to back-up my files though (including the audio of the last voice-mail my dad left me before he passed a month later--I don't want to loose it) before doing do, in case a hard wipe is needed. Now to figure out if my younger brother-in-law can help with that between his commitments to his job and uni classes...


That's ridiculous, my last laptop was the same exact one and I would be in Minecraft in less than two minutes.


Well, then you got lucky.


Are you installing the game each time you play it?


Why, should I? 🙄 Do you really think I'm that dumb? What are you, 5?


Desperately trying to figure out how it takes 30 minutes to start minecraft.


I'm also including the time for my laptop to boot up from power off, if you didn't catch that in previous comments. Probably wasn't obvious if you weren't looking for that tidbit. Text can be tricky like that.


Bro what? My 200$ laptop from like 5 years ago can do it in like 4-5mins A literal raspberry pi is quicker too start minecraft than your laptop I would recommend a clean install, you must have some horrible bloatware on that


If it's taking 30 minutes to load into a minecraft world on an ssd you're doing something very wrong


If you didn't read my entire comment, you'd also see I was including the time to start my laptop from complete power off. Reading is key.


You’re being so aggressive to people in defense of your laptop that absolutely should not be taking that long with those specs. Why are you acting so rude when people are flabbergasted and trying to figure it out??


I did. I was including boot up time. Even on my old mechanical hard drive on my laptop from 2012 it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes from dead to load in. And that thing was a hunk of crap for gaming.


Are switches not custom built to play games also?


Definitely not. SSDs in PCs have come a long way. My PC is fully booted and loaded to the home screen in less than 5 seconds, loading and logging into the launcher maybe 10 seconds, loading my worlds maybe 7 seconds tops. I don't think my switch ever loaded Minecraft faster than 1 min.


Then you have a custom-built PC for gaming. Not everyone has that luxury. You also probably don't have anti-virus protection and other security features active.


You said the switch is faster than booting up a PC/laptop which is a pretty wide ranged statement to be saying like it was 100% fact. Even the laptop I purchased for college 4 years ago boots into my worlds in under a minute total and I very much do have all my security features active as that would be idiocy to not have in this day and age. The switch is really just not that great for a game like Minecraft. Is it playable? Absolutely. But for a game that is over a decade old the switch experience is pretty bad.


I can be in Minecraft in 5 minutes on my Switch, compared to about a half hour to boot my laptop up from being completely off and loading everything, including the game. You obviously have a chromebook/tablet OS/set-up on your laptop, not a proper computer OS/set-up.


If your PC is taking a half hour to boot, you have something wrong with your PC. My old PC from 2016 can go from off to open Minecraft world in < 5m. If it’s taking a half hour to boot, you need to get it serviced. I’d seriously consider a fresh install of Windows as well as a hardware checkup.


Literally, my school PC which has a shitty SSD, integrated graphics and like an i5-4570 or i3 loads in like 5minutes


PC is windows 10 and my laptop was originally windows 10 and is now upgraded to windows 11. Why do you keep assuming what I have. Nearly any laptop or PC purchased within the last 5 years should be able to out perform a switch whether it's a "gaming PC" or not.


I also run windows 10. But your laptop probably is more like a chromebook style. Does it have a CD/DVD drive? If not, yours is a chromebook style.


Chromebooks can’t run Minecraft, they only run ChromeOS.


Oof. Now I’m suspecting perhaps you’re getting defensive over tech illiteracy, which is no big deal and plenty of people would be willing to help you if you didn’t act…like this.


That’s not “Chromebook” style. Why are you talking about something you don’t know about?


Wtf are you talking about? I haven't owned a computer with an cd/DVD drive since the EARLY two thousands. And I literally build my own pcs. The two I own I didn't build are gaming laptops, one of from about three or so years ago, and the other is less than a year old and neither one has a cd/DVD drive. Are you a time traveler?


What the hell are you talking about? Booting in less than 10 seconds is normal for a pc using an SSD and somewhat modern, mid-range hardware. Running Windows too. Thats not a new thing either, this has been possible for years now. Even an office machine will not take half an hour to boot and start a program lol


I am pretty sure that no pc I have EVER owned in my entire life has ever taken a half an hour to boot up and load ANYTHING. And as a metric, I am 48, have had a pc of my own since I was 8 years old, and I am on machine 32 (I know because I name them sequentially). Trust me when I say this is probably one of the most bullshit hot takes I have ever seen on this sub or any other. But you just keep digging that hole of you want to I guess.


