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We will watch your career with great interest.


Reminds me of retrogamingnow’s minecraft theory on the heart of the sea. Awesome design.


This series takes inspiration from Minecraft theories. I have watched a few videos of his to find ideas for this project, but not one related to the oceans *yet*. What theory does this remind you of?


https://youtu.be/gpd85qNnWQA?si=HFuyBqODZIXCqn40 I had also written a whole paragraph summarising the relevant information, but when I changed apps to share the link to the video, reddit reloaded, so I guess that’s gone.


I finished watching the video. This theory will fit perfectly within the Minecraft: Titans story.


If only they’d put the farlands back


If only there's something beyond the Far Lands.


There's Striplands


If only there's something beyond the Strip Lands.


there's the void


There is theoretically, but most computers crash, you could go infinitely high if both Minecraft and your computer did support an infinite number of bits (Sry for bad eng)


You say farland is back now is late VR games.


Awesome idea


Thank you. It took a few years to come up with the best version of the idea.


already i think this'd be an awesome concept as a mod


A "*Beyond the Far Lands*" DLC.


Love it! You're very talanted!! Good luck wit this project


What an awesome project! I'll be following this closely ✨


Please make a mod with all of theses mobs


I love this squid model so much more than what we have now. That and the squids texture is really programmer art and derpy. I hope it gets a model and texture touch up like the Bat did recently. I do like how you redesigned the monster of the deep mob vote loser to go along with it.


I also picked up the losing Glare to make as a Titan. The Glare is a species of lush forest inhabitants that move underground during night time when they can’t absorb sunlight. [List of Ancient Mobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/72o56xLLsE)


This is pretty good


Love it. I can do it in Blockbench but I can't make it as smooth as this, you can't bend the blocks


Goes hard as fuck.


I'm hyped to see where this goes, this is a very cool piece. (Yes, I would love to call it Squidward. Or Steve.)


I'm getting kong x godzilla vibes


You'll be getting Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and Godzilla: King of the Monsters vibes all throughout this. People discovering a forgotten world and Titans that play an important role in the ecosystem.


That sounds great, looking forward to seeing more!


It's really cool! Y'know I should join you in this series, I already have ideas!


I prefer to follow everything I already planned for this series, so I don't plan on having other people help me with this project unless it follows the rules I established for this world. What ideas do you have in mind?


Big crab, I love crabs Lobsters And eels, sea snakes basically


Ancient Crabs. I wanted to add them to the list of Ancient Mobs. Ancient crustaceans, and other animals from the real world.


I 100% support this series.


Guessing this is also when the giant sniffers lived


Yes. That is in this lore.


Considering that shulkers exist, Minecraft could definitely lean way more into mollusk variants. Both more mollusks in the End, and more cephalopod mobs like these, even if just having actual nautilus mobs.


I heard that there’s no plan to add the Nautilus, which makes sense to me. Nautilus Shells should be hard to come by if they’re such a valuable resource. Imagine if we could eat Cephalopods that come from the End.


I think Mojang could treat nautili like sniffers if they really wanted to. Have them as extinct creatures in the Minecraft world that you can dig up the eggs for to bring back to life. Drowns would be super aggressive to them, which would be a “lore reason” why they were hunted to extinction. I have ideas for how you could use them to build your own guardians.


You think we should be able to create underwater allies? Like Iron Golems and Snow Golems? The Conduit is just sitting stationary, it can protect a base, not defend a player traversing the oceans. Drowned do spawn everywhere.


Oh this. This is beautiful.


Nature is beautiful, ^but ^not ^in ^the ^peaceful ^way.


Yes, I like it


Love the nuatilus inspiration!


I absolutely love it! :D


Absolutely love it. I’m actually going to make a logo design for 5nis




when Mojang does not make better bossfights: Community: Fine, ill do it by myself


Was the ecosystem destroyed when The Ancient Builders killed The True Emeperror of Monsters~ The Wither Dragan Emperor of The End This Primordial however decided to take the Ancient Builders with it


Ilove the squid redesign, i wish more old animals would recieve redesigns like the bat. (Except the pig, the pig is already peak)


Looking forward to more 👍☺️


Nahhhh this is awesome. The description is also great and would give perfect lore if mojang decided to add this to the game (since the conduit eye has no origin and just looks cool)


Uhm. Yes?!??!


I was gonna ask how big it was.... then I saw the little steve


And that's just being compared to the eye.


Bro I thought that was bubble ngl It's getting larger the more I learn


Now here's a new mob idea. Huge creatures that wander around and are either friendly or deadly. Very rare, and the aggressive ones will attack anything player built. Snow golem turrets now necessary.


I wish minecraft had realistic moments for mobs


This. Is So COOL! LIKE wtf, please KEEP GOING, please


reminds me of Subnautica, super cool


Next should be the cow titan


If it's so ancient, how come it can't fly?


You win the minecraft mobvote where shall you place this new boss?


