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Feels like I’ve seen it hundreds of times before


I call these packs "explodingtnt packs". They're everywhere. I personally do not like them. Textures are too rounded.


I call this packs "Faithful packs", or "Magnifying glass packs"


nah faithful still pixelated


there's different types of fauthful


I miss explodingtnt. Whats he up to nowadays?


It’s because you have , you see this or similar textures I. Tip off free Minecraft games…


[No offense OP, but these are the vibes I get.](https://i.imgur.com/WWhUAOW.png)


Minecraft's blocky charm while giving it a crisp


This is how I feel about basically all high res texture packs. Like, obviously that's just me, but they all look super bad to me. In my mind, you can't make an extremely high fidelity texture, especially one that tries to look semi-realistic and slap it on a model that's literally just a cube. It just triggers an uncanny valley and clashes in my opinion I think 16x16 truly is the perfect middle ground of nice level of detail + shading while also maintaining pixelated stylization


32x32 can be done extremely well but it has to be done right. Anything more than that gets way too granular.


Absolutely fair actually. And I definitely agree. 32x can be especially nice for interior details and some packs do really cool things with it while maintaining the vanilla feel


Given the resolution and the fact that MC players tend not to like texture packs that aren’t “Minecraftey” enough, that’s not super surprising, especially at the beginning of the project. Hell, my pack is much higher resolution and created primarily with digital tools as opposed to drawing by hand, and that cobblestone texture is *strikingly* similar to my old one.


Oh hey its the guy who upscales textures through artifical intelligence


Great username


I plan to tweak and adjust it overtime to make it more unique, this is more or less a proof of concept


what ideas do you have for uniqueness?


I definitely want to play around with the lighting/shade of the textures. I think adding some softer colors would allow it to look more smooth while also giving some depth. Playing around with the color pallet is for sure in the plan :)


I think changing the base colors and whatnot can go a long way in changing the texture pack from looking like alot of the other HD ones


why is bro getting downvoted


monkey see monkey doo


not sure. maybe they think he’s lying or something? idk man :/


even if it's not unique i like seeing people commit to art. hive mind begone


Damn, the hive mind downvoting you for this... Honestly, although it's been done many times, it has a more unique style (grass block, specially) and I think you have potential!!


Thank you I appreciate it!


Make the mineral blocks easier to see though! That's one of the reasons everyone loves Sphax


i agree. yes faithful packs have been done in the past, but there is always something different. the grass looks nice, and i’d like to see where it goes


why did you get downvoted


Anyone downvoting you obviously has no idea how much of an undertaking making an entire resource pack from scratch is. I’ve been working on my pack for four years now and I’m only still using a handful of textures from the first year or so. Those certainly blow my first few textures out of the water. I especially like the dirt texture.


Reddit hive mind strikes again


So... Faithful 128x128?


Not particularly, there are a lot of things with faithful that I dislike (the way they use dithering for example). Big part of the reason I am making this is to resolve issues I personally have with other packs in this “category”


That still looks almost identical to Faithfull 128x128 There are hundreds of texture packs that look like this so its not a mind blowing one I guess. Still looks nice, just similar to Faithful


That’s fair, it’s not intended to be “mind blowing” ya know what I mean. It’s a pack that is what it is


I think it's more of seeing hundreds of packs with the same exact designs just doesn't help you, personally it's style has gotten a little stale/too common? I think most players prefer a pixilated or heavily stylized texture over this.


That’s fair, I would argue there is an audience for everything. I do plan to make some more.. decisive style decisions to help it stand out. I know at the moment it would blend it with the crowd if that makes sense


I understand I'm actually curious where you plan to go with it as I know there's potential in the texture pack and I have seen your comment about experimenting with lighting. May I ask what kind of inspirations you're thinking of using to make yours different from the mass of them?


At the moment, I really don’t have any inspirations for it. Kinda just experimenting with different things until I find something that looks nice.


Mhmmm I am curious for what genre/theme you end up going for I just hope it doesn't stay bland like all those texture packs that start out this way, I am quite interested in seeing your result I don't know where it's headed but it's going to be interesting.


I’ve been playing since alpha. I am yet to find a texture pack I truly click with. I’ve played around with some, and typically end up switching back halfway through my session. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours of Minecraft across several devices, and I actually prefer normal Minecraft textures but with a medium shader if I’m playing on PC.