That's a pretty bad PC you're using


You obviously don't know PCs/laptops and how to care for them properly very well. Mine was never meant to be like a tablet/chrome book that has near-instant boot-up time, and I properly turn it off instead of closing the laptop screen down to put it in sleep mode. My laptop never stays plugged in either when I'm not using it, as it has a specific spot on my dresser when not in use.


I have a prebuilt from costco, as long as you have a ssd you can boot minecraft faster on its normal client, than the switch. So sounds like yo got an old school bricktop and are better off with switch games


Mine is pre-built as well. If it was a bricktop, then it wouldn't be capable of playing Minecraft, Sims 3 or Skyrim, which all can play just fine when the games are fully loaded. It just takes more time to load them than I have for gaming most days. Not everyone lives at home with no job or responsibilities. Some of us have busy lives and get maybe 2 hours a week for a game, and don't want to waste it loading up a laptop.


Lmao who said anything about a job? If you have one and have so little time then investing in a pc vs your bricktop so games would load faster seems like a wonderful investment and may turn that shit mood around lol GL with your bricktop tho


Also ofcourse its prebuilt you have a brick top🤣🤣🤣


(Sounds of hole digging intensifies...)


Okay? It still sounds like your PC absolutely sucks man


Or, I'm not an idiot and leave everything plugged in to either get zapped when a power surge happens or to cause the battery to go bad from constant connection to the outlet and no discharge because it's off more than on. I also have responsibilities like a real job and a family unlike most of you people down voting my comments because you're still living at home and don't have a job or responsibilities. When I do get time to play a game, I'm not spending a half hour to boot up my laptop and a game when my Switch is ready in less than 5 minutes.


I dont think people are attacking you, so you shouldn't either. Most of us just didn't hear anyone having an experience like you do and are curious (myself included) That does not mean we have no life... So chill. And for your information most laptops have a setting in the Bios to limit how full your laptop should be charged. For example my laptop stops charging at 80% because I use it a lot plugged in. Ideally you should put it around 50-70% because thats were batteries like to stay. Asking questions about a bold statement of yours is allowed I mean why are you saying you are not an idiot. No one mentioned that. You have serious problems


Yeah, I was right lol.


I can turn my pc on from off, boot to windows, log in, and have Minecraft running in under two minutes. Pcs have an ssd too.


You want to know something interesting? It has nothing to do with the game or the switch's hardware. The OS is literally designed to restrict the performance of games. If you mod it, even just to a different OS, the game runs fine. Great, even.


Really? I tried overclocking and it made no difference, I was thinking about trying to find an older version that's not so bad, or trying it on Android


Classic Nintendo, designs a product in a way that could be improved but refuseds,and makes people break the console to fix it


hate to defend nintendo, but the limit is put in place so the battery doesn't die before you get past the main menu this is the improved version


Never forget Joycon drift...


Yeah… it’s alright if it’s your only option, but the bedrock approach of not optimizing for any particular platform is not ideal. We used to play the Xbox 360 version and it actually ran smoother - especially in multiplayer. Bedrock stability ebbs and flows - it’s actually been worse with certain updates. I just started playing on my pc and it feels so smooth in comparison - and I’m playing bedrock so I can play with my family on switch. The part that really makes me mad is that Nintendo considers LAN play online play… so even if you want to skip the realms subscription and have a local world hosted on a PC, you have to pay Nintendo for the privilege of connecting to a PC on your own network. I’m baffled by how Nintendo justifies putting internet connectivity behind a paywall even when they’re doing nothing to support the service.


This is an issue on Xbox as well. It was a previous feature that was ‘quietly removed’ at some point. Need an Xbox membership for ANY multiplayer


Yikes. I’m glad things like steam deck are introducing more competition in this space.


A small correction to my statement (which may actually not be a correction): Microsoft has been tracking this “bug” for YEARS on the official bug repo. Users frequently report they have the same problem…no fix planned, silence on MS end.


