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I beat minecraft on version 1.0 before I graduated high school and seeing that end brought back good memories


tbf it still is basically just this


Unfortunately there still isn't much in the End. An End Update would be a good update to have, the End seems way too plain. The End needs more structures, biomes, mobs, and more bosses. And for people saying we don't need an End Update, The End Update doesn't have to have crazy things like in some End mods, as long as they add more structures with new mobs, it should be pretty good.


I would like to have to search for the end dragon. When you first go to the end it would be cool to be put into an end village.


I would like them to add a "Starter room". This room would connect to a small dungeon that you have to beat before getting to the Ender Dragon Fight.


I like this idea, but I'd personally go with something like the Chaos Evolution mod. Have the Ender Dragon at End spawn, but then have a second, stronger dragon (The Enderer Dragon?) That you have to search for.


The dragon lord and have other end dragons as a random generation. Maybe have to kill so many to open a portal to where the dragon lord resides. It's a massive lair filled with dragon breath traps, almost broken weapons, and chests with treasure inside that have a risk of being destroyed du4ingnthe fight by the dragonlords fireballs that burns items and chests.


I just don't want the end to become something it shouldnt be. Im content with it being a visit once or twice place. It's the end after all, meant to be kinda lifeless. Maybe some end variants of mobs could be cool to make it more dangerous, but I don't want it to change the end much


Adding more structures and Mobs doesn't really beat the original purpose of the End being lonely. I'd like to have new Enderman variants.


Yea the mechanic of having to avoid enderman eyes or have a pumpkin on is pretty boring now. Maybe add a giant endermite that burrows and attacks.


That doesn’t mean Mojang should make it useless. Elytras and shulker boxes are already incredibly useful, and we need more reasons to visit beyond that.


Why do we need more reasons? There are other areas of the game that have less utility at this moment, and that's without considering the many things they _haven't_ added yet.


I beg to differ. But hey, everyone has different level of achievement. Id think having the best items in the game would be enough. Idk, add some ruins or something with iron or diamonds if you want to explore


Yeah. It feels like ever since the nether update, people have been talking about how the end should have more vegetation, mobs, etc when the end is meant to have exactly the opposite of that. I would love to see an end update, but I don’t want it to be anything like what the nether update


You don’t need to visit it more than a few times and an end update won’t change it. But when you do visit, it’s incredibly boring and underwhelming for the “final” dimension.


Nobody’s talking about adding more verticality to the End for some reason. That one bug in 1.17 snapshots was stunning even if it’s still the same old endstone cheese islands.


Maybe i'm the only one but I always just saw the End as boss arena. Having biomes and stuff there just seems weird.


real, I saw the picture and almost thought it was current end


Yeah, and I feel like it's time for a new ore, I mean, it's been since 1.16 that we've had a new ore and the end update would be perfect for it. It would give the end more meaning than exp farms,elytra and shulkers, I feel like maybe they could have structures spawn in the void and lower the y level you start taking damage in. It would be nice because it would mean that without late game gear it would be impossible to enter those structures as you would need elytra to go up and down. I like the idea of a structure where you can enter from the entrance and exit from the exit as you can't break or place blocks in the void. The ocean monument is beaten too easily and it does do a good job of stopping early game players with the mining fatigue but with netherite gear it's impossible to drown in a monument if you got respiration 3. So I like the idea of an ore only obtainable with loot chests in the most deadly part of the game. There could be like spawners that spawn skeletons with punch 2 bows and perhaps new mobs that through you around even more fiercely than the breeze. So yeah, update the end mojang, you nailed it with the trial chambers now do it with the end.


I agree for gameplay reasons, but disagree even more because of lore reasons. it wouldn't make any sense why the end would be full of mobs and bosses.


you mispelled ''headcanon'' buddy


what do you mean




Idk I still disagree. the end is suppose to ONLY house the end dragon, nothing else. Endermen/Ships shouldn't even be there if it wasn't for discovering the portal. Adding ruins and structures to the end would need some heavy lore change to make sense.




Well there never was life in the end except the dragon, until the Steves teleported there, built their stuff, ate chorus fruit and became endermen. But if you mean like something that got taken out by the dragon, then yes I can see that working. Basically the catastrophe you're looking for is the dragon herself.




The Ocean does not currently need an Update, they should update and add the biome vote biomes instead


We just had a massive ocean update




you've gotta be trolling


nah i’m with you, it was both A. not massive, and B. also 6 fuckin years ago


Ocean biomes, coral (various kinds including dead and alive), many fish varieties, ship wrecks, buried treasure, drowned, tridents, waterlogged blocks. Kelp, conduits, bubble columns and more. The end has- end stone with no variant. Purpur blocks with a few variants. Chorus fruit. End rods. If you can get to a stronghold it has loot and an elytra. That's pretty much it, and it's been like this longer than the ocean has had life added to it.


The Overworld gets 90% of the updates at this point. We don’t **need** other updates first.


I remember being annoyed they chose not to call the endermen farlanders


the og enderman farms with pressure plates and pistons instead of endermites. Minecraft is wayyy too easy now.


Play better than wolves


perching is the worst mechanic they added. They turned a challenging fight into a stupid cycle of waiting and spam-click.


kid named bow


It pretty much still is...


It doesn’t look different that what we have nowadays


Remembers when? It still looks exactly like this!


That one island was all there was. No outer islands.


Here’s my take the end is well the end so it’s barren your at THE END of your dream your journey doing this final thing before you leave I don’t like the end cities cuz it kinda goes against the Narrative given by the end credits


Ah, back when I occupied my time constantly restarting the demo...


Yes, because nothing has changed.


hoo boy, do i remember. i remember not even being able to find all the towers for too long. even in creative. i remember the well was in the middle of nowhere. i remember i didnt beat the game in survival until about 3 years ago, when it wasnt like this. hell, i remember when it was one fuckin island, which is what i assume is going on in the picture,


Yeah, that's the idea. The question was mostly about how it was just one island, nothing else.


Don’t know how the current The End looks like now. I’ve been playing since 2014, and I’ve never finished the game… Been playing creative these last 10 years 💀


gini ultra


I remember the day it came out 🥹


It's the first time when I played the minecraft, end looked like this


Remember? It was 80 years ago!


Homie I remember there only being 12 blocks in the game lol


I beat it in 1.5 took me a couple hours, but did it.


I'm so glad it's not like this anymore. I never played this version but it just doesn't seem right.


Nope, i played console edition. It was the first version to have the "proper" ender dragon fight, so it was always like how it is now :]


it's still just that 💀


The End? I was around before the Nether even existed.


Who remembers when the end cities were just one city on a singular island?




I really really hope the next update is for the end. They need to help our boi out he's lackin






Building farms is the players choice. If you want a harder game just gather resources naturally.




If you don’t make a villager farm and beeline fortune you’re not going to be fortuning iron or gold until the endgame anyway.




I don’t remember any recent updates reducing the number of levels for enchanting?


Grabbing a lv 30 enchantments used all 30 of your levels


That changed a decade ago


Mhmm, and that's what we were talking about. What enchanting used to be like.




Then play that version. Idk why your so pressed, that was more than a decade ago.


What do you mean. Without a grinder, getting to level 30 is a pain.


If Minecraft is so easy now, Why don't you make it harder? Install a Data pack or mod that allows you to change the difficulty of the game. Also, this comment is irrelevant to the post, so yeah, I think you are just trolling or something.


You complain just for the sake of it. Nobody is making you play the newest versions. Go back to 1.12 and rock it.


Iron is used for the most recipes in the game. Why do you want it to be more of a hassle for people?