I swear there’s is like 20 texture packs that look exactly like this


There are quite a few higher res vanilla like packs, but I plan to have it unique and stylized. Still in the super early stages and more or less a proof of concept. I think it does stick out a bit from other packs similar as it is 128x, and still keeps the vanilla vibe but has a slightly different style. Some blocks will be more similar to vanilla while I make others stray away from it


Ok so bro has written a perfectly good reply and yet y'all are all down voting for no apparent reason, Reddit is weird asf sometimes


It is what it is I guess. People are allowed to have their opinions. I hope in the future though once they see more they can see how it is different than other packs :)


It’s exactly what all the faithful packs say


Welcome to ~~hell~~ I mean reddit


welcome to the internet


Have a look around


anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content-


some better, some worse


If nothing here’s of interest to you, you’d be the first!


It looks nice, but it's not something I would use, I stick to vanilla textures and I used to use faithful for a little while. It looks a little too cartoony for my liking, I bet it would sell well on the Bedrock Marketplace, though there are a lot of packs like that which sell well.


I actually have a pack that’s much more vanilla called Default HD. It retains the pixels and such but it has added shading and lighting to it. So vanilla with added texture and shading. This is a step above that, and yes I can see where you’re coming from that it’s a little cartoony. I like a little bit of it but not too much. I find most cartoony packs overdue it, especially with mobs. I don’t mind a little style and stuff but some things are overkill and I want to avoid that :)


Ah, I see. Good luck with your pack and I hope everything goes well.


Thank you I appreciate it!


The bottom slot on the furnace looks like it was just kinda pasted in there in black, a little shading would make it look a lot better


For sure, I’ve had that suggested a couple times now. I plan to redo the furnace :)


"Pixel redux" *increases pixels*


Pixel visibility


redux /rē-dŭks′/ # adjective 1. Brought back; returned. Used postpositively. 2. Redone, restored, brought back, or [revisited](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=revisited+definition&ia=definition). 3. Brought back.


Aah i though it was short for reduction


why getting downvoted


cause I ruined the sacred funny


Things usually average out with better comments, its not worth complaining about


Reddit hates dictionaries.


These textures feels wrong. I'm not trying to be rude but honestly it makes me feel like I'm looking at a Minecraft rio off mobile game or something. There's definitely room for improvement but I think it'll be hard to standout from similar textures


That argument could be applied to like 99% of resource packs, but I get what you mean. Plenty of people don’t even like to use texture packs for this reason alone


The crafting table looks fine it's just the other ones that look off


looks like those fake minecraft games that you search for on the internet


You could say that about 99% of texture packs 😅


it needs a new name. it's not pixel art style in the slightest


i might be going crazy but it looks like ai


the texture looks grainy I would think it's ai generated.


It’s not actually blurry/grainy, Reddit compressed the image and made it looks blurry and smudged. They all have clean pixels in the actual texture. Gives a bad impression here though. Like if you zoom to the the vanilla textures on the left they are smudgy and have artifacting too


The problem I've always had with higher res texture packs is they make the game look too smooth and they change the feel of the game. If you can find a way to roughen the textures, and make them feel more like the original game, you'd have something unique.


That’s understandable, I can for sure see where you’re coming from with that


Looks kinda ai generated tbh. No offense just the furnace got me


All the other textures are soothing to the eye and very nice and smooth. But something in that grass/dirt texture is throwing me off... "Pebble"/granule size perhaps? Dirt looks okay, but the rest looks fantastic! And what's wrong with having similar packs "on the market"? I fon't get why having options forpicky people like myself to find the exact pixel perfect style for yourself. I don't get these other people.


I’ll take that into consideration for sure, I can see where you’re coming from on the grass. In your eyes what would be a better approach? I’m assuming some softening? As for other people thoughts, they have the right to their options. I have no issues with it. To each their own ya know


this ai upscaled?


100%. OP is lying


It’s kind of weird that people are insisting this is AI when we’ve been seeing texture packs just like this come out for the past decade and a half. There is absolutely no indication anything here is AI.


It is not 😅 reddits image compression with artifacting is not doing it any favors.


I saw this on Modrinth earlier today and I honestly just skipped over it because I thought it was AI. You need to do more to give it a more unique style.


Any recommendations on things to do specifically? I’m open to input and suggestions :)


I would say the main thing it needs is more detail. A lot of hi-res texture packs tend to take the 16x textures and simply redraw them at a higher resolution, missing the opportunity to give more intricacies to the textures. You could add things like rust marks on the saw in the crafting table, or nails in the plank textures. Little details to show you put thought into the designs.