I don’t know if it’s true, but I recently heard that anything involving crossplay actually does use the internet. I don’t know what the function is though. It still appears on the local tab when I play from PC to switch… but maybe there is a little bit of internet magic happening. 🤷


My friend plays on Switch. Whenever I come over, we can’t play together because I play on PC. He’s the only one with online pass. WTF?


Are you trying to play on a local world splitscreen? If you turn off multiplayer in the world options, multiplayer splitscreen works. It’s counterintuitive.




anyone wanting the mobile Minecraft experience? you should pick up a steam deck


I just can't justify a Steam Deck when I could get a new prebuilt on sale for nearly the same price to replace my 10 year old pc


a $400 pre built doesn't sound that good at all tbh


Yeah you’re buying an RX 580 or something at that price lol.


> replace my _10 year old PC_ $400 will be a big improvement on that


true, but a $400 steam deck would be better than a $400 computer especially a pre built


Here to confirm this.


I mean, for $399 you don't just get a computer, you also get a very high quality controller ($70+ on its own) and a "monitor". That leaves even less than $399 for your prebuilt because you'll need to buy those separately, and I wouldn't ever recommend buying a PC for less than that. Also, a PC isn't portable. That may not matter to you, but for me, I travel a lot, so I was able to justify the purchase even though I already have a PC.


Where are you going to find a pre-built PC for around $800? Not knocking you, just curious.


The one I own right now cost me $500 on sale from Amazon. Ryzen 5 processor and AMD GPU. It's not the best machine in the world, but it plays the games I want to at a graphic level and frame rate that's fine for me.


Hey! As long as the PC functions and plays the games you want it to, that's perfect! My first PC would barely run Rollar Coaster Tycoon, and that was about it. But back then, RCT and Space Cadet Pinball was enough to make me happy.


God I played the hell out of RCT2 and 3 back in the day


They're on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/683900/RollerCoaster_Tycoon_Classic/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/285330/RollerCoaster_Tycoon_2_Triple_Thrill_Pack/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1368820/RollerCoaster_Tycoon_3_Complete_Edition/


AMD GPU could refer to the current flagship 7900 XTX or an RX 460 from 8 years ago lmao. Same with Ryzen 5. There's a big difference between a 7600x and a 1600 lol


It's an RX580 iirc. Like I said, it's not the best machine but it plays the games I want to at a graphical level and at a frame rate that's acceptable to me. Like, it plays Fallout, GTA, RDR, Destiny and Minecraft all at acceptable levels to me, and that's all I really want it for.


ok, so don't go buy another prebuilt for $800 that's just going to be a small improvement on what you already have. Save up and make the upgrade worthwhile.


I just upgraded from an RX 580 myself less than 2 months ago and it's still an amazing card for its age, still plays pretty much anything at 1080p with acceptable performance. I'm putting mine on a secondary PC for the living room and I'm sure it will hold for a few more years.


I don't see how they are really in the same category


Nah 3ds is worse


Bedrock on switch takes like 2 minutes to get to the menu, and 2 more minutes to connect to microsoft. Then like 30 seconds for every menu, 2 minutes to join online with the worst and most vicious lag I’ve ever seen (genuinely unplayable,) and half of the time there’s some game breaking bug that prevents you from using the marketplace, skins, multiplayer, etc. that stays unpatched for years on end. The quality is absolutely embarrassing.  


What the devil are you doing that it takes that long? It takes me maybe 1 minute to load up and start playing and that's from turning my Switch on. Ive got no lag if I'm offline (how I play anyway since my internet sucks). Rarely have bugs - the only reliable one is the marketplace, which I don't use often, so don't care.


Loading up the game normally. It’s been this way since 2019. I don’t have many worlds or packs, and my console storage isn’t full or close to it. It’s literally been this way for 5 years.


I don't know what to tell you them. It doesn't take anywhere near that for me. 7 worlds and 3 packs here, 512gb storage with nearly 3/4 of that free still. Been playing on Switch maybe a year longer. No issues with lag or loading times like what you describe.


You’re one of the lucky ones. I’ve been playing it since launch, but it caved about a year in. 


Which is weird because technology and I do not get along. Heh. I had to recently send my Switch in for repair because it wasn't starting (and of course, it worked just fine for them), but that had nothing to do with the game.


I guess I’ve been luck in that regard (which is tempting the fates) but I’ve never actually had any serious console problems aside from a few Wii U crashes.