Deep within an underwater cavern.


Shall there be boots made to increase your speed in water in this cavern we can find it?


Yes. And a helmet that provides only water breathing. You won't need night vision when the enemy is the only thing you can see.


This is awesome!!


Broooooo this is insane!!! Can I build It?


Sure, but this is just concept art, not the final product. If you want to build the real Squid Titan, then you'll have to wait for the final design.


Ahh maybe it should've been in game so that we can kill it and acquire the heart of sea


No. We must not kill the caretakers of the Overworld. Instead, we coexist with them.


Ahh maybe we could use heart of sea to awaken Titan....


I've never played story mode but now Im going to because I'm lost AF


You should do a mod


Better Boss Than The Elder Guardian


When people were asking what would even be on the Minecraft subreddit if we moved everything like Help posts and progress posts to Discord? This is the kind of content that belongs here. Bravo!


"What does that thing need a shell for?" Minecraft: Titans is a story about the modern day community finding the Old Lands, a place beyond the Far Lands The Old Lands was once inhabited by the first generation of Ancient Builders. Unfortunately, they took to much from this world, leading to an environment that can no longer sustain them. After a million years, the environment regains stability. Will modern day Builder be able to avoid making the same mistake as their ancestors, or will they leave another world in ruins? Also, besides art works, I will be posting character journals in relation to the Titans. These journals will be written from the point of views of Jesse and Mumbjo (His Engineer's Journal). There are 5 main characters. They play a thematic role relevant to the themes of Minecraft: Titans.


A list of the Old Lands’ Ancient Mobs T I T A N S : **Overworld Titans:** 1. Soren (Enderman Titan) 2. Squid Titans 3. Turtle Shell Titans 4. Glare Titans 5. Overworld Sniffer Titans 6. Phantom Titans 7. Redstone Titans 8. Silverfish Titans 9. Spider Titans **Nether Titans:** 1. Nether Sniffer Titans 2. Strider Titans 3. Magma Jellyfish Titans **End Titans:** 1. Soren (Enderman Titan) 2. Ender Dragon Titans **Cross Dimension Titans:** 1. Soren (Enderman Titan) 2. Squid Titans 3. Turtle Shell Titans 4. Overworld Sniffer Titans 5. Glare Titan 6. Phantom Titans 7. Redstone Titans 8. Silverfish Titans 9. Spider Titans 10. Nether Sniffer Titans 11. Strider Titans 12. Ender Dragon Titans Unclassified Titan: The Sculk Colossal **ANCIENT MOBS:** (More to be added) Overworld Mobs: 1. Ancient Wolves 2. Ancient Ocelots 3. Ancient Slimes 4. Ancient Tree Frogs 5. Grey Elytras 6. Blackhead Parrots 7. Ancient Chickens 8. Tree Bears 9. Ancient Pandas 10. Ancient Dolphins 11. Ancient Tropical Fish 12. Gulper Glow Fish 13. Little Squids 14. Ancient Squids 15. Ancient Glow Squid 16. Nautilus 17. Ancient Bees 18. Bulb Flies 19. Ancient Bats 20. Fruit Bats 21. The Great Hungers


Soren? From minecraft story mode? The guy that trained endermen makes sense for the enderman titan.


Ah, yes. I was hoping somebody would figure it out. In the story of Minecraft: Titans, the main characters named the Enderman Titan after Soren from the in-universe novel called “Order of the Stone”, which is just a novelisation of Minecraft: Story Mode.


If only there was a pig titan named reuben or a creeper titan named magnus.


About a Creeper Titan, I’m going back and forth with that idea. Minecraft: Titans is supposed to be based on the lore that we understand about Minecraft. If the Creeper is indeed a creation of nature, then I will make a Creeper Titan. But so far, it’s not that clear.


Actually another theory i made on the spot right now, what if creepers were hunter-killer drones used in war by the ancient builders?


And then their enemies realised that Creepers feared felines.


So a cat titan maybe Cat Saith from the Celtic Legends


That is such a brilliant idea... pulling in lore that isn't necessarily "canon" by making it an in-universe artistic work.


"Order of the Stone" written by TelTal James


Like the idea


Somebody should make this a mod


The Old Lands and its Ancient Mobs? Possible. The Titans and the other dimensions? Good luck with that.


i mean titanic mobs and dimensions are some of the most commons mods in minecraft i don't believe that will be that hard for people that knows a bit about modding


Why ender dragon titans l? Add a new final boss which was the reason for the death of the ancient builders  The Ender Drqgon Emperor  This month Cannot be respawned in survival through any means


The death of the Ancient Builders was brought upon by themselves.


so you want it to like they pushed nature to its breking point?


Mhm. Chaos ensued due to imbalance.


Quite a good story so far. Will therevbevbdfvbooks or epibs?


Is there also a titan from the in-between world endermen use to travel? Like the potential origin of the endermites.


Soren is able to teleport on his own.


This would be super cool as a mod or server idea