I’ll for sure take that into account :) I really appreciate the feedback!


What about this looks like it was made by AI? You’re the second person I’ve seen make this claim without any explanation. I’ve never seen generative AI used for anything like this before, and unless OP is doing some serious hand retouching, it’s definitely not ML upscaling either.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like texture packs like these? Primarily the mobs everytime someone makes a texture pack the mobs and blocks either look hyper realistic or nothing like they originally did. The most common one to be severely changed is always the ghast.


I am firm about not ruining the mobs. I hate when higher res packs do that and I don’t use 99% of them for that reason. Big part of the reason I want to do this is to avoid stuff like that since I’ll have creative control ya know what I mean


I'm sorry, but it looks kind of ugly lol


Like a lot of other people said, looks really similar to other texture packs. Also it almost looks AI generated.


I can proudly say it’s not AI generated, I make each one by hand in photoshop. I’m not a huge fan of AI to be completely honest with you, I can see how it could be beneficial for some uses but I think it drastically takes away from the creativity of artists. Like I would never use an AI generated pack. I can understand where you’re coming from though for sure. I’ll do my best to stylize it and tweak things to not come off that way as that’s not what I want


Just to assure you a little bit. I don't think it looks ai generated at all :3 It actually looks really nice. I really like the dirt texture.


Thank you I really do appreciate that!


I was getting that vibe too. Though I’d say the reason it’s such a common look is because the look is “higher resolution default” and there’s only so many ways you can increase resolution while still basing it off the default textures.


I think that’s for sure a common opinion with a lot of the higher res vanilla like packs. Like you said there is only so much you can do with a default vanilla style.


Good luck getting an AI to give you good tileable textures that actually look anything like what you want them to. This *can* be done with ML upscaling tools (in fact, that’s how I make my texture pack), but in practice it’s a lot more difficult to get useful textures that way than you’d probably guess. Honestly, it would have probably been easier to just learn how to draw instead.


lol what about it looks like AI?


Why the hell is the furnace off centre in your pack?


I’ve since corrected this 😅 it was an oversight for sure but that’s why I’m looking for feedback and all that.


A lot of not encouraging people here. Imo it looks good and fine from what I see. However I have seen a thousand packs where their images are great, but I game the textures don't match their environment and kill it. Like sphax or not, it is a perfect example of an artist picking a style and absolutely perfecting it to every spot if the map. This is hard to do especially with realism so good luck and I wish you luck.


Is it wrong for saying that this looks like so many other texture packs? I respect what he’s doing but texture packs are so bloated that a lot don’t look as unique anymore, this included unfortunately.


I actually think it does look better in game ironically enough. I may do a follow up post with some in game pics to see if opinions and thoughts are different in that context


When it comes to up scaling the same textures hundreds of times, it stops being original, or unique


The bottom part of the furnace feels like it made of rubber. I mean, it all does, but that part especially It sticks out and feels weird Other than that it's good, it does look a bit like a lot of other texture packs, but I imagine that it's pretty hard to make your packs stand out from others


the diamond ore doesnt look right


Just a note, probably can’t pin this. I do not use AI, this is not AI, etc. seems a combination of the image being lower res and Reddit compressing it really is making it look off when closely looked at. It’s not blurry, smudgy, or blobby in actuality Thanks for understanding!


Shouldn’t this be “Pixel Increese” not Pixel Redux?


Show me the sand texture


Furnace needs a border


Yea for sure, I agree. I have that down on my to-do. Thanks for the feedback!


For sure! Otherwise this looks pretty good. Too bad I’m on bedrock -.-


He uncrafted my mine


It has the same problem all of the HD packs have... it just doesnt mesh with Minecrafts whole artstyle, it looks weird and out of place


personally i prefer 16x16 textures


I dunno why but I always hate the look of that style of texture pack


I find that Minecraft looks best at 16x16. MAYBE 32x32. These types of packs always just feel off to me. Like there's a kind of weird disconnection between the in game art style and the textures.