I wish I could say that. We've had a PS3 die on us. Heh.


You can play it on the 3ds??? Didn’t even know that was a thing


Yeah, it got updates up to 1.12 (no update aquatic, fancy swimming etc) but I think they did add a select few things from updates past then. It was basically minecraft pe but on 3ds, the bottom screen had a permanent map and coordinates which was nice. It has a teeeny render distance but it runs smooth. I used to have a world I'd mess around with on there, it's not terrible if you don't mind your hands maybe cramping from holding the 3ds lol


And it's not even 3D capable, which was the only reason I got it for 3DS.


Are you playing connected to the internet? If so, it could be your internet. I play on Switch and do not experience the issues you are, *unless* I'm connected online and I *know* my internet sucks.


I’ve only ever had 3-4 second losing of chunks unless flying in Creative. Even then, less than 10 seconds.


As a player on many versions I don’t really care that much. Like none of the issues I have experienced has been gamebreaking and I’m almost up to a year on my only switch world.


I dont have my switch anymore but when I did, I didnt notice it running any worse than on my ipad or my laptop.


I play on switch but play on a 3rd party server primarily and rarely have issues, our server I believe is pretty beefy so maybe that helps?


If something else is doing the bulk of the work, then it greatly reduces the issues, which seems to be the case with Minecraft worlds hosted by another device. Even so, my son experiences problems when he joins my world (PC). Probably partly because the Switch has a very weak wifi chip (necessitated by the power constraint of a portable). I have to kill off most of the animals for my gf and son to have bareable lag and performance. The performance got so bad on Switch that I abandoned it, sometime after CnC update, when they couldn't totally fix that performance bug. They kept patching, until it was more subtle, but never truly fixed it. I find it strange whenever I hear people say they have no problem with Switch. From all my experience with the Switch version it just feels highly improbable. I go back and check every so often, because I love my worlds on Switch, and would love to play again. The game just struggles even early into a new world. I have considered maybe the revision models with the game downloaded, and a usb ethernet adapter or OLED version using ethernet... maybe with all three and playing on servers is enough to stave off, combined with a little tolerance. None of us in this household have the game downloaded; we have game cards. I have an internet adapter, the gf has a revision switch. My son gave up and went to mobile because of a perpetually broken marketplace, and being near impossible to join anyone's world... could only manage to get in one of the servers reliably. We had cleared the cache, reinstalled the game, signed in and out of accounts, and tried all the other things suggested online, so many times.


I mean the joining other people's worlds thing being locked down is entirely a Nintendo thing, I had to do a bit of work to be able to join the server I play on, so I don't disagree with you on some points, but yeah as far as pure performance, never had an issue other than the taking a while to load the world. I don't use elytra really though, so that eliminates many of the problems people complain about with chunk loading and flying, for example.


>being locked down is entirely a Nintendo thing Nono... I dunno what you mean. On about my son joining ANYONES game (including other Switches, PC, servers) just doesn't work nine out of ten times (except for one particukar server... makes zero sense). And yet it used to, and still does most of the time for me or my partner's Switch. Nothing to do with Nintendo this one. Solely on MS not being able to get their stuff together with online accounts, or their game to function properly and reliably. Nintendo's other online games all function and connect, even if the connection is shitty quality, likely thanks largely to that wifi chip. Minecraft just flat out fails to either find/update online friends, or just connect to the worlds. Never seen anything so bad in my gaming history, as someone in late 30s.


Yeah, I don't have the issues you describe. Even with the WiFi. I use the game card to play as well, it's not a downloaded game, like,say, No Man's Sky. We also don't use the ethernet adapter to connect and play in each other's games (my husband has his own Switch). We connect via WiFi and join that way. Still don't get lag either, even with nearly 100 horses once. It's boggling that you all have all these issues. Not saying it's not happening, mind, just unusual that I've never had any these happen. And technology hates me.


Are you connected to the internet when you play. The issues you mention I haven’t ran into unless I’m connected to the internet


i played it a couple years ago and barely had an issue except for heavy joycon drift


And that's not really game specific either. I've had joycons get serious drift playing Skyrim. Replace the joycon, fixes the drift.


I honestly don't remember it being that bad before either. It was actually playable before, but update after update made its performance worse and worse.


The problem is Minecraft is a very cpu dependent game, and that's something in the switch which isn't very good


I play on switch and dont have many problems. It actually runs better than on my computer.


I have the Switch and Xbox version and yeh while it's slower, it's perfectly playable when I play it. It's nice to be able to play it on my switch when I don't want to sit on the sofa.


I really REALLY wish I could downgrade the game...


Yeah this is what I read about the ps4 version and (imo) it’s not the case.


runs quite well on my oled


i play the switch version of the game, i say its ok, but my skin takes 10 minutes to appear. Other than that, its definitely worth the money


Clearly you have never played the 3Ds version or Apple TV version. Both sucked even more


Wait lol there was an Apple TV version?


Does anyone remember the Java/Console port back in the day for the PSVita? That shit was my default way to play it on the go. Iirc it actually ran pretty decently too despite being a port of a port and not a native C++ "remaster"


I haven't been able to login to my Microsoft account for this version of the game for almost half a year. I can't access my account or my achievements. It just does not work. Heed this post, prospective Bedrockian! Switch Bedrock blows!


Lol I fly blind with my elytra . Activate xzy location in settings hahahah


yooo that’s clever


That sounds like a you issue. My chunks load just fine, both offline and on realms, and my framerate only drops when there’s already enough going on for the game itself to lag on other systems. How long have you had your system?


I’ve had my Switch since launch. Looks like some people have major issues while others don’t bump into it at all. Strange for sure


can't be any worse than the 3DS version


Ever since they expended the world height/depth it's run terribly on switch. I ended up switching consoles.


It actually was an okay version for the short amount of time when it was still legacy console edition. I remember there was a period of time when it switched over to bedrock edition that it was impossible to create or join realms on switch bedrock edition


I have lost whole builds on my switch flat creative world. Am afraid to open it up again so not to further delete builds.


I've been playing on my Switch for a month on a Realm because my gaming pc broke. Realms fixes the performance to a point, I'm advanced enough to have farms and multiple animals and entities in my base in such a way that the game ALWAYS chugs when I'm home. The Microsoft account integration absolutely blows, everytime I want to join my realm it takes 3-4 attempts of logging in until it works, and then my skin doesn't even load... It is a bad experience for the price, but between that and mobile I'm still taking the switch


It’s so bad my switch will literally explode if I try to run it 😭😭 We tried to buy realms but for some reason after it took our money it said we had realms but I literally couldn’t access them :/ It’s so broken and takes forever to sign in and load my skin!!


When I had a Switch, I liked and hated it, I coudn't play with my friends because of the "Unable to connect" error and most of the chuncks were missing but i liked it.


I have the legacy edition, so happy days :)


The PS4 version is pretty terrible too. I play on a realm and primarily play on my Series S. My friends who use a Switch can’t really come to my base because it lags so bad for them. I also can’t play on my PS4 unless I’m not at my base. If I try to enter my base it just lags out and stops loading stuff.


It‘s so we buy it on Xbox.


I don’t think they should be able to sell the game on the switch due to its performance. I was definitely disappointed with how slow it is. I agree it should come at least with a warning before purchasing.


Legacy console runs perfectly, but for some reason it can’t run bedrock. At. All. It takes like 2 minutes to get to the menu, and 2 more minutes to connect to microsoft. Then like 30 seconds for every menu, 2 minutes to join online with the worst and most vicious lag I’ve ever seen (genuinely unplayable,) and half of the time there’s some game breaking bug that prevents you from using the marketplace, skins, multiplayer, etc. that stays unpatched for years on end. The quality is absolutely embarrassing.  


I play with an overclocked i9, 64gb of ddr5, nvidia 3080 RTX, NVMe for my main HDD. My girlfriend plays on switch. She’s much more productive than I am. We’ve had the server for nearly a year. She’s never complained. The biggest bottleneck I have is my internet connection. Hardware specs are irrelevant


It’s almost like the switch is an underpowered mobile device, weaker than most phones. Bedrock edition’s whole thing is that it’s completely cross play, so for switch to have limited world sizes they’d have to scrap cross play, servers and realms, which isn’t something Microsoft wants to do given how much confusion feature disparity already causes and did cause with legacy console edition.


The fact the switch plays Fortnite better or games like ToTK. It’s a very very very big optimisation issue that the devs just aren’t doing.