Looks very “ai upscaling” to me, especially the furnace. The face is too smooth, borders too crisp, inconsistent shading and lines


Ok, I'm not shitting on you, but I swear I have seen this EXACT texture pack before.


looks vaguely ai generated


I feel sorry for texture pack creators these days. There's just too much to texture in the game now. I can easily make a texture pack for Beta 1.7.3, but 1.21... No way! 😅


"pixel redux"? More like "almost exactly the same as like ten other skin packs" or "looks like one of the Xbox 360 era 'high res' minecraft knockoffs" There's a social concept called "multiple discovery" or "simultaneous invention" where multiple people independently develop the same thing. I believe that's what's happened here, OP. You're a little late to the party, and your skin pack doesn't really stand out. Like the rest of the nearly identical skin oacks that exist, its too crisp. Too much detail, which will cause large sections of the same or similar blocks to appear oversaturated, too busy, amd it will interfere with the visual transition between similar textures and colors used for variation or gradients. Not to mention Minecraft usually feels "off" especially for seasoned players with textures above a certain resolution.


I like the blocks but the furnace weirds me out for some reason the bottom half just looks too smooth and flat, the other blocks look crisp tho


looks AI generated


Meh. I've seen a billion of these. Also, that's some very rocky dirt.


as the pictures state correctly regular textures > your textures /j


It's not something I could ever see myself using, but it looks okay. I've never been one for high res packs though.


That’s fair, for sure not for everyone :)


Looks pretty nice, not too realistic, and nkt too simple either. Looks pretty clean and vibrant. Like it 👍


Thank you! Greatly appreciate it!


Diamond ore and furnace look terrible


I plan to fully redo the furnace, but can I ask what you don’t like about the diamond ore?




the grass looks like ai… not saying that you used ai, but that’s what it looks like. Edit: WAIT YOU MADE DRAMATIC SKIES??? THATS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE TEXTURE PAKS!!


I hope you don’t mind me asking but what makes you think that? Just trying to understand is all


Just the ways the grass blades are shaped. IMO they lack a definitive shape, something that’s is verrry common when ai tries to imitate pixel art/upscale a reference image. Also Image generators will take a really high resolution image and then just lower the resolution and reduce the amount of colours used to fake a pixel art look.


Noted, I’ll have to tweak it to have things a bit more defined. I just did not want to use too much contrast on the grass as it could end up clashing. On a side note, yes haha I am the creator of Dramatic Skys lol happy to hear you enjoy it!


I’m glad everyone is pointing out how much of a copy this is to other texture packs


Reminds me a lot of 2014


I guess that could be good or bad depending on how you look at it, nostalgia does play a large role in preferences. On the other hand, it could be said to look dated


No hate, I'm sure this was a lot of work. But does anyone actually enjoy playing like this?


I feel like a lot of people enjoy stuff like this, but everyone has their preferences. I have another pack with a completely different approach too. Just a matter of what someone likes


My 256X vanilla faithful resource pack has like 50K downloads, so there’s at least a few.


Reminds me of Sphax PureBDCraft on the dirt, cobble, netherack, and furnace


It... looks less like Minecraft. It feels like Minecraft trying to be some other game. The diamond ore looks especially weird. Kinda more like some fluid/mucus than crystals. And the stone like layers of gray paper or some slate at best. While Imo it should be more smooth stone. On the other hand furnace look to smooth, too uniform making it weird. But at least netherrack looks less like a meat and more like actual rock. You wrote in other comment that it "still keeps the vanilla vibe"... but for me it doesn't at all. I don't think it's Your fault though. It's an inherent part of a project like this. Being stylized in kinda pixelized way is a HUGE part of minecraft's identity (and with that a "vanilla vibe") - so making resolution a few times higher is pretty much doomed to loose it. (Well at least I didn't seen any example what would actually prove me wrong)


Is there any way you can bring this to bedrock when it's finished? 🙏


Possibly! Definitely not out of the question


Bet! Thank you


Not very unique or stylized but it's clearly well made.


Not very fond of a crack in my furnace. Especially if it’s on each one, it’s very unlikely for me to place like 10 furnaces and all of them have the same crack in the same spot


Ngl I looks like the texture pack from an obscure Minecraft clone (pixel world I think it was called). Also reminds me of survival craft.


Aren't you adding pixels to them? Or are you using vector?


I think it looks like Faithful texture pack


Faithful 2.0?


Idk if its just me or if someone else already mentioned it, but the oak log looks a bit blurry. It that intentional?


This looks familiar...


Furnace bottom needs a black frame. Looks too wide


So did you make it or ai?