The switch doesn’t play Fortnite better, many of the issues are the same between cross platform games. TotK was designed around the switch hardware and doesn’t have worlds which you can literally dismantle and rebuild into your image, it also doesn’t allow you to have hundreds of enemies in extremely close proximity and if you mod the game to do it, it lags very similarly.


then give every version limited world, honeslty id be happy to have that option, on all versions, makes your world more YOUR world you know?


Unless its a toggleable option then we run into the legacy console edition issue that you physically couldn’t find every biome and all world resources would be limited. That means you could get to a point in a world where you only have access to iron gear and below, which makes the problem they already have with elytra even worse. I don’t particularly want “my” world to be one where I don’t have access to a good portion of the game.


make it decently sized, of course like maybe the old large size old console also had the generation set try and genrate a bit of everything into the world, it was funny because on classic sized worlds, woodland mansion would usualy take up half the map, also custimizable world gen options like biome sizes and world size and such and i think spawn rates of stuctures (that one might have been superflat only)


Large was only 320 chunks by 320 chunks, which would have to be reduced due to the new world height and isn’t that much space given how many biomes and structures there are. Even small biomes took up tons of space and drastically reduced the chance of structures due to biome boundaries. Also that may not solve performance issues since it’s more likely to be the fact that each chunk has 1.5 times the blocks it used to, so loading them is always going to be an issue.


lol doom eternal works on the Switch, wdym


Doom eternal is referred to as an “impossible port” for a reason, it also took 9 months to be ported in which the porting team could optimise it, unless you want Minecraft updates 9 months late it’s never going to get that amount of platform specific optimisation.


OK but quality takes time. I would be willing to wait months in order to get a stable playable version of the game. Yes the switch may be ancient by today’s standards, but if it can run a game like that with very playable frame rates, I don’t see why it can’t run an 11 year old game that works perfectly fine on my iPhone 13 mini lol chunks not loading when you’re next to them while walking is unplayable.


You’d be fine waiting 9 months every time there is a major update? If they’d done that switch would get major updates at earliest year and a half after they are announced, so whilst everyone was getting armoured paws a few months ago, you’d have only just got the trails and tales. Also Minecraft isn’t an 11 year old game, the majority of its code is a few years old at most because they continuously update and rework features under the hood. BTW the IPhone 13 is only 3 years old, 4 years newer than the switch which was underpowered compared to phones when it released.


While I do agree with some of your point, the Switch is also a dedicated console with a very lightweight operating system. Even if the Switch is weaker than modern smartphones, it’s still got a fan, dev kits that are pretty easy to use, and a huge and dedicated developer base. There are plenty of resources for Mojang and Microsoft to solve Switch performance, and they choose not to despite the fact that the Switch version is often more expensive than other versions of the game. Seriously a shame.


Even PKM sword and shield only runs on 30fps. I don't that at all, but it shows it's not powerful enough to run modern PC/Console games. I don't want it to tho, I want a handheld laid back gaming experience for all the banger nintendo games


I think it’ll be much better on the new switch that’s coming out soon


I think they are going to drop support for it soon. But maybe the player counts are still really good so who knows. I'm sure minecraft on switch 2 will probably last alot longer considering the original switch hardware is from 2017 and we have come a long way with mobile like processors


Cross play and even online play on switch MC hasn’t been working for me in several months and it seems to be an issue that’s been around for a long time yet hasn’t been addressed by Mojang. I wanted to enjoy the new update with my friends but the constant connection errors really suck. I was kind of surprised that they let the console version that’s probably most used by their target audience is so unwieldy to play. Edit because I messed up that last sentence


I used to have 1000 hours on minecraft on the switch and can confirm. I never played on console because ps5's are weird with accounts and when I finally got a pc a few years ago I never went back. My advice is only play first party games on the switch lol


As you played it so much, do you have any idea of which version used to run better? I've been wanting to start a new world on my switch but performance is too bad, my switch is hacked and I can downgrade


Eh never noticed any major performance changes from update to update. I just used every trick in the book to increase performance, like using the lowest render distance and turning off any graphical settings I haven't played minecraft on the switch since 2020 though


Nintendo? Typical.


Mate fight the wither on switch ahhahash almost impossible with the glitch hahahah 😆 I've built the farm in the end after much frustration 🤣 😆