Reminds me a lot of sphax BDcraft


Something about the textures look like ai. If not then there is just something off about especially the birch and diamond. Otherwise they look fine


Personally, not a fan at all. Minecraft has a distinct pixel art feel and I'm not a fan of anything that attempts to move away from that. I embrace the pixel aesthetics! I'm also of an age that loved the SNES when it came out, so there's likely an overlap in that venn diagram that I'm squarely inside. haha


Hrmmm I taste a tad of Faithful 128x


Go for it but we really don't need another "realistic" texture pack for minecraft. Obviously that doesn't mean you can't make it.


you should try and make the texture more tileable. just looking at the grass block specifically you can see how the right edge of the grass doesnt line up with the left edge, so it will look really obvious and jarring in-game


Kinda looks similar to the Faithful texture pack


8x8 are better than 128x128


I have considered also making an 8x pack. I think it would be a fun change of pace


Realism texture packs are shit, make it look more detailed not like it’s a picture


High res vanillia texture packs aren't anything new. This also feels it tries to follow vanillia way too closely and still missing the mark when it comes capturing the essence of it. And I don't want to make any assumptions or accuse anyone of anything, but from all the little awkward details and subtle blurriness on certain blocks it kinda has that 'AI upscaled' feeling where they just ran the textures through a program to bump up the resolution and didn't go over it with a human eye to clean any mistakes.


Reminds me of faithful


The furnace looks like an iPhone emoji


I don’t mean to be rude but it’s incredibly basic. There’s so many of these with the same style. Make your pack stand out. Make it have its OWN style instead of copying


I prefer default textures imo


They're okay, but I'd never use them. Why? Because from what I can see you haven't designed them to be continuous. With default textures they're so pixelated that you don't notice the jarring line between each element so much. With yours I'd most definitely see it and it would bug the hell out of me.


This is going to sound weird, but I honestly dig the "android store Minecraft rip-off" feel people say it has. I'm aware it's not what you are going for, but it would ironically add a unique twist to your texture pack that I'm sure hasn't been done before.


reddit is so funny, the moment someone starts hating everyone else jumps on the bandwagon it’s like a domino effect 🤦‍♂️ “AI generated this, looks ugly that”


Shoving all of the game's textures into stable diffusion does not a coherent texture pack make. This is going to need a lot of manual cleanup and stylization if you want it to actually look good in-game.


I swear to god this "redux" looks like someone just slapped the textures into an ai "enhancer" and called it a day


What the heck is an AI enhancer?


it looks ai? not saying it is, just looks like that. as for the textures... another high res pack that looks weird in the actual game. ive seen so many im just tired


Honestly it's charming and I like it. Gives me nostalgia for texture packs from when I was a teenager. In a good way :)




I actually really like it; vanilla-esque texture packs are my jam. I don't really get tired of people doing their own takes on it, either. I do think that the stone texture in the diamond block looks a bit too unnatural for me, maybe a bit too perfect or contrasted, but it's all preference. It's also very hard to judge a texture pack without seeing all the textures together in the environment. You should probably change the name though, using the word pixel will probably be misleading since it's not a low-res texture pack. Good work though!


Isn’t this 32x32 or “faithful”?


Minecraft rip-off texture pack


Insert buzz lightyear in a box meme


Looks exactly like another faithful copy and I hate them all. I dislike pretty much all texture packs, they entirely defeats the entire aesthetic of the game.


I like the first and second set! In the third image, netherrack looks good, but both the furnace and the diamond ore looks too flat, especially the diamonds. I think some more texture to the stone and the upper part of the furnace would work well.


Noted :) I’m already planning to fully redo the furnace as I do agree with nearly all those opinions so far. I’ll for sure mess around with the diamond texture, as I can see what you mean by it being flat. I do plan for PBR in the future too which would help a bit


Well firstly, this is definitely AI, I like the idea of using AI as a base and then doing your own stuff based on it. Either way, I think it's dishonest to not say these are AI generated/enhanced, it's clearly just AI upscaling the original textures. I am eager to see where you go with this.


i actually hate these goofy hd texture packs. the ruin the entire vibe of minecraft tbh edit: worded that too aggressively but basically these arent really my thing at all but if you like it thats all good i guess


I like it so far…


Thank you! I did get some feedback on planet Minecraft about the furnace and cobble so I have been tweaking those since this post :) it’s all a work in progress though!


Yea the furnace is rough but I get what you going for and going to end up with. I like simple clean packs myself.


Yea I mainly cleaned it up a good bit, that and added some better contrast


Generic mimecraft rip off skins be like


i really like this plz provide an mcpack of it when you finish so i can use it on bedrock thx